m farming report by al wall m over l iiunurcd 4h club members in vork county will start centen nial projects this week two maple trees will be gi ven to each member this friday to plant at their homes the trees are well started and in a very few years will add to the at tractive appearance of large numbers of 4h hom es this is one phase of yorks rural centennial project sponsored by york ounty council and the ontario department of ag riculture jmjint now improvements to the ap pearance of farms is a good idea in centennial year trees can do the job well by softening the contrast between buildings and their natural surroundings they can screen the necessary but unattractive parts of farm operation and serve as a windbreak too cost of- ten isnt high suitable young trees can often be there is 4 model and size badger barn cleaner or any bain we will handle alt the details of planning mstalline and properly servicing your badger barn cleaner claude kerr stouffviii 6401 375 found on a farm and trans planted planting should be done righ now before they leaf out hard maple red oak white ash white birch and black walnut are the most suitable kinds of de ciduous trees white and red cedar white spruce and norway spruce are the best kind of conifers paint lp painting farm buildings is fairly expensive but it changes appearance more quickly and more dramat ically than anything else at least part of the ex pense can be offset by the increased value of the pro perty with very little in terior moisture to worry a- bout in most buildings painting problems are rare dollar for dollar a gal lon or two of weed spray can have the best effect aneways lawns fences and areas between build ings can be weedfree very easily some perennials may need two sprays but 2 4d will take out almost any weed around buildings capital grants are avail able now for remodelling or additions so there are lots of reasons for making 1967 a year for improving both the use and appear ance of farms new appointment a new assistant agricul tural representative has been appointed for york county jack westlake from smithville a gradu ate from macdonald col lege started work here this week a former 4h mem ber i and junior farmer jack will be working with these organizations here as well as general exten sion work spring is here now is the limp in service your ijiwn a- greens mowers garden iiipment chain saws wntpr rumps atlthorlki power mowkr dka1kr for lawn boy lauson brings stratton stouffville sales service rk 4 stmiirville 6101811 formerly d a kidd sales service richard colwell heads potato club uxbridge a num ber of ontario county po tato growers met in the department of agriculture and food office oxbridge april 25 for the purpose of reorganizing the 500 bush el potato club for 1967 this club was organized in 1945 and has carried out a successful competition each year nineteen potato gro wers completed this high yield club in 1966 the winner of the 1966 competition was mr stan iunney zephyr with an estimated yield of 652 bu shels per acre the aver age estimated yield for all nineteen growers in the 1966 competition was 445 bushels contestants may use any recommended potato var iety they wish and they may use any means at their disposal to secure the highest possible yield from the one acre they have en tered in the competiion anyone interested in joining this high yield po tato club for 1967 should send his application toge ther with a 300 member ship to the department of agriculture and food of fice uxbridge by june 1 the officers and commit tee for 1967 are chairman richard colwell clare- mont rr 1 vice chair man albert hockley claremont rr 1 secret ary treasurer h l fair uxbridge committee mem bers chess oldham zeph yr walter savage ox bridge rr 1 walter ker ry port perry rr 1 bill lockie zephyr albert hockley claremont rr 1 murray crqne mount al- ber rr 3 richard col well claremont rr 1 stan iunney zephyr bob timbers mount albert rr 3 horner walkeri ze phyr frank hendy clare mont rr 1 thf trikjnf iwseky may 4 177 fit tl a centennial farm in whitchurch stouffville in the year 1852 phillip bartholomew purchased about 200 acres of lot 3 concession 9 whitchurch township that was 115 years ago and the property has been retained in the family name ever since it is one of several century farms in the county of york john bartholomew bought the land from his brother a few years after the initial purchase and erected a small sawmill water power was acquired by damming up the creek however to ob tain an additional supply of water he bought up another 25 acres at the rear john bartholomew had seven children a son audrey remained on the farm with his fa ther and carried on following his death in 1926 audrey had nine children herbert allen gordon frank george harold blanche jean and olive seven arc still living george the present owner has carried on since the death of his father in 1960 his mother lives with him mr and mrs george bartholomew have two da tarial positions in toronto jhtcrs karen and janet both hold sccre- two youngsters were walking home from sun day school after having been taught a lesson about the devil one of the boys said to the other what do you think about all that devil stuff the other ihoughfully replied well you know how santa claus turned out its probably just your dad service centres more than 100 good reasons to call cll and the cll dealer network for the fastest most complete fertilizer service in ontario cll has more than 100 service centres in southern ontario and 5 cll plants including our new lambton works at courtright back them up with a constant supply of highgrade fertilizers theres a service centre near your farm its stocked with super flow fertilizer in a broad range of recommended analyses and supplies of direct application materials such as ammonium phosphate ammonium nitrate urea and muriate of potash there are nurse tanks nitrogen applicators and bulk spreaders grow and profit if youre ready for instant service we re with ready to supply it anywhere in ontario cleanup time for septic tank if the septic tank needs cleaning do it now before the frost conies next fall advises professor r