Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 9, 1967, p. 2

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tt 2 the vvshl tkmlir modi 9 1967 editorials many questions but few answers march 23 is budget night for mem bers of stouffville council it is the most important meeting of the entire year for it will decide just how many tax dollars will be required to finance town and county services in 1967 all indications are that the rate here is due for a sizeable hike at least 10 mills or even more this would mean a tax increase of about 50 on the average stouffville home a few people will complain but most will just shrug their shoulders and mutter whats another 417 a month while members of council are quite aware how their share of the tax dollar will be spent they surely must have a few questions to ask of the school trus tees both high and public as well as the library and park boards budget break downs as received by the clerk do not in our estimation present a clear enough picture they should be support ed by verbal explanations along with propected plans for the future surely one meeting once a year between these boards and the council is not too much to expect we are not suggesting that estimat ed costs as finalized by each of these governing bodies is not warranted all may be trimmed to the bare bone but since the council is the collecting agen cy we feel that it is only fair that they are made fully aware of how this mon ey is to be spent a coffin on wheels the laxity of laws that would allow a used car dealer to sell a fourwheeled wreck to drive on a public highway was pointed out very clearly in the coroners inquest held at vandorf last week albert ingarra of gormley bought the auto described by coroner f d cruickshank as a death trap for the sum of 100 the dealer made a 75 profit on the sale mistakes compounded by mistakes allowed the vehicle back on the road following a socalled safety check and it later became a coffin on wheels for the owner and his 26 year old passenger it rammed into a bridge abutment at vandorf killing both men the thought that continually occurs to one as a story of this kind unfolds is it could have been me between tor onto and gormley this mobile booby trap probably met more than one hun dred cars any one of them could have been a target for death fortunately for some totally innocent party the car veered to the right of the road instead of the left a persons moral obligation to the public apparently doesnt count for much any more to protect you and i from the unscrupulous laws must be made and enforced laws are even made to protect man against himself sidewalks a disgrace on tuesday evening of last week we saw an elderly lady walking west on main street in stouffville on what should have been a sidewalk instead she was plunging halfway to her knees in snow this was three days after the big blow feb 25 stouffville walks have never been worse than this winter many home owners simply refuse to keep them clean the back street sidewalks are even worse the town has a bylaw that in our recollection has never been enforced we think it should be most of the delinquent snow-shovel- lers are not the aged or the handicap ped but only the careless and the in considerate they should pay a penalty for their carelessness small farmers should benefit small farmers should benefit from the 12 year 129000000 farm assistance program announced from queens park these grants apply to a broad choice of buildings and are extended to indi vidual farmers who own their proper- tics this would appear aimed at pro viding help for the small family farm which is still operated economically there must be a gross 3000 annual revenue from the farm to be eligible the new program provides 10000- 000 in the first year and it is suggested that it could be available to about 30- 000 in the first year and it is suggested grafts arc on a sliding scaie and wilt meet onethird of the cost of new build ings and renovations up to the maxi mum of 1000 per farm the plan will no doubt increase the pressure to abandon uneconomical farms and may slow down the tendency for small units to be amalgamated into large holdings snipers at the plan believe it no co incidence that it comes in what could be an election year when there are some signs of disenchantment among usual tory farm voters editors mail a sudden change in attitude by our readers feb 27 1967 dear sir i have read several letters in your column regarding the world day of prayer service may a presbyte rian and one who has been privileged to attend these services for many years have a space in your column having moved from place to place before coming to this village i attended some of these prayer services where al most the entire gathering were com plete strangers to me at every service one felt the christian fellowship know ing that all true followers of christ are one in him these carefully prepared services on themes such as christ our hope and what doth the lord re quire were bound to be helpful and this years service on the theme and of his kingdom there shall be no end prepared by the late queen salote of the tonga islands in the south pacific was no exception this christian queen had led her people in the world day of prayer service for many years and to use this service pre pared by her seemed a fitting memorial senice to her honor it was my good fortune to have grown up in a community pioneered by scotch presbyterians of deep religious faith and