the tribune thurjcir aaeust 3 1961 pjc 9 number or new homes have rccentlv been completed on manitoba st and more are coming majority of these homes have already been sold photo shows a number on the north side of the street j staff photo the gormley housekeeper found this is a view of the twostorey section the north and the playing field work is progressin september opening of the new million dollar addition to the stouffville district high school it faces steadilv on the vast new complex but total completion is not expected prior to the staff photo by evelyn milsted gormley miss scat- tcrgood who has kept house for mr levi elliott for over seven years was found dead by mr elliott on sunday morning miss carol stccklcy left new york by boat last friday to spend a year in europe carol plans to work some as she travels through various european countries congratulations to mr and mrs r j bruce on the birth of their son last mon day mrs reg mcmullen left from malton on monday to spend three weeks with relatives in ireland mrs elsie cline of new market is holidaying with her niece mrs geo sta- ccy miss marilyn staccy re turned on saturday to re sume her nurses training v at womens college hospi tal toronto after spend ing a months holidays with her parents mr and mrs geo staccy mr and mrs ken mc lean and dale have rcturn- cd from holidays at her parents cottage at lake temagami miss sherri lcary is working for the summer for mrs s lawson in the georgian bay area the film entitled prca- chcrs kid will be shown at the parkside youth cen tre on sunday night aug 6 on monday evening in the fellowship hall of the um church friends and neighbours showered miss donna baker and mr john honsberger with many beautiful gifts mr and mrs allan lang nee mary savelli were guests of honor at a mis- ccllaneous shower at the home of mr and mrs john j evans mr frank baker of tor onto spent several days with his brotherinlaw and sister mr and mrs elias elliott mr and mrs john far- quharson have bought a one acre lot at mckcllar and are busy building a cottage there mrs fred doust has been sick at her home for several days sympathy is extended to mr abe thicsscn in the death of his mother in saskatchewan mr howard baker has accepted a position on the staff of the orillia schools the baker family will be moving there shortly mr raymond scott of toronto was the guest speaker on sunday night at the united missionary church miss jacqueline evans is in hospital at kirkland lake with an ulcer on her eye mr john evans visit ed his daughter over the weekend t mr and mrs m ash and david had supper on sun day with their cousins mr and mrs bob brown of mt forest mr and mrs norman brown mrs n gillis and mrs g boycroft visited mrs gillis sister in north bay last week mr and mrs vim ash connie and john had din ner on thursday evening with their son and daught- ciniaw mr and mrs jawrcncc ash of sharon mr ii krusc is spending this week at his cottage near parry sound mr and mrs roy brill- jngcr mr and mrs peter sticklcy and mrs john el liott ofrichmond hill had sunday dinner witb mr and mrs walter brillinger masters stephen com- pcy and harold pielstickcr arc ill with measles mr max hazel left on saturday night for an extended visit with rela tives in germany his sis ter mrs 11 hirsh of ger many who has been visit ing him accompanied him mr and mrs earl cobcr and family of fordwich visited on sunday with rev and mrs alvin wing er about thirtyfive of the christ crusaders group from hcisc hill church spent a weekend camping at houghton centre on sunday morning they at tended the brethren in christ church at puslinch where mr walter kelly is the assistant pastor for the summer master ralph pielstickcr spent a few days holiday in toronto with his aunt rev and mrs flewelling and mr and mrs mclvin henderson spent several days at elim lodge near peterborough mr and mrs c lehman and daughters of harris- burg penna arc visiting with relatives here this week senior citizens attend audley church service audley about thirty of the senior citizens of fairvicw lodge attended the church service at aud ley on sunday morning afterwards everyone en joyed a picnic lunch on the lawn this outing was planned and arranged by the uc women stanley wonnacott and ray pardon underwent tonsillectomies last week at oshawa hospital mrs karla simonsen of denmark is spending the summer with her son mr and mrs p simonsen mrs a kampman and daughter alice are visit ing relatives in holland friends of mrs a maw- hiney who is in oshawa hospital are pleased to hear she is improving barrie rubber company paid on guaranteed trust certificates issued 3 to 5year term earn the above indicated interest payable halfyearly by cheque authorized investment for all canadian insurance companies and trust funds the sterling trusts corporation 372 bay st toronto 35 dunlop st barrio 73 miniiiaga e orillia member canada deposit insurance corporation you get full value for your crop when you market your grain through your coop accurate moisture testing grading and weighing fast conscientious service reliable up-to-the- minute market information o maximum taie- home cheque sharing of savings pius coop ownership prices below ore for pickup at factory door add freight from factory to your local ctc store size turnpike premium turnpile safeiy turnpile special super de luxe 4ply continental style or with d oublestrenqth tubeiess lire unlets lube lype lire is specified lowprofile type the safety4 doubleply tjylon ust your price ust your price usr your price asterisk after pricemeans with a trade wilh a trade with a trade jread not shepyv ti price or add 5 price- ov add s price or mtta 5 52010 2540 1107 52012 2598 1134 50052013 2794- 1224 1 59040013 2893 1273 7300- 114 1507 953 64065013 3266 1455 2613 1230 1698 1039 70013 3226 1425 2581 128 500520 m 2854- 1253 1485- 911 50052014 tubelype 2496 1087 695 1 456059065014 3074- 13s4 735 14 700 u 3524 1498 7819 1287 7751475014 3795 1585 3036 1345 1973 1142 182514 80014 4260 1686 3408 1416 2215 1222 8551485014 4631 1770 3705 1597 885 14 900 1 4 wwlewatl 5212 1920 4642 178 505515 lubetype 2522- 1098 1312- 889 56015 3064- 1349 2451 1193 56015 tubetypo 2820 1236 2256 1070 59060015 3216- 1420 2573- 1265 7351564065015 3524 1498 7751567015 3795 1597 3036 1345 1973 1 140 775 if 670 15 tubelype 2436 12 47 1583 1021 8151571015 4260 1692 3408- 1460 2215 1193 8151571015 tubetype 2726 1341 1772 1075 8451576015 4630 1833 3705 1595 2408 1295 8451576015 tubetype 2963- 1469 8 8515 800 82015 wbite 4734- 2173 3787- 1773 60016 tubetype 7123- 1191 white vyalls available in most sires at oniy 5150 extra cad turnpike standard the lowestpriced turnpike unmolchcd for tire economy yet built with the most modern techniques known in the industry doubleplies doublestrength du pont nylon cord size tubilype tubclot 640 6 5013 889 775750 14 119 919 56015 18 775 670 15 88 81571015 924 1024 6 0016 it tubeless j90o00 13 xoop tpie barrie pjbber company is a manufacturer only they do not market tires all the high costs and frills of marketing and sales promotion have been eliminated this is vhy factory door prices are often even less than 14 the list price and factory door is the price you pay plus freight from the factory to the canadian tire siore and installation m 799 more than 12 on your ire costsat canadian tire get more safely for your family more mileage for your money only the finest materials go into turnpike tires built to meet or exceed canadian and usa safely sandards vi sae 918 and rma1 your canadian tire store vhich is a direct factory outlet for turnpike tires will help you choose the tire to meet your driving need no cash bonus coupons on turnpike tires stouffville 47 edward st 6401550 ass oc j at stor t the wellington way markham phone 291is30 or 2971733 turnpike tire guarantee open thurs fri nights until 9 pm