Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 3

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pinafore cast poses for camera following finale tiunity april 19 1962 the stowfyllle tribune pit 5 local happenings dr w r thompson and fam ily of camp borden spent the weekend with his parents mr and mrs glenn thompson mr and mrs thomas diller of mongolia will celebrate their 5sth wedding anniversary on thursday april 19 mrs richard foote who has been in burlington hospital for the past few weeks returned westitesday april is to the home of her daughter mrs bei t johnston at carlisle mental health association wednesday may 2nd at 2 pm you aie invited to attend a fa shion show tea at the united church in maikham village ad mission fiee this panoramic view of the sullivan opeietta llms pina- colourful sixtymember cast foie last week in the auditor- that presented the gilbeit and ium of the stouffville oistnct high school is captured here cadieux the oiogram was on both friday and saturday thiough the camera lens of played to capacity audiences nights cadieux studio stouffville photographer ted dr paul yates was born in markham his father rev w yates was pastor of the mark- ham um church dr yates was a pilot with the rcaf following his discharge he be gan studies in the university ot western ontaiio he grad uated with honors in 3950 since 1954 dr yates has been associated with the united missionary society hospital at tungan magajiya nigeria he will be the missionary speak er at the missionary safari service in the dicksons hill church monday april 23rd editors mail dear editor j feel that the students and staff ot stouffville district high school are to be commended for their splendid performance of hms pinafore the excellent efficiency of mr duxbury and staff is well reflected in the stu dent body several of our senior pupils attended this performance and are now looking forward to at tending sdhs with added in terest i doubt that many people realize the weeks of practice and preparation involved in an oper etta such as was piesented ft is certainly wonderful to see local talent being put lo good use once again congratulations harry r hunt principal lloyd public school gormley high school news on saturday night the one hundred odd students and tea chers who were responsible for hms pinafore had their best sleep in several weeks last fall the school was in formed that the 3962 pioduction in the spring would be pinafoie a takeoff on the great british navy of the victorian eia this operetta was to have over sixty chorus and lead parts and and itions would be held immediate ly as a lesult the cast was chos en and work stalled by midfeb ruary after the examinations things really began to loll with lehearsals night after night and on saturday mornings friday and saturday were the climax to weeks of worry and frustra tion when the smash hit was piesented the opeietta was a huge suc cess with more seats sold than available the chorus was par excellence but the directors feel that our lead players weie the main rea son for the success heibert otto playedthe lost lover ralph rackstraw who had fallen in love with his cap tains daughter against all the principles of rank and wealth lynda nolan sang with all the beauty and more that one would expect from josephine as she told her story of a sailors love to a mournful moon she was without a doubht a maj or factor in our success the captain played by eric button was ignorant of the love affair and hoped to marry his daughter to the first lord of the admiralty and gain for him self rank and riches tim weese strutted as sir joseph porter kcb who was so excited at the prospect of jose- a il crowd attended the phines hand that he generally schneider buffet luncheon and created chaos out of a peaceful tv formed the captain of the love affair buttercup played by donna ratcliff captured the hearts of the audience when she told her story of mixing the captain and ralph up at birth and that ac tually their ranks should be reversed donna hisey playing sir joes cousin hebe managed to snag him in the end although he came rather leluctantly the bosin gaiy yates and john hisey the caipenteis mate certainly added flavour with the song a british tar mike paul once again did a bangup job on the stage design in addition he practically built a ship on stage and pioduced the art work for the program cover to our teacheis we owe a great deal of thanks mr smith directed all the acting mr waite was pianist and orchestia con ductor mr mercer conducted the male singing and mis gresh am was the overall producer our thanks to all these plus the many more who contributed with real effort k mrs a law second st has returned after spending the win ter in floiida mr kail stiong near hunts- ville died suddenly on monday his wife was ihefoimer mary meyer the funeral was held oil wednesday fiom the