Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 8, 1964, p. 5

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f thf stouffyue t1uhmi thniiiyodsfivst954 oxbridge pickering tp news a package sale of a konl diesel 500 tractor a loader and a hackhoe was completed recently by mr ireil lcivs lo 1 ford dealer rt altona iasniar co ttnrflon co- of scarboro made the pjrclns a a price of 13033 the originator of t i eoistruckon fim is mr fred bizioni cone 10 mirkhm they presently eninloy 150 men fred lewis of altona is shown here lft as thp unit is readied for shipment from his premises cadieux studio commuters unite to cancellation of cpr simmering resentment over the oct 24 cancellation of cpr dayliner commuting service be tween peterborough and toron to boiled up this week in the announcement of the organiza tion of a voluntary citizens groud known as the com muters campaign committee to save the train themselves pledging the re spective cost of one return ticket to defray incidental ex pense of the effort the widely representative group of commut ing train users gratefully ack- nowledges the agreement of general sir neil ritchie gbe kcb dso mc now resi dent in balsam to act as their honorary chairman honorary vice chairman will be acting mayor gordon powell of peterborough honoray treas urer will be trent university president thomas ii b svmons the committee minces no words in reaction to the brusque notice of cancellation suddenly appearing in stations a sell out callous and highhanded unconscionable and incompre hensible are some of ihe ex pressions heard from passengers on the main daily runs over the 765 miles of track linking the principal terminals with stand ing room only the general rule over nearly half the distance nevertheless the committee statement says that its actions and collective representations will be objective and construc tive other- committee members in clude the following myrtle professor donald gcreighton the distinguished historian and author of the bio graphy of sir john a macdon- aid including the fascinating chronicle of the building of the cpr the-petcrborough-toron- to line itself dates back tols81 andat least one committee mem ber lives in a house originally built by railway section hands hasinar brig j g snraggc dso obe ed general manager of the liquor control board ofontairo aslihurn mrgeorge andrew fxi-s- wellknown in mining protest dayliner circles and director and treas urer of the patino mining corp clareniont mr gerald all- man investment dealer and farmer and his son mr gordon allman of the nesbitt thomson brokerage firm kinsale mr milton j mow bray past member of pickering township council and member of the law firm of parkinson gardiner roberts which in cludes former toronto metro council chairman f g gar diner locust hill mr t t wheel er editor honorary chairman of the national fire prevention campaign sponsored by govern ments and leading industries of the nation a campaign which gets under way next week to curb fire losses save lives whilcvale brig lohn r cape president of cape and co ltd toronto lithographers brigadier cape served with gen eral ritchies brother in the argyle and sutherland high landers green river mr david b terry economist with the prov incial government markham mr harold col lins western sales manager parsons steiner limited toron to importers agincourt mr tack dennett wellknown cfrb broadcaster mr fames bowden macintosh and co toronto insurance and mr j w whitfield representing the agincourt- ratepayers as sociation in toronto business life today commuting daily irom his bal sam home genral sir neil rit- chie is president of mercantile and general reinsuranceco of canada ltd in his memoirs winston churchill ascribed to general ritchie the qualities of skill determination and perti nacity the committee banks heavily on these same qualities to help them and the railway itself through a difficut situation for many of theeommutros the cpr line the only passenger rail link between the two cities is their exclusive means of travel well owner is charged the owner of a well on the 7th cone of pickering twp has been charged bylaw en forcement officer harry ash- ton told the council on monday night the case is now before the courts mr ashton declined to com ment on the facts of the court action hut said tliat the mat- ter had been complicated through a chance in owner ship of the property the site declared by the officer in 1p a danger area is located near the brock road councillor harvey spang who initiated the original in vestigation raised the subject again on monday he said he hail received several com plaints from people who fear ed for the safety of their children the man charged is a mr a mclcllan bob tran top junior plowman on saturday sept 26 the south- ontario junior plowing match was held at national stud farm rr 1 oshawa this junior plowing match was sponsored by the brooklin jun ior farmers and the south ont ario plowmens association mr donald greenlccs sud bury was the official coach and judge for the competition the competitors were given a dem onstration on making their crown and first furrows and al so a demonstration on a finish for their land the purpose of the junior