Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 18, 1967, p. 1

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all the news wfihltchurch j oxbridge markhani ck pickering 4 of all 4 townships largest weekly markham stouffvihe oxbridge i in the district vol 78 no 51 stouffvillemarkhamuxbridge ont thurs may 18 1967 10 cents breakin suspect nabbe stouffville acting on a telephone tip from a mill street resident stouff- ville police arrested a 27 year old toronto man sunday night charged with break and entry at herb krings furniture and appliance store and with possession of burglary tools is robert george jtcinhart of no fixed street address pc david hadden made the arrest at the rear of the stouffvihe bakeshop police the accused appeared briefly in richmond hill court on tuesday cash bail was set at 4000 although no appliance had been removed from the kring store several had been moved police chief orland keating praised the quick action of the mill street resident who called the office he asked that the partys identity not be re vealed cruiser rams tree in 40 mile chase uxbridge a 20 year old islington man has been charged with criminal neg ligence following a chase saturday that involved police cruisers from six departments and extended over an area of 40 miles arrested near sunder land was robert richard greenwood the driver of a 1960 model oldsmobile before the crosscountry escapade ended one offic er of the ontario provincial police detachment at oak ridges was seriously in jured when his car went out of control and slammed into a tree pc william wilson was admitted to uxbridge hospital with liead lacerations and back injuries a police official said that constable wilson might have been killed but for the use of safety seat belts damage to the cruis er was estimated at 32000 the chase started near beaverton and at one point exceeded 100 miles per hour sgt william thomas of uxbridge set up a road hull at hay day altona all lines of ford farm equipment will be put on display at the annual hay day show sponsored by altona feed and supplies june 10 when it comes to attract ing attention h o w c v c r how can a tractor compete with chicagos bobby hull the golden jet will be there throughout the after noon from 2 pm hes anx ious to meet his young hoc key fans and their par ents too it wont be neces sary to skip school how ever for bobby promises to wail around until after the bell rings at four block but the getaway vehicle veered around it the driver was later appre hended by pc frank wil son of lindsay ontario provincial police bail for the accused has been set at 2000 herbert wideman respected resident dicksons hill ser vice was held wednesday afternoon in the united missionary church at dick sons hill for mr herbert s wideman who passed away on monday at the brierbush hospital stouff vihe he had been in ill health for a number of years mr wideman was well- known and highly respect ed as a neighbor friend and father he was a de voutchristian r family man who lived to see his children all acquire college educations surviving besides his wife the former myrtle grove are four sons dr harley wideman toronto ross of altona rev h bruce wideman of kitch ener lloyd of dicksons hill and one daughter betty mrs robert ballan- tyne of scarboro interment was at dick sons hill cemetery stouffvihe planning board gives green light to 131 home development disposal plant inadequate stouffvilli the stouffvihe planning board has given the green light to an application by rubin corporation to proceed with a 131 home development on the former chiovetti property in the west end of town it is one of two residential subdivisions that had been approved earlier by both planning board and council previously it had been planned to proceed with the west end work in three separate phases but this requirement was withdrawn by planning board at a meeting may 11 the home sizes will range from 1200 to 1400 square feet reeve ken laushway said that the ontario water resources commission would not permit further sewer connections to the present system un til alterations were made at the towns disposal plant the reeve said that the plant was built to accommodate a population of 5000 but due to an excess flow of surface water it had now exceeded its maximum clerk ralph corner said that his office had not received any formal notification of the prob lem mr laushway recommended that the coun cil meet immediately with owrc officials in an effort to remedy the situation centennial theme a reality it was the yjar 18g7 for three days last week at orchard park public school in stouffvihe as staff and students assembled a variety of items of historical in terest to make the display even more authentic many boys and girls attended classes in pioneerstvled clothes like the dress worn here by eight year old brcn- da howard of grade 3 staff photo markham tsa 2 dicksons hill school 300000 addition dicksons hill work has been started on a new 8room addition to dicksons hill public school in markham town ship area 2 bclbee con struction company of downsview has the cont- raettheestimated costis 5300000 in addition to the eight classrooms the structure will also include a general purpose room and a libra ry the board is hopeful that the contract can be completed for the opening of the fall term in septem ber the present school con- lainsf our rooms astaff of four including the prin cipal and an enrollment of 148 pupils new doctor stouffville doc tor michael mackcnzie of willowdalc will join the medical staff of drs mit chell smith and graham in stouffvihe beginning july 1 hold up varley village application union ville in crease costs in almost ev ery phase of operation within markham town ship school area no 2 has forced the 1967 bud get up by 200000 the tax rate charge on residential and farm properties has hit a record 382 mills an increase of 71 budget es timates were released at a meeting may 9 area taxpayers will be asked to raise 444111 of the budget that totals 754212 the remainder is covered by provincial grant the cost of instruction that includes a staff of 80 teachers is up by 152- 000 building operation and maintenance shows an increase of 19000 and student bus transporta tion is up by 12000 salary schedule the teachers salary schedule based on the boards most recent offer henry slack ranges from 4700 to 6- 500 in category 1 with a maximum of 9600 in cat egory 4 in categories 1 and 2 the annual incre ment is 300 in categor ies 3 and 4 it is 400 year ly the teachers had asked that the minimum in cate gory i be 4800 the sal ary scale for principals thieves arrested markham a robbery attempt at the wellington way stereo store markham village was prevented by police tuesday night through the combined efforts of pc albert hud son and pc william gunn arrested near the scene was norman scott 34 and william mcfadzean 35 both of toronto a third man escaped has not yet been finalized the addition to the school at dicksons hill will cost an estimated 319700 trees given reprieve fractures skull stouffville con stable david hadden of stouffvihe police depart ment