r 2 the tejsune thtrwy a5t 17 1967 whistling in the wind a delegation of five or six ratepayers have been beating a path to the whit church tsa board room during the past few months raising protests and filing complaints over the operation of the townships education program cri ticisms have been directed against one particular teacher at pine orchard school the area inspector douglas ad ams the board chairman dr morris smith the board secretary jack wy- lie one trustee imelvin baker and now the minister of education hon wil liam davis parents not directly connected with the problem at pine orchard are begin ning to wonder what exactly is going on the teacher in question there will not be back in september so there should be no further cause for concern but no the agitation continues even more bit ter than before we feel that ratepavers have a per fect right to enquire into board poli cies we feel too that ratepayers have every right to submit requests and rec ommendations but if policies are not changed or recommendations are not acted upon this does not mean that the trustees are all wrong and the par ents all right checking the whitchurch election re sults back in december 1965 it is inter esting to note that it was chairman smith who headed the polls with mr baker running a close second it is al so interesting to observe that only 25 percent of the eligible voters even bo thered to cast a ballot if a change in trustee personnel is needed in whitchurch and were not convinced that this is the answer then the time to do it is in december 1967 continual harassment of membeis will bring about no improvement at all as far as were concerned many of the problems weve heard are both petty and personal and could possibly have been ironed out in private a community like no other the hamlet of cedar grove is not a community great in numbers but what it lacks in size and population it more than makes up for in pride and enthuiasm this fact was in evidence everywhere at their centennial week end program saturday and sunday cedar grove is a community like no other or in spite of its proximity to metro the residents have managed to retain a rural neighborliness that has formed a strong link between families for several generations and theres little sign that the chain is weakening everything that the folks of cedar grove have they owe unto themselves its been a joint effort all the way down the line and the residents can be justly proud of their accomplishments the community park and playground must be seen to be appreciated the grounds are unmatched anywhere in the area the acquiring of the former ss 20 school building was completed only after many meetings with town ship trustee and council members childrens recreation needs have not been overlooked with softball teams for both girls and boys a highlight in the fall of the year is the annual apple butter festival that attracts pec pic by the hundreds from many miles around a pride in ones country and com munity has been stirred within every canadian in this canadas 100th birth day of confederation but for the folks of cedar grove community pride is not a onceinahundred year flash- inthepan affair its a continuing thing and long may it last sidewalks not for bicycles on saturday a lady was struck by a boy on a bicycle the accident ocurred on a sidewalk on main street had she been an elderly person she would likely have been seriously injured for tunately she was able to sidestep the bike enough to avoid its direct impact at the time there was not one but three lads riding side by side down the walk even after the collision they continued on causing other pedestrians to move out of harms way the sidewalk is not a bicvele route and somewhere in the dusty manuals of municipal bylaws theres probably an order that forbids such a practice the law if there is such is being bro ken a hundred times every day another careless practice is the lean ing of bikes against store fronts or ev en worse just dropping them on the walk for people to step around we feel that a form of bicycle licen cing with warnings and eventually tag ging to follow would help solve some of the problems beer at the cne surely not expo is even having an influence on the upcoming cne mayor dennison and his council colleagues have come out in favour of serving beer and li quor at the canadian national exhibi tion which opens this week however some fast footwork will have to be done to accomplish this feat far from being one of the most so phisticated politicians mayor denni son apparently had his eyes opened at expo beer and liquor he said were easy to obtain but there was no ob vious drunkeness on the ground he suggests the same privilege be applied at the cne such a suggestion for staid toronto is getting pretty far out even for the mayor to clear the necessary hurdles for liquor sales at the cne this year is open to serious doubt the point is that the very acceptance of such an idea from a mayor such as mr dennison surely means that the prohibitory walls are in process of col lapsing such an attempt must be con sidered as one of expos most farrea ching effects in this province ssssssfloop sugar and spice a beach soliloquy with summer on the wane and boy how it waned around here ive made a discovery with the minimum of encouragement i could spend the rest of my life as a beach bum never was much of a hound for the beach life before as a bay i swam in river and lakes but not at beaches anyway kids are too busy swimming and diving and horsing around to be bothered lying on a beach as i grew older beaches still had little attraction i just didnt like sitting in the sun i dont tan- 1 just sort of turn a burnt orange beaches were for women little kids and oid people i pre ferred golf or fishing well im not a woman or a little kid so i must be turning into an old people someone will think unkindly no doubt that its the advent of the bikini that has prematurely aged me this is mere ly a halftruth im not particularly ad dicted to the sight of navels though some of the other stuff displayed is mildly interesting no its the other sights and sounds that fascinate me now i dont like the huge crowded commercialized beach it inspires in me with its noise and clutter and bawling transistors and screaming