Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 2, 1965, p. 5

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the stouffviue i5i6uhe thwaliy dewmber 2 1965 reeve c w laycox seeks reelection for 2 year term brolgham reeve clif ford layrox who vaulted into the position of reeve in 1963 by virtue of a surprise victory over the officeholder of that day j sherman scott will defend his position at the forthcoming election on saturday mr laycox defeated mr scott by about 400 votes the totals being 19 u to 1520 the reeve said that when he was elected he did not favour the 500 lot fee or county as sessment he pointed out that unless all 18 townships were in cluded in the county system pickering would be required to pay the lions share and we are doing just that he said he would continue to press lor county assessment for all town ships at the next meeting of county council he said that he had introduced the resolu tion on two other occasions and each time the majority requir ed had been reduced he said that many projects had been completed and services installed he said that pickering had received over a million dol lars worth of roadwork from the county in the past two years he noted that level cross ings at rosebank and atidley were not protected by automatic signals former bylaw officer harry ashton also in the race for the reeveship was critical of the overexpenditure this year on roads he charged that the hir ing of a job cvaluator at 3600 was a waste of money brougham brougham the next re gular meeting of the brougham womens institute will be held in the hall on december 14th at 2 pm this will be the an nual christmas party each member is asked to bring a gift l for a food basket congratulations to gordon roberts and lome annis who stood first and third respective- ly in the ontario county 4h 1 forestry club the regular meeting of joy rebekah lodge took place on monday november 22nd nob le grand sister esther clodd conducted the opening and clo sing exercises plans were dis cussed for the christmas party to be held on december 13th there will be a pot luck lunch and card bingo each member is asked to bring a gift for food boxes mrs j rae davis is mov ing to toronto this week a farewell party was given in her honour at the home of her sis ter mrs art carleton last week work has started on the con struction of a new fence for the front of the brougham ball park pickering candidates reeve clifford laycox j sherman scott harry ahton- deputy reeve mrs jean mcpherson donald hopkins mrs kay williamson council one to be elected from each ward ward 1 harvey spang s a osterhaut ward 2 donald a beer george hodgson ward 3 donald war ing john r williams allan kingston ward john e campbell norman waller rich ard pryor ward 5 robert broivn e violet swan arthur r chatten school area no 1 five to be elected roland simons gor don pearce charles mctaggart mrs eleanor mckean ellis britton austin pearce t a van der hout school area xo 2 five to be elected i mrs patricia kinn frederick hawes theodore van houten mrs sheila vietin mrs florre weisebroc victor stew art donald quick byron j lowe e p mccormaek john goss w a pelts j h cairns ross w dcakin green river green river mr gord on woolhead of newmarket vi sited with their parents mr and mrs a white on sunday mr and mrs wm duncan at tended the christening of their grandson on sunday the son of mr and mrs george duncan of willowdale sympathy is extended to mr w switzer and family in the udden passing of his mother who resided at cannington chicken pox has taken its toll among children attending the public school young paul calladine was down with the dreaded disease when his birth day fell due celebrations were somewhat stilled mrifvonderhout has been no minated for the school board and will contest his seat in the lection next saturday next sunday at 945 am the white gift service will be held at the sunday school on fri day december 17th the christ mas program will be held as is the usual custom the christmas boxes and plants for the shutins will be delivered again this year carollers will balsam mt zion next sunday dec 5 sunday school will be at 100 pm with church following at 200 pm please note the change to the winter time schedule mr and mrs albert hawkins mr and mrs john hawkins and family of gormley had din ner sunday with mr and mrs ralph jones mr and mrs kenn mctaggart and daughter of greenwood had supper with her parents mr and mrs ralph jones many old german mining terms originating in saxony have been adopted in other lan guages be out on thursday december 23rd anyone wishing to con tribute to these boxes are ask ed to contact mrs l roberts m a white or r hutchings as soon as possible members of the ladies aid met at the home of mrs irwin in whitevale last wednesday evening the devotional prog ramme was in charge of mrs t hassall mrs gray whose hus band is a doctor in thailand gave an address