brother and sister win awards at newmarket music festival let your conscience be your guide pastor markham every man must follow his own conscience said rev father j macnamara s f m in his address to parish members of york county at a catholic wo mens 1eague meeting in markham april 27 his topic was the new moral ity man must do the ripbt as he sees it this has always been true man holds his own destiny but this individual conscience a true freedom of mind and heart must be guided by a sense of human res ponsibility which may not be abdicated every man ias a sense of justice continued father mac namara a knowledge of right and wrong however i requires a certain matur ity to be able to apply he rules to individual protr lenis we must submit to au thority he said individ ual conscience and author ity should fit together in harmony but this is not always possible father macnamara concluded with the a d m o n i t i n n dont live for principles live for people rev macnamara was introduced to the gather ing by mrs i 1 lilcder- mott of stouffville the tr1sune hwrjiiiy my t mi qc 5 mr robert n thompson former leader of lh social credit iarly will address the centennial wor ship service in the markham arena may 31 in markham arena centennial service wed may 31st nine year old jimmy brillirijref son of mr and street east stouffville won two 1st prize awards in lions club music festival in newmarket mrs karl brillingrcr main the accordion class at the staff photo judy brillinger 8 placed third in her piano class both are pupils of mrs frank biclhy beverley bell also an enlry in ihe accordion class received a 25 scholarship award prize winners were presented with centennial medallions brougham picker ing township museum at brougham will open for the season on saturday may 13 more interest than usual is evident in the museum in centennial year book ings for schoolclass visits are coming in rapidly both from pickering and out side the township it is an ticipated that over 2000 children will examine ihe exhibits of pioneer life in ontario during the months of may and june an exception was made to the custom of entertain ing visitors alter ihe mid- may opening las week to accommodate about 90 children and their teach ers from pctcrboro com ments were made about the museum and the jolly time they had there has been a delay in moving buildings to the museum grounds to form a proposed small pioneer village deep snow in ihe early part of the year and a wet spring prevented the project as soon as the land is sufficiently dry mr ralph harrison ihe mov er will have the buildings on the road and into ihe grounds the buildings include 2 one hundred year old houses a hjacksmith shop a hotel and a harness shop barns will be demolished and reconstructed on the grounds and a church shed will adjoin the old bible christian church al ready moved to the site restoration of the church will begin immedi ately then the ambitious project of restoring and furnishing the other build ing will lake place it is expected that ihe whole project will be completed by october this year personnel on the recent ly appointed museum as sistance committee will di rect the development of the village they include dr and mrs w a mckay william fraser mrs ken neth fallis mrs ruth hay donald gibson ian bell dr n f tomlinson wil liam brown john faulk ner harry spang milton mowbray hardy craig and kcnnth cooper the museum board comprising robert miller chairman milton parkin mrs deidre earlc harry cook j h fox reeve c w laycox and deputy- reeve mrs lean mcphcr- son are hoping to welcome many friends both new and old on opening day mr and mrs tom bruins and daughter of bradford were sunday visitors with mr and mrs ernie pilkey hospital extension to cost 14 million newmarket york county council has agreed lo its hospital commissions recommendation of a 14 million dollar expansion program at york county hospital newmarket and york central hospital richmond hill estimated cost of ihe ex pansion at york county hospital from 257 to 404 beds is 5308000 and at york central from 126 to 372 beds 8700000 capital cost grants from federal and provincial au thorities will reduce the markham as part of the markham area cen tennial observances a rep resentative civic group in cluding clergymen and laymen from every church denomination in the area has planned a community service in the markham ar ena for wednesday may 31 at 800 pm this gathering will house he largest crowd ever to attend an event in the markham arena using the arena seating and chairs on the floor accommoda tion for 2800 people will be provided the principal speaker will be robert n thomp son primarily known for his activities as leader of the social credit party in can ada a post from which he has now retired robert n thompson is equally well known for his activities in the religious and humani tarian fields since his retirement as national leader of the so cial credit party in march j 967 mr thompson has once again given more of his time to the area of in ternational relations hav ing recently completed a study tour of those count ries on the rim of the eas- 1cm pacific including south viet nam