tilt 12 the stoufryue tkjwne tfawby my 21 m over 6000 in claims on may docket of second division court in markham village tre mav sittings of second ivision court in markham vil lage had a iistinz of 44 cases on je docket with disputes total ling over 60 judge edrid ferguson of toronto was on the swh several claims were set tled but many were adjourned urtil next court date on june v dispute involving the largest sum of money was be tween the dodge ontario car to ard mr charles whiitaker of r r 2 pickering although 3lawer from keswick was ex pected to defend mr whmaker fie did not appear and refused tf attend unless requested per sonally by his client the sum of s139j so is involved in the caim the solicitor said he would take the case in new market court so the dispute was transferred to that location in two cases lawne bros ltd mrs doreen brown 612082 and bell telephone co vs david kevin williams s19517i the two defendants were ordered to spend three osvs in jail as they ignored bieir summonses to apnear decision reserved the dispute between oneills ifurniture stouffville and messrs harry hcathenngton and dennis davies went into its second day of hearing with still no decision although listed sep arately on the docket judge ferguson elected to group these mscs together heathenngton 10715 and davies is33 50 mr hcatherington testified that he had found a credit of s40 sjnee the last court and charged that the oneill co bookkeeping was in error mr davies said he had worked for the firm on oc casions but had not been credit ed for his time former employ ee mr don mcphail said that mr heatherington had made several payments on his ac count and agreed too that mr davies had put in several hours work with the companv al though an additional credit of s15 was offered to mr davies he refused stating that he ow ed them nothing mr heather ington spoke both for himself and mr davies paied driveway in a dispute between the brit ish american asphalt co and roy heaton of stouffville for s270 a judgment in full was al lowed against mr heaton plus court costs a spokesman for the paving firm said that a ehecque for s70 was received from mr heaton after the job had been completed but the money was returned mr heaton later claimed that the work was not finished he said he had the lob done by an other companv and filed a count erclaim of ss900 the counter claim was not allowed missing car the case of saunders cook ltd vs geo foot of stouffville for a claim of 28706 was laid over to june 23rd conflicting evidence made it difficut to as certain what had actually hap pened the car belonging to mr foot was apparently stolen and in some manner unknown to cither party it ended up at the saunders cook co for repairs mr foot said that he accepted delivery but the auto had not been fixed he charged that the car burned as much oil as gas it will he continued hydros markham staff marks three years without any lost time accidents whats doing at the roxy by william sheridan thursday fri sal anil mon tues wed jrjlssin cousins terrific as a member of the vounger generation i grew up with elvis brosley it is therefore expected that i should like him and i do revertheless even i must admit tnat many of his movies were pretty shallow and sometimes lust downright phony and thus im not sure whether this latest effort is a rare exception or a display of the improving elvis if you asked me though xjd say he was really getting belter perhaps its the team of arthur oconnel and elvis that really makes the movie because when they were originally team ed in follow that dream they made a ready hit the plot of kissin cousins is very simple because the aim of the picture isentertainment and as such its a pleasurable success in his first dual role elvis is quite capable as a dark haired pleasantly charming air force man elvis must charm his way into the hearts of his moun tain kin the air force you see wants to build a mountain base but pappys arthur oconnel concern for the local bootleg ging interests places him in no otjicr position but to refuse our boy arrives only to be ambush- ell by some of the prettiest girls ainountain ever grew and here blvis really shines for a cousin jjjdy a sandy headed big lum mox our hoy is great tody wjpnt befriend anyone he cant whip until a pretty air force secretary tosses him for a loop apd thats no figure of speech yes indeed the trick photo graphy is good and the girls are grgeous so dont miss out note monday lune 8 and 800 pm nnlv a special show ing of song without end very good the thiid boy scout tioop ot markham is giving a special one performance showing of song without end the trie story of fran liszt the great pianist and composer the film with dirk bogarde in the lead is we acted and beau tifully ohotosraphed music fans will especially appreciate the film but it should be a pleas ing rendition lor all tickets go on sale soon at one dollar each and the picture is well worth the price see a good film and help the scout for more infor mation watch this column and look for additional news in the paper readers i would welcome your opinions of my criticism as compared to your own after you see a movie which plays in town also if you should see a feature in toronto and should then observe that it is scheduled to run at the koxy in the near future write and tell me your opinion of it so that i may take this into ac count when i am writing my column mv mailing address is william sheridan 34 wilson street markham ontario may 1 hear from you soon what did you think of mo- clintock of the sunday mid night features or any num ber can win have any of you seen kissin cousins and if so do you agree that it was hilarious fun im waiting for your letters ijjrena repairs flay cost 4000 repairs to the roof of the new mjrkham- arena may cost as rrjuch as 1000 the roof was dajnaged recently in a heavy xind tqrm and the matter of ikying for the damage is now in the hands ot the insurance company the company is claiming that the roof was not adequate in the first place the matter of responsibility is now being debated markham village building inspector harhinson has sug gested that an acceptable me thod of installing the roof cover ing had been used the insur ance company claims that nail- fitting recognition was given to the entire staff of ontario hydros markham rural