convictions there one early learned how much the scotch people had suffered for their religion choosing to be martyrs rather than renounce their faith i do not know much about the three denominations which make up the evangelical churches some years ago there was a series of evangelistic meet ings in the auditorium of the stouffville district high school the sponsor of this scries is not recalled however the speaker evangelist was rev r a crooks a presbyterian minister at par ry sound the well filled auditorium seemed in agreement with the minis ters message and surely in that large audience there were a few present from these three churches there have been other evangelical meetings with presby terian men as speakers under these circumstances one cannot help being somewhat puzzled at the stand now tak en one reverend sir seems to think we are following leaders who have re jected the presbyterian westminster confession of faith may i remind him that since the turn of the century some of our leaders did discuss union with other denominations over a period of twentytwo years with the idea of enter ing a new denomination our members do not always follow the leaders as blind folk but think and act according wlte rtiune established 18ss c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising jh va thursday by the stouffvule tribune limited at 5t main st stouffville ont tel 10210l single copies 10c subscriptions 00 per year in guada 600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized u second class mail post office dcpu ottawa sugar and spice the prospects look grim just the other night we had a talk at our honor banquet which left me rath er perplexed it was an interesting at times excit ing address by one of our captains of industry no less than the president of one of our biggest producers of proces sed foods a big cheese one might say in the vernacular american owned needless to say perhaps i should explain what the honor banquet is its an occasion when the students who have obtained 75 per cent or more the previous year are honored along with their parents again needless to say it is dull theres nothing much to say except that these kids are in the top 25 per cent which even they can figure out and the banquet runs more to potato salad a bottle of milk at each plate and cold cuts than it does to falernian wine lobster thermidor and baked to their convictions there still is a presbyterian church in canada it has its westminster confession of faith and its shorter catechism thank you mr editor for allowing me space in your column m j stirling stouffville ont k k k feb 28 1967 dear sir in answer to your editorial of last week what do parents think i am one parent who holds the belief that the sale of ice cream from a delivery track constitutes z grave dan ger to some of the children of stouff ville i realize that this problem is relative to the road on which one lives but as far as i am concerned the operator of this truck should not be allowed to stop and sell his products on the ninth line north the constant stream of sand gravel and sod trucks traversing this road all day long during the summer months poses more than enough danger to the children who have to walk on the shoulder of the road from elm to rupert i believe that both north york and etobicoke have banned icecream de livery trucks and that scarborough is in the process of passing a new bylaw one which doesnt have any loopholes this time i ask each member of stouffville council which is more important the life of a child or an extra 50 in the kitty peggy dixon stouffville k k march 2 1967 dear sir earlier this week a friend send me a clipping from your paper describing the rescue of an old blind spaniel from a sandpit near gormley by three young cyclists young boys are naturally quite observant but it was the presence of mind and intelligent quick action on the part of this trio which impressed me and warmed my heart as i too have a beloved old blind and deaf black spaniel i feel especially indebted to them not only for their help in saving the dog but for restor ing my faith in our canadian young people living as i do in the precincts of yorkvillc now a dirty word alas the sights and sounds we have been exposed to here have tended to blind me to the natural goodness of most young sters i cant help feeling too that living away from city life is a privilege which these boys evidently enjoy i wonder if the ontario humane society has heard of the incident the boys deserve a medal erskine keys toronto ont dear sir within recent weeks the tribune has given considerable publici ty to the clock tower that holds such a prominent position on the towns main street i thought you might like to knew that mr fred betz father of mr ken neth betz of stouffville was the con tractor and mr hezzic faulkner laved the bricks mr faulkner cannot recall the name of the gentleman who helped with the work but he understands he is now 86 years old and resides in markham vil lage libbic faulkner morgan toronto ontario alaska but its a gesture anyway the ath letes get a banquet with cups trophies letters and heartiness the kids in drama and music get applause when they perform least we can do is honor the bright and industrious trouble is they dont get a chance to show at the banquet how bright and industrious they are instead they get a guest speaker this would be enough to keep me from making the honor roll and apparently my daugh ter feels the same as she didnt