the trisune thwflky fefcruity 10 1966 r3t j police chief recommends purchase of radar unit receive 3252 calls stouff villi police chief orland keating of stouftvillc has recommended the pur chase of a radar speed comrol unit in 1966 in his annual report covering the operation of the police department in 1965 the chief said that the ap prehension of speedeis with the town cruiser was m becoming a hazardous practice due to current traffic conditions he noted that excessive speeds were contributing factors in many accidents three schools a beautiful nkw officers in addition to the chief the force comprises three officers d g hadden a c thompson and t c wauc- hope both constables thompson and wauchope joined the stoiiffville de partment in 1965 constable hadden was hired in 1963 during the past year a total of 3252 complaints occur rences and calls were re ceived and investigated by the department kach night 318 business premises are checked in town making for a total of 43070 for the year in 65 220 premises were found open or insecure and the owners were noti fied the officers also checked 6 homes left tem porarily vacant fire calls attended totalled 54 plus 45 funeral ecorts and parades the cruiser travelled 25144 miles during the year miss- iig persons included 7 adults and 22 children all were located oxk iataijtv there were 43 major acci dents in the town during 1063 involving 77 vehicles one person was killed and 20 others were injured pro perty damage totalled s2i- 010 a total of 972 vehicles were investigated and 857 motorists were cautioned cautions were also given to 122 cyclists the motor acci dent rate 76 in all was up over the previous year parking tags issued totalled 79 chief keating commend ed constable hadden for his interest in the towns safety program especially in the safety trophy was donated by the stouffvilte kinsmens club and won by students at summit view since the safety program was inau gurated in65 not a single school child has been invol ved in an accident stolen lroferty the value of property either lost or stolen amount ed to s1722253 the value of property recovered totall ed 1386978 eight motor cars were stolen but all were located eight bicycles were also taken and all but one were found under the highway traf fic act 160 convictions were registered thirtyeight of these were for speeding 31 for faulty mufflers 19 for stop street infractions and 12 for careless driving under the liquor control act convictions numbered 81 the same as in 64 forty- two were for having and 41 for consuming as minors under the criminal code there were 29 convictions impaired driving topped the list at 8 excellent cooperation in concluding his report chief keating said he had received excellent cooper ation from other district de partments and the stouff- ville police committee he expressed appreciation for the support his force had received from town resid ents and personally thanked his own officers for their support and cooperation police dept had busy year the slmiftville police department had an exceptionally busy year accord ing in the annual report presented to council last week by chief orland keating members of the force include left to right tom wauchope david hadden alvin thompson and chief keating staff lhoto markham chief plan religious survey markham represent atives of the presbyterian roman catholic anglican baptist and united chinches mei on january 25 to con sider the desirability of con ducting a religions survey in markham village it was agreed that such a survey would enable the churches to more adequately serve the community rev fred cro- mey o st andrews pres byterian was appointed con vener of the survey com mittee the survey will be held between february 13 and 27 each church will be assigned a specific area of the village the group dis played much enthusiasm j project due mainly to the fact that it is a coopera tive anrl joint effort by sev eral churches they hope that it is only the first of several cooperative ventures to be assumed in the future xv markham police chief fred white of mark- ham village spoke to mem bers of the markham minis terial association at a spe cial gathering on jan 2s chief white outlined areas in which the clergy and the police can cooperate in as sisting both young people and adults in the community he pointed out that although tlie people of markham are most fortunate to enjoy a rich family and community life there are a few cases where individuals could he assisted by ministers and members of the church mr white noted too that the church is often not aware of persons who require help since such individuals often hide their problems from others following the chiefs ad dress the group met for lunch at summitview gar dens richmond hill in at- chief fred while tendance at the meeting were rev fred cromev rev alf milligjn father culnan rev al wigby and rev albion wright all men of action are dreamers owen d young mr w c morley busi ness administrator of markham twp school area xo 2 attended the 21nl annual conference of the ontario association of school business officials at niagara falls this week curling at quebec lemowille mr d marnoch has returned from a curling trip in quebec the oldham family gath- eredsunday at st andrews presbyterian church to cele brate mr and mrs oldhams 10th wedding anniversary mrs ii nauta and mrs w koster entertained ucw members are re minded of the pot luck lunch and quilting on tues day feb 15 at the home of air and mrs a hartwick mr and mrs r cudlip of don mills were sunday guests of mr and mrs o ertl the cgit group travel led to cedarena for a skat ing party thursday night mr and mrs s chupa and family of whitby were sunday guests with mr and mrs d gibson randy and tom chupa sang a duet later at the stoiiffville bap tist church service mr and mrs ernest i lit tle of new york city were recent guests of mr and mrs m macfarlane the scouts held a skating party wednesday mrs m smith and francis served refreshments pass piano tests bethesda congratu lations to these successful pupils miss jean miller passed grade 6 piano with honours miss karen rat- cliff passed grade 5 honours and miss roberta johnston grade 3 with first class hon ours mrs floyd ratcliff is their music teacher also earnest miller stu dent in engineering now spending his work term at clarkson has passed his christmas examinations at waterloo college with first class honours mr and mrs fred yake and family had dinner on sunday with mr and mrs george yake and family fred received rear end dam age to his car when struck from behind while making the turn north from the townline to the sixth cone whitchurch miss selena atkinson is feeling better after being confined by illness at home lor several weeks mrs harry push spent 2 days at niagara falls with mr and mrs russell earl and baby deborah dianne lenore and doug ramer of stoiiffville were among the crowd that gathered friday evening at he bur tons for a sleigh ride mrs blanche cook wally koster jr and mrs debo rah smith took part in sun days church service larry gilroy kathy hit- chison and diane deacon were among the grade 7 and 8 pupils who gathered for a skating party hosted by francis smith mrs ii burnet confined