all the news whitchurch j uxbridge markham i pickering of all 4 townships um largest weekly markham stouffvilie uxbridge 1 in the district vol 78 no 37 stoufnollemarkhamuxbridge oxt thurs february 9 1967 10 cents council holds ace but firemen trump town euchre club stouffville stouffvilie council held an ace up its sleeve thursday night but declined to play it instead they were trumped by the town fire brigade who turned down a request for use of the fireball instruction room as an afternoon meeting place for the mens midw inter euchre club their present location in the old firchall will have to be abandoned when work begins on the demolition of the structure to make way for the civic square stouffvillcs centennial project council members expressed disappoint ment over the brigades decision but declined to force the issue it was agreed to seek accommo dation elsewhere and failing that another meeting would be held with the firemen in an effort to resolve the problem im disappointed commented reeve ken laushway our senior citizens could have used it for two months very few valid reasons were presented for not allowing it mr laushway noted that since 1960 an estimated 75000 had been spent on improved firefighting facilities im sorry that they the firemen have forgot ten all this so quickly they dont want to forget that its the municipality that owns the fire- hall deputyreeve bill parsons termed the decision a defiance of council councillor bob lewis suggested that one of the town organizations be approached rather than force the men into a place where they arc not wanted why should we go around the town beg ging for space when accommodation is avail able asked the deputyreeve it comes down to a matter of principle this is council proper ty over which we as elected representatives have control councillor jim mckcllar agreed that they should look elsewhere im afraid the atmos phere would be a little frosty for the men under present condition on a recorded vote re quested by the reeve the decision was unani mous apartment rejected j stouffville the ontario municipal board has turned clown an appli cation for a change in zon ing on main street east that would permit the erection of an apartment house in stouffvilie the decision was revcal- stouffville eight car old keith aclon burk- loldcr street stouffvilie et a provincial specd- ikatirig record in the ban- am class of open competi- ion at ottawa saturday ie topped five other en- lies in the openair finals le received two wall pla- lucs a trophy and a cen- cnnial medallion kevin acton 13 now massed as a juvenile ilaccd third in spite of a ladly sprained ankle mr and mrs gerald cton attended the compc- ition and betty the boys cd at a meeting of council feb 2 at the same time the board agreed to a zon ing change that would al low the erection of homes in the chiovettc subdivi sion west of wcstlawn crescent two persons ex pressed opposition to the apartment during the hearing held nov 29 no one was opposed to the zoning change in the area of the parkview senior citizens home we batted 500 com mented reeve ken laush way mother finished 4th in her lass solo entries stouffville two stouffvilie girls arc en tries in the vocal solo class of the kiwanis music fest ival in toronto that opens february 1 1 elaine borland 12 a grade s pupil at summit- view school and donna wright 16 a grade 10 stu dent at stouffvilie district high school will appear at eaton auditorium next week both arc pupils of mrs peggy clark mark ham in pickering omb approves new boundaries j pickering the ontario municipal board as given its approval to nanges in the boundary nes of wards in the township of pickering as bnetioned in 1966 by n plit otc of council i the decision was hand- l down on monday by pairman f g blake foi ling a hearing that cv fnded into its second day the chairman said he pnsidercd the boundary hanges as reasonable for xc present but they could sain be altered as popu lation growth continued he viewed the alternatives as no improvement over what had been offered and passed by council the new ward boundary bylaw will not become ef fective until jan i i96s but municipal elections in december 1967 will be governed by the new boundary lines approved the police village of clarcmont will no longer retain that status and the trustee board will be dis solved prayer service splits churches i build on 1 or build up s 4 button v1lle ex- pansion plans at the site of the markham township municipal building are still up in the air according to comments made by two members monday deputy reeve sidney gadsby and councillor charles hoover suggested that it might be more economical to erect a new structure rather than put an addition on the old one both said they had vistcd the new municipal offices in pickering township plans for an addition have already been sub mitted by an architect but council will withhold final approval pending further discussion on the matter meeting at st james to include catholics stouffvilli- a world day of prayer service purposely intended to unite denomina tions around the globe has created a split between six of the churches in stoultville now instead of one service in one church there will two services in two churches both at the same time and on the same day friday feb 10 according to reports the now that its no longer a secret there are some days when nothing seems to go right for six year old jimmy cadieux of stouffvilie saturday was one of those days just when he had his prevalentine gift all picked out who should come strolling into the store but his closest friend 6 year old jackie hassard alls fair in love and war they both agree so why wait and besides those chocolates look mighty templing staff photo to raise 35000 plan aug 1 start on um church seek industry for markham stouffville a target date of august 1 has been set for work to be gin on a new church for the united missionary congregation of stouff vilie a meeting was held feb 1 to discuss recom mendations related to the building of the sanctuary it was agreed that a minimum of s35000 be raised in outright cash gifts before the project is started the remainder of the amount required will be obtained by means of a bond issue a building committee headed by chairman reg stouffcr was appointed and they will report back to the congregation on recommended plans and costs committee members include george timbers earle honsbcrger carl rccsor lambert stoufter stewart vvidcman ruth herbert bert stouffcr and bob stover punctured by pellets musselmans lake kenneth wayne cowic rr 3 stouffvilie was punctured by thirty shot gun pellets following a family argument christ mas eve near mussclmans lake larry walter cowie 24 of stouffvilie rr 2 charg ed by whitchurch town ship police with attempt ed murder and wounding was committed for trial by magistrate russell pcarsc on tuesday the case will be heard in ont ario supreme court the injured brother was hit in the arm and shoulder he was confined to hospital for 24 hours a shotgun and a 22 calibre rifle were later seized buttonville a livemember industrial advisory committee has been appointed in mark ham township in an ef fort to promote industrial buildup within the muni cipality at the present time res idential development far