Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 2, 1965, p. 8

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issue challenge to keep browns corners church aive in community mr jan iaf bittonville a chal- fcrjf to work hard and keep lit church active in the life of tie community was given to fiowns corners united church members and adherents wed- resday evening when a congre gational dinner was held prior to the partnership in the minis try campaign scheduled for nov 28 rev dr a f binnington norman reid clerk of session and harvey brown contact chairman for the program ex plained proposed plans f or york presbytery over the next 20 years with specific reference to browns corners by 19s7 or when there ls a change in pastoral relations presbytery hopes to eliminate all threepoint charges making twopoints the largest accept able number speaking of the report mr mr reid said he believes it is a lair one and while it con tains recommendations which may not be advisable to follow still we must not lay it aside the report which was intro duced formally at a meeting of presbytery held at king city on tuesday of last week cites five three point charges which would be altered victoria square goodwood king city sandford- zephyr and whitevale a sixth one maple became a 2poim charge only last week mr reid said that under the present 3point system the min ister is under constant pressure the afternoon service is no longer acceptable in this presby tery he said and three s388s8s333s8ss33s333gs8sssa8ss3s3asa8giss3 to the electors of whitchurch frank williams respectfully solicits your vote and influence for election as councillor ior 1966 j 8 years municipal experience j voting day dec 6 10 am to 8 pm j morning service are not prac tical the minister is too rushed the report is a guide said mr reid to see how we can give better christian education in the presbytery- it is proposed that a number of outlying churches be closed and churches in densely populat ed areas be enlarged or new ones built mr reid assured the browns corners congregation that no iron hand would be used a planing committee will be set up with representatives from each church and it is hoped people will see the light he said and realize that a rich er quality of service can be rendered regarding browns corners church both mr reid and dr binnington stressed the fact that its usefulness in the com munity depends on the member ship and their dedication and outreach municipal planning for this community indicates an indus trial area below 7 highway with two new highways 104 and 107 scheduled to be built west and north of the church and the area is not expected to grow residentialiy the church presently has a membership of approximately 200 resident and 30 nonresi dent with a seating capacity of 220 a membership of 4 10 would be needed to fill the church each sunday dr binnington commented that if there is dedication and outreach as in the past and we can spread the base to reach more people this church should go on but we need commitment and leadership in one respect we are not too selfsupporting we have never sent out a minister mr reid urged members to be wideawake in their christian faith if this is so he said there would be no problem in drawing people from new areas to the church and he paid the women of the church a fine complement if we men worked as hard as 7 for council 9 for school board in whitchurch twp vandorf the prelnessey henry jfauta lawrence announced withdrawl of coun cillor jim smith and the un expected resignation of coun cillor alvin farmer has left the whitchurch twp political field wide open for the seven candi dates in the running in spite of inclement weather conditions on friday night a standing- room audience attended the nomination meeting in the vandorf community hall the chairman was herbert simpson of ballantrae both reeve ross farquharson and deputyreeve stewart bur nett were returned by acclama tion the only councillor candidate seeking reelection is ivan mc laughlin others include pat- trick cashman lawrence hen- 1959 chevrolet convertible 8 cylinder power steering and brakes radio power windows white walls wheel discs immaculate condition white with contrasting interior 1962 ford galaxie 500 model 4dr hardtop 8 automatic push button radio whitewalls discs 2 tone brown and while with matching interior 1963 pontiac slrato chief sedan automatic 6 cylinder radio whitewalls discs white with beige interior 1959 chevrolet belair 4dr hardfop 6 cylinder automatic radio whitewalls and discs 2 tone green and white with matching interior 1963 envoy station wagon 4 cylinder stand ard transmission very economical transportation while with red in terior 1964 meteor one local owner 2door 8 cylinder model complete with radio white walls and wheel discs low mileage light gray finish with red inter 1962 rambler ficylindcr 4door sedan with auto matic transmission smart black finish with blue interior a one- owner low mileage 1962 pontiac 4dr sedan standard transmission radio washers whitewalls discs dark blue matching interior trade your car now for a 1966 pontiac 1963 pontiac 2door strain chief with 6 cylinder engine automatic transmission radio and white walls smart cyprus green with matching inter ior 1965 viva demonstrator a real gas saver 4 cylinder engine with standard trans mission drop in and try it now 1962 pontiac sfratochief 4door sedan with s cylinder engine automatic trans mission and radio local owner robin egg blue finish with match- ing interior trucks 1964 international 1300 scries 1 ton dual wheels si