Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 16, 1967, p. 2

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luje 2 the trj8une thxiitr f6nar 1 1967 editorials housing shortage serious the housing shortage in stouffville has become serious so much so that prices on the few homes that are avail able are soaring out of line and apart ment rentals continue to climb it is presenting a hardship on young couples attempting to make ends meet and on retired folks living on a fixed income a bungalow in town that sold for 14000 five years ago has increased to 18000 apartments are up from 100 a month to s125 many people are begin ning to look outside the municipality for accommodation although their place of employment in some cases is in stouffville stouffville has one and perhaps two subdivisions on the verge of going ahead but shortage of mortgage money ap pears to be the holdup the situation docs not apply only to our town but most communities including metro un less there is sme easing of restrictions the problem will become even more serious in the spring nows your chance for several seasons now one evening each month has been set aside in the public skating schedule at markham for the over 21 group to enjoy an outing and the music of an accompanying band it has been attended by many couples from stouffville in fact resi dents here comprise a large percentage of the crowd they have asked on sev eral occasions that something similar be held here well the time has come keith sutherland chairman of the athletic committee of the stouffville centennial events program has acquired both the ice and a band for this saturday night the success of this venture could prompt the holding of future skates for adults only nows your chance to prove a point time to reflect centennial year is going to be a time to reflect for many people see if you remember these when a business success meant a rolltop desk and wood en wastcpaper basket only really wealthy people complained about in come taxes it was actually possible to go through life without filling out a single government form farmers thought it a sin to turn farm land into golf courses since only the idle rich could use it a wise father always gave his son a dime for the collection plate sunday since he knew if he gave him two nickels god might only wind up with one one of the arguments for having a large family was to have a place to live when you were old a dividing line in heaven the differences of opinion that xreated a split between six of the par ticipating stouffville churches in the iworld day of prayer service last week indicates only too clearly that religious togethcrness and brotherly love are ionly figments of the imagination here in stouffville six denomina- tions couldnt see fit to sit side by side in common pews and take part in a icommon service for one hour in an en- tire year and still we call ourselves christians bound for a common heav en perhaps it too will be divided a isection for the anglicans another for the baptists another for the presby terians and so on what a joke and so there is a disagreement in the form of the service surely there are enough sensiblethinking people in our churches today who could sit down and make the necessary changes that would prove satisfactory to all or could they as individuals swallow one ounce of their religious pride and ac cept anothers recommendations we wonder the church and its members are supposed to exemplify all that is up right and good in a world torn by wars racial problems and labor unrest the example set here in stouffville on fri day was a disappointment to say the least attempts to cover up and minimize the importance of this matter docs not clear away the cloud of confusion and contempt in the minds of many editors mail courage of convictions by our readers dear mr thomas j please allow me an explanatory avord in extenuation of the purported rude shock given the religious commu- nity by the ladies of the baptist united missionary and christian churches i in the first place the opening para graph of your news report announcing ithis shock is quite ambiguous accept ing the statement at face value there has really been no split between the churchcs of stouffville you cannot split that which was never united but tak ing the other possible meaning that the ladies from all of the churches no lon- gcr meet in a union prayer meeting is ithcre necessarily anything wrong with that it may not harmonize with some bodys ideal but it docs not warrant the banner headline prayer service splits churches actually if your reporter is correct and the world day of prayer service is purposely intended to unite denomi nations around the globe this is just one more reason why our ladies found themselves awkwardly situated through the union service it is no secret surely ithat the religious opinions of evangeli cals and liberals are as far apart as the yolcs generally speaking you cannot shamc intelligent people of firm convic tion on cither side into a union effort that militates against conscience there is no place for broadmindedness but ithe pica for broadmindedness can some- it imes become specious and even a temptation to betrayal mrs neil smith if we accept the accuracy of your reporting is to be giv en credit for hitting upon the simple answer to the whole alleged riddle why she could think of it and no one else could this amazes me she said the baptist united missionary and christian churches