Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 8, 1964, p. 2

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eilitariul lions to ignore stouffville lions club is prepar ing to hold a lucky draw this fall for a new motor car this has always been an annual event with the club until last year when several service dubs were jumped on- for holding such lotteries and the local club fear ing similar treatment pulled off its draw since that time however other clubs have continued to hold draws retail commercial outlets continue to hold draws without being molested and the stouffville club due primar ily to the urgent need for funds to carry on its welfare and youth recrea tional programs has decided to pro- ceed despite all the adverse publicity and the presentations which govern ment received during the last flurry of prosecutions on this matter no thing has been done to remedy the situation betting on the horse races at markham fair last weekend was all nice and legal and why be cause the government was getting a nice juicy cut of the proceeds not a finger was raised no letters have been received by the newspapers everything is up and above board outdared law in the case of the fair the pro ceeds are for private gain but this doesnt matter in the case of the senice club the proceeds will all go for the public good certainly the service club has much more to be said for its operation than the other lets be realistic about this matter and lets not try to make a moral issue out of it such talk is ridicu lous in the case of our own service club many citizens welcome the op portunity of contributing to the town good in this manner surveys have shown that most favour such opera tions and all can benefit so lets not have a few narrow individuals wreck the benefit by their cries of horror the government is definitely to blame for the situation as it stands its failure to act places law enforce ment officers in an embarrassing po sition and particularly in small com munities it deprives all kinds of wouldbe welfare agencies from being able to operate on a sound financial basis lets stop playing ostrich on lucky draws looking at them legal ly in one community and illegally in another tighter security we were pleased to learn last week that someone has started the ball rolling in an effort to tighten security measures at the boys train ing school near uxbridge stouffville council on a recom mendation from police chief orland keating has approved a resolution f romthe twp of georgina that would prompt the attorney generals de partment to investigate the precau tionary methods employed at st johns we are not suggesting hiat the rehabilitation work accomplished at st johns is inadequate we are not saying that for 95 per cent of the lads retained there that the measures of control are too loose we do say that some of the lads havejuvenile crime records and the safety 61 the measures needed public and property is in jeopardy as long as they are able to continually gain their freedom if these boys have caused trouble in georgina twp andstouffville one can imagine the concern that must be felt by residents in the town of uxbridge only a few walking miles away we have visited the st johns premises and have seen firsthand the wonderful work that is dona there- we feel however that officials of this school have a certain respon sibility to the public in general and innocent people should notbe conlin- ually inconvenienced to prove a point were not advocating a barbed wire barricade around the centre but we do feel that the lads should not be treated like a bunch ofboy scouts on weekend picnic threat of rabies still real a dog afflicted with rabies on a farm near allona last week points to thevery real danger of this disease in the area the carrier was a rabid fox which eventually was destroyed it is not readily known if any live stock in the district may have come in contact with it- but there is a strong possibility that this could have occurred several seasons ago people were very rabies conscious since that time however precautions have been neglected and the threat has all but h6n forgott this recent incident may make the public aware that the danger still exists stouffville veterinarian dr a t oconnor through the media of this newspaper urges all people espe cially in the country to take special note of any wild animals that appear unusually tame this is unnatural- and could be a sign that it is rabid dr oconnor suggests that the ani- mal be it a fox- skunk or any other form of wild animal should be shot immediately and authorities notified he also suggests that farm pets es pecially dogs should be vaccinated as a safety precaution on saturday we visited the local veterinary clinic and saw for the first time a dog with all the symp- toms of rabies it is difficult to under- atand how any domesticated animal could appear so quiet and yet so vicious that it will bite at anything that moves near its cage he would hate to see it happen to a human plowing match time again time for ontarios many annual plowing matches and the biggest of all the international plowing match has rolled around again this week is the north york match right near stouffville and on the farm of the first world champ fred timbers the international is being held at peterborough an event which attracts more farmers than any other event in ontario the big show owes a great deal to the small localized matches to keep interest alive in this truly rural competition no area in the country has pro duced more topflight plowmen than that within a fiftymile radius of stouffville and it follows that farmers in this area take a considerable in terest in all the matches while the international has been built around the plowing competitions sidelines such as machinery and other exhibits have been added to make it a real agricultural progress show it is strictly dependent on its educational value and competitive plowing to draw the people with the help of the district matches the introduction of on-the- job machinery demonstrations the international has managed to garner the interest each year of more than a hundred thousand people next years big match is here in york county on the massey ferguson farms markham township being so close to metro should see even larger crowds in attendance com mittees have been named some time ago to work on the 65 show and they are planning now to see how they can extend show interest by coming up with