Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 1, 1962, p. 3

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new piano dedicated at mount joy umc a lovely piano was dedicated in the morning worship service the pastor introduced the serv ice of dedication by the respon sive reading of psalm 130 the congregation was reminded of the place and ministry of music in church great singing and hymns have always been asso ciated with spiritual churches following the prayer of dedica tion rev jim reese accompan ied by pianist mrs shirley do ner sang my wonderful lord kev ken campbell was guest preacher the first of two special pro grams entitled why join the church was introduced at monday evenings youth meet ing the senior group of the dicksons hill church planned the entire service the next pro gramme will be on monday march 12th friday march 9th will be a highlight in markham church holiday in stereo a sacred pro ductions presentation with greg and barbara loren in person from hollywood california will provide 90 minutes of spiritual enjoyment wedding graves mallett dicksons hill united mission- try church was the scene of a pretty wedding on saturday feb 4 1962 at 3 pm when marilyn jean mallett daughter w mr and mrs charles mal lett rr 2 markham was unit ed in marriage to ralph charles graves son of mr and mrs vvarren graves rr 3 mount albert rev alfred e reeswas the officiating clergyman the bride given in marriage by her father wore a waltz length dress of lilac nylon sheer over taffeta and carried yellow and white mums with flower streamers her sister hazel was maid of honour she wore an emerald nylon sheer over taf- j feta waltz length dress and car ried yellow and white mums robert walker was the best man and the ushers were the grooms brother lloyd graves and david kinzie of kitchener coustn of the bride the organist was miss sharon kinzie of flower station ont a reception was held at the brides home after which they left on a honeymoon in michi gan and new york states on their return they will reside at mount albert rr 3 guests at the wedding were from mount albert flower sta tion kitchener and brantford 36 trout wins carnival prize a 36 lake trout- caught dur ing the recent winter carnival at temagami won for mr and mrs ran musselman of button- ville the former marie brillin- ger of richmond hill the tem agami winter carnival fishing trophy and a s5000 additional prize mr and mrs musselman were fishing through a 5 hole in lake temagami when the strike was made mr musselman play ed the fish for half an hour and then discovered it was too big to bring through the hole they had cut mr and mrs harry maynard of unionville who were members of the same party were called in to assist a lar ger opening was chopped in the ice and mr maynard gaffed the fish its girth was 18 inches and it weighed 15 lbs 7 oz a tag it bore stated the fish had been netted two years ago now the musselmans are anxious to learn how far the fish travelled in those two years where it came from and how much it grew right now the prize win- tier is being mounted by a mt albert taxidermist and its final resting place will probably be ever that stone fireplace at the musselman home births davis may and morley rr 3 stouffville are happy to announce the birth of a son on saturday february 24 19- 62 at the brierbush hospital stouffville a brother for dale and raymond harper harry and beatrice of goodwood are happy to announce the birth of a son on february 14 1962 at york county hospital newmarket our thanks to dr mitchell no games fbi night there will be no community league playoffs on friday night of this week the ice has been reserved by the stouffville skat ing club for their annual tests the semifinal series will resume en friday march 9th markham will meet greenwood at 8 pm stouffville and ringwood will clash at 930 pm texaco canada ltd require petroleum distributors for unionville stouffville areas interested persons should have adequate capital for equipment and inventory fob further- information wbite box 67 care of stouffville tribune ijmtender roast specials steer beef round boned shoulder roast blade roast ib blade bone removed short bib boast hind quarters of steer beef cut wrapped for your freezer prefrozen ib 63 minced beei 2 lbs for 75c wieners 2 lbs for 75t bologna by the piece or sliced 29c oboyles meat market we deliver phone 35 stouffville bell co has nearly three thousand phones in local district the expansion of telephone fa cilities in stouffville and gorm- ley during 1961 was typical of the situation across the territory served by the bell telephone co of canada it was revealed in that companys 32nd annual report issued this week expcn- aitures to extend improve and mechanize service totalled s192- 600000 the report states tele phones in service at the end of 1961 totalled 369510 an in crease of 180100 during the ear on the local scene some 268 teephones were added w c sarnes bell manager for this region said bringing the total to 2770 as of december 31 according to the report net income totalled 57690521 for the last year cquivalentto 250 per share or a return of six per cent on invested capital operating revenues for 1961 were 71 per cent higher than in 1960 the report states this re flects an intensified marketing effort and an upturn in business conditions in the second half of