Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 19, 1964, p. 2

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tm 1 the stoorvrle immhi tfcwiy fatal w4 editorial cadets may leave stouffville a meeting is to be held shortly to consider the moving of air cadet squadron no 94 from stoiiffville to newmarket the reformation of the squadron several years ago was to serve stouffville and markham with a number of boys from newmarket since that time the personnel of the group from markham and stouffville has gradually diminished while those attending from newmarket has steadily increased the civilian committee operat ing the squadron has had an uphill struggle to provide the necessary financial requirements and has had difficulty as well finding enough per sons to serve on the committee from stouffville it requires nearly 1500 a year to operate the squadron this amount covering rent and other var ious items the raising of this money is strictly the responsibility of the committee in addition persons must be found who are prepared to give their time as instructors and senior officers the stouffville squadron was one of the early cadet groups formed having been first established in the early years of world war ii follow ing the war it was disbanded but thanks to the efforts of mr harry hetherington who himself had been a cadet the squadron was reformed a few years ago and mr hethering ton became the first commanding officer he retired from the post a couple of years ago and his place was taken by mr jas mckellar both men have given unstintingly of their time and effort to keep the squadron going in the civilian committee jas ogilvy has been the leading light in the operation it appears now that there is a civilian group in newmarket interest ed in directly sponsoring the squad ron which ismade up primarily of newmarket boys it is regrettable that the stouffville name should fall from this air cadet squadron to which it has been attached for so many years however markham has shown very little interest in either sending boys or civilian assistants and stouffvilles push behind the effort has been steadily waning on the other hand newmarket with its larger population is providing more and more boys and appears ready as well to give the civilian impetus and financial backing required cadets whether they be air force army or navy- are excellent youth organizations and we have al ways regretted that this part of high school life was gradually done away with the military aspect provided by these groups gives to youth some thing which cannot be replaced by any competitive sports program church supper and anniversary time its church or fowl supper and anniversary time for a great many of our town and rural churches why the anniversaries of the churches are all held in the fall is a mystery i have not been able to solve presumably most of them date back to the found ing of the churches often over a cen tury ago it may be that the farmers having got their crops safely harvest ed and their summer work done had a feeling of gratitude and a spirit of thanksgiving and they got together to found a congregation of believers it must have been by chance that this was also the time when the tur keys were maturing and it was the ideal time to get a good dinner for it is obvious that the churches came long before the fowl suppers the connection has only come in more modern times last week st an drews presbyterian church in town held its annual supper st andrew3 is one of the last remaining churches in town to undertake such a project the supper means a lot of work especially for the ladies of the con gregation many city folks dont realize that for such a small price they can get such a fullcourse meal by the finest cooks in the land unquestionably in many church es the ladies have simply got fed up with the heavy work load of a supper they decide it would be easier and not much more expensive to forget the fowl suppers and just pay so much from each family however there are others who when novem ber rolls around again change their minds no doubt a good supper brings a sense of achievement helps the social life of the community and brings in 500 to 1000 less expenses and that is worthwhile town lighting too limited stouffville is a nice town in the daytime but its like a cemetery at night this remark made only re cently by a visitor here would have been taken as an insult by some we accepted it as constructive criticism for it is true the lighting in the main street shopping area is bad in fact much of what is available is reflected onto the street from the store windows or overhead neon signs while towns and shopping plazas jn other communities present a dazz ling display of luminous brilliance stouffville has fallen far behind some of the fixtures on the north side of the street should be replaced immediately a close look will dis close that the shades are so dirty or discoloured that little light could shine through if it vasavailable the same may besaid for many sec tions in the residential areas fiond lighting is as much ne- xessity in a town as good roads and good sidewalks it is an item that the taxpayers should not have to beg for it should be provided aspart of keeping pace with progress committee to be commended stouffville centennial committee has filed its report which in turn has been approved