Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 6, 1966, p. 2

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ttjt 7 the nasuhe ihursdj otiahet 6 1966 the gullible public never again do uc want to hear any one complain about the price of a ten cent newspaper a fifteen cent cup of coffee or a iwcniyseveri cent quart of milk not after limiting one booth at markham fair on saturday the super salesman for a firm he called nalional distributors fasttalk ed his audience into spending hundreds of hardearned dollars in a matter of minutes were not suggesting that there was am thing illegal about his business the man merely sold himself and the rest came as easy as if he had personally picked the peoples pockets one man paid 100 for an electric sewing machine that we later learned would wholesale for 531 another lads- paid cash for a caning set and didnt even ask to see the merchandise he sold electric shavers 15 by the doz ens the most ridiculous part of the whole program came when he request ed donations of 100 sixteen people handed him 16 and he tucked it in his coat im going to give it to my favour ite charity and since charity begins at home thats just where its going home he said and everybody laughed he then handed each of the donors a ballpoint pen to round out his routine he produc ed a halfdozen boxes and without re vealing their contents called for bids of 500 each the purchaser had to promise that he wouldnt open the con tainer until after he had crawled under the bed coveis and turned out the light all seemed agreeable to the terms and the show- ended on that note a few minutes later he was back again with the same line of talk the same sort of merchandise and a similar assortment of gullible listeners it takes all kinds to make a world and ilieies a socket botii every minute farm average earning up the picture of the canadian farmer as a depressed and oppressed victim of todays economics is not borne out by the latest report of the bureau of sta tistics this report shows gross revenue to be up 1 34 in a single year in the same period expenses rose 67c the re port further reveals that contrary to the idea of the general public grain sales have not been the big factor big gest cash contributors to the increase have been hogs dairy products and others the farmer will argue that despite the fact he is getting more he started with his increases much further down the scale sv that his increases are not as great as they appear when we say the average too this is deceiving its one thing lo tell a worker that the aver age canadian wage is s0 a week and another to believe it when youre only earning 50 the need seems to be to level out the increased prosperity through all branches of farming the big wheat farmer in the west certainly isnt suf fering so the complaints come largely from l he east a reversal from a lew years ago however ihc farmer all things con sidered is obviously not as badly off as he would like fo have the rest of the country believe nor is he as welltodo as some city dwellers claim the bu reaus figures would suggest the bal ance is slightly weighted on the side of the first argument rather than the latter caii it realy be this bad from reading papers and maga zines listening to radio watching tele vision one must have a most indomita ble spirit not lo be overcome by some sense of gloom what about this world our children are going io inherit its not a pretty picture if one is to believe all he reads sees and hears therell not be enough food lo go around therell be more people than there arc places to put hem or jobs to keep them busy no pure water per haps not enough of any kind this goes for air loo no room lo drive cars or even park them our natural beauty will be gone itll be just one big jam of people commerce and bustle laws will not be respected well have world wide bickering distrust suspicion and haired little change from today on this score to cap it all there will continue lo grow that cynicism towards the exist ence of a divine being to turn to for comfort and guidance il is not a good picture at all the impulse lo end it all must be almost irresistible lor many nevertheless someone has lo try and keep these poor hungry overcrowded godless masses happy so chin up here in stoultville simple skills important in its brief lo the inlerprovincial conference on education held in mon treal last week air canada complained that it was common for high school graduates hired by the corporation to be unable to spell or to compose under standable sentences there was also criticism of a widespread inability in graduates to do simple arithmetical cal culations this of course is intolerable such simple skills should be a prerequisite of graduation from any high school worthy of its provincial grants nonetheless having looked over the communications ol a great many senior businessmen and captains of industry we cannot say that the weaknesses complained of are lim ited to high school graduates indeed universities and institutions of tertiary learning arc increasingly running clas- ses in the english language for busi nessmen unintelligible prose is by no means the production solely of the young read hansard almost any day of the week listen lo elected representatives the radio read company reports and school textbooks particularly those dealing with arithmetic there