Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 4, 1963, p. 1

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teacher honoured vol 75 no 5 the tribune stouffville ontario thursday july 4 1963 twelve pages on tuesday evening of last week miss gladys brooks left a member on the staff of the stouffvihe public school for 31 years was honoured on her retire ment at a special presenta tion program held in the au ditorium of the stouffvihe dist high school former teaching associates and stu dents were in attendance for the occasion including mr lome boadway centre now the principal of summitview school and mrs walter smith rose ave cadteux studio late fred yeamans keen bowler active plowman passes at mr fred yeamans of stouff vihe passed away during a visit to his daughter at souris man on june 26 1963 in his 82nd year mr yeamans was wellknown in stouffvihe for his activities lr lawn bowling before let ing in 1934 he farmed at ag court on land cleared by hs family in pioneer time a keen plowman lie won a number of trophies at matches as well as being for many years a direc tor of east york plowmans association in addition he was one of the official fenceviewers for scarborough township for many years mr yeamans was an active member and of ficer of knox united church agincourt funeral services were held at the ogden funeral home agincourt on june 29 conduct ed by rev g a beatty and rev j w a stinson and inter ment was in knox united church cemetery agincourt mr yeamans is survived by his son bruce of agincourt and three daughter ruth mrs hugh jackson souris man ina mrs melvin curtis north bay and grace mrs gordon macmillan of mon treal two sisters miss emily yeamans of stouffvihe and mrs jacob reesor of agin court also survive him he was the son of the late david yeamans and joan ber tram of agincourt his wife the former lucy elliot pre deceased him in february of this year record the stouffvihe community swimming pool has been the most popular place in town luring the hot spell that ex tended over the entire holiday weekend mr a h williams pool manager reports a record at tendance during this period as temperatures soared past the 90 degree mark our children are wha we are pastor our children are what we ere said gordon t gooder- ham pastor of the stouffvihe baptist church on sunday eve ning they must be shown an example in their childhood that they themselves will set for their children in adulthood the subject of his sermon the last in a current series was are the parents to blame mr gooderham charged that lr too many homes today the parents never open a bible never conduct family worship groundhog attacks officer killed with one shot a rookie constable on the markham twp police depart ment killed a groundhog with a single shot from his revolver on tuesday night after he was called to the premises of nor man kettlewell no 4s hwy near dicksons hill the craze animal believed rabid advanced towards p c ted mashinter he dropped it with a bullet through the head earlier in the evening the groundhog had attacked the two family dogs near the house and also moved in on mr ket tlewell when he went out to investigate the noise the dogs were not marked in the skirmish and had received antirabies shots earlier the groundhog was buried immediately or accompany their children to sunday school they send their children and use the sunday school for a babysitter so they can sleep in an extra hour he said train up a child in the way he should go and when lie is eld he will not depart from it said the pastor quoting from scripture and i believe it he said if we truly love our chil dren we will discipline them he continued not because we want to hurt them but because we dont want them to hurt themselves your little girl or little boy are walking in your footsteps he said addressing the parents where are they going jesus christ in the home in the parents and in their chil dren is the only answer to juvenile delinquency he con cluded over 15000 at cedar beach the throng of men women and children that crowded into the beach and picnic area of cedar beach park mussel- mans lake over the holiday weekend has been suggested as an alltime record the attend ance exceded 7000 on sunday and over 15000 from saturday through until monday every one of the 700 picnic tables was in use continually and an estimated 3500 cars were accomodated in the huge expanse of parking lot acreage in spite of this record influx of bathers not a single water ac cident was reported strikes out 18 in seven innings loses thursday evening of last week was just one of those nights when a pitcher did everything all right but the end result was all wrong in seven innings geo redshaw of claremont ban tams registered a total of is strikeouts but his team stul lost 54 to east wood lands the tiebreaking run in the 8th inning came on an error and was unearned vou cant win em all said the disappointed pitcher at the conclusion of the eon- test in winners of awards and bursaries are announced at stouffvihe district high schoos for 196263 barbara button receives proficiency prize firemen fight dense smoke garage blaze firemen from stouffvihe had to battle their way through dense smoke on wednesday evening of last week to reach the source of a blaze that for a time threatened the garage and restaurant premises of mr geo davis don mills road north of gormley volunteers chas jackson and lloyd jennings had to don oxygen masks to gain entry to the building several firemen who attempted to brave the fumes