plowing match is to give the junior plowman an opportun ity to receive instruction on plowing and proper plow ad justments and to encourage their participation in the senior matches the winners in the class for boys 13 years and under who had plowed in competition be fore were 1st bob tran rr 2 claremont 2nd earl lewis rr 3 claremont 3rd stan kerswih rr 3 stouffvillc the winner in the class for boys- 15 years and under who had not plowed before was john lucyk columbus audley the rev t r norman was in charge of the church service here on sunday morning the anniversary service will be on october 18 at 230 pm the guest jpeakcr will be the rev charles catto of hampton uni ted church the rev catto has done missionary work in africa and also among the canadian indians beginning october 25 church services will be in the afternoon at 230 for the wln- ter months the community club met at the home of dick and mrs win ter on saturday evening fol lowing th business which was eeodncud by tha bert guthrie a game of euchre was enjoyed the winners were ladies shirley smith and sus an richards gents john ash ton and donald guthrie mrs brown brockville and mrs fred merklcy smiths falls are visiting at the home of their sister mrs a w bet- son mrs brown is returning to her home this week and mrs merkley will remain for sever al weeks with mrs betson a few from here attended the supper and program in the christian education centre pickering on saturday evening mrs wm westncy was hos- ditalizcd last week after she fell and broke her arm she re turned home on saturday with her right arm in a cast anne guthrie a nurse-in- training at woodstock hospital spent the weekend at her home here sympathy of the community is extended to susie puckrin and other relatives in the pas sing on saturday evening of her mother mrs lome puck rin of pickering beach road mrs bert guthrie entertain ed on saturday at a troussea tea for her daughter eileen prior to her marriage this sat urday to mr leonard waltham in axdlcy united church at 330 pm eileen has been hon oured at several showers mrs coral moshcr gave her a mis cellaneous shower mrs wm guthrie had a pantry and kit chen shower lynda and nancy puckrin were cohostesses for a personal shower and the com munity held a miscellaneous shower for her green river mr arid mrs f gostick and kathleen spent the weekend at flcsherton and while there at tended a golden wedding an niversary of cousins mrs wm duncan and mrs e wright spent a day in the city this past week last report is that mrs a hoover is doing as well as can be expected in her new iesid- ence the rosebank nursing home a petition is being circulated in our village in order to keep the cpr dayliner running it is hoped for the sake of those who use this service for daily commuting to and from their work that the response will be totally in favour mr and mrs j buckles also mr and mrs r buckles called at the duncan home on sunday it has been brought to our at tention that- some animals pre sumably pigs have been run ning at large and have done extensive damage in the form of rooting up the grass in the brunswick hill cemetery mr and mrs h smith called on mr and mrsr hamilton of claremont on sunday and later visited with mr and mrs h coward- and family of uxbridge mr and mrs mitchell and mr j forsyth of goodwood visited with mr f wilson on sunday mr and mrs n craig and claremont charles cooper ltd have op ened up a newcar showroom in the village the sales mar is mr john watkins orders for 1963 models are far ahead of last years figures as the public appear quite impressed with the new buick and poniiac the cooper firm has a display of implements at the international plowing match near peterboro this week newlyweds mr and mrs stan feasby have returned from a honey moon trip into eastern canada they isited with her parents mr and mrs burl dunn on sunday a concert of gospel music will be held by the gospel church in the claremont community hall on saturday oct isth there will be both solo and quartette selections mrs jack johnson of pine grove near uxbridge visited with mrs lillian empringham one day recently mr and mrs arnold lewis of waterloo quebec are visiting at the cottage home of mrs dorothy huxtable at chalk lake bridetobe miss linda smith was the recipient of many lovely gifts at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of mrs wm gliddon on friday evening her marriage to mr bill keevil will take place on saturday nov 7 we are pleased to report that mr harold dean is improving in the uxbridge hospital follow ing a recent heart attack mr and mrs gary cooper of toronto visited with his parents mr and mrs r f cooper on sunday mr and mrs gliddon visited at the home of mr and mrs wilf gliddon in scarboro on sunday a ladies trebles bowling tournament was held on the local greens on monday on wednesday of last week an agincourt rink captured the sinclair trophy in a tourna ment here oshawa was second and stouffville third mr and mrs ed levlck and family have taken up residence in oshawa mr and mrs jim reynolds and family of toronto visited on sunday at the homo of mr and mrs ernie baker mr and mrs cliff reynolds visited on sunday at the home of mr and mrs doug reynolds at bowmanville