appeared to favour a more evangelical type of service it is as simple as that now the tone of your report is not good the indifferent reader who may be biased against the church will be impressed with the notion that our ladies are taking a holierthanthou at titude nothing could be farther from the truth they only knew that they had certain convictions to uphold and tried to do it quietly the tribune could have done these wellintentioned ladies a service by a simple report of an undis guised fact shorn of sensational ambi guities our ladies still retain their high re gard for the praying women of other churches for their sincerity and excel lent character they are neighbours and hope to remain good neighbours but neighbourliness and high regard for character is not necessarily related to doctrine and method in religion the ladies of the evangelical churches will be quite unhappy if any are led to suppose that their exit at the entrance of the catholic ladies was any thing more than coincidental the move made this year is something that has been brewing for several years perhaps it should be pointed out that the world council of churches is not the only body putting out an annual world day of prayer outline this is also being done by the national associ ation of evangelicals and the interna- established 1sss c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising- published every thursday by the stouffvihe tribune limited at 5j main su stouffville ont tel 6402101 single copies 10c subscriptions 400 per year in canada 00 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circuutloa canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly kewspapcrs association authorized as second class nail post office dcpl ottawa and he only had one for the road sugar and spice this is my final say on education ok i know enough is enough this is positively the last in a series of col umns on education let me repeat that im no expert just a parent taxpayer and teacher and equally concerned in each role ive been critical in some quarters no doubt my remarks have been con sidered rank heresy but there is a pos itive side lets look at it most cheering is the tremendous in terest in educational improvement both from within and without the system departments of education are spending large amounts of time thought and money in an attempt to scramble into the second part of the twentieth cen tury new universities are springing up like mushrooms with fresh and invigor ating ideas vital young teachers men and women in all walks of life are taking a hard look at what they are getting for their money and what they want for their children as a result of these things much of the old rigidity and inflexibility are crumbling under heavy fire changes are coming its not been any easier to get them started than to make a team of oxen break into a gal lop but theyre coming even though they may gallop right through the fence thomas acquinas hasnt much to say tional council of christian churches and it points up the fact that the action of our ladies was not so startling un usual revolutionary or unprecedented what they have done has been done in a thousand places we hope that the people of our com munity will believe us when we say that no churches have been spilt and that the normal everyday pleasant rela tionship between the men and women of our town has not changed we still respect our united church presbyterian church anglican church and catholic church neighbours one more hope that this whole matter can now be dropped there is not much point in knocking the scab off a wound that will heal if left alone and treated carefully still your friend rev arthur walsh feb ii i9b7 dear editor i was very interested in your article in last weeks tribune re vealing that though the ladies of the country were presumably meeting to pray no doubt for peace among the nations those in the various local churches could not even agree among themselves they ask that nations bury their dif ferences and get together how about the churches doing the same in mcrt cases these differences are petty and do little to advertise the church as a place of harmony and brotherly love arent we all supposed to be headed for the same heaven if there is one or do some believe that it is only for them or again possibly they believe heaven is departmentalized the idea that mere interpretation of some parts of the christian gospel i reason enough to keep up an everlasting separation of the various groups is in my opinion little short of stupid how narrow can we get and believe me some of these groups arc narrow there is a strain of animosity running be tween some of these churches which no amount of whitewashing is going to rub out every now and then it rears iis head into the open as now this is not the first time some of these churches have refused to co operate and alas it will not be the lart its no secret that the churches have been slipping in their efforts to inter est todays people and why not with such narrow and bigoted outlooks if religion means anything it is serv ice to ones fellow man and in my opin ion this is certainly no way to go about it lets forget about whats going to happen to you when youre six feci under today is the day to he concerned about if we arc going to make this place a better one for mankind lets forget about these nonsensical differences which in the long run count for abso lutely nothing and lets get down to the task at hand clarence irwin