make it this year second problem is the guest speak er feels he must inspire the kids its a tough audience a hundredodd kids their proud parents and about 100 teachers and spouses i know whereof i speak i was guest speaker a couple of years ago what kind of talk do you give well this chap with the best inten tions in the world scared the wits out of the kids if id been on the honor roll 17 in grade 12 id have walked right out of there and started swilling booze or gobbling sugar cubes loaded with lsd this fellow was an honest hardhit ting 105 per cent capitalist and i ad mired jlim for it i dont like pussy- footers but his talk was obviously aimed at a sales convention with some concessions to the kids first he painted a horror picture of the worm they would take wa immhi- lation explosion starvation its all yours kids a few commercials here about the food company then he outlined a frightening pair of alternatives produce or youre out and he explained with a certain amount of pride how ruthless an exec utive like himself has to be when some- by bill smiley one is not up to scratch im probably being unfair he is noted as a tough but fair man he talked about hitting with a sledgehammer rather than a feather he talked about choosing goals and pursuing them fiercely he said that if you got up monday morning and hated the thought of going to work you should switch into something else he talked about money giving sta tistics for annual earnings depending on education from elementary to college degree teachers perked up a bit here when he said 11000 for a university degree and they average about 7000 the point is that everything he said was eminently sensible if you happen ed to be a salesman bucking for sales manager or vicepresident but his talk troubled me change the terms slightly and what do you have it wa against everything i be lieve and try tc teach and dont be surprised if you near ive been fired i dont believe for example in effi ciency and having a clean desk except in a general way that is doing your job i would find it extremely difficult to say baxter your sales are slipping youre fired theres nothing in this world that i hate doing more than going to work monday morning the only goal i have ever pursued fiercely is my wife when t teli for her and shes beer pui uing me fiercely ever since theres room for people like us friend today i received the supreme accolade another teacher who uses my room told me the girls of 10l and they are no einsteins said mr smiley looks nice but he sure has an untidy desk i rest content this week next tax report problems by ray argyle the sale of company shares and similar investments has been an encourage ment to many people to sell their busi nesses for big gains knowing they would have no axes to pay in too many cases canadian firms went to us buy ers with the consequences that 60 per cent of all our productive capacity is now americanowned the commission has adorverf the simple policy that income is income whether it comes from working for wages speculating on the stock market or gambling at the county fair this will end the inequality of imposing the tax buden primarily on wage earners as is the case in canada today instead of spreading it equally on speculative in come ond corporation profits raising of corporation taxes from 21 to 50 per cent for all companies and elimination of the kind of concessions that have allowed insurance companies to escape with a 2 million tax bill when they should be paying 75 million will not get through parliament without a great deal of debate the carter commission says its rec- omendations would not materially in crease tax rates and that in fact taxes could be lowered in a few years if the system was revised as it suggests one of the commissions most signi ficant areas of study concerns the fed eral and provincial governments in the field of tax collections the commission comes out strongly for a powerful cen tral government and cautions against any further submission by ottawa to provincial demands it will be interest ing to see what line is taken in this re gard by a similar study which is now be ing made in ontario at the behest of the provincial government one could have wished that other reforms not mentioned by the carter commission had also been proposed at this time one measure which would help meet the countrys housing crisis would be to allow homebuyers to de duct mortgage interest charges from their taxable income another field in need of study is the taxation of church property now that the country has had awhile to absorb the report of the royal com mission on taxation the big question is how many of its recommendations will the government adopt and how long will it take to adopt them the massive sixvolume report of toronto chartered accountant kenneth l carter and his live commissioners took four and onehalf years to prepare mr carter was appointed by the con servative government of mr diefen- baker the report has now been pre sented to the liberal government of mr pearson and those parts which will be implemented will probably not become law until yet a third prime minister has taken office this is because the subject is so complicated and is so fundamental that months if not years of study will be re quired for the nations lawmakers to make up their minds on the merits of the carter commissions recommenda tions whatever the result of the commis sions report however it should destroy any doubts which might be left in the