will be found some of the choicest unintclligi- bility of our age editors mail yes prices have changes september 20 1966 dear sii i subscribe lo the tele gram bin during the recent railway strike second class mail was held up as a result when ihc strike was over received 14 papers all at one time among them was a copy of the trib une dated september land i read it carefully right through i found it very interesting enclosed find ten cents in looking ocr the paper i see vou cover both the markham and uxbridgc areas this reminds me of the time when 1 lived in scarborough junction is9299 and i was the correspondent for the markham economist i think thai was the name my how thai place scarborough has grown since hose davs i can recall how three detroit real estate men who by our readers bough land from a farmer there for about 50 an acre they made a killing they ran free trains from toronto afler the place was laid out in lots ii was an inducement to build the first five who built homes within a year had the pur chase price of their lots returned my dad had a large sroom brick house a block from the station ii is still in ex cellent condition 1 visited the property lasi vear while attending the cne i had several lots purchased ai lav sales for as low as fifty cents the tax if i remember correctly was 17 a year i sold one of the properties for 200 now the area is completely built up and the sale price of land is 100 and over per foot in those days the grand trunk ran fehc fcrfliune established 1sss c h nolan puhlishcr jim thomas editor noel edey advertising 1 thanksgiving for whom sugar and spice jlng hair yummy by bill smiley what do you think of iong hair on boys i imagine your answer will de pend on your age and sex if youre a 13yearold girl youll probably roll your eyes toward heaven and ejaculate yummy or some thing of the soil if youre a male junior executive in the late twenties youll probably sneer revolting while secretly wishing you were 10 years younger and could have a go at il yourself if youre a young swinger lateteens earlytwenties your reaction is probab ly the greatest this group female are fadfollowers fifteen years ago they wouldnt even look at anybody who didnt have a crew cut males whose forties arc fading along with their own hair will probably grum ble what they need is a year in the army females of the same vintage are a suburban train several times a day from little york now known as east toronto the population then was about 1000 my irain lickct for an en tire year was s1560 unlil 1 was is then 3120 i could ride as often as i wished just showed ray ticket i frequently made two round trips per day three who qualified for a rebate on ihc pur chase price were mr trinnell his brick house is still there and a mr new- lands house still there too my falher sold his house for about 1500 and i think a recent buver paid over si 1000 for it donald george stephenson reeve of scarborough for many years lived at i he junction about where lite everest store is now located the station was burned down about three years ago many is the hour that 1 have sat there waiting for the montreal express when it was late t had my holel reservations made to allcnd the cne this year but at the last moment i had to cancel them due to an accident i first attended the ex hibition in 1882 the toronto telegram sponsored a dinner for me at the royal york at which the premier and the mayor and the general manager of the cne were present i received a lifc- lime pass the first and only one ever issued i have been told that have the longest attendance record of anyone at the exhibition i have also been taking the telegram since 1880 and still re ceive it daily i am ihc longest and old est subscriber they have back in ihc 80s it was a single sheet of 4 pages i i sold for i cent i made a nickel for every dozen that i sold a nail for tune for a six year old in those days for 4 years 1s891904 i lived in a sixroom brick house i could have pur chased it for si 000 on my terms my rent was 10 per month it was then only two minutes walk from yonge street when down two years ago to see the same house then rent was 135 per month and the price paid by ihe present owner was si3000 please par don ibis lenglhly epistle i only wished lo tell you that 1 received a copy of your paper a gowler age 91 yates hotel victoria bc dear editor your newspaper is to be congratulat ed on ihc excellent coverage given his tory in action day in brougham held on sept 17 both before and after the event even- picture was enjoved not onlv because of its fine photographic quali ty but because of iis locai interest the though expressed in your arti cle of a bond established between the north and south pans of pickering township by this event was appreciat ed by the museum board for is in deed true that many assisted from ihe south pari of ihc township and from oiher adjaceni municipalities as well as from the norlh elsa storry secretary pickering township museum board quile likely to coo its sorta cule real ly as long as their own young male is cleancut and beardless if youre over 50 vou probably look with mild amusement or mild disgust on the current crops of sheepdogs male you know it doesnt amount to much you remember the hatchested flapper the rumble seal the coonskin coat and a lot of olher ilems that ap palled the oldies of ihe