eel platform one owner truck 1959 gmc 8lon truck with hoist steel plal- forn racks good tires 1961 volkswagen van a real truck a real buy low mileage the ladies then i think our church would live for a very long time approximately 60 members attended the meeting and while it was in progress children were entertained in the primary rooms the pot luck supper was provided by the women of the church and tables were decked with candles and holly for the occasion treasurer walter craig who is vision chairman for- the partnership in the ministry program said that the building debt is presently about s6000 and this should be wiped out in the coming year he said the church would require 16000 to operate in 1966 neighbourhood notes telephone service was ex tended again last weekend and now the local calling area in clude islington new toronto weston and woodbridge this is probably the biggest bargain in most peoples budgets but some where the line must be drawn and one neighbour said to me i can call new toronto but i cant call my next door neigh bour well maybe next time mrs kurt doering is recuper ating from an operation to her hand which was very painful we are glad she is able to be about again bruce jones has retired from the wallaceburg hockey team and now he is coaching the jun ior bs there a field team lor the new york rangers mr w l clark was taken to the newmarket i hospital last friday after waiting some time for a bed friends in the com munity wish him well buttonville womens insti tute members catered last thursday night when the jun ior farmers held their banquet at the buttonville w i hail with 175 guests present it did not take long for eight turkeys and sixty pies to disappear saturdays bazaar at browns corners united church brought out many old friends and in spite of high winds the grey cup game and various neigh bourhood activities the christian education room was crowded with guests there was old sil ver and glass at the while ele phant table along with good outgrown shirts and suits books records jewellery you name it the home baking booth was cleaned out in record time and by three oclock the candy booth was bare beautiful handmade articles in the miscel laneous and childrens depart ments were snapped up too and after shopping was over there was tea served by the happy timers group in a quiet little cove on the mezzanine mrs a f binnington opened the event and members of the ucw the cg1t and explorers and the happy timers manned the booths on friday evening the final game of the present euchre series will be held at buttonville w i hall then on december 10 there will be a euchre and sale of home baking and christ mas gifts sponsored by the but tonville branch of york central hospital auxiliary on wednesday dec 8 the buttonville w i will hold their their christmas meeting at the home of mrs john wilkins don mills rd south of 7 hwy members are asked to bring candy for the ontario hospital at 1001 queen street w as well as a gift to exchange with another member provost edward skead and frank williams mr williams is a former whmurch reeve for the public school area board there are nine candi dates in the field three are seeking reelection including norman fockler melvin baker and j morris smith new comers include win good ivan kay c w brillmger a mitch ell anderson mrs irene bacon and alfred kramer praise for police reeve ross karquharson ex pressed his praise of the town ships police ion under the supervision of chief fred mason he noted that during the past year the department had received 1832 complaints he said that the radar had been used 102 times and time spent in court had consumed 949 hours he commended the force for their work among the young people especially in ine organ ization of the public school bicycle rodeo he noted that roads in the township had suff ered severely due to a serious spring breakup and mainten ance had proved most difficult he felt that the road super intendent had done a commend able job in keeping the traffic moving in spite of these diffi culties he explained thai due to action by the township council the government now paid a full lax on reforested land 2500 acres of which is located in whitchurch the figure was raised from 1900 to 4000 he spoke in opposition to a ward system deputyreeve stewart bur nett said he was pleased that the welfare account in the township had decreased by 2000 he suggested that the agreed takeover by hie county of certin roads in the munici pality would ease the construc tion and maintenance burden that had been heavy through the year he urged the contin uance of a planned paving pro gram dislike dumping ground councillor alvin farmer found a good deal of support in the audience when he voiced objection to whitchurch becom ing the dumping ground for any other municipality he spoke in favour of revising the bylaw to put tenth in it he like the reeve spoke against the division of the township into wards but suggested that any move in this direction should be taken only after the issue was put to a vote of the elec torate councillor ivan mclaughlin contended that the year had been quite successful with few major problems that had not already been covered by previ ous speakers rayasyougo exreeve frank williams seeking a seat on the 196667 council expressed opposition to debentures but favoured instead a payasyougo program he said he could foresee the day when municipal control would be replaced by regional govern ment henry nauta a candidate for council charged that more and more land was falling into the hands of speculators he