humanity nothing but nau sea but the beach we go to almost every day the sun shines is not like that it is clean sand and cool blue water and friendly relaxed people there arc no loudspeakers bellowing the latest beat there isnt a hotdog stand or a motor cycle or a beer can in sight that doesnt mean its as quiet as a church the gulls wail the mamas hol ler at their children the kids scream and fight and cry but when you stretch out on the sand after a dip and the sun bores into you taking away the aches and the tensions its as though you were hearing it all through cotton wool for some reason our beach has be come a mccca for newcomers to cana da foreigners as we used to call them in the old unenlightened days you can lie there all day and scarcely hear a word of english and what a pleasant change that is you could be at odessa on the black sea my hungarian and polish and german have improved tre mendously but theyre great people they love the sun mind their own business and pick up their junk when they leave which is more than can be said of a good many tenthgeneration canadians its fun to watch and listen over here arc a couple of italian grandmoth ers in black dresses both built about five by five yattcring away eighty miles an hour just over there is a majestic in spite of the ravaces of time and fide his former church building stands as an imposing- structure on the main street of union villc staff photo editors mail aug s 1967 dear sir a few staunch liberals are being al lowed to foist their necessjry new tv station on this area a station which will interfere with reception from the us the unwanted station or those friends of theirs who allow them in should be made to pay for the means to give back the viewer the programs he bought his set for in the tirst place if channels 2 and 4 and what about 7 are to he spoiled then lei the spoiler compensate nobody seems to want channel 3 c hutchison markham twp aug 9 1967 dear sir im glad to see that your newspaper has come out strong against channel 3 being allowed into our area to upset our present good service just another political sharp corner i intend to boycott cery product ad vertised on channel 3 if it comes into being and hope many others will do the same as a protest which i leel is justified m arnald richmond hi rr young woman with slavic features a baby a bikini so sparse you couldnt blow your nose in it and a bust that would knock your eye out maybe both of them back up on the sand a bit is the teenage crowd they too have discover ed our beach this summer about six teen of them sprawled in a loose cir cle heads together indulging in harm less sexplay laughing punching smok ing and making their intricate plans for the evening but theyre decent young sters who apologize when they hit you on the head with their football no hip- pics thank the powers here comes an elderly german gen tleman who must have drunk half the beer west of the berlin wall to pro duce that magnificent pot theres a young jewish father spoiling his kids rotten theres a hungarian couple by bill smiley tanned the colour of tar with two beautiful blonde urchins and speaking of urchins this is the real fun of the beach they are through over and around the prone bodies they build castles and dams and forts they hurl themselves into the water shrieking with delight and theyre all so brown and firm and smooth you could cat them why do all those darling chubby five- yearold girls have to turn into bored neurotic harassed women why do all those careless sturdy happy little devils of boys have to turn into hard suspicious ulcerated men a good question but i still havent told you why i like the beach so much ive discovered that its the only place in the world where my wife will shut her mouth for two or three hours at a stretch this week next- top 3 for pc mantle by ray argyle three chief contenders have emerged for the progressive conservative party leadership to be decided in torontos cavernous maple leaf gardens sept 9 two are provincial premiers duff roblin of manitoba and robert stan- field of nova scotia the third is the bouncy former minister of trade and commerce who walked out on john dicfcnbakcr in 1962 george hccs other candidates are in the running but none of them have the national stature or success at the polls of these three this is not to say that the convention which must decide whether to go with a leader who can hold the partys pres ent maritime and western strength or to throw in with a personality who will be able to deal the liberaldominated big cities will not choose some other candidate the race is still wide open but the three mentioned above have by all the political form charts the best chance of ending in the winners circle as the highly successful premier of manitoba duff roblin has neverthe less encountered political reverses in the provincial field recently and it is not at all sure he could win another manitoba election but he would offer a fresh new personality on the federal scene has strong western support and being fluently bilingual could expect to make some headway in oucbcc george i lees who managed to emerge from the gerda munsingcr affair only a little besmirched has together with alvin hamilton the best record of per formance in a cabinet job as mr dicfcnbakcrs energetic minis ter of trade and commerce he put on a drive for exports which contributed substantially to canadas present pros perity but the brightest new light in con- scnative ranks may well be nova scotias robert stanficld the under wear heir who delivered seven of the provinces 10 scats to mr dicfcnbakcr in the 1965 election mr stanficld represents the ideal moderate position which the conserva tive party would probablv be best ad vised to take after the retirement of mr dicfcnbakcr as a maritime he may well be acceptable to prairie voters who might bridle at the prospect of another period of ontario domination of the par ty which would be the case if hccs was successful but going against mr stanficld is the fact that while he has solidified the party in the maritime he has no grass roots following in ontario alvin hamilton the aggressive form er agriculture minister in the dicfcn bakcr cabinet would probablv he the most loyal of all candidates to dicfcn bakcr policies he