new demonstrations in line with the rapidly changing agricultural picture brasliskbd lut member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the r ontario weekly newspapers association v v j7 tottw member of the audit bureau of clrculationi issued every thursday at stouffville ont jviacmd350 elsewhere 550 ait nolan pnbjuhtt jas thomas mltor jas mekkan adrertwnr isnt that a dainty dish to sst before a queen sugar spice by bill smiley i canada act your age there is one country in the world that i xeel sorry for it has all the outward attributes of a spoiledrotten teenager it is goodlooking if a little gangly it is strong and well made if a little inclined to flabbiness it has always had a big allowance because its mother and father came into a lot of property but all the signs of the rhixedup adolescent are there the sudden flaring resentment over nothing the great desire to be loved and made a fuss over the surliness when things dont go right the sullen apathy towards anything worthwhile the absorption in material things the flashes of decency and the impulses towards vandalism it must be dreadful o sec a child you love one who lias brought sun and laughter as an infant pride and joy through the growing years turn into one of the creatures it is equally sad to see a eountryfjbto loves turwihldyt schizophrenic whining with selfpity one moment swaggering with threats the next bragging with one breath complaning with another im talking about canada there is something sick in our country today and i feel for it the same baffled sorrow that i feel for the teenager who has a good mind with nothing more on it than bashing around in a big car and smashing things up who has a fine body with nothing more to do than let it go to pot i dont know quite what has brought me to this state of gloom but the flag debate certainly helped an insignificant issue ineptly introduced by an inadequate prime minister and immediately attacked by an incredible leader of her majestys loyal opposition people complain periodically that canada gets little or no attention in the world press thank goodness if newspaper readers in other nations could peruse some of the juvenilia that has passed as debate in our house of commons on the flajr issue they would shake their heads in bewilderment anil write us off as a nation about one jump ahead of the congo personally i dont care whether our national flag is three mangyimaple leaves or three beavers eating the left thigh of sir john a macdonald nr three roosters crowing o canada from a dunghill but i do care that my country shows none of the signs of strength maturity and wisdom that might be expected from an adult democracy another thing that has produced my present mood is the threatto the life of the queen if she has enough gumption to visit canada on invitiation which she has would that the shrivelled punks who threaten her had as much canadians are not made for bowing and scraping before royaltybut who except a few fanatics of desperate paucity of soul would wantvto harm this rather plain rather sweet quite dignified and extremely courageous woman who docs her earnest best in an extremely difficut role the answer is only those who have adopted the philosophy of the communist and the fascist that the end justifies the means the queen has nothing to do with imperialism or colonialism or any of the other isms hat quebec is belatedly excited about after sitting complacent under a dictator and a corrupt one for years 1 hereby announce that if anybody takes a potshot at the queen when she visits quebec i will personally call up a crowd of creaky old fighter pilots and march on that province i doubt if wed have a banner because if you told an old fighter pilot to follow a flag into action hed tell you promptly what you could do with your flag and it would be painful perhaps im wrong perhaps the mixedup teenager will as- so many have done grow up stop tearing things down and turn into a rank old reactionary like mc i hope so a an age reborn he who says that common sense comes high in the rank of vir tue i should delve into the hearts and souls of men and then find that those who do his work find naught but blood sweat and death he who says that age breeds wisdom will find his work a miscarried child who waits for his birth but dies while standing in line and he who says that all is not but what it was meant to be as thepal in his own right whpjwiil let blood pour from- the living so that the society- dead may lap it up i but he who will give food to the hungry give clothes to the freezing give kindness to the unhappy and give love to those he hates has found the secret of living life itself tim wees r an orientation course for new white cross volunteers will take place tuesday oct 13 at 800 pm in the conference room administration bldg ontario hospital whitby guest speaker will be mr paul aza- roft canadian mental associa tion ontario division and a film will be shown the long road abck for further infor- uvuiac hart coordinator of volun teers 6g85881 or mrs f ocal- laghan 6403741 order of merit only two left reconditioned standard typewriters your choice 8950 tribune office supplies main street stouffville citation award winner designed by bluebird flawless quality guaranteed design created by the style leaders diamonds fox kafnnks waggs jewellery and china a gift for every occasion 24 main st w stouffville phone 6102022 sjh x nnvnnst roamin around markham fair every year it is the suggestion of many that markham fair is a bigger and better show than that of the year before this is a broad statement of course but few people will dis agree that the fair of 1961 had more attractions more organis ed for more people than at an time in its long and colourful past although it is impossible to obtain an exact attendance figure on the twoday attraction we would suggest that the total must have exceeded the 25000 mark on friday alone there were 2400 school children on the grounds the operator of the ferris wheel suggested that 2000 of these must have had at least one ride on his machine we couldnt help but sympathize with the 45 students who comprised the agincourt collegiate institute band this color ful group performed on a stand next to the merrygoround and their numbers were almost completely drowned out by the tinpanalley music that erupted from the midst of these revolv ing steeds speaking about the merrygoround we would suggest that the operators received more money