without this gear were nearly overcome it is understood that a hot plate in the snack bar was left on but due to an afternoon hydro cutoff it was not notic ed by the proprietor later in the evening when the hydro service was resumed the stove heated up and pieces of fat near the element caught fire the heat was so intense that the plate glass windows were cracked and some furnishings were melted the aurora brigade accom panied by a water tank truck also was summoned to the scene but the blaze was under control when they arrived principal u e duxbury of the stouffvihe dist high school has announced the names of student winners of awards and bursaries on com pletion of their year 196263 the presentation of these indi vidual prizes will be made on november sth at the annual commencement exercises grade 13 awards will be an nounced in august when the examination results are receiv ed barbara button folly tarr first dividend the stouffvihe arena co ltd will pay its first dividend this year ah shareholders will receive the sum of s600 per share as of july 1st 1963 the multithousand dollar operation was opened in 1919 in addition to a sizeable profit shown last season the co has a reserve depreciation fund of s20000 the manager is w t rennie the annual meeting will be held in the arena on thursday evening july 25th at s pm stouffvihe lost a wellknown and highly respected lady resi dent on tuesday in the passing of mrs mary elizabeth polly tarr of obrien avenue mrs tarr died at the brier- bush hospital in her 92nd year she had been in declining health for several years and had been confined to hospital for the past three weeks her husband the late keightley tarr predeceased her in 1914 the former polly coxworth she was born at cherrywood following her marriage they farmed at mongolia the birth place of their only son clay ton also of stouffvihe in 1925 they retired to their home on obrien avenue in former years mrs tarr was an ardent worker in womens organizations of the united church where she was a member she was also an energetic member of the stouff vihe horticultural society and was always on hand when there was work to be done funeral service will be held on thursday afternoon to day at 2 pm from the oneill parlours stouffvihe with rev douglas davis in charge inter ment will be in the stouffvihe cemetery the pall bearers are percy tarr cliff lemon bill tapscott bert tapscott bob bradin and fred tapscott fughevans reunion held at greenbnnk the 28th annual pugh evans reunion was held on the grounds of cedarstone park near greenbank on sat urday the gathering headed by the president mr lloyd pugh of claremont attracted 158 persons the executive for 1963 was reappointed for 64 and will include mr allen feasby of toronto 1st vice president and mrs lloyd pugh claremont secretary the clan plans to meet at the same park location next summer the oldest lady in attendance was mrs morgan evans of claremont the oldest gentle man was mr ed evans of ux- bridge both are 88 the young est child present was stewart wallace 4 month old son of mr and mrs jack wallace brooklin mr and mrs regi nald bagshaw and family of windsor travelled the farthest distance to attend the picnic mr grant hill and his commit tee were in charge of the sports program mrs jack morgan looked after the arrangement of tables grade 12 student barbara button will receive no less than five individual awards a feat that may have established an academic record in stouffvihe her accomplishments could possibly have exceeded this mark but certain stipulations are placed on an overlapping of prizes to one person possibly the most distinguish ed prize is the wagg general proficiency award that goes to the student of grades 12 or 13 who contributes most to the school in character sportman- ship cooperation extracurri cular activities and academic standing miss button will re ceive a s75 engraved wrist watch and her name will be engraved on a plaque that re mains in the school in addition she will receive a 5100 bursary from the ladies auxiliary of the canadan le gion stouffvihe branch 459 it goes to the student of grade 12 or 13 with the highest average whose parent was a member of the armed forces she will be presented with the stouffvihe womens institute award of 510 for the grade 12 girl that shows greatest ability and interest in home economics she will receive a 10 award for having the highest grade 12 diploma mark in history and also a pin and grade 12 bar for having achieved first class honours for 4 years of high school other winners the high school staff award to the student with the highest standing in the school herbert otto the village of stouffvihe academic proficiency bursary s50 to the student of stouff vihe with the highest standing janice smith the twp of whitchurch academic proficiency bursary 50 to the student of whit church twp with the highest standing herbert otto the twp of markham aca demic proficiency bursary 50 to the student of mark ham twp with the highest standing jeanette lang the mr and mrs h r but ton english bursaries of 25 each to students who have shown most enthusiasm and ability in english lower school herbert otto middle school karen kennedy the hendricks hardware commercial proficiency award to the student standing highest in grade 12 special commercial class eleanor little the thurston store award to the grade 12 girl showing the the greatest ability and interest in sewing janet devlin high school busaries of 10 is awarded to each grade 12 student having the highest