operat ing area for their outstanding safety record of more than three years of continuous work with out a losttime accident this ex cellent accidentfree achive- ment was suitably observed at a dinner meeting at the cedar- brae golf and country club in the markham area the safety record of the markham area staff dates back to june 15 1961 this has been a total of 1064 consecutive dajs that the 35 linemen and forest ers 15 station maintenance and 20 inside commercial staff mem bers have woiked without anv injuries to cause them to take time off this recoid represent ed approximately 440000 man- hours of work that was accident free a highlight of the meeting was the awarding of a framed certificate from the ontario hydro commission signed by chairman w ross strike qc and the regional manager adam s smith in recognition of the excellent record by the whole markham rural operat ing area staff in achieving a total of over 1000 continuous days without a single lost time accident in the absence of regi on manager adam smith who was in europe the certificate was presented by regional op erations engineer n h brown it was accepted by john bayes assistant area manager on be half or area manager h k wright and the entire markham roa staff a telegram of con gratulations on the splendid safety record was read by mr wright from mr smith in wind sor england urging the mark ham area staff to keep up the good work safety director speaks in his brief remarks robert harrison director of accident prevention for the commission complimented the markham area staff on their excellent team work which had resulted in such a wonderful safety re cord he cautioned however against complacency and warn ed that it could be highly dan ger- to relax rigid safety pie- cautions mr harrison illustrat ed his point by mentioning an unfortunate fatal accident that had iust occurred in northern ontario involving a muskeg tractor operator who had a few weeks before attended a safety award dinner it is far better to attend a safety banquet than to have to investigate an accident mr harrison said operations engineer herb brown told the markham area staff that they had worked as a great team in creating their out standing record for safety he credited not only the staff mem bers but also their wives for helping to emphasize the con stant need for safe work on the job area manager hal wright who was the dinner chairman lead an air mail letter from a former markham area station maintenance staff member a j tom bontje now on loan to iran working on the new kwpa power project there mr bontie congratulated the markham area staff on their safety re cord and contrasted it with the unfortunate record of over forty iranians and 12 italian construc tion workers killed on the pro ject power site so far he said that these were 52 good reasons for adequate safety training the message made an impact on the markham audience second son in family killed in tragic accident a second son of the late wm timbers formerly of miuiken has been killed in a tragic acci dent ronald timbers 38 died instantly with three other occu pants in a private plane near chicago on friday it crashed and burned after stricking a power line several years ago linton timbers a brother of the de ceased was killed in a car acci dent in northern ontario their parents are both dead ronald timbers a resident of agincourt and employed with orenda engine co at malton jiad been on a business trip for the firm to palatine illinois a newmarket man wilfied dew- cll 38 also lost his life in the crash along with two ameri cans mr timbers is survived by his wife the former sheila co- burn and three children maxine guy and patricia the funeral service was conducted from the ogden chapel agincourt on wednesday morning at 11 am with inteiment in holy crots cemetery markham graduate professor underbill to address class a graduate of markham high school in 1907 proffessor frank h underhill will return to his alma mater on friday may 22nd to address the history class ing and covering nails with fibre glass was necessary the settlement is urgent as the insurance on the arena comes up for renewal on juiy 1st stuck gerald jerry smith 27 of markham ls in the moving business with office headquarters on the south side of no 7 hwy ai unionville he is pictured here beside the largest of his 14 truck fleet a huge tandemdrive autocar diescl that new is priced at 36000 the smith co operates throughout ontario and quebec in addition to pickup points inside the us border staff photo mountains or molehills hauled by g m smith float service of unionville whether its a 100 ton load of pipe to be moved across the province or a house to be trans ported across the town g m smith float service of union ville have the truck and trailer to do the iob the man with his hand on the main steering wheel of this big business is 27 year old gerald jerry smith wind- ndge ave markham now firm ly established on a tm acre site on no 7 hwy in unionville his fleet of 14 heavy vehicles aie despatched to many centies in the united states he has 12 fulltime employees with a week ly payroll exceeding s1200 the majority of his drivers aie from the stouffvillematkham area and the accident record of the company is excellent started in 1957 a native of london ontaiio jerry could see the need for such a service in this district and in 1957 he purchased his first permanent truck a gmc he operated for a time out of claremont then brougham and later in markham for 2m yeats the present location is the site of the former unionville lum ber co the garage and office accommodation is ideal and the proximity of the cnr line is also of value no iob is too big or too small we dont pick and choose he said one of the biggest loads included 97 tons of materials for transcanada pipeline co that was delivered to bracebridge on another occasion they earn ed a ge reactor to chalk river a piece of equipment valued at 1m million dollars their floats have been used many times to carry giavel pit const uction equipment close to the metro buildup they are also conveni ently located for work in that area worth 55000 one heavyduty tiuck and float fully equipped is worth 55000 an autocar diesel a giant of a machine is valued at 36000 without tiaiier the smith fleet is kept in im maculate condition this is due mainly to