mr gerald allman sr has been appointed to a committee to protest the cancellation of the cpr davliner service that travels between toronto and peterboro joe mccullough motors and gord taylors marine of this village had displays- set up at markham fair last week mr and mrs jim ingham and family of aiax enioyed sunday dinner at the home of mr and mrs jackrennie mr emmett dasher of st louis missouri an employee at whitehodgers has been sub bowling in the claremont league and posting some good scores jack bradshaw is currently setting the bowling league on fire with a high single flat of 335 and a 348 with handicap marge samarillo has started in where she left off last season with the high single flat of 286 and high triple flat of 7c0 the fourth meeting of the claremont 4h club was held at the home of betty evans on oct 3rd vice president carol anderson was in charge the next meeting is planned for oct 17th at 930 am at the home otdonnamadill mrs jack ronnie and mrs jim mcguire represented the legion ladies auxiliary at the 31st convention held in north bay there were 1200 delagates in attendance ask township putrocks in swimming hole last summer s boy drowned n a swimming hole on private property in the rouge river at a coroners inquest that fol lowed it was ruled that the site of the drowning represented a danger area mr graham own er of the park feels it is not his responsibility to corect the ha zard since he has a public swimming pool that is protec ted by lifeguards the attorney generals department has ask ed the township to fill the hole with rocks councillor wm newman ob served that since mr graham charges admission to his park grounds the river within the limits of the park is the own ers responsibility he said that ihe township could possibly de clare the site as a danger area councillor hubert wank suggested that it was a legal matter and an opinion should be obtained from their solicitor with no well hall condemned for banquets for want of a well the town ship hall at brougham will be closed at least for the serving of meals this is the final re port from the county health unit in spite of this ultimatum members of council refused to approve of an expenditure to locate a well on the property when the issue was discussed at a meeting on monday night a motion to have the work done as a community centre project was defeated on a split vote a second motion to rev ert the building back its origin al status as a township hall was also lost the discussion that apparently had been finalized in committee was ended with no agreement to proceed with jie work nomination nov 27 for trustee board school area 1 nominations will be held on friday evening nov 27th in the township hall at brougham to select members to serve on the new public school area board no 1 in the twp of pickering nominations will be cccived between 7 and 8 pm and an election if necessary will be held on saturday dec th all costs with respect to this election will be charged against school area no 1 school area no 2 will re main unchanged for 1965 and heir nomination will then fall in line with the completion of ihe townships two year term in december of that year mr and mrs r craig also mr and mrs wm michcll attended the police auxiliary dance at ccdarbrook on friday the brownie group from here are planning a hike in the near future also the senior group from here are planning on attending a weekend gather ing at unilayli in nov it is hoped that a womans auxiliary may be started that will help the brownie work owing to thanksgiving there will be no brownie meeting this coming monday night vi courtroom facilities inadequatemagistrate pickering village is in dang- it was also mentioned that cr of losing its court reeve r hc c p w80 in rentals a murison informed council at robert fultons first steam boat in 1807 travelled the 150 miles from new york to alba- nyin32 hours friction niatchei president made la 1837 wen first a recent meeting magistrates court is held in the municipal hall every other thursday reeve murison told council that magistrate harry jcrmyn told him the courts would move away from the village unless conditions were improved the reeve said the magistrate told him he did not want to move the court but said the village hall was noisy and dirty councillor basil kearney said the hall had been repaint ed just this year and that he did not know what could be done to improve it councillor b a watson men tioned that he thought the mag istrate was looking for a way to move the court from the vil lage reeve murison said this was unlikely since magistrate jcr myn was an oldwhitby resi dent and a friend of the village but that unless there was a change in- the hall he would recommend that the sittings be moved yearly for the use of the hall council l burningham said he thought the tile on concrete floor was causing most of the noise problems councillor kearney suggested that the matter be brought up in the next meeting of the com munity centreboard which ad ministrates the hall for dis cussion and suggested that ma gistrate jermyn be requested to attend the meeting in order to make recommendations when magistrate jcrmyn said the pickering hall was just not a courtroom in