said that in 1000 acres within his particular area there was only one real farmer left edward skead said that he felt he could contribute sound judgment to the councils oper ation if elected strong support although merlyn baker is not a candidate in mondays election his remarks from the platform received a rousing ovation he criticized the use of township 1 and as a dumping ground and expressed a fear that well water could become contaminated through seepage jim smith who had earlier announced his withdrawal indi cated that he might return to the municipal field when more spare time was available lawrence hennessey a nat ive resident of the township indicated that he had present ed previous councils th many good ideas that could have solved several of their present- day problems if put into prac tice he will stand as a candi- 1 yr warranty on all cars neil patrick motors main st w at the tracks stouffville gmac phone 6403452 lmn under new management this is to inform the public that the claremont nursing home at claremont rr3 is entirely under new management since june 1965 mr and mrs herbert hilge honoured at twenty fifth anniversary bethesda the home of mr and mrs fred yake was the scene of a family reunion and party on tuesday evening nov 23rd on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary all of mr yakes brothers and sisters and most of their fami lies attended the gathering mrs albert yake is at pres ent living at the willows rest home lodge rr 2 aurora mr wesley brillinger accept ed nomination to run for the whitchurch township school board at the meeting at van dorf friday night mr leonard brillinger a pa tient in the scarborough hospi tal since nov 23 is doing well and is expected home early this week mrs peter vandcrkooy held a tupper ware party on wednes day evening of last week with many neighbours and other friends present mr and mrs joint wilks spent two weeks recently with her mother anr father in roblin manitoba five above zero weather was experienced but snow fall is similar to ours here maurice pike entertained a family group of twelve to a buffet supper on saturday even ing a larger pro shop ls being added to the buildings on the rolling hills golf course curl ing is now in progress at the rink the christmas ucw meet ing is being held this week at the home of mrs c burkholder the womens institute meet ing is planned for wednesday dec s to be held at the home of mrs allan wideman mrs crouch is in charge of the pro gramme a special treat will be christmas numbers given by the lemonville ladies there will be an exchange of gifts among the members all ladies are very welcome in addition to the obituary in serted in our news last week we would like to add a further tribute for almost six years while the late mr ernest hunt lived in bethesda he was a reg ular teacher of the mens bible class the neighbours will miss his cheerful attedance at sunday school and church and his use fulness in the community as well the stouffvllle tribune thursday detember 1 1965 j trulove diamonds ihe choice of the discriminating buyer sheridan jewellers 38 blaln f- 6401650 stouffville i i y y i y y y y mmlikwflhk aaiaaam pickering township vote to elect ellis britton trustee for school area no 1 saturday dec 4 g833s8gs8s8ses8a3g83s88888888s8s8sssssgas j i your vote and influence solicited to i taxation that limits savings increases canadas dependence on foreign capital date pat cashman also akandii date spoke mainly oh the advantages of a ward system he said that his formal applica tion before the council had been rejected it now goes before a hearing of the ontario munici pal board on dec 9th he urged interested ratepayers to attend lawrence provost a resident of bloomington and an atten dant at several council meetings during the past year will seek election to a council seat he urged action to solve the pres ent problems with regard to roads and garbage austin l peabse farmer b b 2 claremont for h pickering township area no 1 school board area resident for 20 years 6 years experience in local school administration election- saturday december 4th 1965 e3ss33333333g3s33s333s3333s83338s3333sa3ss8ssj oppose pjanning authority mfv reohfufti planning consultant daw sons suggestion to york county council that another planning authority was still being con sidered for the northern mun icipalities brought immediate opposition from several reeves at last weeks county council meeting reeve alma walker of mark- ham was immediately on her feet she said her municipality was already paying out consid erable to metro and did not propose to take on any other demand the reeves of rich- mand hill aurora and vaugv han also protested g wnthfiififluntjnplanning consul tant is being paid a salary ot 11500 and opinions expressed by a number of members indi cate that they are still waiting to see if he is worth the money nellie was furious about tha newspaper report of her marri age to joe a friend asked why did it mention your age not exactly the newlywed replied it stated that nellio and joe were married the latter being a well known collector of antiques vote to elect ken laushway reeve 196667 for the village of stouffville f a businessman with many years of municipal council experience one who as a councillor has spoken out on all major projects undertaken since 1955 served as deputyreeve since 1961 f one who has a keen interest in sound progressive development for the entire municipality polling day dec 6 10 am to 8 pm for transportation phone 6402652 j i

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