era personally i dont agree with any of the above reactions except ihe last one though i havent yet reached that age group or that line plain of tolerance to go back over them long hair is seldom yummy and it is seldom revolt ing though it can be it is not the great est greatest anything a year in the army solves nothing and all sorts of things are sorta cute monkeys baby alligators infant pigs but lets gel down lo the principals and ihe principles in this worldshaking debalc many highschool principals re ad jus like ihe 13yearold girls above they roll heir eyes lo heaven when the subject of long hair comes up bui they dont cjacultc yummy at least that isnt what it sounds like creep up behind a principal and say even quietly haircuts 1 guarantee hell jump a fool and a half and turn on you with a decided lie below his left eyeball a principal confronted by a few shaggics feels exactly like an inspecting brigadier in the army who arrives at c platoon and finds that six of the bodies stiffly at attention are wearing white sneakers instead of spit n spolish black boots and what about the principles this is what the culprits purport to defend individualism freedom of expression nonconformity you name it its all the rage these days and the muddled kids are aided and abetted by parents liberal thinkers and misguided edi tors after that comes the emotional hog- wash einstein sir john a macdonald jesus would all have to get a haircut if they went to high school today can you imagine christ in a crew cut he was a conformist in ihe things that didnt matter an individual ist in things that did sir john and einstein had other things on their minds and didnt have time to worry about haircuts but ill bet ihey didnt spend several hours a day combing and admiring their locks guess i sound like an old fumf but i know how the kids suffer when the sacrilegious scissors start their desecra tion i si ill have a psychic scar because ihe germans made me shave a magnifi cent beard in prison camp and ill nev er forget ihe wave of anguish that swept me the day t stood before a mirror and saw half of my fine handlebar fighter- pilots mouslache shaved but there was no going back you do look pretty silly in half a handlebar but lets hear your opinions on boys long hair write your editor this week next tivo top tories tangle by ray argyle the latest effort of disgruntled con servatives to force john diefenbakcr into retirement is a vivid illustration of the virtual captivity in which canadian political leaders hold heir parlies in boih the conservative and liberal parlies ihere is widespread dissatisfac tion with the present leadership the hitler confidencecrunching vendella which mr diefenbakcr and prime min ister pearson have fought over the past 10 years has disrupted parliamentary government in canada voters in mas sive numbers have become disenchant ed wilh both men yel bolh hang on they hang on he- cause there is no cflcciive machinery in eilher party lo gracefully retire a leader when his lime is done even ihc new democratic party which considers itself ihe most demo cratically organized of ihe canadian parlies merely reaffirms ihc leadership ai its annual conventions 1 1 would lake a wholesale revolt of party delegates for example to discharge tommy doug las in contrast with the american sys tem where a fresh start is made at every presidential nominating conven tion there is no natural or automatic procedure for settling ihc leadership question i canada ii is this question of system which makes doubly difficult ihe task of party president dalton camp in his campaign to ousl mr diefenbakcr as president of the pc association mr camp can do nothing more than ask ihe parlys annual mccling next month in ottawa to call for a leadership convention having done lhat a conven tion will ihcn only be called if ihe na tional executive decides this should be done to achieve even this much and there is no certainty that mr diefen bakcr would not win a leadership con vention if one wre held mr camp must lirst be reelected to his own posi tion supporters of mr diefenbakcr who are in the majorily in the caucus are already campaigning for camps ouster diefenbakcr lovalist erik nielsen of the yukon is seen as a possible candidate to oppose camp despite ihe fact camp has listed such allies as former justice minister davie fulton and other mps such as heath mcquarrle gordon aiken pa trick nowlen and thomas bell the an- tidief forces will have to chart their way through a maze of political shoals bui cracks are appearing in the diefenbakcr fortress the west win nipeg mp bud sherman and alberlas acidlongued eldon woolliams say the november mccling should deal with the leadership question bc tories have called for a secret ballol and more anli- dief sentiment has surfaced in the mari- times if camp can win reelection as parly president i is assumed he will regard i his as authorily lo call a leadership convenlion under such circumstances ihe tory naiional executive will have little choice but lo go along the difference between ihc current challenge lo diefenbaker and past un successful efforts lo remove him is thai ihe november meeting will not see any direct confronlation between parly reb els and mi diefenbakcr personally in this sense dalton camp has probably a belter chance of wearing down the diefenbakcr loyalists than previous