is a left winger within the definition of conservative wings has a solid home base in saskat chewan and is an able administrator but he docs not seem to have a broad enough base to win the leadership davie fulton british columbias rep resentative in the tory sweepstakes shows signs of slipping despite ener getic campaigning the fact is that ful ton for all his intellect never had much of a personal following in the parly his disastrous attempt to revive the bc conservative party marked him as a leader who cant win this is the kiss of death in todays politics the other candidates appear to be in the race merely for the exercise former labor minister michael starr has little support from his own pro vince sen wallace mccutchcon a late ar rival on the political scene has age and his senate scat going against him donald fleming who served mr dic fcnbakcr as finance minister has hern too long out of the parly machinery to organize a methodical campaign at this date john mclean the brockvillc bus inessman who was first in the race hasnt a chance there is still time for a darkhorse perhaps someone like montreals dyna mic mavor jean drapeau whose twin achievements of expo 67 and telling olf gen de gaulle have made him some thing akin to a national hero bui the likelihood is that the conservative partv will abide by the traditional me thods of selecting a safe leader who wants another john dicfcnbakcr established 1ss8 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edev advertising published every thursday by the stouffvtue tribune limited at st main st stouftville onl tel 6102101 single copies 10c subscriptions 4 00 per ear n canada sfi00 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspaper association authorized as second class mail poit office depu ottawa jfjij 1 ffiqunt do as i say not as i do theres an unwritten law around our home concerning transient travelling salcmen theyre just not welcome this rule of course docs not apply to the chaps who cart around such useful commodities as fuller brushes raw- iclgh products eggs milk and the dally paper on occasions well even bend a little and converse briefly with a po tential driveway paver a jehovahs witness promoter or a dandelion eradi- cator but thats the limit of our endur ance the rest might just as well ignore the house and lot at 381 rupert avenue because theyll never gel a front foot inside the door mrs r a declares that were just plain rude and automatically disassoci ates herself from the family circle whenever such a confrontation occurs she however if caught between a dia per change or in the midst of a mon day morning wash can be just as short the conversation usually consists of seven little words no i dont need anything today thank you followed by a bang of the door that the poor foot sore briefcase carrier could mistake for a 38 shot between the shoulder blades one evening last week very near the supper hour we responded to one ring of the bell ill get it i said its pro bably the paper boy paper boy noth ing on the outside looking in was the most seductive sample of femininity that has ever graced the threshold of our humble abode could i take a few minutes of your time she said are you selling anything we asked may be later but first id like to give you something you sure have plenty to give we thought almost out loud by this time she was halfway down the hall and our retreat led us both to the chesterfield is your wife in i should speak to you both together she en quired i think you bad better leave my wife out of this we replied she a- grccd at first she talked about stouff- ville and what a fine street we lived on as compared with downtown toronto where she came from she told about graduating from high school and work ing her way through university she said that her parents were di vorced and her mother had remarried she told how her stepfather drank a lot and often abused other members of the family it was indeed a story that would play on the sympathies of the most hardhearted of souls it was then that she reached into her brown leath er satchel and spread samples of a brand name encyclopedia in a fan shape over the floor its worth 550 but you can have it for by this lime we had fully recovered we expres sed our regret at her unfortunate pre dicament and accompanied her to the door she left without a word of pro test was that the paper boy asked mrs r a from across a partially bared table looked more like his kid sister we replied and let it go at that theres nothing we enjoy more than holding down a ringside scat at a pro fessional wrestling match and bclicve- youme lasl weeks freeforall in the slouffvillc arena left nothing to he de sired it had everything including a couple of wellendowed gals who cala- pulicd each other across the canvas with the greatest of case admittedly we find it difficult at limes to remain completely neutral while one mean and massive brute bcals the bcjccbcrs out of another however it is said thai the male specta tor is a vhitcwingcd angel in compari son with his lady counterpart to prove this point we worked ourselves into a position within earshot ol a young mar ried couple who watched every move of the combatants intently their blow- byblow description went like this me you know they say this whole thing is a big fake she id like lo sec you in there he theyd have to catch me first she youd have to move a whole lot favicr than usual he brother is he built she stzc doesnt mean everything lie quit digging your elbow into my side she did i do that sorry he you sure get carried away dont you she what about yourself he its all show i tell you nobody ever gels hurt she so i supnose you wouldnt be afraid to go in there he im not that crazy besides im not in shape she you can say thai azain he brother is she built she most of its padding he dont be loo sure looks like the real mccoy from here she i suppose voud like a closer look he wouldnt mind wonder if shes married she which one arc you looking at he the blonde one she you men arc all alike looks arc onlv skin deep he ok sou look at whippcr and iii look at her she ill take whippcr junior he mavbc i shouldnt have brought sou here tonight she why he you might try out some of those holds on me she mavbe souve picked up a few new ones yourself