each driver handling his own vehicle and taking a personal interest in it after each iob a truck is washed down under 500 pounds of water pressure scrapes and scratches are repaired and repainted in the service garage the company superintendent is arnold burton of brougham although no longer a full- time driver mr smith ms not afraid to get behind the wheel of any truck in an emergency on several occasions he has been called out in the middle o the night to perform a towing job and although not particular ly appreciative of such offhour calls no objection is raised service is our business he said markham choir leader- organist entertains patients in hospital trot frank underhill dr underhill was born in stouffville in 1889 and grew up in the house now occupied by mr allan sangster obrien avenue after graduation he attended the university of tor onto and majored in history he went on to the university of ox ford in 1911 he was returning to canada in i he summer of 1914 when the war broke out he served as an officer in world war i in the canadian army and later be came professor of history at the university of saskatchewan he moved to the university of toronto in 1927 where he was professor of history until 1956 after serving for a time as curator in lauricr house in ottawa professor underhill re tired although he has continued to remain active in academic circles he was one of the au thors of the regina manifesto in 1933 professor underhill was a polemical writer and his many articles in various historical and political magaines have been collected and subsequent v pub lished in 1960 in his book in search of canadian liberalism this predicament l mirkharo u altemptlnr suddenly the tractor sank i enough lo maue any grown man cry john klely wellington street to get a little custom work completed in the holiday weekend when a low back was required a lift the machine from the hole staff photo editors mail r r 2 markham ont may 15 1964 editor stouffville tribune stouffville ontario kc rattray estate okd for housing site dear sir how can we sit idly by and watch our natural habitat be swallowedtup in a race that we lose before we begin people travel all over the world to view such sights as shakespeares home the pyra mids niagara falls parks all historical old establishments why do we in this country tend to destroy much thai is old and jum beginning to be prized as historical cultural or just good to look at must we all be caught up in the infernal rat- race of this money mad plastic world we protest we are horrified we are thoroughly disheart ened and disgusted to find that another prize is about to be lost lo the battle of the bulldoz er another the last wildlife entertaining patients at prin rcss margaret hospital in tor onto is one commitment of a markham pianistvocalist mrs tcggie clark local music teacher who has been united church organist for t5 years finds time between en gagements to vist the hospital once a month with her musical trio the group provides a wel come interlude for patients un able to leave the hospital or visit their homes each weekend sing along the trio plays selections fiom hit shows or popular ballads and invites listeners to sing along sanctuary close enough io be enjoyed by anyone driving be tween hamilton and toronto is to go to the highest bidders naturally the destroyers is there to be nothing left to feast our eyes on but the ugly edifices of man what place is left for nature we implore the people of toronto and hamil ton and all who read this and feel the slightest annoyance at not having any say in the leg islation that would destroy the rattray marsh for all time to do something they would take away our last opportunity to catch a glimpse of a small 143 acres parcel of undisturbed country between two bustling cities people might come from mil es around to see the rattray marsh a place of beauty for all to feast their city sad eyes on soon enough well all be pack ed into our sardine cans and some of us will yearn to see a bird or a rabbit or a racoon that isnt in a cage must beauty be sacrificed to the beast please god no the rouge valley conserva tion assoc mrs m hopkins often arrangements written by mis clark are featured although her schedule is crammed mrs clark who has one child jimmy derives the greatest satisfaction from enter taining at the hospital its such a worthwhile thing i enjoy every minute of it if i lived closer in the city i would certainly give more of my time she said mrs clarks versatile talents include prepraring 25 regular pupils for pianoforte and vocal examinations allgirl choir besides being church organist and choral leader she directs an allgirl intermediate choir which placed first in the kiwan- is music festival this year recently she gave weekly or gan recitals to senior citizens at toronto metropolitan united church mrs clark is a graduate ot the toronto conservatory of music and chartered member of the registered music teachers association 238s3833s3333333s3333 the dandelion she chanced upon and beauty found from common earth it did abound wondrous to her pure blue eyes this golden beauty did arise a child of four to champion this flower no grown up force would love make sour and yet a child so clear could see what to an adult could never be john cunningham 1959 cadillac coupe deville luxury car 27000 guaranteed miles completely powered new tiros all round 250000 beat the heat with a 1964 mercury convertible 6800 miles 390 engine with radio equa lock 324500 1960 chevrolet sedan delivery beautiful red blk finish 6 cyl with std transmission good tires 109500 1958 ford t door sedan good body tires 1 owner car 39900 as is 1960 ford v8 4 door 3500 original miles power steering and automatic 114900 1960 meteor v8 automatic beautiful 2- lone finish one owner 112900 1961 pontiac wagon automatic power steering radio electtall gate 184900 your local ford dealer falcon fairlanc galaxie 500 mustang talpark motors are located at hwy 7 just east of hwy 48 markham ont phone 2941500 two of the lines manufactured by asslnck bros of ma here left a radius stacker is ready for shipment and right a patent on the screening plant with sales depots located all acros rkham in their large screening canada spacious factory on no plant is also ready to co 4 ifwy are pictured the assuvjc firm has staff photo