Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 25, 1962, p. 2

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page 2 the stourtvue tribune tknsv it 25 1962 editorial trees are not forgotten we were pleased to note at the regular meeting of stouffville muni cipal council last week that the mat ter of planting trees had not been forgotten ever since our main st was denuded of trees to make way for highway widening it has been the hope of many citizens that a program of replacement would be launched the matter was touched off at thursday nights council meeting when councillor parsons suggested that provision should be made for such a program in this years budget all members of council were keenly favorable coupled with the efforts of the local horticultural society a pro gram of municipal planting can do an excellent job and return stouff ville to its former status as a com munity where trees abound instruction for living train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it is one of the bits of wisdom in the book of pro verbs last week was the occasion of the annual sunday school con vention for the township of mark- ham and we know that many par ents and educators believe that not enough children are getting instruc tion in the things of the spirit this despite high sunday school attend ances in many instances religious education has been a live issue in this province this past year and is being constantly analyzed by various groups and individuals the secretary of the interna tional council of religious education churches preparing in a day when the influence of the christian church was never more needed and yet when it was never more questioned it is interesting to note that the churches are continuing to grow are able to show balanced budgets both for local purposes and for missions like private business the church annually takes stock to as certain spiritual and material profits and losses and plan for the future we know some reports indicate that attendance at public worship is increasing this may be due to in- creased population or the awakening by some people that the church has much to offer that families which worship together stay together true sunday evening services in many cases are a thing of the past a missing plank now that dozens of councils have resumed their activities for a new term in district towns and townships dont be surprised if there are some sizeable hikes in the members ann ual stipends we would not suggest that these selfimposed wage increas es are not warranted we would not hint that any municipal servant is overpaid in fact for some the op posite is true we would contend however that the manner in which this increased remuneration is a- chieved leaves room for question never in our limited experience with job applicants have we heard of man or woman who immediately asks for a wagehike almost before he or she has become acquainted with her work we have seen this very thing occur around the council table would it not be rather unethical for any employee to expect his payraise in december to be retroactive over the previous eleven months this speaking recently in the states doubts whether a single hour a week at sunday school is sufficient for building strong religious founda tions there is in addition the ques tion of children who do not receive even this hour of instruction in ethics it is always pointed out at our sunday school conventions that de spite the sunday school and what ever training is allowed in day school the home is not relieved of the major responsibility the religion that counts the international secretary pointed out and that best serves the child is the religion that is not con fined to an hour or two of discussion on sunday or a week day but lived and practiced all through the day to take stock or have become only a shadow of what they were in bygone days some churches locally have been able to carry on and quite successfully with evening worship but neverthe less the trend is in the other direc tion however we venture to say that the overall attendance figures have not decreased because of this falling off in evening services we also would not like to think that it is any lessening in the peoples interest of things spiritual like the people the church is faced today with many difficulties due to our fastchanging times and it has tried to adjust but the call of the church is as strong as ever and is directed to everyone who will hear be it for one service a day or two in the platform too is not uncommon in council we would suggest that any councilman who feels the post is worth increased financial recognition should make it a plank in his pre election platform his statement to the electorate might sound some thing like this if i am reelected as your councillor in 1962 i will fight for a weekly pay increase for my self of from 10 to 15 per meet ing another wouldbe office holder could put it in these words i promise you my friends that if elec ted reeve of this progressive muni cipality i will issue an immediate proclamation authorizing an increase in my annual salary from 1000 to 3000 if such a policy was fear lessly adopted by candidates the electorate might endeavour to scru tinize the worth of the individual more carefully before casting his ballot once elected and sworn into office the selfstyled salary question can become routine procedure good news although the suggestion that the accommodation at the stouffville district high school may be over taxed for the september term could cause district taxpayers to wince at the thought of further construction there was certainly a brighter side to last weeks high school education outlook the principal mr w e duxbury predicted that the enroll ment in grade 13 could possibly climb from its present 18 students to 30- or even 40 this is indeed good news at long last the signs of the times would indicate that the necess ity of an upper school graduation diploma has finally made an impres sion on the young minds of wouldbe dropouts and early jobseekers with this thought in mind the edu cation cost burden is made much easier to bear hooked rugs coming back headquarters of the womens institute in ontario reports that the women of this organization includ ing some in stouffville are reviving the once fine art of making hooked rugs there has been great emphasis in the last few years on walltowall carpeting this actually could be traced to a pioneer