by the town council although on a project of this kind a single type of program will never meet with the unanimous approval of the people we feel that- the majority t are reasonably well satisfied with the final decision f the new park entrance and a planned museum are important of course what satisfies this writer most howerer is ihe fact that enough interested persons could be found who were willing to meet as a body on several occasions to reach a common agreement not only were the pros and cons of the park en trance and museum discussed thor oughly but other secondary proposals were considered a brief outlining these proposals will be kept on file we feel that this appointed com mittee has done its work well and we are pleased that the council has seen fit to recommend the retention of this group as a future advisory body this is young canada book week this week nov 15 to 22 is young canadas book week the purpose of this special week is to draw the attention of adults to the fact that young canada is becoming more and more book conscious and consequently more and more needful of opportunity for and encourage ment in their use the youth in and nearby stouff ville have had the facilities of a good library here for many years our public library should be considered as a definite part of our educational system this system is changing so rapidly that students even in our elementary schools are sometimes asked to study subjects that we never heard of in our day at school a great deal of supplementary reading is re quired since it is impossible for every school to have an adequate supply of sources for research more are turning to the public libraries some libraries have been forced to curtail the borrowing time to meet the de mand many improvements have been made in our own local library in the past decade but it is quite evident that the time is coming when todays facilities will be far from adequate and new and larger quarters will need to be provided new libraries are springing up all over markham our neighbor to the south hopes to erect a new library building valued at 60000 as a centennial project young canada is interested in books and if you doubtit just drop into our local library sometime arid see how our librarian is kept busy the people say question do you agree that a new park entrance and a museum is a suitable centex xial project fob stouffville f if not what do you suggest mus marilyn davis baker ave yes i think its a good idea the new entrance will help make the park even more attractive than it already is mr chris armstrong albert st x no 1 dont agree with the project there are five entrances to the park now and i feel thats sufficient although im opposed to the plan i dont have any other suggestion to offer mrs f barker fairview ave yes i agree with the project mrs l hoover manitoba st i agree with the project in a way and yet i think that the money could be dut to a better use she suggested that the park should have an attractive oil trance but felt that the museum wasnt really necessary there are so many museums in this part of the country that i dont xeel we need one mrs douglas ramer hawthorne ave yes id like to see this project carried out it would be a def inite asset to the community i think that the new park en trance will beautify the town and the museum will preserve the history of stouffville mrs keith sutherland albert st x i definitely think that the museum should be constructed it would be a real benefit to our community mrs fred griffin main st e i havent really given the pro ject too much thought what ever is agreed on will be alright with me mrs r f sargeant victoria st it sounds like a fine idea i believe that the residents of stouffville would take a real interest in a museum and it would be a benefit to the town a park entrance would add considerable beauty to the grounds mrs r thorn albert st n i think its a wonderful idea the museum will attract visitors and the new park entrance will beautify the town mrs j williams maytree ave im in full agreement with the museum project as it would be a good place for the children to visit they would enioy it and it would be educational as well mrs a woodward main st e i feel that the museum would be a real asset to stouffville i think that the committee has made a wise decision and i agree with it mrs 3 d wylle rupert ave i agree that our town should have a more impressive park entrance it seems that tourists are always looking for parks in the different communities but i dont think they would be too impressed with the entrance to ours mrs doug wlddlfield glad park ave i feel that a new park en trance as planned is a good idea and im sure it will be a beauty spot in town mr jim abel albert st x i felt personally that improved library facilities would have provided the most benefit to the most people especially the young folk in town who will be come our future community leaders i realize that the com mittee put a good deal of time and thought into the project be fore it was finalized mrs wm barry main st e i think its a wonderful idea i feel that it will be very attrac tive and a real town beauty spot certainly the present park en trance is nothing to brag about as for the museum it could be beneficial if items of local inter est are placed in it mrs jim brazier hawthorne ave i feel that the proposed park