minds of canadians that this country is headed for a complete welfare state the whole approach of the carter commission was based simply on abil ity to pay those with the most ability to pay will pay the most gone will be the old stock defenses about incentive merit and encouragement of risk capi tal and just as those with the most ability to pay will pay those in the most need of the welfare states gener osity will benefit the most from future government spending the carter commissions sweeping recommendations which can only be touched on here seem also to be aimed at strengthening canadian nationalism by calling for a tougher tax bite on for eign ownership the recommendation for a capital gains tax would seem to spring not only from a desire for social justice but with a view to discouraging the sale of cana dian assets to foreign concerns the lack of tax on capital gains those financial gains realized through i awunt food and fun for one dollar a one dollar bill doesnt buy much any more but it did on friday night in fact the program sponsored by the board of stewards of melville united church was the biggest bargain in both food and family fun held in this area this winter for 1 per person pre schoolers excepted it was all you could eat if this was not enough the visitors were then invited to take part in a skidoo party over a 20 acre snowmobile course on the earl appleton farm at cashel more than 200 jammed the base ment confines of the church for dinner and then moved on to settle their victu als over the humps and hollows of a wellpacked track it was our first ex perience at the controls of these now- popular snowmachines and believe you me they re some fun the first trip was like riding a kiddycar on the pennsy- vania turnpike we took it slow and steady while more experienced dare devils flashed past on every side goad ed on by our 5 year old we opened the tk-otti- a little more on the second lap but still trailed the field even pastor davison left us sitting still in a spray of ice and snow chief organizers of the family gettogether were harry and audrey forrester bill and edna nigh and gord and lois lewis it was a great evenings entertainment that could be come an annual event its gratifying to know that in this day and age of modern methods even machines make mistakes several stouffville residents reported receiving double baby bonus cheques in the mail last week for some however it was just the hand writing on the wall markham village may have complet ed their centennial project ahead of stouffville but theyll never catch us in the beardgrowing competition that is unless committee chairman jack mor ris begins handing out hormone pills with every entry form no offense intended but councillor jim mckellar is beginning to look more and more each day like the late joe stalin perhaps a little wax on the ends might help many in stouffville may not know it but town signpainter jim brazier de signed and donated the large thermom eter locafed on the old firehall building indicating- the- extent of the current civic square fund drive stcusville fire department he agre ed to allow the mens afternoon euchre club to use the committee room of their new hall until more adequate accommo dation can be found it could be a veri table garden of eden for the men folk since their wives will not be allowed to contact them on the fire phone talk about seclusion for a henpecked hus band aylmer carter of stouffville did his good deed for the day when he spotted smoke coming from the twostorey gar age on the jim machesncy property at goodwood and turned in the alarm he may have wondered if it was worth it allone of the volunteers inadvertently turned the hose on him theres nothing more monotonous hour in and hour out than plowing a farm field on a sticky hot day in the summer thats why wc were attracted to the tractor radio ad in the tribune last week it comes free with every used or new machine sold prior to march 25 an appropriate discjockey theme might be keep me on that straight and narrow path or theres a long long trail awinding twelve year old kathy kirby a grade 8 student at ballantrac school is already attracting the attention of adults for her skill as an up and coming artist principal harry hunt has two of her sketches hanging in the hallway one of sir john a macdonald and an other of prime minister pearson still another holds a prominent position at the front of her grade 8 classroom mr hunt claims that kathy can complete the sketches in a matter of minutes and their likeness to rtality is amazing did you know that rev albion wright the highlyregarded pastor or st andrews united church in mark ham was once a professional auction eer wc wonder how frank bennett would look in a clerical collar while on the subject of auctioneers the season for auction sales has rolled around again three scheduled within the week include john l smith con cession 7 markham friday march 10 thos mcgriskin 18th avenue lot 26 cone 5 markham saturday march 1 1 and donald ferguson lot 28 cone 7 markham wednesday march 15 a stouffville police officer recently stopped a young motorist on main street he was driving a 1967 ford when asked for his insurance certifi cate he informed the constable that he was covered under unsatisfied judg ment its still nine months to election time in whitchurch but rumors persist that reeve ross farquharson will re linquish his post at the end of this year

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