i all the news whitchurch uxbridge markham i pickering townships largest weekly markham stouffvme uxbridge i in the district aol 78 no 36 stouffvillemarkhamuxbridge ont thurs february 2 1967 10 cents start financial campaign for civic square all steamed up debate taxpayers i taxi service m pickering the use of townshipowned cars by pickering department heads as a personalized taxi service at taxpayers expense sparked heated controversy between members monday night deputyreeve jean mc- phcrson strongly protest ed a policy that would per mit employees to drive to and from work in cars owned by the munici pality she said that she had received several en quiries from people ques tioning the practice she noted too that the privil ege was often abused reeve c v laycox ar gued that it was far better to have the vehicles in private driveways than in a parking lot at the muni cipal building he recalled that on one occasion the janitor had caught three boys attempting to break into the cars id hate to come here some morning and find the tires mis sing he said councillor john wil liams charged that the honesty of six senior em ployees was being ques tioned we should place some trust in our start he contended that cars kept at employees homes could prove advantaaeous in cases of emergencies architects sketch of civic square stouffvilles centennial project a sketch of stouffvilles new civic square is portrayed here by architect alexander b leman of toronto plans call for the removal of the former fire hall leaving- the clock tower as a monumental entrance to the municipal building and the park colored con crete a reflecting pool and fountain and proper landscaping will add to the beauty of the entire area playoff action stouffville its hockey playoff time again in stouffville two of the three minor first aid course stouffville a sen ior first aid course spon sored by st john ambul ance will be held in the instruction room of the stouffville fireball begin ning monday feb 5 at 8 pm the chief instructor will be robert hood deputy- chief of markham town ship police department the course will extend over an eightweek period the registration fee is 5 but persons covered by compensation are not re quired to pay further information on the program is available from stouffville fire chief walter smith united church reports fewer members more money leaves trail of evidence omb hearings pickering the controversial ward bound ary bylaw in the township of pickering will begin its second day of hearings in the municipal chambers monday feb 6 at 10 am officials called for an ad journment at the first sit ting when it was evident that all witnesses could not be heard two municipal board hearings arc also sched uled for vandorf in whit church township on feb 9 and feb 16 the second date concerns an appeal application by lawrence hcncssey of gormlcy rr 1 stouffville al- following the business though actual membership session conducted by vur figures ini the- stouffville united church showed a decrease in 1966 contribu tions were up by 25 per cent the annual meeting was told jan 24 bert taylor the treas urer attributed the in crease in givings to the successful stewardship program conducted during january of last year there was also an increase of more than 1100 through the missionary and main tenance fund of the church a membership of 387 was recorded by the ses sion and although down from 1965 it indicates a more realistic figure of persons who are active within the congregation rev alan borland liam duxbury the pastor rev a lborland divided the members into discus sion groups several re commendations were sub mitted including sugges tions related to centennial year a budget of 27000 for local expenses was approv ed including a payment of 2500 towards the cost of a new furnace elected to the session were mrs alma johnson lome boadway and doug las widdifield reelected were roy dowswell and bert taylor all for five year terms new members on the committee of stew ards are stanley schmidt percy schell donald brown and murray painter their terms of office run ning for four years vandorf a 17 year old whitchurch township youth left a i -trail- of -evi- dence that led police right to his home dec 21 after an alleged breakin at the york county archery club near ballantrae according to testimony in magistrates court newmarket corporal don ald hillock and constable carl hawthorne followed david putman of cedar valley through visible footprints left in the snow he pleadedguilty-to- the theft of 14 bottles of beer from the clubhouse and was remanded to the don jail for sentence feb 13 putman admitted that he committed the offense after a quarrel with his parents allstar teams will see ac tion thursday evening tonight port perry will be the visitors in both contests against the pce- wees at 630 pm and against the midgets at 9 on monday stouffville midgets downed port per ry 42 in the scries opener the junior clippers are engaged in a best 4 out of 7 playoff round with woodville with the third game- on stouffville ice next tuesday they took the opener 32 stouffville juveniles winners of their set with markham now meet ux bridge they play at ux bridge friday and in stouffville monday night brother- sister board chairman stouffville mr gordon ratcliff has been named chairman of the stouffville district high school board for 1967 mr merlyn baker who has held the post for sev eral terms has accepted the position of vice chair man to remove buildings stouffville major area renovations planned for stouffville within the next three months will re quire the removal of the old firehall building on main street and two houses on park drive south tendered prices arc now susan nigh crothers at gardens markham both bill crothers and susan nigh of markham arc among the many fine athletes who will compete in the tele gram maple leaf centen nial games in maple leaf gardens feb 24 the events begin at 8 oclock crothers holds records in both the 600 and 1000 yards susan nigh placed fourth in the high jump at jhe british empire games jnothcr headliner will bcxkipchoge kcino of ken ya nnd vancouvers harry jerome mrs selena hoover town resident for 64 years being called for both jobs demolition of the for mer firehall is to begin not later than march 15 the houses must be taken from the property be tween april 1 and may 15 the old firehall struc ture also includes the present offices of the po lice department the clock tower will remain this area will become the site of stouffvilles new civic square on park drive south the roadway will be widened from main street to the arena parking