pm 12 the trjsune tkvky fbrey 16 1967 4 editorial a tribute to the jpast in may students of stouffviilc district high school will select their own centennial queen of 1967 the event will undoubtedly be the social highlight of the school year young people wc feel arc more accustomed to dealing with matters pertaining to the present and looking forward with optimism to the future this is as it should be however on this one partic ular occasion we feel it would be both unique and proper to recognize queens past and issue them personal invitations to attend stouffvillcs first high editors mail visited yorkville and enjoyed it l t t l c i- 1 j school queen was crown ed in 1953 fourteen years ago she was jo anne bodendistcl now mrs paul cote of ayl- mcr and the mother of three others who have followed included rose pcakc barbara hast ings anna cole pat barry carol skinner lois martin klainc for syth daphne chcwins lynda nolan janet devlin bernadinc tcr- wocrds pat toole and linda wright perhaps the student council of 196667 has already discussed the merits of such a plan if so then wc can only lend the idea our support editorial y bodendistel uman beings or tin soldiers by dieter schnell 12b school is a drag probably every student has ut tered that remark sometime during his school jife most people would say well school is what you make it or unless you can think of something better quit com plaining well that is playing the pretending game again the fact remains that there are problems in the school system as well as in the attitudes of the students under that system there are no students that is to say boys or girls who study in high schools they simply memorize conform to a certain pattern are marked for what is acceptable and relcvcnt in the eyes of their teachers they are enslaved by prejudices and standards of society that should only exist in old mens imagina tions the environment in which they exist is artificial learning is neither spontaneous nor motivated from within other than of course getting the proper credits to prove that you are societys greatest accepter society feels that the purpose of education is to prepare us for iife to prepare us to perform functions in a monster that threatens to devour us unless we reorient our minds we should contribute to it thats very nice what is turned out is a battalion of little factory approv ed tin soldiers trained walking depositories of facts who will fit in quite nicely with what society expects the real purpose of education should be to produce human beings a human being is responsive sensitive and toler ant what he has learned the irony the paradox the enigmas the insights in life should become a part of t him he should be allowed to develop without the arti ficial sanctions that all institutions impose he should be free to think as freely as a human being can think without the prejudices and dogmas of church school social standards and game rules to fall prisoner to but in so doing he is not allowed to venture into other areas freedom of speech becomes a mockery teachers cannot state controversial views without john v uuiib v iuaui jvuo iijj uugul such uvtix such a subject holding a knife over them the high school student becomes the greatest hypocrite of all be cause the way he reacts to society contradicts what he is learning about it certain parts of school exist only through tradi tion take morning exercises we hear a great deal from the bible every morning but do you think we could ever hear mr nictzches views or mr kirke- gaards views heavens forbid the pious would be screaming all the way from africa great changes are being made family life sex education courses apparently are major breakthroughs in high schools what would be a greater breakthrough however would be a special course to find out what the real aims and values of education arc john 0 public seems to know but who likes tin soldiers factory ap proved john 0 public of course february 13 1967 dear editor i have never become angry enough to write a letter to the editor of a paper but the article on yorkvilles smelly dens brought me to the boiling point i have visited the village on several occa sions and i have come to know some of the socalled villagers quite well let me tell you they are some of the most intelligent friendly and considerate people i have ever met and i would be proud to call them my friends the majority of the villagers are far from dirty their clothes may be faded and old their hair may be long maybe they have no where to live yet one boy i talked to told me he had had a bath every day for 3 days while another was walking around asking everyone can i wash my hair at your place its so filthy it doesnt look it i told him when did you last wash it yesterday he said yorkville pads are not smelly at least none of the nine or ten ive been in a villager seldom lives in the same place for longer than 3 weeks and before they leave they are required to clean the pad and what is wrong with 3 or 4 teenagers living in the same pad if they want to sleep on the floor or take turns in the bed whats it to you they are breaking no law and it theyre happy like that why complain and in defense of all villagers i would like to say that they are not the rude dirty lazy drug- addicts they are made out to be you say they are they have no respect well if you walk up to someone laugh at him and ask him if he is a boy or a girl do you expect him to smile and be polite to you i have sat and talked to many of them and al though most drop four- letter words into every sentence not one has done anything to even attempt to hurt me they are sur prisingly confidential and open toward me even as a complete stranger and one boy spent nearly 2 hours telling me that his father used to beat him up and he had never loved anyone in his life i had never met him before villager boys might ex ploit young girls financial ly and sexually true but so would any other boys who are given as much opportunity as they are and almost anyone will try to take advantage of some one else if he is given the chance last i would like to tell teenagers that the village is a wonderful place and if you have the least bit of common sense you dont need a bodyguard to visit it i am not saying that you wont get into trouble i am saying that you dont have to and as to your al titude toward villagers i think it all depends on how you approach them their friendship is quickly won and lasts long go ahead talk to them they are not animals and they wont bite you respectfully yours krissie noone age 15 markham rotary club presents the third travelogue colour film wonderful world of california personally narrated by lcroy crooks monday feb 20th s pm markham high school adults im students v children under 12 free tickets at door or at fred cooke real estate ltd m main street markham 2912990 for office supplies jts the tribune editors mail editorial no typical student comment welcomed teenagers iv y i s sl xx 1 u t t- vfe ixmixx wx zxzzxx v h feb 6 1967 dear sir i am a 15 year old grade 11 student of stouffville