the year taxes toialied s734s300o or 8752000 more than in 1960 shareholders numbered 17s- 126 at the end of 1961 an in crease of 6838 in 12 months they received 30786210 in divi dend at the rate of 220 per siiare at the end of 1961 he com pany had 34302 employees the wages and salaries totalled 161- s39420 a wage inciease aver aging 28 per cent went into ef fect at the end of november 1961 following collective bar gaining extension telephones in homes row equal 17 per cent of resi dence main telephones 20 per cent of telephones in service are in color new buildings or additions were constructed in s6 commun ities and 61 exchanges were con- erted to dial operation more than 95 per cent of the com panys telephones are now dial operated on sunday evening march 18th at 730 the stouffville ministerial will be host to mr william j schnell of youngs- town ohio a jehovahs wit ness for thirty years who will be speaking and giving his testimony in the local united church mr schnell comes to stouffville through the court esy of the uxbridge minister ial association who have ar ranged for him to be in ux bridge and aiea from march 18th to 21st mr and mrs mervyn watts are spending some holidays at daytbna beach florida mr and mrs fred alsop are among those who have gone south to enjoy the warmer wea ther in florida mr and mrs harold sanders from jacksons point were at his parental home on friday to help his father mr harry san ders celebrate his 90th birthday his granddaughter shirley mrs art day and her husband and family of agineourt were pres ent as well as friends who call ed to extend greetings the stourtvilu tribune tvny uua 1 1967 j local and personal happenings obituaries cunningham mrs jennie s cunningham of kupert ave stouffville wife of the late joseph francis cunn ingham passed away at the biierbuh hospital on friday feb 23 1962 she was the for mer jennie sweet and was in her 95th year surviving are daughters hazel mrs norman fyffel of hamilton effie mrs- paul boadway of stouffville snd isa loiene mrs george duthie of toronto and sons j earl of guelph lindsay of drajton einest alvin ewart and the late clayton cunning ham funeral service was held at tiie yorke chapel of turner and poiter 2357 bloor st w tor onto at 1 1 am on monday feb 2c 1962 in charge of her grand son rev haiold boadway of kieslau interment was in the park lawn cemetery toronto the trouble with the chronic borrower is that he always keeps everything but his word a bus load of 40 pupils from markham stouffville and ux bridge high schools spent 1he weekend at medeba bible camp in haliburton the camp is un der the direction ot the iscf inter school christian fellow ship group and is situated just beyond carnarvon where there is room for all kinds of winter sports miss marian stouffer a graduate of stouffville high school is in charge of the week end activities for these groups during february included in the group of local students partici pating were heather smith riley oconnor paul grose dawn grose susan ogilvy na- dine lennox anna mae san ders barb davison shirley da vison mary foote jim clu- bme christine grant marlene malloy and hillary weldon high school news by wayne hamilton eight high school students look part in the lions club public speaking contest this week barbara buttoji captured top honours and tim wees was the best boy these two seniors will move on to the district fin als in march sue ketchie and dave colburn were the best in the junior ranks thirtyfive students attended i he iscf ski camp at medeba bible camp last week the sur vivors reported 36 inches of snow and a terrific weekend on the northern slopes the boys basketball teams fin ished their season this week the stouffville crew took a dou ble victory in the spanking new gym at king city high on fri day in the junior title eric bill ion kept stouffvilles lead in trie early stages netting 14 points jim hill came to life later in the game and he sank 19 mark ers in the 4133 decision in the senior game mike taul was ret hot he hooped 21 points while john sniilhson hit ten brian wilkes 9 warren hend ricks 8 and iioyd graves 4 the highlight of the game was stouffvilles famous merry-go- round play while the wine and white dribbled the ball in a large circle the bewildered kc crew stood in the centre in amazement incidentally we picked up 2 points on this play john otinapim was kings best in the 5327 shellacking monday afternoon the jun iors came from a ten point defi cit to trounce bayvicw 5312 jim hill turned in his best game with a 24 point effort eric but ton got 9 while robert mole and jim miller picked up six apiece going into the senior contest bayvicw was assured of taking the district cup stouffville was out to see if they could beat the league champs and by their 54- 46 victory it was certain that bayvicw deserved the title bri an wilkes was back in top form along with mikc iaul they got 15 and 15 respectively while john smlthson and jim hill netted 4 each the junior girls thumped bay- iew 2012 this week barb but ton got 12 while joan foote net ted 7 and donna knox a single the seniors swamped bayvicw 324 in a onesided affair the low score shows the strength of the defence who are just as im portant as the scorers marion byer counted a whopping 23 points marilynn pattcndcn 6 and bettyann slack 3 mr marshall is expected to teturn to school