you can get higher marks an important leaflet in sun life of canada values in education series you can get higher marks shos students ho to improve school grades by organizing their study time and developing their sfils in reading in listening and in preparing for and writing e- aminations sun life offers several other leaflets of interest to teenagers approach ng college age so youre going to college outlines the major problems facing students before going to college scholarships and bursaries tells of assistance available in canada and abroad the value of a college education is self explanatory sun life offers these leaflets in its values in education series free of charge and without obliga tion just use the coupon below sun life assurance company of canada jim abell phone fi 103712 on the farm front please send me a copy of the leaflets checked you can get i i so youre going i i to college i i the value of a higher marks scholarships and bursaries college education pliast print a a wall asriculturaj representative york county i seed kaib on march 2u the york county seed kair j and hay show i on next week the date is wednesday march 20 and it will be at the new market legion hall we always like to see lots of seed entries at this fair seed ls an important item in getting good crops seed drill surveys have often shown that an alarm ing percentage of seed being used would have made much better pig feei seed with pooi germination or even with a lot of weed seeds often gets by if a person doesnt give it a real close examination the seed kair i a good place to find out hew your seed rales for quality we find however that only a few people want to prepare- show samples we still encour age well prepared exhibits but this year we are offering a new service to those who have nt the time or equipment to dress up an exhibit farmers are asked to simply bring in a pound or two of the seed they intend to sow it can be brought in a paper bag tin can or the traditional corn flakes box these samples will not be judg ed competitively but will be ex amined by the judge and lie will give the owner an idea as to whether it is suitable for seed or not the owners name will not be used on the sample so that he can bring in seed lie may be doubtful about without endangering his reputation i hope there will be lots of sam ples for rating the hay classes are important too with ever increasing em- pii1sl5 or quality in forage crops there are classes for au differ ent kinds of hay exhibits are easy to prepare and there is good prize money a good program has been set up for the afternoon of the seed fair d l parks new director of the soils and crops branch of the department of agriculture will be the feature speaker mr parks is a well known authority on crops a specialist on forage crops and he talks from a practical farm ers point of view i will he talking about ferti lizers and there will be an open question period on any phase of soils and crops we hope to see the legion hall at newmarket full of both people and exhibits on wednesday greenwood mutual life insurance costs ess when you figure it out thats why i buy it if youre like most people you buy life insurance for family protection but your policies are sound investments as well when theyre the cash value kind mutual life policyholders enjoy steady increases in the guaranteed values of their policies plus unsurpassed dividends check the advantages of the mutual way to guaranteed savings and protection call the man from mutual life today mj the mutual life assurance company of canada the company with the outstanding dividend record fred m pugh stouffville ontario phone 6402604 the greenwood ucw will hold a skating party on friday night in the brookliri arena from 7 to 9 pm there will be refreshments served in the church basement following the outing unit no 3 of the ucw met at ihe home of mrs f webb mrs e ormerod mrs m pegg were in charge of the pi ogram twelve members were pres ent on thursday at the home of mrs m minaker for unit 1 mrs trolley was in charge mrs minaker served lunch be sure to aliend the oyster supper on wednesday evening march 20th mr and mrs l slute and family of raglan were visitors on saturday evening with mr and mrs doug morden miss glenna minaker of brampton spent the weekend at the home of her parents mr and mrs minaker a number of local residents attended the presentation party for mr and mrs archie bunker of kinsale on friday night mr and mrs doug morden called at the home of mr stan ley byers on sunday afternoon mr and mrs alex saunders o ajax visited on sunday with her parents mr and mrs arch robertson mr and mrs lewis jones of balsam were visitors on sun day afternoon at the home of mr and mrs milton pegg mr and mrs ed paseoe and mr and mrs grant pascne were visitors at bowmanville on sunday mr and mrs ken brooks and family motored to oshawa on sunday to visit willi mr and mrs joe pegg congratulations to mr and mrs wayne moore who were married on saturday march 2nd mrs moore is the former carol rogers best wishes also go to mr and mrs will ste wart joyce trolley who were married on saturday fob 23rd mr and mrs w trolley were in simcoe on sunday visiting their brotherinlaw mrs jean thomas susan and barry of stouffville visited on monday at the home of her parents mr and mrs e pas eoe farm forum was held at the home of mr and mrs win brown on monday night the old school bell was re- mqved from atop the green wood schoolhouse on friday afternoon by mr win clark and mr donald goodwin it will be cleaned up and installed in the new school an all cartoon show will he held in the