its present condition he mentioned that its floors were noisy the walls un appealing the lighting dim and that the place was not properly heated during the winter magistrate jermyn also said he was not trying to move mag istrates court from the village to ajax but that unless a move was made by the village to re decorate the hall that he would request that court no longer be held there he said it mattered little to him whether he had to drive to ajax or the the village of pickering court threat fails to alter council decision the developer of a residential subdivision in the west rouge area of pickering township tnreatened to take court action to acquire an occupancy per mit for a home following a heated discussion with council at brougham on monday night mr d s mcintosh became ir ritated when the council refus ed to allow any more building permits to be issued until cer tain roads in the subdivision are improved you hove not fulfilled your obligations argued reeve clifford laycox and i will not be a party to the issuance of any building permits until these conditions are corrected surely you know that if you wish to go ahead you must co operate said councillor wm newman deputyreeve mrs jean mc pherson said she had inspected one road in the subdivision per sonally with the engineer she described it as nothing more than a cattle tracka mud hole you must look after the pres ent home owners now and then proceed with your other plans later she advised when you have proved to this council that you have ful filled your obligations then we will keep our end of the bar gain said reeve laycox the reeve described one house in the subdivision where an occu pancy permit had been request ed as a tarpaper shack on saturday sept 26lh twin daughters were born jo mr and mrs howard burton of brougham their second set of twins within two years patricia ictt and pamela are held by their mother with colleen left and carolyn st anding beside her staff photo south ontario plowing match successful event 43 entries the south ontario plowing match was held on the national stud farm rr 1 oshawa on wednesday sept 30 with 43 lands being plowed this plowing match is spon sored each year by the south ontario plowmens association mr howard farndale president and mr elmer powell secreta rytreasurer and the various committees did an excellent job in choosing the site for the plowing match and in carrying out the details the plowing match was brought to a conclusion with a banquet in the kedron united church at which the various prizes and trophies were pre sented judges for this match were mr winfred timbers stouffville and mr george ho- strawser malton the prize winners in this competition are listed below class 1 jointer plow in sod open 1 gerald bell woodville 2 anthony featherstonc millikcn 3 byrncll wylie oakwood 4 james lee greenbank class 2 tractors in sod 2 furrows open 1 grant wells stouffville 2 don dunkeld claremont rr 2 3 keith robinson cookstown 4 graham little little britain class 3 no entry class 4 tractors 2 or 3 furrows open 1 ross nottingham little brit ain 2 g bradlield peter borough 3 roy craig mono road rr 2 class 5 otubbii- tidcioi 2 ui juuie fur rows open to those who have never won a prize at a match 1 fred holstock stouffville rr 3 2 john lucyk columbus class 6 stubble mounted plow 2 or more furrows 1 ivan dcgeer mount albert 2 les smith blackwater 3 keith leslie georgetown rr 4 4 floyd forsyth stouffville rr 2 5 bob armstrong brampton 6 nick aland stouffville rr 3 7 george timbers stouffville 8 herb jarvis agincourt class 7 tractors in stubble 2 furrow plows trailer or mounted open to boys and girls under 16 yrs 1 bob tran claremont rr 2 2 ron mcguckin mt albert rr3 3 larry bagshaw wil frid 4 jim mckean stouffville rr 1 5 stanley kersville rr 2 6 earl lewis altona class 8 sod or stubble contestants must have completed- one land in one of the regular classes- section a for trailer plows 1 keith robinson cookstown rr 4 2 don dunkeld clare mont 3 grant wells stouff ville rr 2 4 ross nottingham little britain 5 g bradfield peterborough 6 graham little little britain section u mounted plows 1 ivandcgccr mount albert 2 floyd forsyth stouffville 3 keith leslie georgetown bob tran claremont 5 herb jarvis agincourt 6 fred hol stock stouffville 7 les smith blackwater 8 roy craig mono road 9 nick aland stouff ville 10 larry bagshaw wil frid ilorse show best team and equipment 1 gerald bell oakwood 2 byrncll wylie little britain 3 jim lee greenbank 4 an thony featherstone millikcn special ken prentice markham best crown in class 7 bob tran claremont special morrow farm equipment port perry for best plowed land mounted plow to a resident of ontario county ivan degecr mount albert special international harvester co of canada ltd for best plowed land ina utility class mounted plow 3 or more furrows competitor having won this special at a previous 1964 branch match not eligible herb jarvis agincourt special canadian imperial bank of commerce port perry for best plowed land in class 3 and 7 resident of south ontario bob tran claremont- hon m b dymond tronby best plowed land resident of south ontario son dunkeld claremont special donated by ellis brittonclare- mont best plowed