outweighs new commer cial and industrial assess ment named to the committee at a meeting monday were edward fritz president of steelcase company limited george rodanz of ringwood farms and director of royal winter fair law- son mumberson former markham acputyreeve and council representa tives reeve stewart rum ble deputyreeve sidney gadsby and alan sumner councillor boy hit stouffville a 4 year old harold street boy suffered head and face injuries feb 4 when he ran into the front corner of an eastbound car near his home michael hamilton son of mr and mrs belfry hamilton was treated by dr blair mitchell and re leased no blame was at tached to the motorist raymond piphcr ninth line north original hosts were the baptists they however elected to join forces with the united missionary and christian women and go it alone st james pres byterian the next host in line agreed to cany on and will share their serv ice with the united ro man catholic and angli cans reasons for the split arc shrouded in secrecy and mixed with disappoint ment and confusion most unfortunate i feel very badly about it said mrs alan powell president of the presbyter ian womens missionary society she said she had nccejved a letter more than a month ago but no rea sons were given for the decision its most unfor tunate mrs neil smith head of the united church women said that the bap tist united missionary and christian churches appeared to favor a more evangelical type of service all over the world the trend is to bring denomi nations closer together while here in stouffvilie robin chirps at 20 below stouffville a robin made a rather ill- fated return trip to stouffvilie on the weekend and was caught in the midst of the seasons severest cold snap the bird was seen by several residents on baker avenue monday including eldon fretz main street east thermometer readings dipped to 17 degrees be low a rather chilly re ception to a feathered friend lemonville farmer loses court appeab vandorf a lemon ville resident who claimed that his property on the 7 concession whitchurch township constituted a farm had his assessment appeal dismissed by coun ty court judge l m ball at a hearing held at van- dorf feb 1 reginald and margaret fairbanks currently on vacation in florida could not be present and a re quest for an adjourn- skating party stouffville a live band and spot prizes will feature a centennial old timers skating party in the stouffvilie arena on saturday feb 18 the event is part of stouffvillcs yearlong ccn- 1 e n n i a 1 program the sports committlce chair man is keith sutherland skating for adults only will begin at 830 pm frank j ryfa town businessman stricken suddenly stouffville the operator of stouffvilles east end groceteria for the past six years mr frank j ryfa passed away suddenly on sunday at his home he was 51 born in roblin manito ba he came to stoultville in 1961 and took over the small store on main street east he turned it into a nourishing business for a period of 16 years he was employed as plant foreman for the mcdou- gall paint company in toronto mr ryfa was identified with christ anglican church in stouffvilie and was a member of the ment submitted by their solicitor william bailey was refused value placed on the fair banks home was set at 35000 with 45000 on ac cessory buildings the as sessor stated that if the property was considered a farm it would mean a 265 reduction on the land and about 2000 on the buildings he said that no livestock was kept and only one field was under cultivation mr bailey submitted a statement of operations for 1965 that revealed a deficit judge ball concluded that the appellant had an income from another source and the loss was possibly charged against that return as permitted under the act he said that in his opin ion the assessment was fair we are destroying what little has been accomplish ed she said that for the first time an invitation had been extended to the catholic womens league and they had expressed delight in joining in im very disappointed that its all worked out this way im completely in the dark admitted mrs da vid cuthbertson of christ church anglican it was her understanding that the service was accepted as universal we were asked to at tend and were delighted to participate said mrs jack mcdermott presi dent of the catholic wom ens league past presi dent mrs william kamps said that the parish was actually in markham but residents here were only too pleased to take part in the stouffvilie service no competition mrs garth good of the united missionary church said there was no sugges tion of competition be tween the breakaway group and the remaining organizations she declin ed to make further com ment mrs s f mccleary of the baptist church de scribed the move as a dif ficult one some just dont understand our posi tion we dont wish to cause any hard feelings there are various rea sons said mrs c t bass of the christian church its difficult to explain she said that a division was almost assured for next year and the three churches decided to make the break now rather than later we knew that many wouldnt under stand its not the people we disagree with but only the system contributions in addition to the stoultville imperial bank of commerce and the bank of nova scotia con tributions for the civic square fund will also be accepted at the stouffvilie credit union school breakins concern board stouffville fre quent breakins at the stouflvillc district high school is causing mem bers of the board some concern the building lo cated at the north end of edward street was enter ed on several occasions ist year with damage nounting to hundred of dollars the latest entry occur red jan 24 and the loss of typewriters and mechan ics tools exceeded 500 the doors to both the principals and secretarys offices were smashed preventative measures were discussed by the trustees at a meeting tuesday night stouflvillc branch of the canadian legion a special legion service was con ducted at the chapel prior to the public funeral on wednesday afternoon at two oclock the pall bear ers were walter smith fred castle del jennings jim mckcllar grant tur ner and ivan goudic in former johanna soldcrits cemetery surviving is his wife the terment was in stouffvilie and three sons frankie kenneth and johnny there was a time when the arrival of lambs was a sure sign that spring was there arc also two broth- just around the corner but not any more at least not on the farm of lloyd crs walter and ted and bryant cone 5 uxbridge township fourteen year old donna bryant finds that three sisters violet julia holding the bottle is much easier than hanging onto this frisky fellow and nettie staff photo can spring brrr be far behind wins two awards the stouffvilie tribune lias won two of the annual weekly newspaper awards for the province of ontario the tribune stood first in the overall competition in its population class rfand was also awarded first place for the best front page in general competition these awards will be presented this wcek at the annual convention of the ontario weekly newspapers association being held at the royal york hotel the best front page is a special prize given by the imperial oil co runnerstip in the various competitions will be announced during the convention