and also show ed slides of the area lunch was served and gifts presented by santa claus concluded the ev ening second try for deputy reeves post brougham although bea ten by more than 700 votes in 19c3 bay ridges school teach er donald hopkins has tossed his hat into the pickering township election ring again he accepted a nomination for the position of deputyreeve on friday night and will contest the post against the present officeholder jean l mcpher son a second woman mrs kay williamson of dunbarton is also entered in the race elec tion day is saturday dec 4th in 1963 mrs mcpherson poll ed 2070 votes mr hopkins counted 1359 jlr hopkins charged the deputy with failure to cooper ate with the past two reeves he said that roads in pickering were much inferior to those in the north end of the county i would consider it an honour to sit on council and it wouldnt take me twelve years to get a job done he said he said that an ice arena was required and he would work towards obtain ing such a project charges council lacks leadership will run brougham the spot light of attention in the picker ing twp election on saturday will be focussed on the three- way race for the reeveship the two main candidates are incum bent reeve clifford laycox and former reeve and county war den sherman scott a third man in the field is harry ashton former town ship employee who resigned his post only recently to seek the position mr scott told a large audi ence here on friday night that the council of the past two years had not been the worst but its progress had been mark ed with quarrelling and petti ness many capable councillors must have been frustrated he said mr scott charged that the council lacked for leadership and reminded the audience that the present reeve had on one occasion voted for a single township school area and a week later approved formation of a twoarea system he said that if elected he would make a determined bid to attract industry to the muni cipality he also felt that the reeves job was not fulltime and he didnt feel it was fair to subdue expressions of opi nion through the constant use of the gavel deputyreeve in fighting form at nomination brougham two years ago the deputyreeves contest between incumbent jean l mc pherson and her opponent don ald hopkins was a rather mild- mannered affair at the nomination meeting here on friday night there was every indication that their cam paign would not be quite so congenial carman headway wins 100bushel corn club uxbridge mr carman boadway mount albert was the winner of the ontario coun ty 100 bushel corn club this year he had a yield of 1373 bushels of shelled 157o moisture corn per acre in second place was donald alves rr 1 brooklin with a yield of 1251 bushels per acre in third place was r h hunter brooklin with a yield of 1226 bushels per acre thirtyfour farmers took part in the 100 bushel corn club this year yields were taken on a threeacre plot each contest ant could use any variety he wished and use any means at his disposal to produce the high est possible yield the average yield for the thirtyfour contest ants were 9111 bushels per acre the club was brought to a conclusion with a 100 bushel corn club banquet in the com munity hall sandford on tues day november 23rd mr jack leek sandford was the chair man of the banquet mr lynn fair agricultural representative announced the prize winner and called on the various donors of cash and merchandise to present their prizes mr doug logsdail technical director ontario plant food council gave a splendid talk on some of the new developments that are aking place in agricul ture today mr albert foster extended the appreciation of the corn growers to the donors of the various prizes for their co operation in making the prizes available for the corn club each vear glen major mr and mrs allan jones and family newmarket called on relatives here on sunday miss mabel baker water- down spent the weekend at the edgar fiss home mr and mrs norman faulk ner and family viisted sunday with mr and mrs ralph faulk ner birthday greetings to mrs delma mokes who celebrated sunday nov 28 and mrs edgar johnson who will be cele brating on friday dec 3 mr and mrs alee hingston and family toronto spent the weekend with mr j a hing ston miss hazel jones is spending a couple weeks with mr and mrs allan jones newmarket 12000 hunters get 5000 deer lindsay about 5000 deer were taken by hunters during a 12day season in the 26 town ships of victoria haliburton and peterborough counties lands and forests department officials said between 12000 and 15000 more than 10 per cent of the provinces licenced total hunt ed in the area which has a deer population estimated at 25000 animals of those hunters checked by conservation officers 4000 were classed as casual hunters and 2068 hunted from organized camps the organized hunters took 622 deer a success rate of 3007 per cent while the casual hunters