and thail and all markham and area residents are invited and urged to attend the door is open at 730 cost of the expansion to york countv lo a total of 4650000 1750000 al the newmarket building and 2900000 at rich mond hill considerable discussion took place on the two addi tions plans call for detail ed planning preparations and working drawings lo be completed this year with lenders called for in the spring of 1968 construc tion to take place between june 1968 and he spring of 1971 when it is expected ihe additions will be com plete mention was made of the fact that richmond hill lacks sewage facilities to serve the new addition and that the owrc is expected to have produced a plan for services lo the area by ihe time ihe buildings are completed great ontario adventure vacations a unique display entitled whitchurch through the years is being held this week at the vandorf community hall among- he many interesting items is an oldfashioned general store serving behind the cnunler are mrs harold dewshury right and mrs audrey stewart staff phnlo on the voyacfur route on lake superior the wilderness way o ihe yoyagcttrs a wilderness way adventure vacation offers inspiration for the eye refreshment for the soul from saull ste marie around lake superior and westward past kcnoralhe spectacular im mensity of earth and sky holds you enthralled fishing is frankly superb especially unequalled at remote i flyin lakes boaters and campers enjoy endless choices of broad sandy beaches and uncrowded forest campsites cities are few but make up for that i in friendliness and in wide range i of accommodation and shopping facilities highways are splendid straight smooth and uncrowded for relaied easy driving a wilderness way adventure i vacation will open up for your famiiy a new view of this province and continent to help you think about h maps details pictures just mail the coupon today now law government action places new responsibilities this advertisement tells you what they are prounceorosiaric rvpinmrmortoumm x ltwnirw rjrirrrn building rw tofomo 7 rtif wv me cult informto nn a wiwrnet wyadvrinjrtvciri nunc whitchurch through the years on display at vandorf this displii dudts on saturday importint changes in the securities act 1966 and in the corporations act became law on may 1st 1967 the new legislation will have far- reaching effects it sets standards which everyone in the investment business must follow it says exactly how certain vital procedures should be carried out it demands a full range of information from companies offer ing shares to the public and makes that information fully available to every interested citizen here are five ways in which the securities act will help the people of ontario financial disclosure the new act requires companies to make a full report of their financial situation lo the ontario securities commission every yearthese reports will be made available to the public insider trading insiders of com panies senior officials and major shareholders must now keep the commission informed of their hold ings in their companies and must report changes as they take place this information will be made avail able for public use takeover bids new regulations govern the procedure to be followed when one company tries to obtain control of another by share purchase they include a minimum period for which the offer is to remain open and a 7day period during which the shareholder approached may change his mind any investor involved in a takeover bid will now be kept fully informed proxies under the new act detailed information must be given whenever a company asks for a proxy vote to be used on the shareholders behalf the shareholder must be told exactly who is to use his vote and what his interest is the company is limited in ihe way the vote can be used the result will be to give the absent share holder a more effective voice at com pany meetings the prospectus the way in which a company can describe newinvest- onijrw ivetnmfri i teorem this diyplny of antique guns has attracted the attention of both adults and children the show con- ij a pboto department of financial and commercial affairs ments is controlled by the act one important change is that the prospec tus must always be wtitten in simple clear nontechnical language another requires the prospectus to be published in two stages with a pause of at least len days between the two the preliminary prospectus is for information only trading can not begin until the final prospectus is published the effect will be to give dealers and investors time to think further information this adver tisement gives only a brief outline of some of the mote important changes- in the securities act 1966 and ths corporations act nothing in the act relieves the investor of the respon sibility of making sound decisions based on good advice your lawyer broker or other qualified investment adviser will be able to give you fuller information or copies of the act can be obtained from the ontario secu rities commission 123 edward street toronto 2 and from the queens printer 26 breadalbane street toronto 5 hon h rcwntrec mincter of fintnciji tai commerce as ta