entrance could be quite lovely but it also could be quite costly to maintain as for the museum it is something that you might visit once but would not neces sarily return again mrs dick coffey lorctfa cresc i think its a fine idea i know that a lot of places smaller than stouffville have museums and they are real tourist attractions i know that many longtime anglican members here will be pleased to know that their old church is to be preserved i feel that it should be preserved for a practical purpose and a museuri sounds like a practical project mr jim couse fairview ave im not in complete agreement with the plan i would rather have something that we could use rather than just look at i feel that a community recreation centre would be the ultimate since it would benefit both young and old perhaps we are not quite large enough to con sider a project of that size mrs ernie abraham jr 9th line n the park in town has no real entrance to be proud of i feel that the proiect is a fine idea and could be developed into a real beauty spot im opposed to a museum as i feel they are too costly to maintain and flpfcl by bill smiley speak french and be slapped do you think those separatistsin quebec might shut up about the whole thing if all the rest of us learned to speak irench fluently enough to give them a good cussing out in their native tongue if this is a solution lets get cracking but i dont think it can be accomplished under our present system of learning the language we are getting a great many teachers of french these days who can actually speak the language but the system prevents them from passing it along to others as a prominent educator said the other day we take kids from immigrant families who speak poor english we teach them french badly encourage them to forget their native sue whatever it is and wind up with youngsters who are illiterate in three languages i know from experience my mother had to go to a french- speaking school as a child she learned the language with the case all children have in grasping a tongue all her life she could rattle it off like a habitant on the other hand i studied french for five years in high school and four years in university nine years enough time youd think- to learn to speak french backwards and that is exactly how i speak it perhaps the worst feature of the teaching of french in this country is the false confidence it engenders after exposure to a few years of if you can spiel off a couple of sentences without stumbling and you begin to think youre a regular maurice chevalier i remember one time in brussells my young brother was with me the only french he knew was crude useless stuff like bebe je taime and voulczvous de bullybeef ou des nylons in contrast i had a solid grounding of high school french and had been living on the continent for a couple of months speaking the real thing so we met this young lady and her friend she was belle but her pal was bcaucoup this was my chance in my impec cable grade 12 french i stepped up to the doll and informed her of her ravishing beauty her ineffable form and her distin guished intelligence she listened courteously turned to her friend and shrugged hugely my brother said come on babe and away they marched arm in arm i was left to follow with the fat one a similar experience caused me to forswear french for life it occurred in lille france soon after the city had been liberated from the germans it happened in a night club the locals were very happy about liberation and the troops were very happy about the locals everyone was dancing with the french girls even their french boy friends were beaming i spotted a lulu dark charming intelligent enough to appreciate the fact that i almost alone among the invaders spoke fluent french as i approached the tabic she smiled a welcome and her escort a handsome french lad jumped up grinned and shook hands so in my flawless french i asked her for a dance at least ill swear thats what i asked her she turned white and slapped my face her boy friend simultaneously turned red and tried to kick me in the groin 1 still dont know what i said o her but ive never taken a chance since on the rare occasions nowadays when i have enough money to cat in s place where the menu is in french i study it carefully for ten minutes or so then inform the waiter in pare canadian english that iii have the roast beef theres always rosblf the only solutionis to teach our kids french when theyre learning to speak english that way little boys will avoid having their faces slapped or more earthy reason and little girls will learn to say xon and our and peuetr in two languages editors moil 45 victoria st stouffville dear eiitor i read with astonishment of the proposal by an appointed committee to create a museum as stouffvilles cen tennial project its acceptance by council bears some thinking about to agree to a proposal to spend 17900 of public funds on a project which according to all the available information amounts to little more than a transaction in real estate gen eral contracting and landscap ing and changing the name anglican church to museum seems oddly stupid the question that occurs to me is has anyone given thought to what this museum might contain is it to be an antique fire engine museum or a natural science museum or a museum of antique furniture or perhaps a wax museum