had 116 deer for a suc cess rate of s65 per cent the rale for organized hunters was the best since 1061 jean mcpherson two years ago i said that he mr hopkins was a wonder ful opponent but if he wants to fight dirty ill be right in there the packed hall enjoyed the verbal debate to the full with reference to roads she said that she couldnt be blam ed for an overexpenditure that jumped from 44000 to 134000 if the reeve knew all about this he should have let me know about it she said mrs mcpherson drew a laugh from the north township resi dents when she informed mr hopkins in 1963 that he had done quite well in the kinsale area lie asked me where kins- ale was so i sent him a christ mas card with a map to show him she said i have been criticized over the new municipal building she continued i am not oppos ed to it just its location she argued that it was too soon to put the question of an arena on a ballot but agreed that such a project would benefit many in the municipality she said that she was very much opposed to the inclusion of federal or provincial politics in municipal government and charged that certain unnamed members had done this at every opportunity i resent this very much she said in conclusion she said that she was interested only in a good clean fight but was ready willing and able to handle any thing close companions dogs and eats do not always make close companions but alvin a net bulldog in the frank ilayward family at claremont has a newfound friend he keeps close company with this persian pussy cat and dares anyone to come between them altona election in ps area no 1 brougham the resigna tion of the chairman donald gibson and the nomination of seven candidates- for five posi tions means an election for public school board no 1 in pickering twp the nomination meeting was held here on friday night the election is on saturday seeking reelection are roland simons gordon pearce charles mctaggart and mrs eleanour mckean others in clude ellis britton austin pearse and t a vanderhout both mr britton and mr van derhout were in the running last year there are thirteen candidates contesting ihe five seats in public school board no 2 port farmer wins 500 bus potato club uxbridge mr walter kerry port perry rr 1 was the winner of the ontario coun ty 500 bushel potato club this year the score is based on yield and quality he used the chippewa variety his estimated yield in bushels per acre was 814 mr ches lunney zephyr was in second place with a yield of 743 bushels he used the kennebec variety mr don harrison zephyr was in third place with 621 bushels per acre with the sebago variety there were 18 potato growers who took part in this high yield competition this year the average yield for the 18 grow ers was 525 bushels the 500 bushel potato club competition was brought to a conclusion with a banquet in the zephyr community hall on thursday november 25th mr ches oldham zephyr was master of ceremonies mr walter rutherford fruit and vegetable extension speci alist gave an interesting talk on the potato industry with particular reference to insect and disease control as related to growing the poiato crop mr bert lockie thanked the speak er for his splendid address mr russell morrison direc tor of the provincial soil and crop improvement association and mr charles hadden 1st vicepresident of the ontario county soil and crop improve ment association congratulated the growers on their success this year mr bob timbers thanked the donors of prizes and the ladies mr lynn fair agricultural representative announced the prize winners and asked the various donors of cash and merchandise to present their prizes altona on wednesday dec 8th at 2 pm the altona womens institute ladies will be putting on a christmas pro gramme for the patients at fairview lodge whitby for those wishing transportation please get in touch with mrs frank bielby all members bring lunch either sandwiches or cookies also 2 christmas corsages to be given to the lady patients mrs e carruthers will be in charge of the programme motto flowers like people need lots of love and care in order to grow into something of beauty and importance a spedy recovery is wished isaac lehman who is in ux- bridge cottage hospital and mrs fletcher goudie who is in york county hospital new market harold lewis and his men are in the mcaford district on a job for a couple of weeks luella is chief cook and bottle- washer for the gang while they are away pat tom and allan are staying with grandma and grandpa lewis mrs vivian carson and on- dine of toronto spent saturday night and sunday with her mother mrs norman bunker tom bunker and earl lewis motored to waterloo on satur day to pick up some implement parts for altona feeds then went on to milverton where they stayed overnite with joyce and dave johnson before re turning home while on the trip the boys made good use of the 2way radio that fred has