challengers they had lo go up against the leader personally in emo tioncharged tearladen scenes in ihe parly caucus in that environment diefenbakcr remains virtually uncon querable if dalton camps strategy is there fore wellfounded the same cannot be said for his liming in many rcspecls mr diefenbakcr is now in a stronger position than at any lime since 1958 he regrouped his forces in ihe 1965 election prevented the liberals from gaining a majorily and has since bene fitted from ihe often inept performance of ihe liberal government it is still mr diefcnbakcrs cherish ed hope lo outlast lester pearson a liberal parly meeting at ottawa in october may bring into ihc open the power struggle already going on in cab- incl ranks to replace mr pearson but retirement of both leaders could still he at least a year away nilnt markham fair how to lose a son or daughter in two quick turns of the head thats markham fair how to win a isi on a pumpkin pi but last on a pumpkin thats mark ham fair how to talk a boy out of a ride on the fen is wheel when hes ked full of cotton candy thats ma m fair how lo grab an unruly pig when its greased from nose to tail thats markham fair the 1 1 lth am rural exhibition has now been written into the record books and in spite of chilly weather and a saturday afternoon shower the entire show was a tremendous success one can only louch on a few of ihe features that attracted the interest of the thousands who attended would six year old jane please meet her aunt sally ai ihe main gale that was the voice of 19 year old gem cosburn one of the busiest girls on ihe grounds in addition lo a multitude of announcements she aided in ihe ul timate recovery of 45 children who had strayed from their parents gerry along wiih marian rutherford 15 were in charge of ihe losi and found depart ment whal would a fair be like without a clown and fili ihe best in the busi ness for 40 years was there he had ihe kids and adults loo doubled up wilh laughter in real lire he is pal mahoney of borden street toronto the band concert on friday night a project promoted almost personally by waller gould attracted the largest crowd ever the markham collcgeltes carved another notch in their drum sticks when ihey lopped all competitors to win the gould trophy award they were truly al their best and had to be for the competition was extremely keen in the show horse class lleber down of brooklin continued to lead the way closer to home murray grove stoull- ville rr 1 had his belgian team on dis play together they tip the scales at over two tons the most spectacular feat of the jri- day show was the horsepulling rontesl a new fair attraction ibis year lugging a dead weight of 5200 pounds for a disi- ance of 30 feet 9 inches was a leant owned by stirling lahin of smith falls second was a pair of blacks driven by murray covven of haliburton other en tries were from belleville and little brilain crime was almost nil according lo police chief fred white no pick pockets were reported anil only one liq uor charge was laid chief white prais ed the work of he security guard and ihe cooperation of the opp the dance in the evening was a most order ly crowd a halfdozen were feeling no pain but all remaind mobile olive shadlock deserves much credit for her work in promoting the entries for 18 year olds and under it was unique this year thai a brother and sis- ler should lake championship awards nancy bell 18 and brother bob 17 of millikcn were winners tied with nan cy for is was muriel scott 17 of van- dorf a quick rundown of some of the mosl prominent prizewinners include ihe following apples john muri- son markham pears j k cowan mongolia john murison markham grapes mrs clarence hood siouff- villc j k cowan mongolia plums ivan norton goodwood polaloes ivan norton goodwood harold nor- lon clarcmont mangles harold norlon clarcmonl squash ivan norton goodwood pumpkin ken neth graham locus hill tabic squash tom shadlock millikcn stella pike locust hill sunflowers j k cowan mongolia parsnips stan feasby goodwood cabbage frank hendy clarcmonl cauliflower frank hendy clarcmonl onions richard colwrll clarcmonl stan feasby goodwood watermelon mrs gordon jones markham musk- melon r c pralel locust hill citron frank hendy clarcmonl j corn john murison markham slan feasby goodwood brussel sprouts slan feasby goodwood carrots ivan norton goodwood beets j k cowan mongolia mixed hav harry warrincr mark ham glads ivan norton good wood mrs earl cook slouffville dahlia maude feasby goodwood rubber plan mrs p best agin- courl womens institute union- ville 1st buttonvillc 2nd prominent winners in poultry were jack owen clarcmonl r h thompson markham and albert h smith richmond hill first prize ribbons for pigeons weni lo jim avery clarcmont and jim parkin son unionville rabbits donald gayman unionville guinea pigs tcrrijanc saunders slouffville pic ture in copper david norlon mark ham picture in aluminum lou lc- blanc markham oil painting ed na rcid markham baking stella pike locust hill mrs clarence hood stouffville mrs marjorie walker un ionville mary wilson markham kayc sutherland markham mrs samuel naples port perry and mrs g brown oshawa flowers mrs george starr markham maude feasby good wood mr stan clarkson gormlcv mrs d e pralct locust hill and mrs r waller markham

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