the trisune tdonaiy febnwv 10 1966 tt 15 farmers raise 50000 u investment in fame worth v2 pigs to most shareholders well shes a blonde no wait a second that was last week ifionlxthadthe courage thirty- nine did you hear that blanche a female jack benny ft happy birthday beulah whats cooking in the kitchen n each birthday may and i try to surprise each otherthis fall she gave me a brush anc 20 gallons of paint no shes not the woman who has everything but thats what she wants special this week love to cook have a recipe filing problem then heres your inexpensive answer recipe filer tribune office supplies a compact 5 x 3 x 3 wide metal recipe file smartly decorated in kay appropriate patterns so risrlit for the kitchen special this week only main west stouftvillc 6102100 stratford about 250 shareholders of farmers allied meat enterprises ltd dug into their pockets and handed over more than s50- 000 in answer to a challenge to start the nearly bankrupt cooperative on the road to recovery william anderson pres told 500 shareholders at a special meeting here that if they wanted to salvage any of their original invest ment in fame they would have to do it themselves by raising at least 1000000 in share capital he said governments and other farm groups had refu sed to aid fame and if shareholders at the meeting did not contribute a sub stantial amount to a trust fund before leaving the meeting he and other direc tors would consider the or ganization finished merlyn baker fame treasurer said an agree ment had been drawn up with the cooperatives audi tors to have money raised held in trust until may 31 he said 5 per cent of each investment would be set a- side outside the trust fund to finance fames continu ing administration he said the fame board would not be able to touch the money in the trust fund at the end of may dead line if enough money to save the cooperative has not been raised then the money minus the 5 per cent will be returned mr anderson said that a meeting of all fames county delegates would be called you delegates will make the final decision as to whe ther we go into business or your money is returned if you go into business you will have to do it alone this is your day of decision mr anderson said that if fames 13000 members raised 500000 he felt chances of success were fair but if 50000 farmers put up s200 eachor 1000- 000- then with proper man agement i would say success is made as far as im concerned if a substantial amount of share capital is not raised today then tomorrow we are through if a substan tial amount is raised then we will keep it open to may 31 nothing less than two 100 share would be sold to an individual he added when the meeting ended most of the shareholders queued to sign cheques and forms waiting for them on tables at the exit after the shareholders had departed leaving an es timated 50000 behind mr anderson refused to say whether this was the sub stantial amount he and the board had set as an objec tive he said the situation would have to be studied by the board during the next week fame lost a 100000 payment on the f w fear- rrian plant at burlington when it failed in november 19gi to meet a further 1000000 instalment the cooperative had raised more than 2500000 since it was founded in 1060 hut the remainder had been spent on administration and other expenses a royal commission inqui ry last summer headed by mr justice campbell grant blamed the failure of fame on former president charles mclnnis and fame direc tors mr anderson said an at tempt would be made to have present holders of fame debentures agree not to claim interest for eight years and to sign off life in surance policies they had received as a premium for buying the debentures mr baker said the policies did not exist anyway because they had been dropped by the insurance company when fame failed to make payments mr anderson outlined the boards unsuccessful at tempts to get aid since the fame annual meeting last december when sharehold ers voted to stay in business even if it meant absorption by the first cooperative packers of barrie copa- co he said the fame board proposed to raise an addi tional 500000 from the shareholders and then to amalgamate with copaco he read a letter from j lindsay inglis president of copaco who said copa co directors decided that amalgamation was impossi ble and the acquisition of a 3rd plant was economically unsound at this time mr anderson said federal agriculture minister l j greene minced no words in saying that aid to a cooper ative was a provincial mat ter he said ontario agri culture minister william stewart said the province could not lend money to fame without doing the same for other industries edward sargent liberal jipp for grey north told the shareholders the liber al party was behind them in their idea of farmers con trolling their own proces sing ijj he said premier john rfj barts turned down the re quest for help with croco dile tears he termed the re fusal to help fame hypoc- ricy because the ontario government has millions o dollars to help other falter ing industries they have money for in dustries in depressed areas but they do not have money for agriculture he said mr sargent said that when bri tish mortgage and trust co in stratford faltered lh ontario government guar anteed the money of deposi tors this was done with your money and my money the government helps every body but agriculture mr anderson said that of the 13000 shareholder about 11500 had purchased less than two shares each he said that at todays prices this was the cost of lis pigs if you lose a pig or two are you going to quit farm ing he asked or are you going to accept your loss and go ahead our town packed tubes op- aiicrtovy paste dsmtaln cream uaie cseamshavins sma and condensed milk vjnstead q mv paints the stouffville markham business and service directory 1 jfesfc je bbs architectural designer custom plans for residential dwellings fred rieser 6101582 f g alsop insurance agency fire auto casualty life iremium snvinc for nondrinkere through abstainers insurance co mo3202 83 main w stouftvillc fast freezer service beef tork sides quarters fresh cooked meats fretz bros harper rr3 clarcmont 6103125 lawries school of safe driving where quality remineth lonjr after trice is forgotten markham richmond hill stouflvllle 2912618 markham to find b mehaffeys grocery snack bar complete line of groceries lunches full course meals gas bar ringwood iu02s23 e p weilzenbauer restoring itenniliins why not enjoy it again call peter no oblication 6103579 rrj stoutt lie markham fish and chips m fuji a chlpi s4 sea food juicy crisp for delivery phone 29 10 153 markham shopping plaza marie jack hair dressing 1 perms tints bleaches open evenlnek hy appointment g40131 1 tj 101 ialn w stouflvmet business of the week coffey hartley motors ltd main w sfoultville out on nf tin- fatlrm crow ins bmincmffl in tha stouffviile area in coltcypartley motor tad at main v in stouffviile coffrybarlley motors ltd ii niir regional mercury meteor comet dealer and m an excellent line of safeituy used car they art a 1m he franehiied dealer for ford a merrury trucks and quality ba products they haie jut rnlarced their facilities by addinn 1 new service bays and completely redoln their showroom which now display 3 new rar km ploying z personnel including 2 salesmen coffey hartley motor- tad he the miwi complete amir department in the area mr wm nick coffey a mr jim hartley be their naine on feb 13 1 95 1 and have been at iheir present location since mar i 192 mr coffey hn been in the enr huln ince 1311 and hm associated nih mr hartley prior to slartin their own buiinex mr coffey i also a qualified mechanic and therefore can gie you complete nervlre hen ou are loteretcd in a nrw or med car be sure to tlit roftfjbarlley motor ltd before you decide on a new car coffey bartley motors ltd incite you to see the 19gg mercury meteor comet cars at their new showroom at main st w stoultvlllc 6102000 donna lee beauty shop permanent waves colouring latest hair styles open thum a frl evenlnn by appointment 83 main w stouffville 6103933 h cakes pastry pies breads o enhot trodart onr sperlellj home oeliierr stouffville bakery 7 main w 6103146 oneill fuels ltd siilii furnaces si heating systems h yr flnn cell t 89 wellington inr at tr redurinr balance ur authorised dealer markham 20i2m2 the markham florist limited potter plants cut flowers complete floral arrangements rouge markham 2912972 stouffville nursing home for information call mits t cunningham rn at 5103353 john deere presents the ww a 2020 tractors in diesel a gasoline lawn a garden equipment for all jobs hutchinson farm supply hooker sons lid rr m stoultvlllc ont ilvvy 7 kinsalr onl 6102fim 6551811 vics nursery landscaping contractor flowers evergreens 1 call now fi 1023 ii rr n slmiftvlll