the ths8w thunity apr is 1966 pi 13 corporation of the township of markham audited financial statements and auditors report 1965 march 2sih 1366 pi the reeve members of council rvj ratepayers of die municipal corporation of the township of markham we have examined the books and record- of the township if markham and its local boards for the year ended december 6t 1565 we repot t on the financial statements of the township as follows results fob the yeak the statement of operations for the year is summarized 03 follows revenue 29s3oj0 surplus of prior year used to reduce levy lljui total 299s917 expenditures 292919 suiplus for year 821998 the details of this account and companion to the 1965 budget are shown on the statement of revenue and expenditures tax roll and tax collections the revenue from taxation compares with previous years as follows 1965 s2322313 10gi 19s0031 1963 191721- i9g2 156s333 1961 137sss1 the taxes receivable including penalties on the current year roll are s21s1s1 at december 31st 1963 as compared to 5311001 at december 31st 1961 the collection of the current years taxes including penalties represents 905 of the total 1965 tax roll inducing penalties as compared to s42 at december 31st 1961 on the 1961 tax roll the total collection in the year of 1965 taxes arrears of taxes for prior years and penalties represent los of the 1965 lax roll we submit the following comments upon certain of the items appearing in the balance sheets capital and loan fund balance sheet work in progress s32123067 the account is summarized as follows roads sewers and watermains doncaster area i6s3391s paul street road extension preliminary cost 13s392 roads township 11s9930 watcimains don mills rd and 7 highway 100974si road construction rockwell lee and noble 2115337 sewer steeles valley rd 192s006 s32 123067 these expenditures are under the authority of the ontario municipal board with the exception of the preliminary costs of the paul street extension ixng term debt ontario water resources commission 112412999 water system sewers 7iv97621 7031537s the municipality has signed agreements with the ontario water resources commission to provide a deep well system in water area no 1 the liability at december 3lst 1965 of s71s97621 represents the total cost of the projects less the municipalitys equity in the svstem at december 31st 1965 the municipality has agreed to pay to the owrc amounts of principal each year for thirty years after date of completion of project so as to provide a fund sufficient to retire this liability the municipality has also signed agreements with the on tario water resources commission for the construction of sewers the liability at december 31st 1965 of s7051537s rep resents the total cost of the projects to date less the municipalitys equity in the projects at december 31st 1965 the municipality has agreed to pay the owrc amounts of principal each year for thirty years from the completion date of projects so as to provide a fund sufficient to retire this liability revenue fund balance sheet accounts receivable smi3s8 the account is summarized as follows weed cutting accounts sundry accounts total slj2l12999 151655 2s9733 s1113ss due from the province of ontario s10692715 the account is summarized as follows welfare subsidy 119160 road subsidy 105 13355 s10692715 taxes receivable s31631525 notices showing the balance of arrears of taxes owing at december 1st 1965 and requesting that any differences be re ported directly to us were mailed to all taxpayers in arrears we also made a similar test of the unpaid current taxes on that date all discrepancies reported to us were reconciled to our satisfaction with the township records deposits for specific purposes 1212711 this account represents funds received under subdivision agreements to cover future engineering and supervising costs pertaining to the subdivisions trust fund ijot fee account the balance on hand in this account at december 31 t 1363 is s26675470 this fund increased during the year by 510009099 ilinmiu act section 2s the balance on hand in this accomu at december 31st 4965 is 339 9u the fund increased during the year by 2225795 we report on sundry local boards as follows crosbv memorial community centre the operations for 1965 show a surplus of ss3u59 the balance on hand in the surplus account at decenjber 31st 1965 is 1160327 as compared to s60616s at december 31s 1961 victoria square community centre surplus of 3350 the s s1003s0 as compared the operations for the year snow deficit account at december 31st 1965 lo 103930 at december 31s 1961 the deficit on operations is being financed bv a temporal v loin to the extern of s 135000 we have seen no approval from the ontario municipal board authorizing the centre to borrow in this manner and to repay the loan out of the revenue of future years subject to lai the lack of authority for the victoria square community centre loan and ihc inadequate surety bond coverage on its treasurer we hereby report that in our opinion fit the financial transactions which have come under our notice have been in the powers of the municipality i2 the audit has been conducted in accordance with tha instructions of the department of municipal affairs i3i