practice which had a real purpose in mind in the days before central heat ing became standard the floors were mighty cold a thick carpet was a method of keeping ones feet warm hooking of rugs is an art in itself they are done in colorful hues and patterns they come in all shapes and sizes from small bedside ones to larger sizes for the parlor these rugs were always cheap as housewives of a few years back never discarded old materials they kept them cut them into appropriate strips dyed them and hooked them into rugs these rugs and the old- style quilts were assurance that no textiles would be wasted when grandmothers get together details of education stamp announced details of the recently an- has no direct responsibility in nounced education five cent commemorative postage stamp were revealed this week by the postmaster general the hon william hamilton the stamp will be issued on february 2sth 1962 it depicts as the main element a young adult couple gazing in to the future on either side of these figures are two panels of symbolic designs representing every field of education around the left top and right edges of the stamp there is an inscription reading strength through ed ucation linstruction fait la force the words postes-can- adapostage appear along the bottom edge the denomination is shown by a large 5c placed in the top right corner the main figures the denomination and the wording are to be printed in black and the symbols in the background are to be printed in gold in making the announcement the postmasl er general said the stamp would be most approp riate as it will coincide with the second conference on educa tion which is to be held in mon treal in march he added that the stamp will also be a tribute to education year which is to be featured in 1962 mr hamilton paid tribute to the vigorous efforts which have been made by the provinces and municipalities to raise the stan dard of education in canada dur ing the postwar era he stress ed however the need for even greater emphasis on education by all canadians in order that canada might maintain its place in an increasingly competitive world mr hamilton noted that while the federal government the field of education it has done a great deal to assist the provinces in meeting their re sponsibilities in this field of ex penditure the principal means of fed eral assistance has been through more favourable taxsharing ar rangements with the provinces and mr hamilton cited in this regard the fact that the present government has enacted legisla tion increasing the provincial share of the individual income tax so that by the end of the period of the tax collection agreements the share would be double that in effect when the government took office with all provinces having freedom to ob tain an even larger share in addition it was apparent that equalization of fiscal need payments to the provinces firm ly established at a level in ex cess of 200000000 a year would do much to assist the provinces with low taxable capacities to finance the costs of education mr hamilton also called atten tion to federal grants and tax abatements for the benefit of universities and to the special income tax exemptions for de pendent children attending uni versity and for university tui tion fees the stamp design is the crea tion of the canadian artist hel en fitzgerald of toronto who also designed the associated countrywomen of the world and girl guide commemorative stamps issued in 1959 and 1960 respectively some 32000000 stamps will be printed and first day cover service will be provided from ottawa editors mail jan 19 196 dear sir re hospital finance vp have learned of the heavy pressure being brought to bear on local municipalities to share the enormous costs in the finan cing of hospitals in our rapidly growing area the need of hospit al facilities is obvious to raise taxe- is never a pleasant task for elected representatives but to finance this needed service falls in part on councillors and officials who already feel they have used their tax money to the full as a presbytery we would like to say how much we sym pathize in this problem we feel that adequate hospital facilities are a vital service in our coun try- and we are sure our tax payers will agree to take their part in providing for this need we want to congratulate the county for proceeding with plans for enlarging and extend ing the present hospital services and we want to support the mu nicipalities in the difficult task of sharing these costs sincerely rev gordon winch oak ridg es ont committee of evan gelism and social service rev d e c mclean kes wick ont chairman york presbytery benefit game feb 16 lucky draw admission tickets to the community hockey lea gue benefit game in the stouff ville arena on friday feb 16th are now on sale the contest will feature the uxbridge black hawks last years intermed iate c champions and a pick ed team of community league allstars proceeds will go to the leagues injured players in surance fund on wh jfarwn front a a wall agricultural repre sentative for york county a capacity crowd turned out again last week for the annual meeting of york county soil crop improvement associa tion under president ernie crossland the programme in cluded reports on 23 crop dem onstrations carried out by mem bers in 1961 some of the high lights from the reports were that russell oats edged out gar ry as the top yielding variety putting on fertilizer according to a soil test increased profits by as much as 800 per acre and atrazinc did the best job of controlling weeds in corn in getting good catches of birds- foot trefoil farmers reported sucrcss where there was either no nurse crop or where it was cut or pastured off green brome grass demonstrations showed it to be inferior to orchard grass for very early hay but one strain saratoga showed up very well for medium matur ing hay prof tom lane of the oac xaced a panel of three question ing farmers on using fertilizer efficiently he proved the value of using a soil test for profitable use of fertilizer with results from many tests drilling fer tilizer in with seed sometimes mixing ingredients on the farm and fertilizing sod crop to keep fertility up were other practices stressed harold ciapp raised some eye brows with his opinion that pas turing cattle may be on the way out in his talk on handling for ages he observed the trend in large herds to stable feeding the year round he also showed interest in