to the swingers of today with the new morality on one side of them and nu clear annihilation on the other in fact a punning colleague suggested should old acquinas be forgot egerton ryerson is not exactly haunting the hall of ryerson institute its more likely hes holding his heaven ly head in his hands with horror as he sees the students of that establishment putting away more ale per capita than their prototypes of oxford and cam bridge in the days of elizabeth i however we drift here are some of the improvements some may flop but at least the ponderous pachyderm is pulling its feet out of the mud at last with a resultant resounding squelch teaching machines television com puters will take over 90 per cent of the dissemination of knowledge theyre a fact now the kids of todays students will have to listen to boring tales from their parents about the good old days when there was a teach er in every classroom this revolution in turn will elimi nate the lockstep progress of the pres ent where the swift are held back and the slow are scrambling because courses are aimed at the average the kids will move at their own speed learning will be satisfying and exciting therell be strong opposition to this therell be dark whispers that it is un democratic that it will produce an elite theyll say its bad for the bright child because he wont be emotionally mature if lets say hes ready for uni- by bill smiley versity at 13 baloney education isnt democratic now not when one kid has to slug groceries after school to buy decent clothes and a classmate is out skiing not when the first kid hasnt a chance to go on because he must help support his family while the second kid goes off to university to find a husband bet ter an elite of the mind than an elite of middleclass money and morality as for the emotionally mature bit that too is poppycock some people are emotionally mature at 10 others never another bid change will be curricula kids will be taught less facts more about life that is instead of square roots and dangling participles and the peloponncsian wars theyll learn about themselves and other people about beauty and economics about leisure and love annual examinations which have about as much to do with education as i have to do with sophlia loren will vanish schools will have shorter terms more frequent holidays but will likely operate yearround teaching will improve because it will become a dynamic creative profes sion attracting the dynamic creative people i hale to spoil this vision of educa tional utopia but i have one more pre diction the whole thing is going to cost more and more and more thats the only prophecy i will unconditional ly guarantee this week next peril in space by ray argyle it may now be safely surmised the united states barring an outright russian abdication of the space race has lost its bid to be first with a man on the moon in this decade americas threeman apollo space craft was to have flown for the first time next tuesday and although the united states would have been 28 months behind the soviets in orbiting a threeman space vehicle russias voskod i achieved this in october 1964 america seemed to be catching up the us gemini flights had been spectacularly successful docking and rendezvous had been accomplished smoothly one crew had set a space endurance record of 330 hours and two others had pulled off space walks which outperformed earlier russian manoeu vres but there will of course be no high drama at cape kennedy next tuesday because the three men who were to have- ridden apollo i into orbit died heroes deaths during a routine ground test jan 27 the full impact of the deaths of space veterans virgil grissorn ed white and rookie roger chaffee have yet to be felt the national aeronautics and space administration has post poned indefinitely ihc three manned flights scheduled for this year although unmanned launchings will continue the investigation of the tragedy will take several weeks but the report from the inquiry is sure to insist changes he made in the space program to make it impossible for such an accident to oc cur again it is highly unlikely cither scicnticsts or the congress will be able to justify going ahead with the 40 billion space program without radical changes the first change will have to be made in the atmospheric environment of the apollo space capsule it was because the americans chose the easy way out alloxygen space cabin that apollo i became a fiery death trap the spark of yetunknown origin which leapt into the space cabin as th three astroanuts lay strapped on their couches immediately consumed the cabins oxygen and ignited every burn able thing in the spacecraft the alloxygen atmosphere was chos en to save weight and space the alter native was a twogas system such as oxygen and nitrogen which the rus sians use in their spacecraft but this takes extra weight a vital factor when american rockets were less pow erful than russias boosters and re quires more complex equipment in a twogas environment the spark which consumed life in apollo i would have flickered out harmlessly its ori gin would have been pinpointed and corrected such an environment also requires a double cabin for space walks one wherein the astronaut can close a trap door behind lilm to free his system of nitrogen before venturing into open space otherwise lie eould become sub ject to the bends which sometimes afflict underwater divers in retrospect it is evident that while american scientists