Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 4, 1964, p. 2

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put 7 the siourryius tribune thgy juat a 1964 jeditoriul nothing to be a number of citizens have been wondering what has happened to those developers whom they read about having appeared before plan ning board in connection with open ing up certain vacant land in and around stouftville xothing has hap pened to them which will be detri mental to the taxpayers already living in town these land developers are busi ness people like so many of the rest of us they are interested in making money and the fact that in the case of subdividers their interests are not to the benefit of those taxpayers already living here is of no concern stouftville planning board and coun cil too has been keeping a tight rein on largescale subdividing some of those who are interested in develop ing land and building houses would have us believe that they are doing the town some sort of favour which is not the case they are only inter ested in how many homes they can locate on a particular parcel of land and how much it will be worth to them to do so and this is understandable however if in building all these homes they saddle the town with considerable costs it will be the pres- ent taxpayers who will suffer they will be forced to share in providing more schools and additional services which they themselves do not need there will be only one person who can possibly benefit and that is the subdivider what about taxes any survey will show that stouffvilles guarded a good reason if we needed just one good rea son for staying in canada and out of the united states the latest handling of the hal banks affair has provided it this was one of the best things that has happened in canada in re cent years most of us are hard pressed to name more than a very few specific reasons for valuing life in canada above that in the us the putting away of mr banks provides us with a very important one we look across the border and see where mr hoffa has taken on the state department and whole us legal system more than once and so far has won after a few years of this system where its the corrupt types that put the finger on the law alarmed about growth has done nothing to hurt us taxwise one only has to look at some of our neighboring towns where very largescale subdividing was permitted to realize our favorable position we dont mean to construe that we are against growth stouft ville is quite able to absorb a limited number of homes each year with no bad aftereffects and this is what has been going on what about industry here again most developers who own land in town at present have some of this land zoned for industry or commer cial growth it is the contention of both planning board and council that where this is the case some de velopment must take place on the industrial or commercial part of their holding before they will be allowed to construct homes only exceptions to this stand are where the holding may be very small and the few homes which could be constructed would in no way upset the tax balance subdividers must to the fullest extent which can be had provide town services for their development so that it can be no expense to present taxpayers now or in future to some developers such terms may seem stringent but after all they are the only people who will see a profit from this growth and they must not expect to get this profit at the expense of existing residents under these circumstances some de velopers appear slow to act but the closeness with which largescale de velopment is handled is for the bene fit of all to stay in canada instead of the other way about many americans have just given up canadian courts have shown that they are still in control here if pres ent laws to deal with such hoodlums as banks are not sufficient parlia ment will be quick to pass some that will in the us robert kennedy would not be so fortunate he could have little chance of steering new laws through congress to help him nail down such characters the latest cases show that the biggest countries can do little about the biggest hoodlums we need no better or more concrete reason for choosing to live in canada despite the internal bickering which is going on at the present time street painting needed soon while we favoured the defined crosswalks in town rather than the courtesy walks which have been in vogue on our main st we will be the first to agree that they have showed great value and seem to be working out quite well what is needed now is a hurryup with new paint lines on the pavement winters wear has al most completely eliminated the old markings and under these circum stances pedestrians seem more prone to dart out from almost any point along the street in the business sec tion last saturdays traffic through town pointed up the need for the return of these corner controls again and we would like to suggest that in addition to the two parallel lines wide diagonal markings be placed between these two lines to further step up the importance of these crossings whether or not we will reach the stage where lights will be required remains to be seen in some cases on saturday it took a line-up- of motorists almost five minutes to enter the main st traffic flow at mill and church sts each year has seen an increase in the summer traffic through town and this will continue as the area becomes more and more populated editors moil 2743 y san juan ave phoenix ariz usa 85017 may 26 1961 the stouftville tribune stoufrvllle ont canada gentlemen though i have not received notice that my subscription to the stouffville tribune has ex pired i believe it is tome to re new it i am enclosing s150 for another years subscription you cant imagine how much 1 have enjoyed the tribune it is almost as good as a visit there my father albert edward pipher was born in markham 35 april 1864 to abraham and elizabeth sheffield pipher ellzalieth pipher had a sister barbara who married robert black her father was william sheffield and her mother was elizabeth fockier i believe abraham piphcrs father to be william pipher and his wife to be elizabeth maiden name not known this family tree is in a bible which