in brierbush hospital would like to see friends mr art underwood right was honoured on friday night at ihe annual ast presidents hanquel of the markham veterans association he was pre- ted with an engracd plaque by the new president of the organization mr lull irch the guest speaker for the occasion was hon george c wardrope minis- of mines in the ontario legislature staff photo 10000 miles is the magic figure after 10000 miles of driving an automobile engine has taken a severe beating with considerable wear to its moving parts distributor points have made 112 million contacts every spark ng has fired ii million hisrli voltage sparks the water pump has pumped 100000 gallons of water the fuel pump 700 gallons of gas and each valve has opened anil closed ii million times that is why your engine needs a complete tuneup after this mileage to restore original performance keep fuel economy at maximum and guard against jpocjh engine failure on the road js- o t effective u linkup must ih performed by a trained mechanic with ihe best equipment available he must usually replace ihe plugs clean the fuel pump sediment bowl check fuel pump pressure and adjust valve lash the points and condenser must be replaced and the new mints set for the proper opening a gauge cheek of the timing and electrical system must he nude with necessary ad justments to imuii a quality tuneup involves several hours wotk and there are no short cuts possible if the job is to be done properly obviously short cuts all the way down to a quick check of points and plugs can be made by a garage interested only in turning out a bargain priced job but this kind of job is no bargain it is throwing money away while the essential work of retiming your engine goes undone your only bargain is i buying quality service john hale vice president markham chryslerdodge no 7 hivy laidlaw blvd trapped twelve hours markham what star ted out to be the beginning of a twoweek caribbean cruise turned into a night mare for mr and mrs c v duncan rr 2 markham they were trapped as a re sult of a fierce snowstorm for 12 hours in their car on the new york stale thru- way a week ago sunday with their boat scheduled to sail from new york city on february 3rd the cou ple left their markham township home four days early they had planned to spend a couple of days with friends in new york it was snowmjr lightly when iiu uepvrirtt nuout 10 am on sunday january so as they drove south through ontario the winds increased in velocity and by the time they reached new york states most modern highway visihily was al most negligible the four- lane super highway was open with the traffic flow ing about 4015 miles per hour the first indication mr and mrs duncan had that there was trouble was a man standing on the side of the road with flares traffic was reduced to a crawl and they were warned of an ac cident a short distance a- hcad they learned that the ac cident involved a tractor trailer two buses and more than 30 cars the pileup oc curred about 430 sunday afternoon just east of the small city of batavia a short while after sitting behind the massive smash- up a state police trooper checked their car for injur ies he asked them if they had plenty of gas we just had it filled tip mrs duncan said and that was one stroke of good luck that accented the harrowing experience the duncans 1964 comet was left in an idling posi tion from the time of the accident until after dark fumes from their own and other cars gave mrs dun can a terrible headache the state troopers who the couple praised for their heroic efforts returned to their car and led them from the eastbound to the westbound lane of traffic once facing the way they had come some four hours earlier mr duncan turned off the engine in an effort to save gas the car was off the brake was on and it was in park he said and yet mrs duncan contended i was sure we were moving the snow midwinter training session summer or winter theres always activity on the halfmile track al the green river stock farm in pickering twp the horses including ten pacers and a trotter are in training for the spring racing season trainer and groomsman larry mosher is shown here wilh uubadub a two year old filly staff photo whipping at the windshield and the wind rocking the car gave me the feeling that if we werent moving under own power then someone must be pushing us later they started the car and moved a short dist ance when mrs duncan peering through the snow thought she saw another car stalled on the highway she was right when the duncans stopped the traf fic piled up behind them the car moved a little further then stopped again mr duncan once more turned oft the engine from a car stalled in front of the duncans a cou ple from buffalo asked for shelter in the comet their car had stopped and with out the heater they were freezing however things werent much better in the duncan vehicle mr duncan after several attempts could not get his car going snow had clogged the engine the couple from buffalo desert ed a short while later in the hope of getting a ride to their home and leaving the car on the thruway where the car had stalled was only one mile from a thruway exit mr duncan left the car in an effort to clean out the snow from the engine as soon as he stepped from the shelter of the automobile mrs duncan lost sight of him i thought he was lost she said at one oclock monday morning mr and mrs duncan were still trapped clearing the snow had en abled the engine to catch a- gain so they did have heat i really thought i was going to die she said i felt that the snow would just cover the car and wed never be found i tried to keep her calm he said the couple took turns sleeping although it was not easy the couple had cook ies and plenty of cigarettes to help pass the lime t wasnt until 3 am when two troopers approached the vehicle the ordeal wa3 just about over heres why you can grow calves fast on purina nursing chow gentlemen you may borrow with confidence from your credit union as an extra protection your loan is life insured at no extra cost your life is insured for the amount of your loan balances in the credit union up to 10000 your credit union pays the insurance premium borrow with confidence know- in your family will not he burdened with your loan if you should die or become totally and permanently disabled you cant beat this protection so why not borrow from your credit union your sayings are life ixsurei too purina nursing chow is milkplus you can be sure yourcalvcs get the right start with purina nursing chow ifs milk with added vitamins protcms and minerals nursing chow is better than milk oryourcalve3 because its fortified with antibiotics to help prevent dis eases like scours and pneumonia these extras are part of nursing chows special formula tion to grow the strong bones and healthy bodies every dairyman likes to see to see fo yourself how easy and economical it is to raise fine healthycalveswith purina nursing chow order some from your local purina dealer give your next calf the right start with purina nursing chow purina nursing chow investigate today stoupfyime district- credit union ltd 61 main wist slouttville phone bio mil coop phone 6401550 st0uffville coop