addison funeral home at huntsville daylight saving time begins sunday april 29 1962 mr and mrs albert davis and family of ottawa alo mr fred davis spent the weekend with their parents mr and mrs willis davis east of town mr and mrs keith burkhold- er have moved into their new home on loretta cresc this sale was completed by harold wood real estate will the person who took lilys pants please leturn them to the piofeor by thuisday apiil 26th in time for minstrel mania 62 mr and mrs henry anderson of smithers bc are visiting his sister mis tat aida haw- thoine ave this is the ander sons fit si trip east they motor ed as far as winnipeg and flew the lemainder of the way stouffville firemen were sum moned to the rural pi emises of paul brugger 18th ave mark- ham twp between cone 6 and 7 during the early hours of tues day morning to extinguish a blaze in a small pig enclosuie mr and mrs gold biikett have just i etui ned after a cou ple weeks holiday in florida they spent some time at miami beach after which they made short stopoversat sarasota and clearwater the second meeting of the doubles club was held on sat urday evening in the anglican church hall following bowling mr glen hunter was the acting chairman and conducted the el ection of officers which weie as follows pres mr and mis bob winfield vice pres mr and mrs jim rehill secretary mr and mrs sherwood jack son treas mr and mis ken hambly group leaders are mr and mis bob winfield mr and mrs charlie jones and mr and mrs david mounce situation mike cadieux dragged him self around as dick deadeye the bad apple in the banel who in- increase production- sow registered grain with tub drought in ti1k canadian west and in ontario and the huge sales of grain to china and other countries our canadian grain surplus has largely disappeared feed grains may be dear again in 3flfi2fis your best insurance against high prices is to secure top production of feed grains on your own farm sow registered seed and use fertilizer we have amne surnies of both stiver bros good friday iimitk i uni0nv1lle stouffville uxbridge aurora york county 4h organizational meetings aurora swine club tues april 21 bradford fertilizer office aurora markhamdairys grain clubs wed april 2s 4r victoria square hall york county baby beef club wed april 25 vicloria squarehall sharon dairy club mon aprilso department of agriculture newmarket east york advanced tractor club tues may 1 jlh farm milliken meetings start at s pm menu home made soup or juice 1 baked leg of lamb 165 2 roast turkey with dressing 160 3 halibut steak with sliced lemon 135 vegetables baked mashed or french fried potatoes peas carrols corn chefs salad dessert choice of pie chocolate orbulterscotch sundae tea coffee or milk special childrens prices- plate 100 125 open from 1 pm to pm coffee sh0ppe houstons the rexail drug stork mln st stocffville phone k9 demonstration on monday eve ning in the legion hall under the auspices of the ladies aux iliary to the royal canadian le gion branch 459 a travelogue on south america and a film on the modern hostess were given prizes were donated by the fol lowing local merchants schells food market n o- boyle iga ramas east end store d hodgins caiload gro ceteria and were won by mrs mae symes mrs t baxter mrs ruth sheppard mrs james mrs stan lewis and miss sadie boskey other prizes were do nated by the ladies auxiliary ringwood at the sunday evening serv ice the film angry jungle was shown and mr paul matthews of humberside toronto was guest soloist mrs harry preston mrs jos fockler and mrs a l law had dinner with the nighs on fri day mrs law has just return- ed from spending the winter in florida mr g gower mr and mrs f steckley called on mr and mrs henry miller on tuesday afternoon a number of ringwood lads attended the lions club annual hockey banquet held monday night in- the anglican churcn parish hall mrs niddery of aurora spent the weekend at the nighs mr and mrs j a tectzel called on mr and mrs frank atkinson on saturdav evening they left for europe on sunday mrs a siimmcrfeldt spent a few days in toronto last week and attended- the funeral of a friend mr clarence preston and son larry visited his sister and bro therinlaw mr and- mrs jos fockler on sunday ringwood home and school held a meeting on wednesday evening april 11 the speaker mr joe lewis of stouffville nurseries spoke verv interest ingly on trees the senior pu pils entertained by singing three songs the cuckoo song ca- sey at the bat captain mor gans march refreshments were served by the ladies of the home and school club watch for announcement of next meet ing mr and mrs waller atkinson arrived home safely from bermuda on monday evening af ter a four hour trip by plane they went to new yoik by train and there they boaided the queen of bermuda they spent a week at padget bermuda which overlooks hamilton har bour the lily season