district high school i par ticipated in grade 9 on the track and field team vol unteered and worked on the centennial committee have had an average be tween 67 and 70 percent have had only one deten tion and have never been late for classes why then- am i not a typical teen ager you have taken it upon yourself to make these choices but you have never attended school with them you know nothing of their habits except from your interviews i know of several teen agers who are very much like myself with the excep tion they have higher marks i dont feel that it is fair for you to choose actually there is no such thing as a typical teenager since everyone is different i disagree that you a stranger should select from our midst the pick of the week while wc who know the students have no say i appreciate the oppor tunity of allowing me to express my views sincerely darleen mclean stouffville rr2 editors note the editor of high news is well aware that we will be only too pleased to consider any names that his staff wishes to recommend there are still twenty weeks to go and we hope to cover at crosssection of teenagers like during this per- by dieter schxeix in addition to providing members of the stoufi- ville district high school newspaper staff with an opportunity to report on events pertaining to school activities the youth section of the tribune is a media through which the students as individuals can express themselves via comments editorials suggestions and opinions articles may concern the school the commu nity or general teen topics however it seems that manv of the same students are expressing their opinions each week with an enrollment of more than 500 the repre sentation is far from good students should take advantage of the facilities provided and give some thought to activities of interest going on around them the youth section is placed in the hall each week lor the purpose of promoting inter est and your comments would be appreciated it is also hoped that you will give your full co operation to the weekly feature portrait of a typical teenager it serves to acquaint the public with students who may not continually share the spotlight of attention common to oliicis the students are selected without prejudice and the series in my opinion is most inter esting and acceptable on thursday nig pick posture queen at valentine dance least a typical yourself iod eighteen year old bonnie oneill grade 13 student at stouffville district high school staff photo school ski club portrait of a teenager stouffville theres a sprinkling of several nationalities within the student body of stouffville district high school certainly none is more char acteristic of old ireland than pretty blonde blueeyed bonnie oneill 18 of grade 13 shes the tribunes pick this week in the current series portrait of a typical teenager bonnie is not irish born but her family heritage goes back to the land of the shamrock a fact that she points to with pride she hopes to visit the coun try some day from markham bonnie admits that until she was 11 she had done nothing too spectacular except move from toronto to markham to stouffville what was markhams loss was stouffvilles gain she became a member at the community swimming pool and earned her red cross badge she joined the figure skating club and was active in that organization for five years she now belongs to the school glee club and performed in the operetta bonnies father was without doubt one of the finest softball pitchers ever in this area but she can recall little of papa oneills prowess on the diamond i can just remember sitting on someones knee in the ball park but thats all has she ever played the game bonnie shook her head and held up two slightly bent fingers thats what happened to me she said like most teenage girls bonnie likes to dance but due to an afterschool job on friday evenings she finds it difficult to arrive back in time shes the friendly waitress in houstons cof fee shoppe a position she will retain during the summer vacation period teach up north bigcity life holds no attraction for bonnie she plans to attend teachers college and acquire a school in northern ontario she is a member of christ church anglican in stouffville and attends the hic of the united church during the past few years bonnie has enjoyed the penpal company of eight friends in countries ircluding korea nigeria south africa ireland and france also british columbia and nw brunswick three of them correspond regularly yes theres a wee bit o ireland in grade 13 this year shes a blueeyed colleen named bonnie oneill and the school is just a wee bit better by her presence stouffville the ski club has been in oper ation for four years this years executive has jim clubine as president jo anne stewart secretary and bob allen treasurer there are approximately 30 members in the club although at the last meet ing only six attended thus far three ski trips were held and athletes braved cold weather and potential broken bones to travel by bus to mt st louis talisman and honeypot the greatest problem has been that of finance one of the reasons why a planned trip to col- lingwood was cancelled at u pi mu is one of the more prom inent groups in the school and we wish it continuing success in the future stouffville stouff ville district high school will select its 1967 posture queenat the annual valen tine dance to be held in the auditorium thursday february 16 the winner will receive the coveted posture oscar presented by stouffville chiropractor jerome de- laurier last years queen was grade 9 student jane thomas runnersup were ruth parsons and sharon sinclair the mod theme will be featured and the auditor ium will be decorated to provide this impression with accompanying coffee house alan lee is the chairman of this commit tee a muchpublicized rhy thm and blues group the tripp will provide the music last year the attend ance at this dance was small an improved turn out is hoped for on friday it will be one of the last important social functions prior to easter examin ations margaret aida stouffville marg aret aida former student of stouffville district high school was chosen miss chemical engineering at the university of toronto jan 27 she then advanc ed to the finals for miss engineering and placed second the contest was part of the engineering at home dance held feb 3 in the royal york hotel toronto margaret is the daughter of mr and mrs tat aida hawthorne ave- governmenl municipal and corporation bonds preferred and common shares inquiries invited russell beare 261 main street markham telephone 2941523 suhagctti of wood gundy securities limited winter clearance dont miss it loads of fun coming soon old timers skating parfy at the stouffville arena sat feb 18th 830 pm to 1030 pm music by east york concert band spot prizes adults only adm 75c each sponsored by stoultvlile onlennui sports comni continues 20 to save now on finest footwear for the family examples ladies curling boots rr 1 1 01 two styl 788 088 699 lehmans shoes 9 main west stouffville 6403753 mens insul boots reg 995 i