my father left me upon his dcatli in 1937 and which originally belonged to elizabeth fockier william and elizabeth piphcrs names arc at the top edge of a page which is frayed and cant ba sure of its correctness my grandfather pipher died between 1866 and 1s71 and his wife married george lemon in 1s71 at richmond hill they had the following children john arthur herbert ada estelle and efflc i have a pic ture of uncle john lemon while still quite young my father left home later going to detroit he married my mother alice marguarile hilts in blen heim he must have known her in markham as her family lived there at the time his par ents did they lived in detroit when they were first married moving to port hope before i was born in 1903 my father was manager of the standard ideal plumbing fixtures man ufacturing co there for several years presently the port hope sanitary manufacturing co ltd our family moved to the united states in 1922 and i have never been back but am hoping that within the net year or two we can make the trip visit my dads old home and ours in port hope and get acquainted with some of my relatives in ontario there are so many piphcrs living there that i am mire i am related to some of them if not all in some way my father had a brother william who moved to detroit and worked most of his adult life for the ferry seed co there almost a year ago i wrote mrs david hilts whose name had appeared in your paper and her daughter mrs gerald hoadlcy answered the letter we have found we are second cousins i have since correspond ed with her and my cousin mi imtfftullc rtinntc established lut member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association attborlsvd m cosdu mko fmtotva dtpl ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouftville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 150 cl h nolan publisher jas thomas editor jas sickean advertising flrlce mr tobn3hs wants sand bars representing- the great lakes bars subject lo approval op the lcbo and the drys democratic cluster at queens park oops independence park cleam sheet from royal commission on syndicated crime i ygphc cwkiipttnsohrmtlc coiuttt smffar spiee by bill smiley a shovel for symbol i dont know how you feel about it but that distinctive canadian flag with the three spindly maple leaves on it makes me want to throw up id like to see somebody ask you to go out and fight and die for it no im not a red ensign boy the red ensign was a makesift at best it is too confused with colonialism and the merchant marine and the union jack ever to be accepted if we must have a canadian flag which i deny violently by the way i think the canadian legion has had some pretty shoddy treatment from the daily press because of its espousal of the ensign and its lessthanenthusiastic reception of the prime minister at the winnipeg convention whats wrong with an organization standing up for some thing it believes in everybody else does it from hog producers to folk singers but the legion was suddenly made he butt of a vicious and slanted attack in certain dailies k k k k k k the men who did the dirty work in two wars weie suddenly catalogued as a group of reactionaries or as one daily put it a bunch of old soldiers trying to tell the rest of canada what flag it should have this canard was climaxed by a brutal cartoon by duncan macpherson in the toronto star portraying the legionnaire as a blearyeyed beerynosed old blimp clinging to the past even the star was embarrassed by the cartoonists lack of taste but this isnt a defense of the legion it can look after itself it has a minority of old booers so docs the yacht club and the curling club and the service club and the press club before i finish this digiession let me ask a question whats wiong with booing the prime minister it may be impolite but its a heck of a lot beter than assassinating him and i know hed rather be booed than defeated in office at the same time let me express my admiration for mr pearsons courage in attacking this flag fiasco and doing it in front of a body opposed to his views none of his three predecessors had the guts to do it but to get back to what i originally started to say leis get everybody sore at me and get it over with the whole business of flags is a medieval hangover with juvenile over tones men used to rally around flags in the days oi hand-to- hand combat because they were trying to find somebody else who was on their side k k ir k k k war evolved or degenerated if you like until the stretcherbeai er became a lot more heroic than the standard- bearer if you want a bit of gay bunting by all means go to it hang up a rosy apple for the okanagan valley or a lobster for southeast nova scotia or a rampant oil well for calgary and enjoy it but a canadian flag is an anchronism in the first place and in the second place the maple leaf tome an many another canadian is just a dang nuisance that clutters up my lawn in october the only possible symbol that would represent he whole of canada is a snow shovel my the tvauf anne ross do you find it difficult simply to say lhank you for a favour done or a gift received and do you like so many of us add and add again you shouldnt have done it 7 giving is supposed to be a supreme act of human goodness and o it is but too often we forget that it takes two to make a gift a giver and a receiver receiving plain uncompli cated acceptance is the nicest thing we can do to show our appreciation whether the offering is a present or hospitality instruction or a service or an honour bestowed we all know that it is far easier to give than to receive graciously and yet so often as a recipient we are selfconscious and embarras sed a closed fist cannot receive and neither can a closed mind i once read the story of a woman with an important job who gave her secretary a cheque for s2500 at christmas and apologized for not making it a thoughtful gift there just hadnt been time to shop the secretary thanked her and said she had been in exactly the same predicament and handed her boss her cheque for 500 instantly the woman went into a long speech about what the secretary could afford and how she the employer could have deducted the 500 from her own gift cheque if