was at its best larry beach son of mr and mis jack beach noith of town was the winner of a transistor radio lany entered a hockey coin contest sponsoied by sal- ada foods the 1st prize being a trip to the nhl playoff game the next 50 prizes weie transis tor radios mis fied harwood aited by mrs biuce hisey eiteitain- ed neighbours and friends at a tiousseau tea on saturday ap ril 14th in honour of her daugh ter mary joan stouffville stores will be open this thursday evening until 010 pm closed all day- friday mis c m rieketts and san dra mrs broad and jean of toronto attended the trousseau tea at the harwoods seventh line on saturday one of the earliest ice bieak- ups on record occurred over the weekend at musselmans lake according to mr vcrn davies a longtine resident mr and mrs ken petty of victoria squaic and mr and mrs eric wallace and laugh- teis of weston had dinner on sunday with mr and mrs cord wagg and gills could you use a good brief case the tribune has an excel lent selection of fine leather bags and is offering them at most attractive prices friends will legiei to leain that mr lambeit malloy is pieently in branson hospital undergoing treatment his fa ther howaid malloy is holiday ing in stouffville for a few days christ church anglican the evening guild of christ church anglican held their mee ting april 16th in the chuich hall with mrs kinsella presid ing she opened the meeting with prayer and called upon ruth ingham for the bible lead ing mrs k hutchinson accom panied by mrs c ratcliff de lighted the ladies in singing oh teach me what it meaneth plans were finalized for the rummage sale to be held april 28th in the chuich hall mrs kinsella intioduced the guest speaker mis thorne di rectress of the down town church workers association mis thorne explained the work of the chinches there are 12 chinches now from the original one formed in 1912 by canon atooie their aim is to have a chinch worker in each parish to inteipret gods concern for peo ple they visit broken homes giving counsel and comfort their work is different from nor mal parishes where people come to church in their case they have to go out and find the peo ple and bring them to church they interest and encourage them to worship work join mothers fellowship groups jr and girls auxiliaries bowling groups bazaars dinners and vacation schools mrs thorne assisted by mr ball the rector showed slides and explained the work of their summer camp on lake simcoe there are 500 who attend these camps eacl year during july and august in periods of 10 days for each camp there is a staff of about 20 to help them en joy their camp life which in cludes church service crafts water safety games etc mrs g williams closed the meeting with a prayer complete your easter outfit wih a dash of perfume choose your fragrance from our wide selection of channel no 5 eliza beth arden coty yaidlev 4711 etc at houstons therexall ding stoie phone 229 open good friday about 40 were present on mon day evening for the mother and daughter banquet at the united missionary church the girls were members of the pilgrim group of the pioneer gills the guest speaker was mis ed her bert and the gills provided the lemainder of the piogram miss ruth chambers who for the past two years was with the evangelical mission for con verted monks and priests with rev and mrs gregory adams left tuesday april 15th for her home in seattle washington on the way she will be stop ping at millar memorial bible institute for conference and graduation this waswhei she graduated two years ago seventyfive farmers from prince edward island passed thiough stouffville by bus on friday during a visit to a num ber of district farms they stop ped off at the pi emises of geo rorianz ringwood n d hogg uxbridge bunker bros maik- hsm romandale farms gorm ley and masseyfeiguson farms at milliken the visitation was sponsoied by the pej govern ment mr and mis bud lehman weie hosts to the ringwood hockey club and their sponsois following their community league title victory on friday night a lighted curette has been blamed for the gras file on 10th line north saturday afternoon it is believed to have been tossed from the window of a passing car stouffville firemen exting uished the blaze with little dif ficulty the ladies league culling banquet will be held on thurs day evening tonight at the meadowbiook club house al- mira the awaid pi escalations in the mens league was con ducted on monday evening at the willows a few fi iends met at the home of mr and mis don gibson duchess st on saturday even ing to bid faiewell to miss ruth chambers who left on tuesday for her home in seattle wash ington after spending the past two yeais in stouffville on tuesday april 24 mr and mrs bert smith of grimsby former lesidents of stouffville will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniveisary mrs cliff hisey obrien ae