knew what they were doing they took a calculated risk and lost it can now be expected us scicnii- fic and public opinion will be brought to bear to ensure such mistakes arc not repeated this means the growth of american space capacity will be retard ed because important changes cannot be made in craft design without slow ing the whole program the soviets meanwhile arc moving ahead slowly apparently avoiding every possible gamble which could result in disaster and while it is pos sible the russians mav also have lost men in their space program it seems to have none of the crash atmosphere of the american effort astronauts grissorn white and chaf fee were brave men who will go down in history because their deaths were the first of the space age the goal set by president kennedy of putting a man on the moon in this decade thus claimed its first victims six years later with the american space program virtually at a standstill rus sia continues to hoid a clear threeyear lead at a lime when there arc onlv three vcars left in the decade of the 1960s 9 hi i mww stouffville in 1967 with only a few dates still to be set 1s67 is shaping up as the biggest and best entertainment year in the social history of stouffville our only wish is that canada would celebrate its birth day in much the same way more often with a small part of the proeram now past theres still much much more to come circle these dates on your calendar saturday feb 18 old tvme skat ing party in the stouffville arena adults only live music by the east york concert band friday march 10 firemens dance in the stouffville legion hall saturday marches lions cluh barbershop harmonv program in the stouffville district high school friday april 7 saturday april 8 centennial figure skating carnival in the stouffville arena thursday april 20 consumers gas company cooking school demon stration in the aulir of slnull- ve district high school i saturday april 22 centennial beauty queen pageant in the auditor- urn of stouffville district high school friday april 28 saturday april 29 music mania centennial 67 in the auditorium of stouffville district high school friday may 5 stouffville district 1 high school centennial may queen festival saturday may 13 rcbekah and j oddfellows lodge dance at cedar j beach gardens mussclmans lake saturday may 20 stouffville home and school centennial bake sale v thursday may 25 kinsmen club western jamboree at the stouffville i sales arena friday june 9 kinsmen club don- i kev baseball game in the stouffville park saturday july 1 allday i program in the stouffville park with monster dance in the arena at night sunday july 2 mass open- air church service in the stouffville park at 11 am wednesday july 5- lcmonville centennial strawberry festival at the home of jim and jean nauta sunday august 20 kinsmen club talent contest and singalong in the stouffville park saturday september 2 kinsmen j club centennial marathon walk wednesday september 20 kins- men and kinetic clubs giant euchre ji party in the stouffville arena friday september 29 legion la- dies auxiliary centennial fashion sho4 in the stouffville legion hall saturday october 14 stouffville brownie and girl guides good deed day friday november 24 stouffville i kinsmen and kinctte clubs centennial t ball at cedar beach gardens mussel- mans lake t j saturday november 25 kinsmen j and kinette clubs curling bonspiel at i rolling hills saturday december 2 stouffville kinsmen club santa claus parade where were you when the lights went out for a few dozen perpetual pancakecaters in the stouffville united church last week it looked like back home to a can of bacon and beans but never underestimate the powers of four women helen taylor gertrude burk- j holder lorna button and mary david- j son had the assembly line rolling in no i time and with the help of 45 cgit j workers everyone was served and sat- j isficd consumed were 1600 pancakes j and 48 pounds of sausage -a- we didnt know until recently that the stork doesnt stop at the brlcrbush hospital here anymore according to j f statistics if the birthrate count in canada continues to drop hell soon be able to head south for the winter like the rest of the old birds k ir k you can just bet thai residents of highclass homes on the vandorl side- j road between concessions 6 and 7 whitchurch township arc keeping a watchful eye on testhole diggingsin that area wouldnt those folks who have invested thirty or forty thousand dollars in scenic country lots love lo wake up some morning and look over the edge of a 30 foot gravel pit fi the next lime you need your cars lowered drop in to the new stouffville i shopping plaza and give steve a try3 youll pay an extra quarter but that j electric shoulder massage machine 1st well worth the price just make surci your falsics teeth dont fall out on thet floor crest hardwares mccullock snow- mobile parked on the sidewalk in front of the stouffville store attracted dozens of viewers both young and old on the weekend with the trailer it carries price tag of 995 it is powered by a 3 i5i hp motor without doubt its been the biggest attentiongetter since ajj showwindow model was caught bcr tween dress rehearsals in the margucj rite shoppc even without the topless waitresses hal and helen dafoe have established a most attractive dining room addition j to their restaurant on main street west and who knows the first may com later say around the year 2067

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