this week after a lengthy layoff since he left with a broken leg students have had no less than even substi tute teachers holden clara almina holden passed eway at gieenacres newmar ket on feb 21 1962 after an iiiness of one week she was born in markham twp in 1s90 a daughter of tlie late mr and mrs james holden later they moved to toronto where she made her home until 6 years ago when she went to live at gieenacies newmarket she was identified with the baptist church surviving are sisters gertrude king vera mis b walkey reva mrs f callan all of park hill eli zabeth of toronto also a bro ther harold of toionto funeral service was held at ihe chapel ot l e oneill in stouffville on friday feb 23 in charge of rev enos hart pallbearers were ross holden giant walkey robert walkey and gordon holden interment was in dickson hill cemetery mr and mrs bill gilchrist ad kimberly main st e left this ueek for their new home in winnipeg mr and mrs elroy schneider and elizabeth of bloomingdale were weekend visitors with her parents mr and mrs fred pugh cone 10 n mis ele bevan and salva dor 19 albert st stouffville left malton on saturday to spend a fiveweek vacation in europe they will be visiting relatives in denmark and england at home mr and mrs ford o lapp r r 2 uxbridge ontario will h at home to friends and lelatives on march 10 1962 from 2 to 430 in the afternoon and 79 in the evening on the occasion of thenr golden wed ding anniversary last week was national boy scour week and sunday morn ing the stouffville troop along with the cubs paraded to the stouffville united church where coloui s were dedicated to a new wolf pack rev gordon cruik- siiank conducted the ceremony teen town news teen town returned lo ihe masonic hall on saturday night to the music of chums top 50 the next teen town will be saturday march 10 come and support t his dance it will be a success only if you make it so by your attendance watch for further announce ments marilynn haylow guides brownies last wednesday evening ihe ladies of the local association for girl guides and brownies held their second meeting at the home of mrs geo thomp son on glad park avenue a new secretary mrs w j jen nings was elected as our piev- icus secietary will be moving away from stouffville different fund raising projects were dis cussed including a possible euchre party to be held at the legion hall it was decided to hold the motherdaughter ban quet in june also plans for cookie day were discussed the next meeting will be held on wednesday march 21st at the home of mrs a spence 350 glad park avenue on thursday evening brownie lenoie gteg of the first com pany of stouffville brownies was enrolled thursday was al so thinking day for guides and brownies all over the world and our brownies collected 239 for the world friendship fund there will be a girl guide en rollment on march 7th this will be our first group of guides to be enrolled and it is a very important occasion for them so we do hope the parents will rhow their interest by attending this enrollment refreshments will be served mrs 1 waitc despite many blocked loads in the district stouffville main st abounded with shoppers on saturday motorists were hard out to find paiking places but the town maintenance crew eased the situation in the after noon as they moved big piles of snow froiii the north side of the street bible study stouffville christian mens fellowship is continuing to con duct a bible study group at the stouffville youth centre every thursday evening entire fam ilies are cordially invited to at tend these groups which are planned to continue for some time suffers concussion a defenceman with the pick ering midget hockey club suf fered a concussion in a playoff game with port perry on thurs day night robl ashton one of the teams top performers was tdken to the ajaxpickering hos pital following the accident pickering lost the contest but still led in the series purina research farm trip leave saturday noon march 3 7 1962 return wednesday pm march 21 1962 round trip bus fare to st louis mo the haiold spoffords mill st were at home to a happy gathering on saturday evening when her four sisters and friends from toronto and ux bridge were entertained to an interesting travelogue on nor way and the land of the mid night sun this was given by their friend miss eleanor clare of kapuskasing roy ing of midland son of mr and mrs roy ing sr pro prietors of harolds grill was a visitor with his parents on saturday afternoon the womens day of pi aver service will be held in the stouff ville christian church on fri day afternoon march 9th at 3 pm the guest speaker will be mrs mason of the peoples chuuh toionto the guest solo- ii will be mis jim oldham on friday february 23rd a gtoup of students from edge- vale school of dance attended the royal alexander theatre for a performance given by the canadian national ballet after the performance by the kind permission of celia franca they were invited to make a tour backstage and meet several of ihe artists the late mr oscar hutchin son buried in stouffville on feb 16th was a lifelong resi dent of this community having been a farmer on the pickering- uxbridge townline for twenty vears and at the time of his death lie was living on cone 30 markham he was identified with the christian church rev dow sargeant of ihe altona united missionary