lot best speakers markham winning public speaking contests has become a family affair for lynne and michael barrack pupils at st pat ricks separate school in markham they were selected the top boy and girl entries in competition held at st josephs separate school markham sunday after noon lynne was also a first prize winner last year second place positions went to tish johnson of st patricks and michael mccarthy of st marks stouffville other entries from st marks included carl insley debbie foulds robert danielis ken steckiey and gaye gibson from st patricks competitors were ange lica dcmaria catherine fcathcrstone peggy hint- on mary catharine mac- grcgor and robert shan- no stouffville serv ice will be held on thurs day afternoon today for mrs selena lena hoo ver of stouffville who pas sed away on tuesday in the bricrbush hospital a resident here for the past 64 years she had been in declining health since suffering a broken hip in a fall one year ago she was 6 mrs hoover was born near altona in uxbridge township the daughter of joseph millard and sarah monkhousc in 1903 she was married to ludwig hoover who predeceased her may 17 1954 she was a member of the markham chapter order of the eastern star surviving is one son lloyd and one daughter edna both of stouffville there are two grandchil dren vernon hoover of barric and mrs george underwood of markham also two great grandchil dren rev arthur walsh of stouffville united mission ary church will conduct the service from the o neill funeral home at 230 pm with i n t c rm c n t stouffville cemetery the pall bearers arc william wallace arthur forsyth harry lintncr charles lintncr grant turner and reg mowdcr dream house a nightmare button vi lle a 38 year old markham town ship woman is so disgust ed with the faulty con struction of their 42000 ranchstyled bungalow that she has erected two large signs on the lawn that read our dream home a disgrace did the signs bring re sults and how they landed mrs anne zcldcn in richmond hill court friday charged with con travening a township land use blaw she was con victed anj required to sign a 100 bond to keep the peace for a period of six months although her solicitor promised the court that the signs would be remov ed mrs zeldcn is deter mined to leave them there she listed a number of things that were faulty in the house although plans that cos her 300 had been supplied to the builder to make the re quired changes would cost an estimated 3900 wins 1000 stouffville councillor and kin member bob icwis had every reason to smile through his centennial beard friday night he was the winner of the clubs kinvcstment draw at a dance in the legion hall the end result of his good fortune is revealed on page 3 staff photo fundraising committee must collect 15000 stouffville a campaign has been launched this week to raise 15000 by public sub scription for stouftvillcs civic square centennial project the overall estimate for the entire project is 25000 the balance of 10000 will be provided by the federal and provincial governments and the town council a special subcommittee of the stouftvillc centennial committee will be in charge of the fundraising campaign heading this group will be h r button with ross giles vice chairman it is the intention of these civicminded citizens who are giving of their time and energy to stouffvilles centennial celebration to make the civic square a community project numbers of residents have already expressed a desire to share in this work and arc prepared to make their financial contribution erect thermometer a large thermometer will be erected in front of the municipal building to indicate the strength of the campaign as it proceeds every citizen in stouffville is being invited to contribute and doz ens of former residents now- living elsewhere are being contacted for a contribution to the home towns centennial project in actual figures a contribution of 15 from each household in stouffville would cover the objective many arc expected to give considerably more than this depending on their means and it is sincerely hoped that former residents will also want to share in the enterprise contributions will be received by mafl or in person at the two stouffville bank branches can adian imperial bank of commerce or bank of nova scotia cheques should be made payable to the civic square fund the committee in charge is comprised of h r button ross giles c fl nolan glenn ratcliff ccc hendricks ken wagg and lome boadwav to call tenders the civic square project will include the removal of the old firehall a new modern base for the clock tower the rcfacing of the municipal building the complete color paving and land scaping of the entire civic street area to include a fountain and reflecting pool architect alexander b leman who in 1959 designed the alterations of the present municipal offices is now preparing working drawings for the square he expects that council will be in a posi tion to call for tenders later this month with the completion of work well in time for the july 1 centennial celebration shelve sr school plan unionville an earlier proposal that fav ored the building of a new senior public school in markham township area 2 and turn the present parkview structure into a junior school has now been shelved by the board thc trustees at a com mittee meeting jan 17 decided that it would be unwise to embark on such a project with administra tion changes pending throughout the county it was agreed that some additional accommodation would be required for jun ior grades but a definite decision would have to wait on more uptodate figures from the planning director on proposed new subdivisions in the area editors mail death of a dog jan 31 1967 dear sir as a servant of the people no municipal by law forbids me the use of a firearm for my own protection contrary to a statement in the trib une issue of jan 26 i should also like to inform one writer in your paper that my loss is far from being com pensated and if it was the dog in question would likely have been ordered shot if all livestock claims arc covered by dog tax then the control of such animals is unnec essary and only the licence fee is important i am not denying the fact that the dog was a valuable one but the owners loss compared to mine is small i feel that the owners of stray dogs should be warned but dogs that destroy others proper ty must be shot my actions were in keeping with the laws of the land and any other dog looking for a bite for breakfast at my expense will go over the falls with the barrel sincerely harvey spang clarcmont rr 3 jgh i asebszsawm aammams