greenwood church on saturday april gth at 10 am free admission with a box top or label from red rose tea or coffee the greenwood mt zion hockey team was badly beaten 133 by ballantrae in a playoff game at stouffville on friday conservation warns of spring floods the metropolitan toronto and region conservation authority warns parents in the 1000 sq mile region about the dangers j to children of flooding streams i waterfilled ditches and excavaj tions created by spring condi- j lion the authority notes that there has already been some flooding in local areas despite the fact that the ire in regional rivers and streams stilt is thick it adds that a quick thaw coupled with seasonal rains could easily lead to the rapid melting of the ice and result in sudden and serious hooding at this time of year swiftly- running water in our streams due to spring runoff has a magnetic fascination for chil drenone that could easily be fatal warns dr g ross lord authority chairman 1 earnestly ask parents in the region to take all necessary steps to point out the dangers of floodswollen streams and other water courses to their children the stouffyiue irisun t ifartti 14 1963 t 3 lesson golubn text and why call ye me lord lord and do not the things which i say i tike 646 approach to the lesson we are now in the last week of our lords life before he bore the cross the previous fri day he and his disciples had arrived in bethany and rested there saturday ihe jewish sab bath sunday saw the trium phal entry into jerusalem and survey of the temple subse quently there was the cleans ing of which our passage tells us the second time this was done it is significant that the first was at the beginning of his ministry and the second in the final days i disagree with those who hold that mark and john are describing the same event there were many wrongs that jesus did not stop to put right and as dr campbell mor gan reminds us his eyes must have seen many tilings contrary to the kingdom of heaven and ihe will of god his father on the ride into the proud and an cient city of jerusalem but his ministry was focused on the basic essentials and ours must be too when churches or mis sion organizations spend ihe major part of their lime and effort on social and philanthropic work they miss ihe great truth that social needs can only fun damentally be met by way of spiritual adjustment to put things light in the temple will be the quickest way to putting them fight in business home i and political worlds heart of the lesson there are two main lessons in our passage today both stemming from one source our response to the authority of the lord as we have seen the temple authorities were puncti lious to tlie last degree about the details of the law and yet utterly failed to observe its spirit consequently dishonesty in and irreverence for ihe house of prayer concerned them not al all similarly they were anxi ous about questions of authori ty but cared nothing for re sponse to spiritual life and power both these failings very evident as they are in the church of christ today stem from the poverty of our disciple- ship and love for him if he jr truly our lord we shall re spect the place and people where we gather to worship we shall see that our lives honor him in every detail we shall jealously guard the purity of his people and we shall gladly acknowledge and re spond to every manifestation of spiritual power wherever it is found have we learned this lesson it is vital thai we do for even our lord does not force open the deliberately closed mind night they still lead ihe series 2 games to 1 and will meet again this friday night at s pm a win for greenwood will put thorn in the league finals against ringwood every step of the way your red cross serves yo all ages all staga very stap of tha way through ufa your red cross servos you tha infant tha adolescent tha adult and the aged all benefit from the services and proflrammos balng carried out in your community help your red crosa to continue its humanitarian work think of the many ways the red cross serves you and your neighbour then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your means a generous donation will do so much for so many in 1963 red cross needs your help now mrs david crichton box 113 pickering ontario xiy to luccisjul mofttatui iuhniss it usf of ihotni intfjuniswofms reiform siock business forms vusaastho receiving siockkkping producing folsoo delivering i collecting disbursing thinking of carpets think of thurstons see our special window display 37 to 8583 q 35 ltd 45 main st w stouffville phone 6402423 saasgecssaaasaaegx fo- office supplies its the tribune edical care j portable pensions a stable liberal is formed and rid economy restored the canadian liberal party has six major goals and two priorities the first priority is to reestablish a sound economy get the countrys finances in order njrain work toward full employment and job security the second priority is for social progress in such vital issues an national medical insurance contributory pensions and education these things will be done in a four year liberal program when that is accomplished there will be free doctor care for all over 65 and for children and there will be a system of pensions which can be carried from job to job during the working years fully protected then and through the years of retirement contribu tions from individuals can increase the size of the pension for this liberal plan the stouffville tribune phone 6102100 vote 1 addison john x for action j vote user al for good government inserted by north york liberal association