farming report by al wall men in york county last xveek and sol asked a lot of ijuesiions the mos common jne was how ions can this io on lop price for only jig of bae third price jess than 5300 deductions jor surplus levies for ad vertising marketing and so on another one was how jong will we have to wait vor increases- in base when is pooling going to tart usually followed and ne guy isked what was the jest time of year to have a there may be answers to these questions but certain ly i havent got them i on iy know that we have a marketing board to straight en out problems and that it steeds time to iron out a very complex situation milk prices arc getting lots of at tention from governments joo with efforts from these two directions im optimis tic that things will improve even if changes dont conc os fast a we want them in a tight spot its impor tant to double check to be ure that we are using ev- iry trick in he book to get jhe lowest cost production jn general i think york jpounty herds are well man- ftcd herds are well bred fed mostly on low cost home crown feed with cood milk ing and sanitation practices j however if we are really aiming at top management 2 think grain feeding war rants more attention in a jcccnt check on one of our ood herd we founu high producers getting too little grain and low producers getting too much im afraid that this is happening more oficn than we think accu racy with grain has quite an influence on profit it isnt possible to hit the right level of grain feeding without weighing and test ing milk with only about one out of every four herd in york county on test it follows that there is room for improvement in grain feeding up to now it simply hasnt been practical for many herds to test some couldnt qualify for rop and dhia has a limited mem bership we now have a third program that is wide open for everyone its cal led owner sampling and its an easy but effective way to get production levels on each cow in the herd the owner docs his own weighing and a sample is picked up by a supervisor who does thebutterfat test ing this system may appear to be a long way short of rop it may be but i think it will fill the bill very nicely as an effective guide for feeding breeding and culling an owner can read a milk scale just as well as any civil servant and daily weighing is to some extent a luxury that many cant afford anyone who would like to try own er sampling should give me a call 4h homerhaking club members cne guests si 4h homemakinz club members from york county were xuestx of the canadian national exhibi tion august 2426 during the first afternoon demonstrations skits and exhibits were presented by fifteen of the twentyfive counties and districts york county displayed the exhi bit good equipment and arrangement in clothes closets from the rnit clothes closets up to date elizabeth faris from the bogarttown club gave the three minute commentation on the exhibit dinner was provided at the cne grounds and the evening was free to look at the buil dings and the events taking place two interesting tours of the royal ontario museum and the parliament build ings were arranged delegates from york county were elizabeth fa- ris rr 1 newmarket phyllis mcphec rr 3 king marilyn toombs queens- ville jean miller nashville miriam snider rr 1 ma ple myrna laverty noble- ton the icibuhf thwxfcy atuit 25 1966 p 9 plont a special tree for canadas birthday netted by a nose this youngster vent butterfly bunting and managed to sniff out a magnificent speci men subtly luring he insect onto his nose the brave hunter stares the creature into submission then vith a quick swish of his handy net hell help the careless butter fly make its transition ftom cocoon to collection tns photo canadas centennial can take on special yignificaree for your family right in your own yard plant a centennial tree and make canadas birthday a memor able and lasting event at the same time adding a beautiful specimen to your landscape plan the flowering oiabappies almey and royalty have been chosen to com memorate the event accord ing to horticulturists with the ontario department of agriculture and good the almey grows to 15 or 20 feet at maturity with a slightly pendulous form the largp purplish flowers and red fruit will add an attrac tive focal point to any home grounds this tree is very hardy and grows well throughout the country the royalty makes an ex cellent specimen trcv with its dark reddish purple foli age and purple flowers this tree is noted for its freedom from disease fall months arc ideal for tree planting after the leaves have fallen the trees are dormant and readily i planted without loss of vigor bepin planning now for your centennial tiee consult a local nursetv to make sure of supplies de cide on a location where it will provide maximum en joyment for you and also provide the required condi tions for the tree a sunny location with welldrained sandy loam soil is desirable fertilizer will ensure that adequate nutrition is avail