containing as its centerpiece a beeswax reeve ad dressing an assembly of paraffin wax councillors precisely what sort of museum is it to be this answered one might sensibly ask will this sort of museum serve a public need in stouff ville if this can be answered in the affirmative we then come to the really critical question where and how might we ac quire the variety and quality of objects that will make this mu seum worth visiting and where will the money come from to purchase these artifacts until these and many other questions have been satisfactorily answer ed the whole matter remains rather like agreeing to build a new road without ever having bothered to decide to where centennial year 1967 seems everywhere to have touched otherwise sensible minds with a sort of madness a madness to spend huge sums of money witness the 135 already pledg ed for construction of 15 new theatres on imposing structures of brick concrete metal and glass without ever properly con sidering what might be contain ed within them it would be pleasant to think that stouff villes centennial proiect had been based upon common sense deductions but i suppose this isjust too much to expect v sincerely v alan bevan jhexcoffee habit by dorothy moss pickering rr 1 the dangers of acquiring the smoking s habit the drinking habit the habit of taking drugs are all pointed out so thorough ly that no one develops any one of them without knowing what he is doing s but the coffee drinking habit is detrimental too and needs some warning signs posted around it just because it is so insidious and pervasive coffee drinkers can drink without any social disapproval without any warnings from vital statistics without even a frown from teetotalhng aunt matilda no employer asks for a coffee abstainers no landlady specifies noncoffee drinker in her of fers of lodging indeed the rest periods in the factory and the business office are called coffee breaks as though they were purposely meant to be used in the con sumption of coffee as part of ones working duties and at night when you relax in front of the tv what is the same in every program every one from cowboy to nurse to housewife stops for coffee at least once in a half hour pro gram no matter what they are going through housewife tells all her troubles over the coffee cups cowboys relax around the campfire with tin mugs of coffee the country doctor re vives himself after major sur gery with a pot of coffee the nurses gossip at the coffee bar even truck drivers and con struction workers break out the coffee with their lunch boxes and there you sit with the coffee table set up matching them cup for cup it does no good to go out no matter where you go or what you do someone will offer you a coffee you do not realize the danger in this business of coffee drink ing until it strikes down some one dear to you but a relative of mine has recently developed high bood pressure from excessive coffee consumption she worked at a desk all day alone much of the time and the coffee percolator was near by she to break the monotony drank cup after cup and it was estimated that her coffee con sumption was over fifteen cups per day until she became ill that is she is now on a strict diet with no coffee allowed in my own case i was alerted to danger only when i absent- mindedly mixed up two cur of coffee instant from the boiling kettle on the stove mother said my youngest child dont you remember you were boiling that kettle to steam open this letter indeed so i had been please enclose this slip with your payment read the paper in my other hand it will help us to credit it to your account but their letter was already stamped and sealed and the postman due any minute steam was the solution if the happy home furniture company wonders why their let ter is sealed with adhesive tape its because i had to tear it open to put in their slip of papor because id used up the boiling water to make coffee instead of steam thats why only then did i realize the coffee habit was growing on me too i had mixed up two cups of coffee and i was alone the cof fee habit is a sociable habit it automatically tempts you to over indulge before you think i had better break this off here my husb and has just come in and the first thing he said was would you put the coffee on t dont care how they look standing around in these damp clonds all day gels my feet wet roamin around wm corcoran cone 9 whitchurch has a good advertise ment for general motors parked in his driveway it is a 1961 chevrolet that has been driven a total of 150000 miles without a single major repair it has worn out siv sets of tires one set of brake linings and one battery it has had two sets of spark plugs and one set of points mr corcoran purchased tho auto from conlln motors in markham and now plans to trade it in on a 65 model if the new one stands up as well as the old one ill have few worries he said what kind of new car is he planning to buy a chev of course rev norman rowan former pastor at second markham baptist church west of town and more recently at preston has been the driving force behind a project at keswick that has resulted in the construction of a youth centre in that commu nity mr rowan is now the minister at queensville but still leturns to stouffville to renew old friendships he was very influential in youth work while a pastor here i have erected