Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 4, 1964, p. 5

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cssaa d a edwards massey- ferguson farm equipment used tractors and implements repairs fir service phone agincourt ax134851 goodwood 6403841 toooeeooeocooooooeooooooooeeoe tribune classified ads are tops uxbridge township 1964 tax notices first instalment due on june 15th interest at the rate of 1 per month or part thereof will be charged for nonpayment second instalment due on november 15th if paid on or before june 15th together with the first instalment a discount of 3 will be allowed on the second instalment only positively no discount after june 15th the municipal office will remain open the following addi tional hours for pajment of property and dog taxes fridav mondav june 12 15 7 9 pm saturday june 13 900 am 500 pm j e foskett tax collector goodwood ontario markham man vice chairman of new mennonite cbmm the mennonites of canada who have sained recognition through the years for their charitable deeds and benevo lences are reorganizing their numerous relief and service committees to form one national hitermennonile agency this new organization which is to be called the mennonite centra committee of canada or mcc canada will have its central office at 104 princess st winnipeg it will do the work formerly done by six regional intermennonite bodies mcc canada was officially begun in december 1963 when representatives of the various mennonite groups from ontario to bc met to work out an or ganizational structure which would eliminate some of the overlapping inefficiency and confusion which was resulting from the multiplicity of organi zations the transition from the exist ing agencies to mcc canada is to be completed by november 30 1961 two groups the his toric peacechureh council of canada and the canadian men nonite disaster service organi zation have already turned their functions over to mcc can the canadian mennonite relief and immigration council which is the largest intermennonite lclief committee in canada is planning to turn its activities over to the new organization on june 1 the three other commit tees are expected to follow this example soon nine mennonite and brethren in christ conferences and sev eral smaller groups will work through mcc canada they have a total membership of ap proximately 60000 during the period between smmmmmm one stop weed killer shop your complete line of agricultural chemicals is on display at your co operative manufactured in canada to meet canadian conditions coop weed killers and pesticides are your most eftective means of crop protection where required yoir co op salesman will offer expert advice and guidance on any control problems for bigger yields more profitable crops use coop agricultural chemicals v at your coop store now pocketsize weed killer handbook not time youte at i your cooperative 1 pick up thi handy up odat auide on the selection and agricultural chemicals pr6teofhiit0stwiir stouffville c phone 6401550 or 1551 more for you special s offer new farm tank filter keeps your firm fuu dean fh- tm out ittrruitind dirt which can colled doiine stout fof t on any fuel slof jc tank regular i109 5 yours now for only 495 3 alias tractor mm 4 quality motor oils t e cordless of the type and miks of equipment you en your too ajit hs the right motor oil lor yw oevel- os4 by imperial oil resufch each oneot these motor cits h rfnigixd for a specific patpose4raf ned to do it better tbaa any other brand from your sso agent w hood markham 195x3 these conferences gave a total of well over 1000000 in cash to the various relief com mittees for overseas services they also sent hundreds of vol unteers mostly young people and tons of food and clothing to relief and rehabilitation projects at home and abroad it is hoped that the new organization will strengthen these efforts mcc canada will do its overseas work through an inter national mennonite central commute which has projects in 31 countries in latin america africa asia and europe this organization distributes food clothing bedding and school and medical supplies to thou sands of needy people in under developed areas each year it also places a strong emphasis on community development and selfhelp projects which enable people to help themselves agrl cultural extension units for ex ample are located in a number of countries workers are also supplied to schools hospitals and other institutions which need qualified highly motivated volunteers at present 300 mcc workers are serving overseas approximately one third of these are canadians mcc canada will also ad minister a disaster service which has units in each of the five western provinces standing ready to serve in times of emer gency these units consist of skilled and unskilled workers who are prepared to move into an area to help cleanup and re build a community or a house whichever the case may be aft er a disaster has occurred at present volunteers are being re cruited in western canada to go to alaska for six weeks to help build 23 homes on an island 200 miles southwest of anchorage these houses are being built for families who were left homeless after the recent earthquake in alaska the mennonites are one of the historic peace churchesi throughout their 400year his tory they have always been op posed to war and violence and have tried to live up to the standards of the sermon on the alount this peace interest has been nurtured in a variety of ways in the past a canada- wide peace council was formed in 1959 to give a united witness to the government and to other churches and to give the vari ous branches of the mennonite and brethren in christ churches an opportunity to discuss the subject of peace love and non violence together the work of this council will now also be taken over by mcc canada it is likely that a subcommittee will be appointed to be respons ible for this special area of con cern material aid centers and col lection depots are located in each province for the purpose cf receiving contributions of new and used clothing blankets and other supplies which are needed for overseas distribution the processing and