message from pm m rally cod mi rv on frmai the trihm hwty october 77 j966 p 3 st mr and mrs roy carter windridjte drive markham aar and mrs roy carter 50th wedding anniversary markham on octo ber 25 1916 mr and mis 3oy carter then of green river left the brides home by horse and buggy and took ihc train from locust hill for a honey moon trip to toronto that was fifty years aso i on october 25 1966 mr and mrs roy carter now of 37 windridge drive markham were hosts to close friends former neighbours and family rel atives on ihc occasion of their golden wedding an niversary j bokn at auoley mr carter was born al audley in pickering town ship one of six in the fam ily of benjamin carter and mary thornton his par ents moved to cherrywood and later to green river following the sale of his farm on the south side of ivo 7 highway mr carter built his own home across ihe road mr and mrs car ter moved to markham village in march eighl months ago mrs carter the former lanet malcolm was born al box grove in markham township the daughter of archibald malcolm and sa rah jane daniels at an early age she moved with her parents to cedar grove and then to green river where she attended public school met at farewell what was a farewell ga thering for one person re sulted in a meeting for two for it was at a commu nity gathering for mr fd lehman green river school teacher that roy carter and janet malcolm met mr carter recalls pedalling to ihe school- house on his bicycle he cant remember if he es corted his wifetobe home on foot or on the crossbar regardless of the mode of transportation both were obviously impressed with each other they have kept one another company for over half a centurv rev mcclelland of st johns church brougham conducted the wedding ceremony and the happy couple left on a combina tion honeymoon and shop ping trip to toronto we bought an 8day clock at eatons and its still run ning said mr carter the church has played an important part in both heir lives prior lo her marriage mrs carter played the organ at si johns brougham later they both attended at whitevale united where mr carter has served as elder for many years a beautiful mantel clock hangs over their living room fireplace displaying the congregations appre ciation of their service mr carter was a member of the green river school board for thirty years and held the office of secretary treasurer he belongs to both the oddfellows iodge and ihe rcbekah 1odge at brougham mrs carter is a member of the markham rebekahs first gas tractor mr carter operated a threshing machine for more than 30 years taking in farms from lake onta rio lo claremonl in a sin gle season he threshed at 146 farms and filled 96 si los he purchased the first gas tractor in the district a 2cylinder titan the old steam fellows laughed at me but it wasnt long before i had more calls than i could handle one of the drawbacks to gas- powered tractors in those days was the lack of anti freeze and the water had to be drained from the ta- diators every night and re filled every morning he said that it wasnt unusual lo barn thresh after christ mas his rate was 200 an when i comes to compacts nobody beats valiant for value drop in anrl vr hip exeftiwy new vnliani for fi7 at lord pajje motors now its a crral car nllinmt n really groat value gord or karl will lw only too pleased to tell you all about valiant for fi i 1965 falcon a smart compart finished in white with lovely bronze interior fi cylinder en- cine standard transmission and transis torized radio white walls too i uu ii723300 c13qc with a r j face guarantee 1964 chevrolet impaia 2door hardtop finished in glistening black with red interior has standard shift v8 engine radio white walls and wheel disks a great buy lir h52bs4 with a page guarantee 1795 1963 rambler packs an economical fi cylinder engim automatic transmission radio and white walls tdnor sedan finished in white lir tnrf j s j pae guarantee 1962 triumph tr a ilea a snazzy sports auto with on hefloor shift rod with black lop lie 871527 with a page guarantee 695 1962 mercury jiontekey ldoor solan finish in glistening black with ennlrasliiur rm interior complete with automatic iransnifsmon vs encine radio white walls am wheel disk lie hidififi mih a tase warranty 1195 1961 comet station wagon ldnor with auln- niatlc transmission 6 cylinder engine and radio completely reconditioned black with red and white interior ilc 26337x with a pace warranty 995 asis specials itlfin 1010 k moor vdan fi yhnder encinp standard trans- 5495 lksion lilt- with matching in- lerior lir 15i1j asls 13st volkswagen dark lihir 45 complete with radio lic 33135e avh am used cars from iflhtl up sold at miccestcd price have the exclusive paige tower train warranty nwv on park and labour for 30 days gordon page motors ltd chrysler belvedere plymouth fury m039m or 6102021 barracuda valiant 135 main v stoiirtvtlln lkmonville grant wells ontario plowing champion was the proud recipient of a leiier vl congratulations from prime minister l b pear son this week ladies from fifteen churches have been incited to attend the ucw fall rally thursday at 8 pm t lcmonville church ma jor thelma worthylake n the salvation army prison and police court is the speaker dr and mrs s crouch entertained the quintette to luncheon on monday mr and mrs r gibbins mrs j gibbins peter and mr and mrs g wells were guests at the dudley gibbin wedding at st marks anglican church toronto saturday hour and later went ur to 5250 mr carter is a skilled wood craftsman and built up an excellent trade in lawn ornaments while liv ing at green paver sam ples of his handiwork may be seen all across the pro vince at the carters brick bungalow in mark ham his carpentry skill is also very much in evi dence eight ix family mr and mrs carter are the proud parents of four sons fred of whitevale ross lorne and malcolm of markham and four daughters mildred mrs leonard barrett of brou gham mary mrs alfred j calberti of green river l hazel mrs robert barna- j by of cornwall and cr mrs herbert hornshaw of j markham they have 17 j grandchildren mr carter has one bro- j iher ralph