w irwin ontario agricultural college most septic tanks fail and have to be replaced simply because they havent been cleaned in time this agricultural en gineer explains and this frequently means replac ing the seepage bed as a rule of thumb a septic tank should be cleaned when the sludge of the bottom plus the scum on top equals onethird of the liquid depth which is about every three to five years lighted matches should not be used while making the check gases form in septic tanks and explode the build up of solids may be measured by using a stick or old broomhandle many septic tanks slop working because the tanks or seepage beds are too small therefore anyone building a septic tank would be wise to build one bigger than is presently needed too many milking units run dairyman ragged garden guide by john rradshaw catch that crabgrass now more lawns are ruined by crabgrass mcb vear than fcv any other cause during sale july and early august is th limp to be on the lookout for the crabgrass plants to show up in your lawn it takes from the time the lilacs are in bloom in late may and early june until sometime around the 1st of august for them to grow large enough so that they can be easily tecognied many persons calls me or write me around the middle of may and say that they already have crabgrass in their lawn nothing could be further from the truth what they really have at thai time i quack crass which is sometimes called couch grass it has broad leaves about a quarter of an inch wide with very sharp edges quack grass is a perennial that spreads by both seeds and underground roots crabgrass on the other hand ls an annual which sur- i vices from year to year iu the lawn because of its tremen- dous ability to reseed itself a single well developed plant i can produce as many as 100000 seeds in a sinsle season these can lie dormant in the soil for 50 years and still germl- i nate when brought to light and moisture what does a crabgrass plant look like its leaves are a broader and lighter gieen in color than most of the desivahlp lawn grasses but its still very difficult to distinguish from other grasses until liie purple seed heads start to appear around the 1st of august crabgrass likes the hot weather of july and august hist alwii as much as kentuckv bluegrass dislikes ii just about lite lime that kentucky bluegrass starts to go dormant in july crabgrass- starts to grow rapidly lawns infested with crabgrass should be mowed at least once and preferably twice a week from the 1st of august on to remove the seedheads as they form its an excellent plan to gently rake the lawn before mowing ii to raise the purple fingerlike seedheads so that they are removed before the seeds are ripe be sure and catch the clippings in a grass catcher or bag a grass mixture containing a minimum of to per cent merion kentucky bluegrass is the best grass seed mixture to sow if you wish to avoid crabgrass merion bluegrass doesnt go dormant in the hoi weather of july and ausust and so the crabgrass plants dont set the opportunity they need to take over the lawn crabgrass wilt not tolerate shade so a thick dense turf cut no shorter than vi inches will be a bin help in control ling it fertilizing a lawn the recommended five times a year is also a big help in preventing the crabgrass plant from getting a hold in the lawn fortunately one application of a pieemergent crabgrass preventer will desttoy anywhere from 90 lo 100 per cent nf the seeds as they germinate the seedkilling ingredients are highly insoluble and will remain on the surface of the soil for two or more years to continue the ioh of killing the crabgrass seeds this is another good reason for not raking the lawn heavily in the early spring preemergence crabgrass killers need to be applied with caie for the active ingredients which provide the controls are very insoluble materials theyre used at a very light rate and to get uniform control every sinsle square inch must receive a coating of the material when it reaches the surface of the soil it becomes fixed to the panicles of earth and remains as a very thin but uniform coating when too many milking units are used the dairy man is run ragged the ma chines are not used to their full capacity and poor milking practices re sult the cows are often ovcrmilked and each cows udder is often dam aged internally as the teat cups are jerked off to keep on schedule this warning comes from dr f c nelson head of the ontario department of agriculture and foods veterinary services labo ratory in guclplt a time study on milking procedures was conducted at the university of illi nois several years ago to see how many cows a man could effectively milk in a stanchion barn with buck et milkers researchers found that a man could milk more cows in an hour with two milking units than he could with three when a farmer uses the correct number of milking machines he raises the milk production still high er if he takes precautions against mastitis dr nel son says he advises these steps for mastitis control the milking machine should be functioning cor rectly it should be used correctly and sanitation barriers should be set up vics landscai nursery ltd k design stonework maintenance rr2 stouffville ph m02sm kr2 gormlev ph 8875157 linn mills rd large variety garden supplies p l a n t i n g material natural precast stoneproducts peatloam topsoil etc no gimmicks or lo sales but the place where price and qualify meets a fellow we know has a good thing going with a shop specializing in gifts to go with poor alibis all types wrought iron work york county farmers your days are numbered hurry and join in the centennial fun improve he entrance lo your farm place your name township lol and concession number on your mail box or front entrance take a photo graph showing name lot and concession number place your name and address on the reverse side of the photograph and mail lo box 105 markham ontario a draw will lie made a schoniberg fair on may 3 lor iiie fniiotvimk prizes isl 2nd prizes 3 day lour or bxpo juno ifim for or 10000 the first draw has drs isj lj lj tj hub hardware paint appliances furniture spring summer if cit fertilizers