that was what she had intended and so on hurt and upset by the unfeeling reaction to her gift the secretary replied i had hoped you would enjoy buying some thing you really wanted with my cheque as i shall with your generous gift to me im learning i think to accept what people give me there- byfinding my life doubly enriched last winter a friend who joseph hcise who has a fam ily bible which gives all our family for two generations some of which is written in german these are my moth ers people they originally im migrated to canada from the mohawk valley in new york the hcise family came from pcnsylvania to canada both families moving to canada be tween 1795 and 1825 john hilts and magdalena hcise probably married is markham or the nearest town i am still hoping to contact someone who knows where i fit into the pipher family tree yours scroly carl h pipher sunday school lesson golden text but whoso hath this worlds good and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of god in him 1 john 317 approach to the lesson a secular newspaper writer on his first visit to india com mented recently this is need in a new dimension we had heard about it all but thought it exaggerated now we know that only a fraction of the truth has been told the crowds who know no home but the afreets and no bed other than the side walk the utter hunger and des titution which compels millions to go to sleep every night and condemns them to never having an adequate let alone enjoy able meal the way in which those who die in the streets of starvation are picked up by trucks and carted away these and innumerable other unfor gettable sights sounds and smells make an indelible im pression on the visitor from more favored lands it is of course quite possible to harden ones spirit even in the midst of such appalling need and live in comparative luxury and indifference it is equally possible never to read any literature or search out any information which makes one aware of the true situation and therefore to go on blissfully un conscious of it surely this is the only possible explanation of the way in which we in north america lavish money on our homes churches and lux uries while as in the case of a large denomination in the usa only spending a little over one dollar a head each year on the missionary program this is a denial of our christian faith a leading politician said re cently that we have only fifteen years in which to prove that the split of humanity between the white haves and the colored havenots will be closed other wise a fissure will have been created a lack of trust a gap of understanding which no subsequent efforts will be able to mend small wonder that na tion after nation is turning to communism with the despairing thought that we of the west do not care enough to share let alone sacrifice our wealth we know they will be even worse off with communism in the long run but the situation demands not sueprior knowledge but ac tive and practical compassion motivated by kowledge and the love of god in our hearts if this involves our being labelled dogooders then so be it it is far better for christians to be known as dogooders than as dobadders or as do-noth- ingcrs our lesson will help us all to see gods teaching on this uptotheminute subject the heart of the lesson someone has said that holi ness is simply the will of christ we are apt to swing to ex tremes and cither make chris tianity all faith and no works or emphasize works to the exclu sion of faith in the finished re demptive work of christ actu ally the christian life begins with faith in the finished work of christ and then goes on to prove its reality by loving god so much as to love the human- roamin around clifford dunkekj secretary of the atha centennial pro gram committee has produced the finest growth of face- warmer to be seen in this area since the highwheeled bicycle went out of style we just hope that no one gives it a pull to ee if the hairy red masterpiece is legitimate following the weekend anniversary clifford would be wise to hold out for the highest bid from either gilette or schick and appear on a tv commercial any blade that will nip that growth off in sixty seconds has got to be the best building construction projects appear to be exceptionally good in the stouffville area this summer according to local contractor bob bruce he feels that the federal tax on many products in this line has created little or no slowdown in work as was suggested in many circles last year mr bruce u currently working on the new wagg home east of stouffville the ringwood school board is still convinced that a hazard does exist on no 4s hwy through their ection and the members are continuing their drive to have it reduced the trustees received some satisfaction for their efforts recently when 40 miles per hour signs were erected on the county road west of the intersection call it smoke or smog but the blanket of heavy vapor that blows across main street in stouffville from the dairy when he wind is in the northwest is arousing some com plaint from residents and rightly so some steps should be taken to correct this condition or the issue will become mora than just streetcorner conversation if you should return home from a hard days work at the office one of these evenings and discover that your frau has run off with the fuller brush salesman just blame the whole affair on television in at least two afternoon soap operas the spouse of the house has fallen madly in love with married men one a doctor and the other a teacher is this the type of things that young mothers should be watching first the cowboys turn the kids into juvenile delinquents and now the soap stoiies aie wooing the wives this is the kind of treat ment the bread and butter man is subjected to when his back is turned gazing at his office secretary the stouffville monument works is receiving a fine face lifting with bud spang doing the carpentry some people hate expressed regret at the change claiming it represents one of the few connections with the past not being a native in town we cannot agree with this type of thinking we feel that any improvement in the appearance of a business building is an improvement for the main street we