church al tona had charge of the funeral service at the l e oneill fu neral home pallbearers were messrs stanley lewis berl lewis william coates stanley keesor kenneth reesor and morgan hill 20 we have reserved a special bus for york county farmers make it point lo vlsll the worlds largest experi mental farm devoted entirely lo feeding nd lo management research the cost of your stay in si louls for 2 days 1890 you need approximately another 20 in your pocket for your motel and meal expenses en- roule lo si louis and for return trip this makes a total cost of less than 60 per person we have several farmer in the area who are l- ready planning lo go this year for further information about this wonderful trip to st louis see your purina dealer stouffville coop phone 269 or 122 the february meeting of the womens institute was held on wednesday feb 21st at mrs underwoods home in charge cf the president mrs walter smith according to the roll call most members pieforred having visitors if they were shutins guest speaker major preston spoke on survival stressing the need for interest in this matter fallout shelters nd safety io radioactive dust in time of danger he also an nounced courses on this sub ject in the area in the near fu ture hostesses were mrs b davidson mis t baxter and mrs p barrie advertisers note deadline for display ad vertising- in the tribune is 12 oclock noon on tuesday of each week deadline for classified ads is 10 am wednesday morning we ask your coopera tion in this regard in order that we may meet our deadiine and see that your newspaper is deliver ed promptly each week notice e a grtibln ro optome trist will be in stouffville at ihe james mccreight residence 58 main st e on monday af ternoon and evening and tues day mai oh 5th and 6th mr and mis s w hastings and mr and mis elgin hast ings weie dinner guests with lle r w motningstais of to ionto on satuiday evening last mrs clayton baker of orillia spent friday with mis stan hastings the mens gioup of christ church anglican stouffville are holding their first games night on thursday march sth at 8 pm in the church hall ah men of the palish aie cord ially invited to attend this un usual event please watch your church bulletin for further de tails mr and mrs bruce davidson cone 9 markham south of stouffville have a budding le- roiter in their family when their ten year old daughter jean came upon an accident near her patents home last week while returning from school she obtained the correct information from the investi gating officer and the injuied wrote up a complete stoiy and presented it to the tribune the item appeals elsewheie in this ssue not only did she obtain sll the particulars but she took photographs ot the accident scene jean is a student at the dicksons hill public school mrs harry stouffer second st spent a few days this week ir toronto with her sister mrs tom hargiave miss dianne ratcliff of baker hill was a weekend guest with miss erma stouffer mr and mrs keith martin and family scarborough were visitors on sunday with his par ents mr and mrs george mar tin edward st whitchurch twp council con tames to icoeive letters from cottageowners at mussclmans lake asking that the area be zoned as a summeriesort cen- tie stouffulle firemen weie call ed io stivers mill on wednes day of last week when an over heated motor on an electric feed chopper filled the building with smoke theie was no apparent damage the iga foodliner rallied a special advertisement on tur key broileis in last weeks issue of the tribune by 11 am on satuiday morning their supply of 300 buds had been complete ly sold out a weekend work bee was org anized to remove the remainder of the solicit barn destroyed by fire recently mrs beulah jones of gorm- ley who has just been released from biieibush hospital is spending a few days while con valescing with mr and mrs clarence doner paik rd n horticultural meeting on wedneday evening mar 7th a meeting will be held in the masonic hall cone 9 whit- euneh when mr john f clark of toronto will be guest speak er a number of the neighbour ing societies have been invited to hear this outstanding and well known speaker his sub ject will ie heie and there with the cameia special music s being arranged come and biing your friens special values and reminders this week moneysaving specials ida multiple vitamin and mineral capsules reg 495 idavites 100s 3 for 1188 ida biand 100s regular 98c cod liver oil capsules 73c ida biand rcg 125 beef iron wine with bl 16 oz 99c ida economy brand envelopes 20s for 8c writing pads 8c leg 10c 2 for 1 5c 2 for 1 5c bieck hair set mist leg 79c size plus leg 175 size breck shampoo 254 value 169 kotex reg 12s 6c off reg 51 45c crest tooth paste i eg ul 3i- 105 89c metrecal wafers pkg of 36 25 calories each total 900 calories 129 vitamins halibut liver oil capsules ida brand 115 22 42 jda brand jdamall 7c 120 239 ida brand jdafer liquid or capsules 275 ida brand cod liver oil 00c 150 allcnbtirys halihomnee liquid 125 210 365 allenhurys halihorange lahlels 120 320 ayersl parametles rcg 56 4 for 1095 horners malllerol 250 horners malllcvol twelve 360 meads mulcin 195 325 550 meads polyvisol 210 360 525 meads trivisol 165 295 425 walcrbtirys compound with c g and vitamins 150 aikens pharmacy 35 main si w phone 2s6w stouffville

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