fences in six different townships and could still do it said mr jonathan morganson in a streetcorner conversation recently mr morganson will be 91 on his net birthday rather than drive home from the presbyterian church on tuesday evening of last week we expected some of the patrons at the annual turkey supper there to take off and fly the distance a total turkey weight of over 360 pounds was consumed which is enough to produce a physical transforma tion of some kind we understand that an estimated 400 members of tha jehovahs witnesses will attend a gathering in the stouffville disr high school on the weekend although we do not uphold all of their beliefs we cannot help but marvel at their devotion to religious duty every week while travelling through tho village of pickering we see at least two standing on the street corner distributing literature rain or shine few of us could match this kind of enthusiasm speaking of pickering theres a horse down there that simply refuses to remain at home purchased by mr fred poynton pickering rr il several weeks ago from a previous owner in the stouffville areajhe fourfooted beast has been hit by the wanderlust again and mr poynton thinks it could bo in this district the reason for its wayward ways is difficult to explain unless of course its just plain homesick we think that its been cruelly separated from a little lady horse and is just plain love sick a couple of weeks ago we commented that local window- cleaning expert john foulds was the only adult who benefitted from the soapscribbling practices of halloween we wcreoh so wrong we have learned that john makes the rounds on the morning after the night before and cleans ail his customers windows free of charge who said you never get something for nothing we salute four senior citizens of this community this week last thursday mrs sarah pipher no 48 hwy north of markham was 98 on thursday nov26th mrs thomas benns of claremont will also be 98 on wednesday nov 25th mr and mrs mathew kerr ofjlemonville will mark their 60th wedding anniversary we could not help but be impressed with the appearance of a high school student group who visited downtown late satur day afternoon they were part of a visiting volleyball team who performed in an association tournament liorc after viewing the mass audience in attendance at the high school commencement exercises on friday night it is easily seen that the increased accommodation is money well spent we were very much impressedwith the principals handling of the memorial presentation in tribute to the late robt mole we can only say that mrs mole although possibly the saddest parent in attendance must also have been the proudest the sunny afternoon on saturday brought mr harry w sanders out for a walk unknown to many residents in town mr sanders served stouffville as reeve back in the era of the early sos his council record dates back to 1928 and extends to 1937 when he was succeeded by mr a e weldon it is interesting to note that in 1934 he defeated the reeve wilfred mordcn by 36 votes other members on the council of that year included arthur weldon mcrvln walts ross brown and walter brillinger it was just one year ago that pickering twp gave lis approval to the proposed erection of a licenced motor hotel at kinsale ah we can see on or near the site is the broken down remains of a barn foundation and to think of the volumes of words that were wasted on that project iioyd weldon rose ave had a imart looking 1930 ford sport coupe and although its oyccalchlng appearance would cause many a head to turn on main street it just failed to pass the test in class competitions so beginning this week tlin lnrd will be taken apart nut by mitand bolt by bolt it will he rcpainled and polished from bumper to bumper and roof to running board- it- will bn equipped with new tires and a new motor much of tho work ulll be done by lloyd himself with the help of john sangsters albert st x john owns a 1931 ford coupe lloyd says that tho reflnlshing job will take about one year one girl and twentysix men that is still the onesided story of the caledonia pipe band of oshawa this colourful troop headed the remembrance day parade through stouff- ville on sunday afternoon partially hidden within the ranks was fifteen year old cheryl williams the lone lassie in tho band this only goes to prove that women can blow up a lot more air than men although the town council is hesitant to impose a ban on the distribution of doortodoor advertisements we agree with the local ratepayers association that flic practice docs at times create an eyesore especially in builtup subdivisions wa feci that some people leave this literature on their front steps for a longer period than necessary in the hope that a strong wind will relay it over onto their neighbours lot next door masscyferguson farms at millikcn received a top award for their corn entry at the royal winter fair the seed for this prizewinning crop was provided by mr w j brodlc rr 1 unlonville local representative for northrupking and co someone with nothing more than air between his ears look a joyrlde in his car through the south park in town last week and in addition to leaving grooved tire marks in the soft earth hr snapped off one of the trees donated to ihe park by the horticultural society

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