the new hay water ing machine that would elimin ate the job of handling bales and about twothlrdt of the space necessary for storage dr if g hamilton told of his experiences on a trip to see farming in russia last year with pictures he showed the audience breeds of livestock used farm machinery state farm setups and farm people dr hamilton is in charge of the crop research work for the canada department of agricul ture stuart watson of markham was elected president of the as sociation with archie cameron of woodbridge chosen vice pres ident farm calendar monday jan 22nd forum on farm management sharon tuesday jan 23rd annual meeting york county holstcin club newmarket wednesday jan 24th annu al meeting markham fair bd markham thursday jan 25 crop im provement convention colise um toronto friday jan 26th crop im provement convention colise um toronto friday jan 26th junior farmers formal dance maple and be sure to get your farm account book this week he touffinflc rthuite established lu a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association avtberlud sa 3condum msq postofics dot ottsw member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada jo50 elsewhere sj50 c m noun pubfaia ul thomas editor ias awcon advertmag sugar and spice bill smiley theres something gruesome in the interest everyone has these days in being annihilated some people are so absorbed in the whole business that i swear theyll be disappointed if no bombs fall ive just finished reading a pile of grade 12 essays more than a third of them dealt with some aspect of nuclear warfare if those kids knew half as much about the subjects on their coure as they do about radiation fallout thered be no stopping them they are morbidly interested in the monsters to be created by mutations among the postatom ic generations they talk cas ually about the dosages of strontium 90 and iodine to be released by the bombs they are fascinated by fall out shelters and write long and frightening lists of the equip ment they should contain one lad as nice a teenager as youd come across warned in all ser iousness that shelter supplies should include a gun for the purpose of mowing down any outsider who tried to join the inmates you cant blame the young sters listen to the conversation next time youre out playing bridge or drinking beer or whatever you do at your parties that plump gentle wife and mother at the next table will be reeling off the number of mil lions who will be killed in the first attack that portly jovial church waiden across from you will be saying that we ought to drop it before they do im not frightened by all this im bored im sick to death of uninformed prattle about world politics from people who think marx is a tv comedian ive had quite enough halfbaked lectures on nuclear fallout from people who couldnt even com bine hydrogen and sulphur and come up with a stink bomb what i cant understand is why everybodys so concerned why do we sit around like so many ghouls at a garden party licking our lips over the horrors to come are we scared or something youd think nobody had ever been killed before vio lently and painfully youd think no other civilisation had ever perished before surely youre not worried about leaving this world sud denly jack why all ive ever heard you do is complain busi ness is terrible your wife nags i your hemorrhoids are acting up you cant do a thing with your kids the governments taxing you to death the salt is ruin ing the body of your car youre working too hard you havent thrown a decent rock in the last two bonspiels id think youd be glad to be out of it all whats that yon dont want to die life is sweet and warm and beautiful and you love your wife and kids and business picking up and your bottoms better and the government could be worse and the old cars had it anyway and you like work and you just cml for the fun of it well why didnt you say so and what about you ethel you havent stopped moaning ince you weie married youve nothing to wear nobody appre ciates you the furniture is shabby those kids are driving you crazy jacks never home at nights youie a nervous wreck the house isnt nearly as nice as mabel and georges youre losing your looks and the church is always after you to bake pies id think youde be happy to abdicate hows that again you would nt trade the whole sordid mess for a mink coat a models looks and figure a mansion with ser vants as long as you can stick around for a few years stop whining then enjoy while youre still with us really i dont see what were all so alarmed about for th darwinians among us nuclear war will be an interesting appli cation of the theory of survival of the fittest for the unregen- ate sinner theres still time to do something about it and for the rest of us good christians it will merely mean that we all get to heaven that much sooner especially us anglicans peisonally if this is any con solation to you i havent the slightest intention of digging a hole in the ground and crouch ing there with my family like four terrified moles in the first place its not a dignified way to meet death should it come in the second place i have better things to do m and in the third place i fully intend to live to the age of 90 and expire peacefully in my own bed my last conscious act being an attempt to pinch the bottom of my special nurse if this in terferes with the plans of either khrushchev or kennedy theyre just going to have to change their plans 1 do it now with a home improvement loan home improvement loans are available through your bank under the national housing act for alterations and repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other improve ments you may borrow up to 4000 with up to ten years to repay these loans are also available to the owners of rental properties do it now with a farm improvement loan farm improvement loans backed by the domin ion government are available from your bank- up to 7500 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay these loans cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm house and farm buildings do it now with a small business loan enquire about govcrnmontbacked loans for improvements to small business establishments through the chartered banks up to 25000 and up to ten years to repay for advice and aaistance can your local national employment office issued by authority of hon michael starr kahter of labour canada

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