the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at december 31s 1965 and the results of its operations for the year ended that date eddis associates chartered accountants license no 3030 date of filing with department of municipal affairs march 29th 1966 capital and loan fund balance sheet december 31st 1965 assets liabilities fixed assets 1i267267s work in progress 32123067 due from schools for debentures 303520107 due from water area no 1 for debentures 1s121s83 due from other municipalities for debenture debt assumed 36701751 due from other fund water area no 1 re owrc debt 71s97621 ontario water resources commission reserve fund see contra 11 673 78 debenture debt issued and unmatured general local improvements public schools high schools water supply system 6163000 106271 os 111 11731 1 51015000 19296s1s 5639101783 1133 total due to other municipalities for debenture debt assumed long term debt ontario water resources commission sec audit report 1- j due to revenue fund temporary loan 261 accounts payable reserve for renewals replacements and contingencies sewage system dis investment in capital assets aoi 261551270 s is79 12999 19713 50000 12 510 673 is 06106 s6391017s5 revenue fund surplus balance at credit december 31st 1961 1190716 deduct surplus taken into 1963 budget lo reduce levy 1190716 add tax certificate receipts 1960 to 1965 transferred to revenue surplus for 1965 balance at credit december 31st 1963 s2560924 nil 361090 2199s31 revenue fund balance sheet december 31st 1965 assets 2500 4013ss less allowance for doubtful 1u3ss loooo 106 927 15 32796 s 115620 due from other funds water area no 1 3s93907 1319713 taxes receivable 21s1s12i 6377895 3470053 1133151 less allowance lor uncollectible 36131325 100000 33731325 prepaid expenses owrc interest 1 965 30 s35i7307l liabilities 1 bank overdraft bank loan accounts payable debenture interest coupons due due to the police village ol thornhill due to the police village ol unionville federation of agriculture municipal recreation committee due o other funds lighting areas 72101 thornhill library 10919 toronto transit commission bus line 30s52 deferred revenue and prclevies local improvement dcbl charges 301001 schools 2055s7 county 85677 roads and bridges debenture 3161511 sewer area 129076 garbage collection area 151 1s0 thornhill police village 5s30s per capita grant 332ss1 sewer treatment area 1610s0- dcbenlurc prelcvy received from other municipality 149s11 deposits for specific purposes reserve for working funds surplus i 2537122 30000000 33s0510 566553 269099 1s323t 12s16 9s392 131172 17169ss 1212711 9500000 256092 1 s55 17307 f statement of revenue and expenditure for vear ended december 31sl 1903 revenue expenditure 3196319s 123793 815136 actual revenue from taxation 232231307 debenture debt charges recovered 16576614 province of ontario subsidies relief and welfare 1669911 highway improvement 27343412 police and fire 130698 share of liquor license fees 122138 payments in lieu of taxes 105391 per capita grant 5471115 recreation 120500 hydro elecliic power commission of ontario- grant in lieu of taxes receipts from other municipalities relief 109960 city of toronto agreement re jail farm 2s5196 police radio agreement 420000 licenses and permits dog 359675 hunting 151600 building permits 95s125 catering licenses 137500 septic tank permits 76200 sundry 163600 interest and tax penalties other revenues rent 102000 fines ssi46s planning board 12157s committee of adjustment 207500 sewer service charges and rates 2728 13s service charges 1321355 public works 275236s sundry income 155233 interest received york county debenture 109s77 total revenue surplus of prior year used to reduce the levy 2048700 3159385 s3s2s37 29s303990 1190716 budget 2275400 165770 378900 1000 8200 16000 23000 34000 1901270 11907 general government executive 1261s30 administrative 11210707 other 5511875 protection to persons and property fire 3618120 police 13119731 building inspectors 13s9103 pest control 10271 dog control 601733 weed cutting 228342 sundry 73386 public works sanitation social welfare relief 1600197 institutional care 719355 welfare administrator salary and allowances 20s810 education including debt charges recreation and community services debt charges principal and interest 5s207 179 less municipalitys share of school debt charges 30721631 27185845 temporary loan interest 1211166 taxes written off and rebates capital expenditures out of revenue other expenditures water area no 1 rates 71 561 s3 police village rates 15061 00 county rates 30915385 lighting area rates 2331591 sundry area rates 2877120 library thornhill 1096 95 sewer area owrc contingency fund 646023 sewer area sundry operating costs 21312 provision for deferred revenue total expenditures suiplus for year tola actual 179s7412 191010ns 56695608 3037118 budget 202272 iso 100 531601 2s500 252s592 23200 122000316 1193566 1081919 12000 2s73no11 2s6s73 93630 3000 356913 3000 153661 1 1 112551 139653 7111 297291872 2199331 2 99 19 1706 2916177 52916177 total 290194706 2916177 publication of the above audited financial sfatemenu and hie report of the auditors thereon pursuant to section 223a of the municipal art stewart t rumble keevc e a barton ixcas