di ploma mark in each of the fol lowing subjects history barbara button french by revision to karen ken nedy latin by revision to andrew watson commer cial joan foote geography harvey loveless nor man mowder tied sci ence by revision to robt mcnair industrial arts robt mole mathematics robert mole andrew watson 5 awards five dollars is awarded to each grade 10 student having the highest promotion mark in each of the following subjects history and geography claus brugger french by revision to david col- burn jeanette lang michael reed tied latin herbert otto mathema- tics sharon wideman science by revision to larry moxham typing marg aret miller industrial arts wayne bacon home economics margaret mil ler business practice sharon bell pins and bars honour pins are presented to students having first class hon ours for three years in high school students having first class honours for four years receive a pin and grade 12 bar honour pins kenneth aida janet button barbara davison frances farr mary foote kathleen hall barbara howard ian montgomery john riddle anna m sanders elinore shirk heather smith bernadine terwoerds honour pins and grade 12 bars barbara button karen kennedy robert mole andrew watson tribune publisher views local drummer in london military pageant the publisher of the trib une mr c h nolan accom panied by his wife and family are currently in london eng land on a five week vacation to the british isles and the continent mr nolan was for tunate to be in attendance at the royal tournament in lon don when the fort henry guards of kingston ontario took part in the military page ant norman hendricks son of mr and mrs cec hendricks william st stouffvihe is a drummer with this corps london england june 27 1963 editor the tribune stouffvihe ont we had a special interest this evening in viewing the 1963 royal tournament in london england one of the features this year of this royal military pageant was the inclusion on the program of the precision rumber by the fort henry guards with norman hen dricks of stouffville as one of the two feature drummers the program is put on at the earlscourt colleseum which seats 15 to 20000 persons tak ing the salute from the various military groups including a wonderful display of massed bands was the chiefofstaff of the military forces of the netherlands the queen her self reviewed the units from the royal box earlier in the week the canadian contingent received one of the largest ova tions and is highly praised in the london papers we have failed so far to get into the housa of commons due to the heavy crowds seek ing admission to the relatively few seats in the public gallery the face of old london has been altered considerably in the last two or three years as modern new buildings have been shooting up everywhere final bombedout areas near st pauls cathedral are now al most all filled with new offices and stores londoners are en joying one of their most afilu- ent periods and prices have more than kept pace with wages a lot is being made of presi dent kennedys trip to germa ny we walked by 10 downing street in hopes of seeing some highranking government activ ities but the entire front of the blocks is closed off for redecor ating no 10 has been the of ficial residence of all of brit ains prime ministers since the time of disraeli the weather has been fine now for several days and all the city parks are crowded flower beds are at their finest and the familiar saying oh to be in england now that juno is here has real meaning there are many more new private cars on the streets which are jammed with well- dressed shoppers toronto has a traffic problem we know but traffic there is like a drive in the country compared with londons teaming streets how ever no one seems very excited about it and there is little horn- blowing or temper flaring theres something nice about it when you get used to it c h nolan j halt pushing program at ballantrae public school 28 fail year ratepayers approve addition for ballantrae the ratepayers of ss no 11 whitchurch twp ballantrae have given approval to the trustees to proceed with plans for a new tworoom 53000 ad dition to the present school building only 31 persons were present at the meeting held on tuesday night twentysix rate payers voted by ballot on the proposed expenditure and the icsult was a close 11 to 12 ma jority in favour of the project originally it had been hoped to havt the work completed in tmc for the opening of the new expected to exceed 250 within term in september but the the next two years the boaid tenders far exceeded the initial sum of 10000 that had been approved mr cliff wallwork chaired the meeting and advised his audience to consider carefully the present debenture debt in the section which now stands at 34748 spend what you are prepared to pay for he said it was noted that the present studert enrollment was about 210 and this number was not reed to begin work on the addition immediately when the result of the ballot was reveal ed mr myrle raymer of simcoe was a visitor on monday with his sister mrs frank burk- holder and his mother mrs f raymer break and entry a unionvllle district man has been sent to jail for six months definite and six months indefinite following his convic tion in richmond hill court last week on three counts of break and entry fred church 14th ave markham twp was convicted of entering the office premises of masseyfcrguson farms near milliken and the eagle stone co don mills road floyd chaplin jr a compa nion was also convicted