attended the geo jones melba montgomery country music show at the annandale countiy club near pickering on friday night the program attracted many hundreds of people many of whom waited for over three hours for the stars to appear they arrived on the platform at exactly 11 pm and at 1230 am were still going strong the crowd cheered and applauded every song and not one pel son questioned the long delay we left at an earlymorning hour but the majority remained glued to their seats and could be there yet for all we know the two stars were great just great with that certain professional touch that sets them apart from the ordinary amateur hillbilly a fine list of talent is scheduled for this same location throughout the summer months including the incomparable johnny cash and hank snow miss donna dart has opened up a new beatify salon lit he alsop bldg on main street north of obrien ave through an error the bell telephone co had given her an incorrect number that threw everything into a temiiorary turmoil persons wishing to make reservations found themselves in contact with a private residence to add insult to injury the wrong number was printed on her business cards and tho mistake was discovered too late to make the correction tho right telephone number is 640 3931 donna has a fine reputa tion in this profession and we hope her stay here will he on a permanent basis after getting a quick glimpse of tho operator we may just drop in for a little touchup ourselves the introduction of the red ensign debate within the council of the twp of pickering was quickly canned last week when two members ciitici7ed the inclusion of that issue within the realm of municipal matters we agiee we can see no gain whatsoever coming out of such argument on a muni cipal level as far as newspaper polls are concerned on the flag we feel that the result is good only as liners in a waste- basket expeiience has proven that those persons violently opposed to anything will immediately jump on the bandwagon and let their opinions be known on the other hand those in favour aie willing to sit back and let the chips fall where they may in actual figures the fors could outnumber the agins 2 to 1 but this result would never be born out in a paper poll although we feel that the construction of a 30000 muni clpal building in the twp of pickering is still a trifle pre mature we would be definitely opposed to the pouring of a 44000 centennial grant into an extension of the brougham museum project for practical purposes at least the new municipal offices should get priority although the decision will tindobutedly arouse some complaint this saturday the grunt and groan men will be back in town for a display of gymnastics in the stouffville arena a good card has been lined up with whipper watson against the beast no doubt many of the same persons who condemn this sport and holler fake with its every mention will be back again in the front row seats what happened at the regular meeting of markham twp council last week many readers are asking this question after the tribune reported that the session was adjourned when it deteriorated into an incoherent jumble we think that the ratepayers have a right to know the full facts on this matter unless the members are willing to forgo their usual fe and chalk it tip to experience we cannot recall anything similar in any other town or township at any other time and if our suspicions are correct we would hope that it never happens again we like many more nre merely guessing the sunny valley dance hall at musscimans lake has been reopened to the tune of country and western music this premises was at one time the scene of some rousing postwar gatherings as the then teenagers and now moms and pops of this community will well remember this sunday holds special significance for members of the dicksons hill united missionary church not only is it the congregations anniversary services both morning and after noon hut it could mark the end of a debt incurred thtough the erection of their church building some thirteen years ago if this goal is attained it will be a sunday to remember at dicksons hill speaking of churches recent renovations at the markham gospel chapel on church street has greatly improved th appearance of that building when it comes to the submission of successful truck lenders nell patrick motors of stouffville appears o employ an exceedingly sharp pencil lie has been able to place new vehicles in most of flic siirrouding municipalities the latest in pickering twp his price was lower than hint of larger compe titors in toronto and oshawa a wind sock is located in a field adjacent to iho home of mr bert caicy west of stouffville and if you loov closely youll see a smart looking plane parked at the rear of his spacious residence how it is able to take off on such a short runway we dont know the sold sign on the old anglican church on main street is rather deceiving since we understand that the town has placed the structure on the sales block again this on again off again iransaclinn has this writer rather confused ity for which he gave his son and to prove that love in most practical ways we show our faith by our works jas 214- 26 lives in an isolated outpost in newfoundland whom i have never met in person a mother of 13 children in whose home there are no such luxuries as a washing machine a refrigera tor or a television set sent our daughter a pair of mitts that she had knitted with wool from their own sheep knowing she had little time or money to spend on such a gift i enclosed a pair of earrings with my thank you note in the next mail were two more pairs of beautifully knit mittens and an eight- page letter telling us about her family and their activities then i realized i had accepted her gift with a rebuff almost as though i had said i too can afford a gift so humbly and with real pleasure as i wrote i sent her a long newsy letter of our life here in stouffville and reminisced about our three years with the wonderfully hospitable people of newfound land sometimes vc have to learn lo simply say thank you tribune oiiice supplies for office supplies business machines phone 6402100

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