in markham and a sister mrs albert gray of brougham mrs carter has two sisters mrs mary milne and mrs ethel hood both of green river and lour brothers howard of brougham grant in gall frank of dunbarton and gordon in markham the anniversary couple were the recipients of ma ny lovely cards and beauti ful gifts in addition they received telegrams of con gratulations from prime minister l b pearson and john addison mp york north mrs s blackwell left by- air tuesday for a visit with relatives in germany mrs a cormack and mr john macateer of agin- eourt were among the euc hre players wednesday evening mrs b burton and mr j rae were win ners saturday nov 5 is the date of the next cub re fundable bottle drive mr and mrs johnson have moved into the for mer hunter home the hunters arrived safely and are now settled into their new home in victoria bc mrs w koster and mrs 1 xauta sang for the dicksons hill wms tuesday evening bobbie richards robbie pettigrcw and ernie schr- oeder were invested as cubs recently mr and mrs a john stone of mongolia and mrs hoffman visiting in canada but from essen germany were monday visitors with mr and mrs h hirsch mrs g hambly has now returned home from a trip to england have you ever wanted o attend an oldfashioned box lunch social well theres one coming up on nov 18 sponsored by the stewards of lemonville church gormley on friday october 2 dr n lysan- der of india now doing postgraduate work in columbia university will speak in a missionary tal ly at gormley united mis sionary church at eight oclock while attending medical school in calcutta dr ls- andcr became interested in the christian faith through hearing a gospel message from rev a rces former um pastor at markham he later united with the united mission ary church in calcutta a graduate of the ameri can university in beirut the doctor received his degree in hospital admin istration and then return ed to the umri free meth odist hospital as chief of the medical staff follow ing further work in hospi tal administration at co lumbia he will return to india next june for sale 1983 mercury mion jj ton rick lip truck complete with radio low inueace just completely overhauled you must see this one lir mooib call jc at chas cooper ltd claremnnt ri92iu open evenings st andrews united church markham extends an invitation lo the public to attend the special anniversary rally service to be held in the church on sunday evening october 30th at 800 pm guest speaker the reverend harry denning of st james bond united church in toronto the service will featurft old hymns of the gospel under the leadership of the st andrews choir st andrews united church markham minister rev albion it wrljrhl director of christian ediiratlon miss marsarel smith organist choir director peggie clark from inglis for mom a new inglis citation dishwasher there is nothing mnlhir would appreciate more than a way of setting rid of dish pan hands inch has the answer her with this beautiful and prar- tical automatic hlslivvasher i the lnll citation portable dishwasher has z full size revolving prav arms with a washing nrtinn rapacity for 17 table settings including serving dishesj and your dishes come inn sparkling clean ask k0r a free home demonstra tion no special plumbing required 279 convenient christmas layaway plan now available remember only v vhoppln days till christmas hendricks hardware electric 2 main wcsl slouftville 6403622 j d ranch island lake horses boarded in 5 box stall rates per month winter rates commencing dec 1st 19k6 summer rates for complete information call 00 per month 1a00 per mouth 6401391 notice re gray minin many residents of this orea ore concerned about the spreading and increasingly large scale of gravel mining which is taking place in this region these operations create traffic hazard heovily loaded gravel trucks pass some points at intervals of a minute or even less this creates a great hazard to other drivers and to all pedestrians children etc especially is this true on the sideroads which are not designed for this sort of traffic and are heavily damaged by it as well destroy land gravel mining destroys the land and devalues nearby homes their indiscriminate spread is blight ing some of the most beautiful and potentially valu able land in ontario that the land is valuable apart from gravel is evidenced by its increase in price over the past 15 years from as little as ten dollars an acre to as much as 500 an acre and more with the projected growth of the toronto metro region to 7 million population by 1980 the rapid increase in land values might be expected to continue as more and more people and industries move into the region this population increase and new home construction would provide permanent increase in tax revenues but a prospective new home owner would think twice before investing his savings in a property that might be ruined by a gravel operation starting up in the neighborhood nuisance full scale gravel operations create tremendous amounts of noise dust and confusion many operate from daybreak until late at night destroying the peace of mind and security of nearby residents bring no economic benefit apart from any direct dollar gains to their owners who generally live elsewhere gravel mining brings no net economic benefit to the communities where they operate tax income is negligible by destroying the land the base for future tax revenue is likewise de stroyed with a near full employment labour market the truck drivers and machine operators could doubtless secure employment elsewhere many communities in canada and the united states are now realizing that the reckless exploitation of the past must be halted if we are not to completely ruin our land resources it is infinitely more costly to correct these abuses after they have happened than it would have been to control them in the first place this being a free and democratic country if you believe some measure of planning and control should be exercised over gravel mining in this region please write to the undersigned as a first step toward united action c t muirhead ratepayer rr 1 claremont onh