is a daugh ter of the smiths they also have three sons albeit of tim- mins rev jim of toiomo and bill of stieetsville gootl fruiuy concert the stouffville united church choir will present their annual cantata concert this good fri day evening april 20th this years piesentation will be tha crucifixion and music lovers will be well rewarded by attend- stouffville and maikham la dies liberal association held a meeting on thursday april 12 1962 at mrs hilda kellys at bultonville the presence of mr john addison liberal mp no minee for york north was en thusiastically received by the large gathering mr addison expressed great pleasuie in the growth of the ladies liberal assn from sev en original to an attendance of 41 persons many topics weie discussed chiefly the liberal 5 point platform canadas status the election date and a planned bus trip to ottawa in june to attend parliament mosl of our troubles are caus ed by our inability to get along with or without others markhamd1cksons hill v m church the new title missionary sa fari will introduce the commun ity to another outstanding week of missionary sei vices on suiv day evening the 35 voice choir will present a missionary can tata entitled so send i you the music outline narration and scriptuie leadings were ar ranged by membeis of the mark- ham united missionary church the cantata will include a mens chorus ladies ensemble solos duets quaitet young ladies choius and scripture narration this will be piesented sunday evening at 730 in the maikham united missionaiy chuich the monday and wednesday evening missionary safari serv ices will be held in dicksons hill united missionary church the thursday and friday evening service will be in the maikham church an outstanding event of the week will be our annual missionary dinner this year it is chinese cuisine rev e kwan of the chinese baptist church will speak another outstanding missionary film will be viewed this is in the stouffville youth centre on wednesday evening every sunday school depart ment lias provided a missionary display the safari will take us to many countries of the world after every week night service a fellowship hour and question and answer time will be held our sunday school children are expecting a wonderful time at their missionary dinner to be held saturday afternoon rev and mrs john andeison of india will be the guest missionary speakers the progressive conservative paity organized a unit wednes day evening at mr glen thomp sons residence the officers el ected weie chairman mr glenn thompson vice chairman mr wm parsons secretary mrs marian murphy treas mr wm parsons executive mrs agnes lewis mrs vi jennings mr harold murphy mr albert king polling division chairmen aie 149mis rhoda holden 150 mis connie redshaw 151 mrs agnes lewis 152 mr geo harman 153 mr donald campbell 154 mr wm mal loy 155 mr henry slack i thoriiliaven w a i the regular monthly meeting of the newly formed womens auxiliary of the thornhaven school for retarded children was held at the richmond hill united church hall on march 27 the first oider of business was the election and installation ot the fllowing executive officers pres mis charles allen milli ken vice pies mis jack lums- den maikham secty mrs f wild richmond hill treasurer mis john elliott maikham the fiist fund raising project sponsoied by the wa will be a theatie night at the ctest the atre on may 23id the program for the evening will be the ever popular spring thaw tickets maybe purchased from any ot the members mrs ralph bur- gess telephone maikham 833 is convener the next monthly meeting will be held on may 1st at 030 am at the richmond hill united church hall the morning time was chosen because it is more convenient for the members a membership drive is now in progress if you would like to donate some of your spare timo to help the least of gods child ren come to the next meeting should you like to help and dont have transportation call mrs donald brown markharri j022 and she will make arrange ments to have one of the ladie pick you up and take you to th meeting what world situation were you worrying about a er ago that couldnt have been serious inexperienced investors who dally around the curb usually wind up out in the street college choir here april 27th the theological students choir of knox college toronto and presbyierian college montreal will present a spe cial service in song at the st james presbyterian church stouffville on friday evening v desmond howard april 27lli at 8 oclock mem bers of the choir are pictured here third row 1 to r glen dayfs garry morion john congram robert spencer second row 1 to r don ald cousens peter ruddell william russell clifford john son john clarke first row i to r peter me- kaguc charfcs scott john carr mr henry rosevcar leader larry jaul craig cribar graeme duncan

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