land in class 7 mounted plow bob tran claremont katons of canadajuhiof cham- pionship trophy best plowed land mounted plow junior competitor under 18 years bob tran claremont esso special mounted plow best plowed land tractor class resident of ontario county ivan degeer mt albert altona the cumberland road lead ing into the ohio valley was partially built by federal funds in the early 19lh century 8ssss38ssss8ss8ss88883g crossing guard applications will be accep tod by ihe undersigned for the position of a school crossing guard at goodwood ontario until 5 pm october 9 1961 for information contact w h harper chair man or j e foskett sec retary any application not necessarily accepted j e foskett secretary ss 7 township of uxbridge goodwood ontario- balsam ml zion mr and mrs cecil jones mr and mrs b jamicson and mary jean and mr and mrs donald jamicson attended the official opening of the new court house at whitby mr and mrs norval parrott of marquis sask visited thurs day vith mr- and mrs b jam icson the sympathy of this commu nity goes to mr orr graham in the death of his mother mrs wm graham of oshawa who passed away last week mr and mrs glen mandcr- son snd joanne visited on the weekend with friends at shel- bourne- a large number of friends and relatives gathered at the church friday night and pres ented mr and mrs gordon wil son with a clock and a set of dishes mi and mrs winton white attended the barclay-winler- stcir wedding at stouffvillson friday sept 25 the fourth meeting of the mt zion ettikctts was held at ths- home of brcnda mcavoy on oct 3rd mrs disney dem onstrated formal and informal afternoon tea service all the girls helped to make plain and fancy sandwiches the next meeting is to be held at the home of isabel and marion jackton on oct 17 at 130 mr and mrs david pagan and sandra of west hill had dinner sunday with mr and mrs- cecil jones the occasion beina mrs pagans birthday in the afternoon all called to see mrsj a jones -at- falrview lodge whitby his j brizfs of oshawa spent the wecknd with mrs le wis jones the ucw will meet next wed oct 14 in the church basement with mrs geo pick ett and mrs alanmanderson in charge of the program roll call n item on thanksgiving atha sympathy of this community is extended to mrs david mc dowell and family in the sud den passing of her husband the late david mcdowell misses mary and jennie car- ruthcrs mr harold carruthcrs of stouffville visited wednes day afternoon with the car ruthcrs family congratulations to our two ploughmen mr donald dunk eld and bob tran who won ma- the regular meeting of- tha altona womens institute will be held in the basement at tha home of mrs merv bunker on wednesday oct 14th at 2 pm mrs f byer is in charge of the program motto making tha most of our time roll call peo ple collect or create the most surprising things for pleasure or profit what is yours dis play an article from your col lection or hobby there will be pictures and a report of the wolfville n s convention all ladies are welcome on- sunday rev l sider of gormley was the guest speaker- ct the 89th anniversary service of the altona united mission- try church the church was uccoratcd with beautiful bou quets of flowers in memory of the many members who have passed away mr and mrs norman bunker accompanied by their son harve and mrs bunker- of goodwood enjoyed a trip through the northland and -a1- spnquin park on sunday congratulations to mr and mrs j s rusch on the arrival of their son last week thcyaro new neighbours in the former byer home mrs allan taylor and family of oshawa had supper with her mother mrs walter davis on sunday while allan was away- on a fishing trip on thursday air and mrs davis are leaving- for a months visit joutwcst they expect to spend some tima with his brother newton and mrs davis in northern alberta quite a number from here took advantage of the beautiful weather to attend markham fair on saturday it seemed to be bigger and better than ever thisyear mrs f byer gave a talk on flower arrangements at thel4 club meeting at the home of susan and gail britton last friday evening the next meetrl- ing will tie this friday at tha home of mrs o fretz the wms ladies held their thanksgiving meeting atmrs george ncales home on tues day evening theres been lots of excite ment around the kcrswill household this past week their dog became ill and was taken to the vet where it is quarantin ed it is suspected to have rab ies but no one knows for sura yet marion reg and lloyd are now taking antirabies shots just in case on mon stanley kerswill won- first prize in the boys under 15 class at the north york plow ing match held on the fred timbers farm congratulations stanley ry prizes at the plowing match es mr and mrs ernie carruthv irs ruth ann mrs a c car ruthcrs called on mr and mrs b boomer and mr will coatcs on sunday mr murray dunkeld mr donald dunkeld left tuesday- morning for peterboro to plow at the match there j men and women for poultry processing plant no experience necessary steady employment or reliable workers king cole duck farms phone 8959161 or come in person aurora side road east turn north at 5th concession of whitchurch

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