packing of these supplies is done at centers in yarrow bc and at- 50 kent ave kitchener ontario these two centers bale the supplies and ship them to overseas pro jects designated by the inter national mcc a sevenman executive com mittee is guiding the operations of mcc canada the mem- bers are david p neufeld win nipeg chairman newton gitig- lich markham ontario vice- chairman c j rempci kitch ener ont secretarytreasurer j j thiessen saskatoon sask kj swalm duntroon ont t e friesen altona man and harvey plett steinbach man j m klassen is the execjtive secretary his office is at 104 princess st winnipeg he has had six years experience in ad ministrative relief and service projects three of these years he spent as director of the mcc program in korea york presbyterial rally in alt albert united church tuesday may 39 the united church women met for their spring rally mrs s jones pre sided in the absence of mrsw shillinglaw after greeting from mrs jones and a warm welcome from mrs mitt the kpsom united church women conducted a worship service the group then divided into 4 conferences program taken by mrs h sanders stewardship by mrs a m wood leader ship mrs turner and president was mrs jones a most infor mative and helpful discussion in each case provided the mem bers with ideas to go forth mrs hodgson displayed a large se lection of books now available a buffet supper was served by the mt albert group the evening program opened with an enthusiastic singsong led by mrs turner dr mar garet arkinstall opened a dis cussion on rallies their need and usefulness the address was given by mr narcndra sharma a gentleman from in dia who is at present a social worker at newmarket he gave a brief outline of the indian cast system and what it means to an individual mr sharmas greatest ambition in life is to enjoy good health and raise the present standard of living he has had the privilege of study ing under dr winifred bryce- a day of fellowship and learn ing ended with evening vesper french next fall at tsa no 3 markham there will be french instruc tion for grades 6 7 and 8 child ren in tsa no 3 ilarkham be ginning next september accor ding to mr arnold mortson chairman of the school board tsa no 3 includes buttonville headford gormley and victo ria square and the senior school where oral french will be taught is on the 3rd conces sion north of 18th ave mr mortson told the board members and it has since been confirmed when they met last week that negotiations were underway with tsjv no 1 and the unionviiie public school board to engage such a teacher for shared instruction she will spend 50 of her time in the thornhill area 25 at tsa no 3 and 25 at unionviiie this will allow three twenty minute periods a day for tsa no 3 children cost will b apportioned am ong the three school boards and mr mortson said this would be 1200 plus mileage for tsa no 3 formerly this board has hir ed a supply teacher at s800 per year but with the french tea cher coming in this will not be necessary board members mel- vin wellman douglas melvin and william hibbard agreed that oral french is a necessity in their areas otherwise child ren attending york central district high school would be at a distinct disadvantage when placed with children from oth er areas who have had such in struction good report for 6 school an inspectors report has been received on no 6 school at victoria square where the board inaugurated a january class for grade 1- pupils this yearrjtbere are 23 children en rolled in this special class and the inspector states that most of these will complete the first two levels and be ready for grade 2 in september the rest will make better progress next year if started in the fall reporting on finances secre tary harold hill said costs in the first four months of 1964 were s3204825 as compared to s315314l in 1963 an increase of s51684 cachet club slhool site the board has been offered a 5 acre school site in the cachet club area for 400 plus return of a 2 acre site formerly deeded to the township for school pur poses the secretary was in structed to contact the depart ment of highway for their ap proval in the matter other business included ag reement to tender for painting at no 7 and no 4 schools the itsa no 3 field day sponsored by the victoria sq- and district lions will be held at the community centre on friday june 19 withy jim t wu the stourtvule tbmffte em 5 hew stretch strap awotuwiw the canadian cancer society estimates that about 48000 can cer cases will be diagnosed for the first time this year this will bring the total number of canadians under medical care for cancer to some 70000 on savings interest from date of deposit jcrcc chequing privilege deposits by mail jtotftgc paid envelopes provided free hours 9 to 5 fnilayb 9 to 9 saturdays 9 to 1 customer parking at tfle rear of tiik office guaranty trust canadas largest independent tmist company richmond hill 1 post offic cbnwr 8844415 wonderbra now bring you the marvellous comfort and freedom of stretch straps in a kind-to- yourbudgetbra fashioned with luxurious terylene lace and lycra spandex style 1314 in white only a b c cups sizes 3240 400 3ss3883g5sssas333s8bs33888338s338s twohillbillie were on a train for the fust time a man camethrough selling bananas which jneither mountaineer had ever seen before each of them bought one as one of them bit into his banana the train enter- i cd a tunnel hii voice came to his companion through ihs darkness have you ct youri yet not yet why well dont touch it ive et one bite and gone blind you dont have to iunoutof hotwwer up to 500 gallonsia lw with a gas water 11 eater 3s 5ff i i atw w lj7k wa a i- erv youll have all the hot water you can use all the time with a stonelined gas water heater think of ihe times youve had to postpone a bath delay dishwashing and do the laundry in two shifts simply because you didnt have enough hot water no need to put up with this incon venience any more rent or buy a fas recovery low cost gas water heater 50 gallons a lay for only month on the lowlow gas heating rate call 16b yonge street north richmond hill phone zenith 82500

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