something new being demonstrated constantly see farm equipment in action a i boy grasscatche8 rakes as you cut the grasscatciiek that rakes as you cut is only one of the 18 udvuntagch that make iawn hoy lie niost convenient power mower money can buy come in and sec the other 17 few other makes have half of them no other mower has them nil prizes to be given away free refreshments bbx rs smaabsaan ugk1weight professional for the farm pioneer in oil limit 01 ipmtimin iki pilt oaetnloi lot modcuttmi ckmk it rvwnt 11 10 1 12 pol ck u m n u pnloiaiiki sii ii loit wieel 1dme allpurpose suburban tractor do tiry fob cmlcr mowing rvlny plowing hnumftg alt ufur drift ihuti fun 0 run 22 optional ituchlnu loolj tist dkive wheel iioksk nowi ask about our convenient payment plans on everything both new and used ntw capacity balers threo top balers a model for every slzo job you can count on ford de pendability economy clficioncy fa mous ford knottors tio your bales tight and firm fordonqineercd plus features moan moro profit for you whether youre feeding selling or doing custom work in the market for a new baler heres a deal youll like get this handy 28picco tool kit free with tho purchase of any new ford quality baler get a top deal toonowl bbjjeixiaiciiliiil mrnxmbombs see these units in action during haying demonstrations new compact design- high capacity forage harvesters hardworking moneymakers thats tho ford forago harvesters chop rocordbroaking crops fast efficiently and as lino as you like without plug- olng thats tho kind of performance you can plan on with a ford forage harvmtor ask us to show youl conditiosiers and rakes speed your haying got better qualit hay fastor with tho ford 510 hay con ditioner and for better raking ford rakes aro tops let us demonstrate ita exclusive features they are complete range of ford tractors kri mowers traditionally the tales leader ford mowers offer highspeed mowing rugged dependability have gained their prominence through perfor mance stop in see for yourself you can win this youngstersize replica of the ford 6000 you can win this sturdy miniature tractor by simply entering your name in the handy lucky draw box on the premises its made of all cast- aluminum with heavy rubber tires and ball bear ings for ford 515 famous mew jjoea hooks up faster cuts cleaner tttcaht be bcav tor rugged longlife construction and low cost upkeep see it try it today vour nsw idea dtaur fed zip 4fltb a mvtfqff heros rod nonstop mcmnjconditioninn now you can make hay without getting off the tractor scat with this new flail mowerconditioner which does the work of a mower and a hay conditioner you get plugfree nonstop operation in all kinds of hay see the new idea equipment in action between 2 pm 4 pm exclusive from 1st grounddriven m with fbelt dri quiet running choice of 4 or 5 bar reel easytochange reel speed only 3 daily lube points attractive low price look o kfsk is before you buy built extra tough to year after year small grain too now