on a charge of entering the eagle stone co and was fined 500 chaplin resides at agincourt a sum of 40 was stolen the arrest and conviction re sulted from an intensive invest igation by p c john mccague and p c robt burbridge of markham twp police cyclists town ho trouble police prewarned in the spring principal carl grove of ballantrae public school ss no 11 whitchurch twp promised that a push ing program supposedly prac tised by many teachers across the province would end in his school with the approach of the june term examinations on friday afternoon 28 per cent of the enrollment or 56 pupils were failed this num ber although high was less than had been predicted by mr grove in april when he esti mated that 33 or 66 student would repeat their grades it would have been higher but some went to work and made it said the principal mr grove used standardized tests set by the dept of education they worked out very well he said the principal suggested that his warning several months ago had served a double pur pose he said that it made many pupils work harder for a pass mark in june and had eased the sense of disappoint ment that often comes with failures he pointed out that the students who did not ad vance into a higher grado would return in september at their proper grade levels i am very pleased the way every thing has worked out he said he noted that the majority of parents had been extremely co operative ballantrae had en enrollment of 202 at the end of the june term this is expetced to in crease to 215 for the opening in september the staff of five will include two new teachers mrs paul hisey of stouffvihe and mr wesley hughes of port credit mr and mrs george martin have moved from the west end apartment to their home in scarborough school reports this issue of the tribune carries hundreds of names of student promotions both public and high school staff teachers in the district with final june reports still to come arc asked to have them at this office not later than an estimated one dozen mem bers of the can lancer mo torcycle club provided stouff ville police and members of the stouffville lions club with some anxious moments on wednesday evening of last week when they roared into town at the height of the an nual openair street dance the police had been pre- warned of the visit and the threeman force was bolstered by an officer and cruiser from markham township although the original plan was to halt the riders at ring- wood this decision was later altered and the cyclist were permitted to proceed down the main street they lined their machines up in front of the post office and south of the iga store on market street the club members were dres sed in the traditional black friday of this week the tribune s pleased to published these promotion lists and an early deadline will lessen the chance of error leather jackets with the lan cer insignia on the back some were accompanied by girl companions and at least two carried steel chains in their pockets the use of which is subject to conjecture prior to their departure the youths were orderly in every respect and merely stood on the side walk and watched the dancers inside the fenced area attract attention the members of the club whose activities have received provincewide publicity failed to gain as much attention as their bikes the like of which had never been seen here bo- fore dozens of persons mainly teenagers milled around for a close look at the immaculate machines equipped with ex tended handlebars and con trols on takeoff the noise could be heard for several blocks and one lad performed several feats of highway acro batics two of the cyclists were issued warnings by police chief orland keating twentyeight pass red cross leaders course on friday evening twenty- eight young people were award ed certificates in a presenta tion ceremony conducted at the slouffville community swim ming pool for these students fifteen of which are residents of the unionville-uxbridge- stnuffville area it marked the conclusion of an extensive one- week training program pro moted by mr a h williams in cooperation with the stouff- vilie lions club and the cana dian red cross society the diplomas were presented by lions club president mr jim ogilvy mr emmet lyons a mathe matics teacher on the staff of malvern collegiate was the in structor appointed by the red cross kc was assisted by mr warren hendricks of stouff ville the operation of the training school in stouffville was made necessary when it was learned that all classes at peterborough were booked to capacity out of the thirty young people who enrolled only two failed to complete the course the suc cessful entrants are now quali fied to act as assistant in structors at any pool the winners of this coveted award are ken aida stouffville bob basser whitby nancy bern hardt uxbridgc jeremy booth islington jon booth islington ann ma rie cameron port hope linda mae currier port hope jim daniels stouff ville frances farr stouff ville karen hamilton stouffville murray hanna thornhill jim hill stouff viile john honderici 1 tor- onto john jones union- ville gloria mckeigan don mills anna may san ders stouffville mary ann schaefer tesswaterf heather smith stouffville bernadine terwoerds stouffville gwen thorn unionvllle garry tomallm nobleton theresa toma- lin nobleton gretta van- stone claremont linda watfon aurora nancy wideman claremont sha ron wideman claremont barbara winn stouffvilla and joseph young toronto

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