recently had installed in his cars and truck they were able to radio home from baden from the top of one of the hills the highest point in southern ontario please phone 6401427 with your news items for this column 4h girls entertain mothers to supper election in every ward brougham there will he at least two new members on the 196667 pickering twp coun cil due to the withdrawal of wm newman in ward 2 and hubert wank in ward 5 there is an election in every ward nominations were held here on friday night in ward 1 incumbent harvey spang will be opposed by mr s a osterhaut ward 2 donald beer and george hodgson ward 3 donald waring john williams and allan kingston ward 4 john campbell nor man waller and richard pryor ward 5 robt brown violet swan and arthur chatten greenwood the green wood 4h girls entertained their mothers at a supper sat urday night november 27th twentyseven people were pre sent and the girls served roast chicken and chick pie scallop ed potatoes corn and assorted salads the meal ended with strawberry shortcake follow ing dinner the group was en tertained by margaret miller who gave an interesting ac count of her trip to the nation al 4h club conference held recently in ottawa and toron to unit three of the ucw will hold their christmas meeting monday december 6th at the home of mrs olive robertson unit two meanwhile will hold their christmas meeting on the 8th of december at the home of mrs culford the greenwood intermed iate softball club is sponsoring a dance at the brougham hall saturday december 4th at 839 pm the admission is one dollar per person entertain ment will be provided by rod oxford the boys who were fi nalists in the oasa will be presented with jackets church services at mount zion have been changed and are now being held at 1115 am with sunday school at 10 am we are sorry to hear that mrs finlay and her son colin are ill mr and mrs h e bunt ol toronto air and mrs stan roblin of toronto and mr and mrs stan evans of brampton visited at the home of mr glyn eastwood in greenwood greenwood for the second year in a row made a good showing at the car rally it was sponsored by the first pickering rovers twelve can started from the township works department on sunday november 14 the route cover ed territory in west pickering township the last check point was at campco the first scout reserve the winners were ron hoar and ken brooks in a chev don goodwin and his son steve in a ford and art stevens and howard stell in a chev every year college deans pop the routine question to their undergraduates why did you come to college traditionally the answers match the question in triteness but last year ona university of arizona coed un expectedly confided i came to be went with but i aint yet joy green pres pickering h s student council pickering the past week has been one of the busiest of ihe school year at pickering the disturbing thoughts of im pending exams were set aside for the more immediate problem of choosing a new executive for the student council students were confronted by pleas for the various candidates and thfc cafeteria was transformed by a cluster of artistic and humorous posters the ballots were cast on friday morning and the results announced friday night are as follows president joy green vicepresident peter robertson secretary jaais head and treasurer ida bazarin the new executive will take office in january the students also elected janie miller as daisy mae for the sadie hawkins dance on friday night the entertainment of bobby kris and the imperials was enjoyed by all and brian mcnally and cathy collins were chosen for the best of many interesting costumes the prize for the most unusual vegetable corsage was won by christine gerbis and marrying sam was kept busy all night marrying couples for the nominal cost of five cents the new name of ihe school newspaper was revealed this week as the aardvark the newspaper is under the very able editorship of peter robertson this year students have noticed the gravel trucks of frank barclay among the many trucks at the school and are hoping that one will accidentally drop a load or two on the mud created by the construction work barry miller the president of the student council announced to an assembly on tuesday that the student council has adopted a child in india through the christian childrens organization the policy was started in september here comes santa claus parade markham saturday dec 4th 1030 am santa 11 thi biggest parade ever sijwjkjmjjjjbakasrsfmirawijabsiwsw rr parade route f starting nl ramonn blvd south along w main st markhnm to no 7 hwy west k along no 7 hwy to robinwm st g wajai3ssssabajs3issic3jsijsabrissijkssf nnrpi w canes for g i all the children g miss colleen cork ralon sa ppp twirling champion and on s mlrkeya gogo tv show floats bands novelty items i i t i 513 j0j0pkijsjsjwjwjs3jbs 9 cc

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