completed an emer gency trip to the sick childrens hospital tor onto in 20 minutes satur day right admitted for treatment was lily ing small daugh ter of mr and mrs bing ing restaurant operators on main street she suff ered a fractured skull in a fall of six feet onto a ce ment floor the little girl is making a satisfactory recovery and her parents expect her back home by saturday claremont the death sentence on trees that line the brock road within the village of clare mont has been extended for a few more months at least the road committee of ontario county council has agreed to bypass the village temporarily and continue construction from the northerly limits to the intersection of highway 47 when this phase of the project is completed the situation in claremont will be studied further claremont residents led by gerald allman protest ed any decision by the the county that would result in the removal of trees to allow the road to be wid ened they suggested that the highway should be left as it is or bypass the vil lage entirely no further subdivisions stouffville the secretary of the stouffvihe planning board ralph cor ner has been instructed to inform residential de velopers hat no further plans can be considered at the present time the deci sion followed a meeting may 11 this decision in no way affects the progress of two subdivision agreements al ready approved one is in the west end of town and the other on the south side of main street east unionville the request by the hengraii development co to devel op an additional 669 lots in varley village has been denied by markham town ship council permits have been issued at present lor 400 lots where some hom es arc already built fur ther building has been held up due to malfunc- a chevy man from way back lion of the sewage dispos al plant the ontario resources commission has ordered the stoppage of any furth- stouffville henry er connections to the sys- slack main street stouff- tcm however council will ville is a travelling adver- grant permission for the tisement for general mo- balance of tlie 400 homes tors this week he receiv to be built but service cd delivery of a new 1967 connections cannot be chevrolet belair sedan made at present from conlin motors limit ed in markham swifjsm driving chcvrolcls is y v- s nothing new for mr slack vnuuh032ijlml years kssyl his first chev was pur- iz chased from bcare broth- h i r l- ers in port p in march u smiley goes fshin 2 m7 u cost 650 sim retains the original owner- pioneer display 3 ship his last nine have been bought through doug flower show 4 al conlin lal tradein was a twotone 66 chev it had bcen driven honor sr citizen 5 only 5000 miles mr slacks driving in- classified s 9 eludes more than an occas ional spin around the block hes been out west fashion parade 10 seven times including sev- eral trips to the coast centennial farm 11 sec you next year said doug as he handed henry track field trials 13 f sc chevrolet keys he probably will civic fund donations tax exempt contributions to the stouffvihe civic square fund will be exempt for income tax purposes confirmation of this concession was received last week from the tax department in ottawa official receipts will be issued to all contributors the contractor is expected to begin work shortly on the next phase of outside work on the clock tower and the cleanup of what remains of the old firehall having a more substantial reinforced concrete base placed under the tower resulted in some additional expense so that more money is needed to complete the municipal centennial project if you have not given your donation yet to the program you are urged to help now you will receive an official receipt for this years in come tax previous total 81252731 jacob l smith 4000 reg mackay 2000 total 1258734 kennel owners fight whitchurch bylaw vandorf a dogs bark may be worse than its bite but whitchurch township council discov ered last week that dog owners can also be irrita ted if rubbed the wrong way- kennel operators are fighting a bylaw that would remove the 10 an nual permit fee and charge the owners on a per ani mal basis one owner es timated that the change would increase his rate from 10 to 6000 reeve ross farquhar- son said that the new by law had been approved by the township solicitor he said that it had bcen intro duced in an effort to con trol kennel operations in the municipality particu larly in subdivision areas go to court jack norlhover stouff vihe rr 2 charged that the breeding of pure bred dogs was to most people a hobby and not a profit- making operation you dont appear to give a about the hardship work ed onkennelowners jhe said directing his remarks to the reeve i will spend every cent im worth to contest this bylaw before the highest court in the land i just renewed my lic ence for 10 and thats all youre going to get said a man in the rear of the hall waving his permit when is the date of the next election asked an other reeve farquharson pro mised the delegation that council would review the bylaw and hand down its final decision within ten days charge parents of truant child pine orchard the parents of an 8 year old whitchurch township girl have been charged with keeping their daughter out of school and appear ed may 5 in family court newmarket mr and mrs william mcadam newmarket rr 3 took their girl out of the pine orchard public school and complained that inadequate instruc tion is being provided by the staff teacher mrs ma rian mcneil they have called for the resignation of both mrs mcneil and the area inspector doug las adams the charge against the couple was laid by the school attendance offic er the case has been ad journed until june 2 mrs mcadam said that she plans to subpoena se veral witnesses including the minister of education hon william g davis the trustee board at a meeting may 1 called for a full report on the matter from both the inspector and the pine orchard principal colin hathaway boy burned by firecracker i dom it sir which politician driving chevrolet has become a habit with henry slack of stouffvihe hes been doing it since 1917 when he purchased his first chev from ilea re bros in port perry the last nine have been bought through doug ward at conlin motors in markham mr ward right hands mr slack the keys to his 67 model a chevrolet of course j staff photo markham a six year old markham village boy suffered burns to his neck sunday when a companion placed a lighted firecracker under his clothing injured was john ire land son of mr and mrs g l ireland robinson street markham village has a bylaw that forbids the dis charge of fireworks with out first acquiring a permit from the police depart ment and only in the pres ence of someone over 18 years of age donate 600 goodwood dona tions in the amount of 600 have been received for mr and mrs wilfred uchcr and family rri good wood whose home was des troyed by fire april 20 the house was still un der construction but had bcen occupied for four months nothing was sav ed in addition to financial assistance clothing and furnishings were also re- cezed

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