per mile than any other attraction on the grounds every parent was involved in a mild stampede to get his or her child on a horse and it was a small wonder that someone didnt get trampled to death in the rush and markham fair wouldnt seem quite the same without frank sanderson on the grounds frank a onetime hired hand on the farm of the late levi drudge is now living at new market every year he is made an honourary constable and proudly wears the badge as proof of his position it was interesting to note that every car in the markham chryslerdodge display in the arena building had been sold one of these a beautiful dodge hardtop has been purchased by geo robb of burkholder st in stouffville an official of this firm said that the demand for the 1963 models has exceeded all expectations with many orders booked in advance weve always had the quality and engineering but this year weve got the style too he said after looking over this product for the first time we cannot help but agree in spite of the huge crowd injuries were few in number one child was stepped on by a horse while a midway employee suffered a broken leg when a portion of the ferris wheel col lapsed during its erection he was admitted to scarborough general hospital there was real beauty on the grounds too drum majorette sharon johnson of the markham colicgettes opened a few eyes a little wider when she led her group of girls in the friday afternoon parade and again on saturday and the york county dairy princess was also in attendance i hate to disappoint all you young junior farmers but lois livingston of woodbridge is a mrs and mr livingston will share hcrwith no one but a few lucky cows there was an entry winner at the fair that wouldnt top a beauty contest in fact its face was so ugly it would stop a clock it was a huge landrace hog from maryville farms of hawkstone owned by w a johnston and son it tipped the scales at over 800 pounds romandale farms had a bull in the ring that weighed in at 2500 pounds although only a 2 year old and the team of oxen owned by carman lyons of wallace- town are a pretty husky pair too each animal weighed 1900 lbs a near catastrophe accurred while en route to the fair when the two animals crowded to the one side of the trailer and push ed the cart down on the tire ii was necessary to stop and make repairs before they could continue their 170 mile trip mr lyons said that he would sell hls team at a price but he declined to name the amount they will he up at the inter national flowing match near peterborough this week when it comes to a skilledhand at carpentry bryan cox- worth north of markham is a chip of the old block bryans scarecrow was a real masterpiece and an easy 1st prize winner in the class he attends mt joy public school eddie jarick offranklin school markham was secondln the nameplate division v ferguson of dicksons hill school won a red ribbonscottmaccorinell offranklin school had the best bird iv house and brian butler also of markham had the top entry in the feeding station class the way to a mans heart is through ills stomach in the 18 yrsand under class there are some fine future housewives in the making susan ryan collected a total of 29 points somey- of you young lads down cedar grove way would be wise to keep sr eye sn is girl next door ji in the adult baking department mrs earl cook and- mrs clarence hood both of stouffville rr 4 had some mouth- watering cake entries that caught the judges eye carol morfr son of gormley had a- 1st prize chocolate layer and mrs bob lapp of cedar grove topped all entries in the date and nut loaf division when it comes to butter tarts mabel reesorof markham has the formula and mrs mel barkey also of mark ham knows how to bake an oldfashioned pumpkin pie both were 1st prize awardwinners peggy clark of markham had a bananaloaf entry that won a red ribbon ivan of goodwood and harold norton of clare- mont arc always in the winners circle in the champion potato class and this year was no exception h j coupcrthwaitc of uxbridge was the top turnip grower at the fair while jim cowan of mongolia had a 1st with his plums arid grapes john murison of markham had some excellent apple entries and also won a 1st with his bushel of turnips the biggest and best field pumpkin prize went to tnilcl gardens p gormley owen and neil grant of markham had the top single display of fruit and their entry was an easy winner the spelling contest a usual friday afternoon feature at the fair was cancelled this year too much noise and confusion to make is successful an official said this we can understand wc thought the public address system on the grounds was an excellent idea it was operated from the secretarys booth in the arena and was responsible for reunlling many a dis traught child with its legweary parent the services of the pinkcrton security agency on the grounds gave the shorthanded markham village police depart ment a welldeserved breather from ground patrol duty mark- ham twp- police had officers in attendance and the opp handled the highway traffic in an efficient manner and talk about traffic at 330 pm on saturday afternoon cars were lined up bumper tobumper from the signal lights to a distance past the southerly limits of the village parking was at a premium unless you wished to walk a mileor two one im- patient motorist parked his auto right across a private laneway- somcone name unknown let all the air out of the four tires it is reported hat one lady threw her hip out of joint during the saturday night dance in the arena she was taken by ambulance to hospital the paved midway area was the subject of much favour able comment it came in especially handy following the down pour of rain early friday evening markham firemen displayed their efficiency when they were called from the grounds to extinguish a blaze at the new- boy crosby school in the village four minutes we timed them after the first alarm sounded the red reel had knifed its way through the crowd and was out on no 7 hwy the most satisfied gentleman at the fair on saturday was undoubtedly the president walter gould the work involved in this program is immense and yet everything is organized in every detail markham fair has become a tradition and its popularity continues to grow guaranteed sheridan jewellers diamonds watches expert jwltcrl custom made jeweixeby finj8sa 38 main st e stooflvhle phone 64016s0 d f sheridan certified watchmaker

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