able with these prepara tions looked after your family will be well prepared for the planting of your centennial tree badger the proven chaupion now at a new lower price pv st l u fmj ft s claude kerr stoufiviiie 6401 375 ontario county agr rep led overseas tour big b farm market steaks roasts ground beef from our own cornfed herefords frozen kcailv for hit- freerer 10 20 off while it iasu bth cone whitchurch cedar valley south of vivian rd by h l fair i had the- pleasure thi- year of being chosen to lead the province of ontario ju nior farmer delegation to great britain this is an ex change visit of young farm ers at the same time zs our juniors were in great brit ain young farmers from england and wales north ern ireland and scotland were visiting with ontario farm families and learning about agriculture in the pro vince the ontario delegation jr farmers bus tour registration s stouffville district high school students who have moved into the area during the slimmer and who will be attending this school in september arc requested to telephone the school or register at the school durinp the x week of august 20th other students and parents who have questions concerning subjects or courses are also invited to call the principal w e duxbury principal school 610m33 residence 6102273 the junior farmer bus tour to eastern ontario and quebec was sponsored by the ontario department of agriculture and the provin cial junior farmers asso ciation there were approximately 40 junior farmers on this bus trip and they visited points of interest in eastern ontario and quebec as far as quebec city they retur ned by way of ottawa where they visited the cen tral experimental farm the royal canadian mint pub lic archives war museum and other places of interest the ontario county dele gates were dnreen jnns rr 1 ashburn and paul shier rr 1 sunderland these delegates were select ed because of outstanding work in their junior farmer organization during the past years was composed of beverley ann bishop richards land ing mary rcid clarksburg rr i meredith robb ii- dorton rr 2 and albeit taylor gait rr 4 these boys and girls were chosen bcause of their excellent achievement in the junior farmer and 4h club pro gramme over the past sev eral years besides this all of them have been and at the present time are active in junior farmer work at le provincial level vs were met at the air port by miss barbara tyldcn sccretarj of the national federation of young farm ers clubs of england and wales we were in london three days before going to northern ireland for our first farm visits from ire land the group went to scotland and to england and wales we left for home from liverpool on the em press of canada during our three days in london we saw a number of places of historical interest including the royal festival hall 10 downing street westminster abbey trafal gar square piccadilly cir cus hyde park and many others we were in hyde park on sunday afternoon there was a large crowd present and five different spcaekrs expressing their views sunday afternoon was bright and warm so we had a boat trip on the thames river from west minster bridge to the tow er bridge through the ef forts of mr james s arm strong agent general and mr ted marritt direrior of the agricultural branch ontario house london we were provided with passes to the visitors gallery of the house of commons we happened to be there dur ing a question period the seamens strike had started and the members of parlia ment were concerned about the effect that the strike would have on britains ec onomy and what steps if any were being taken by the government to end the strike members also show ed their concern over viet nam and what britain could do to get peace talks started dont miss the kunfilled port perry this corning labour day sept 3rd to mh week end livestock classes racing midway ladies work band baseball f honey ires k linib secy buy your office supplies at the tribune fixiife feroihf buy your office supplies at the tribune remember that garden annuals will provide a lon ger mote vigorous show ot bloom if the blossoms are picked off as they jade hor ticulturists with the onta rio department of agricul ture and food advise that removal of dead blooms pre vents seed production and lengthens the period of bloom mamham motors want ad order coupon you can place your want ad in the tribune by mail it you wish the rate is 5 cents per word per issue minimum 20 words 100 if you enclose cash with order otherwise the minimum charjte is 125 a phone number or any croup of figures counts as one word the tribune reserves the right to print ads by classification and to revise or reject copy misleading or not in good taste deadline 6 pm tuesday for thursdays issue the tribune classified dept 31 mam st w stouffville onl insert the following want ad for issues for business weston or sunbeam shortcake irosl n serve 35c specially selected value checkd eresh 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