Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 6, 1960, p. 20

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ttgt 7 the stoufyiui tokmf tfendiy october b i960 editorial a step in the stouffville businessmen took a step in the right direction last week when they reorganized the business mens association call it what you will a board of trade chamber of commerce or simply businessmens association it is a necessary organ ization for the promotion of the towns mercantile business as main st business goes so goes your town proportionately main st business men pay the much larger share of taxes and to do so they must be in a healthy financial condition if your business places are pros perous in town if they are uptodate and alive you will find that this is the kind of a town which attracts peopla right direction to settle if the business section looka dead and is dead there is little incen tive for people to make such a town their home stouffvilles businessmens asso ciation has had its up3 and downs and it is a most encouraging sign when fifty men gather at a meeting and agree to form a new organization our town today is becoming more and more filled with young and middle age residents who are alive who want to see things go ahead and our newly formed businessmens organization can help we congratulate those fif teen men who have signified their willingness to form the executive and we are sure that with a group this large its success can be assured an apology in order on numerous occasions we have listened to irate ratepayers heap ver bal criticisms on a reeve or members of council for actions that did not meet with the complainants approval although a solid report from the reeves gavel might quickly quell such abusive attacks we have felt that the citizen is permitted entirely too much freedom of speech under such conditions this situation was worsened on thursday evening at a regular meeting of whitchurch town ship council when a private ratepay er was openly insulted by a resident visitor in an inexcusable tempermen- tal outburst the victim of the verbal attack had merely performed his duty as an appointee to a fenceviewers adjust ment committee the rather trivial incident had occurred in the fall of 1957 the threeman fee for the ser vice had amounted to 1500 hardly just cause to raise ones blood press ure to the near boiling point if the reeve or an individual member of council is willing to absorb this type of abuse then thats his own business no private citizen should be subjected to this chastise ment especially when from our van tage point he had done nothing wrong putting it mildly it was a shameful performance one that de served a blunt rebuttal from the chair we had expected to hear at least an apology we are still waiting there ought to be a law to what extent may a bailiff act and still remain within the legal limits of the law the tribune has covered various stories concerning evictions seizures etc and on each occasion we have been amazed at the highhanded tactics employed by these parties it would seem that the majority of these men have little or no regard for either a persons pri vacy or property there would ap pear to be no rules or regulations governing their actions highly com parable to germanys oncefeared military police agents since the mis treated are quite often in dire fin ancial straights the bailiffs have little to fear in facing any prolonged court actions a recent example was brought to light last week at a summer cot tage residence at musselmans lake with the man of the house absent from the premises a bailiff accord ing to reliable information emptied the home lock stock and barrel of its furniture to worsen the situation the articles were not placed in storage for safe-keeping- but were piled not too meticulously on the side of the road some of the more fragile items were rescued by neighbors others to our knowledge are still exposed to wind rain and sun we viewed the site on friday how can such action be deemed permissible if the human rights of the individual are to be preserved the public should have some proteo tion against such gestapolike tac tics another golden opportunity night classes are again under way at the stouffville district high school they are held on tuesday evenings and include everything from sewing to typing it is hoped that interest will be keen and registration well filled certainly there is no lack of activities in this community to keep one busy during the fall and winter evenings we are rather blessed with too many places to go however the night classes hardly fall into the category of mere sport or entertain ment if presentday society suffers one common ailment it is created by spoonfed entertainment there plenty to please the fancy in our mo ments of relaxation but all too little to exercise our minds in the course of the night classes everyone taking part will enjoy the thrill which no other activity can provide as corn pletely as mental accomplishment what a satisfaction it is to feel that with each passing week one knows a little bit more no matter what th subject the fee is small for the entire course we know that there are many who for years perhaps have intended to bestir themselves and take one of these courses this would be a good year to start any wonder a county police force is it any wonder that there is strong urging in political quarters throughout york county to set up a county police force which would do away with the smaller municipal de partments trouble seems to brew in these small forces on every hand stouff ville has certainly had its share of this kind of thing during the last few years sutton newmarket and rich mond hill have all had unpleasant dealings with local police forces ux- bridge is presently faced with a dam age suit for getting rid of one of its policemen and in mount forest we see that another officer is suing that town for 10000 for being dis missed trouble of this kind is a constant threat to municipal councils who find the small forces very tempermental and members would be most happy to be rid of the constant bickering this is not meant to be any re flection on our present police force in stouftville where operations have continued smoothly now for some time in fact we understand that a number of the officers themselves favor a larger organization such as the county system would provide they would have at their disposal all the equipment they need and which is now too costly for smaller muni cipalities ample manpower would be available and for these latter reasons a number of officers would favor a county police force i touffmlu rtrnnu established 1jw a v nolan son publishers slember of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association asthortod u mcob4cu tn0 potoftc dnt otuwm member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont h noun psbblwr ul thomas editor ias auxean ainrthn in canada 350 elsewhere 450 0 lite week read any pood cereal boxes lately handyman about the house sugar and spice friend of mine one of these days ill run out of friends to write about i lose one per col umn bought a horrible old house in the city it sagged it leaked you could hear every footfall on the acheing floor and every footfall sounded like the last but one still in he went with his hopes his dreams my sander and my paint scraper he be longs to what he calls the crow bar school of home improve ment motto to improve re move to improve a new home you add things you slap on new paint new wallpaper new pan elling etc improving an ornate old residence is largely a mat ter of tearing away the debris of the ages for example the paint on my friends woodwork and window frames is nearly onequarter inch thick by burn ing scraping and sandblasting he has now accumulated six packing cases full of old paint flakes which he sneaks out by- night and places beside other peoples garbage cans by hacking away old plaster he has uncovered two lovely old brick fireplaces the exist ence of which was unknown they look exactly like the mod ern phony brick fireplaces sub urban homeowners build at con siderable expense only when they were built it was fashion able to expose raw brick to view in the living room he has jacked up the sagging beams in the basement and propped them in place witii steel piping through painstaking de tective work lie has located sev eral of the principal creaks in the ground floor and rammed wedges under the offending planks from below theres not much he can do about the upstairs creaks with out removing the ceilings be low but if lie continues ham mering the way lies going this situation may resolve itself my friend is one of thousands who are gradually reviving and repopulating the older central areas of canadian cities while home improvement is a good idea no matter where you live improving a really old house in a valuable central lo cation is like digging your own gold mine the value skyrock ets and most communities en courage this to ward off creep ing slum areas most of these improvements do not increase the assessment for taxation road debentures thornhill police village has applied to markham twp coun cil to arrange for the sale of debentures in connection with the cost of road surfacing in the village the township share would be g5000 however the dept of highways would only sanclion subsidy on 550000 for road treatment cost had been estimated at 9s800 have you heard of an exter minator who worked for years to perfect a new exterminating machine and then couldnt get the bugs out of it as i have now been teaching for a full month i feel suffi ciently qualified to point out all the flaws in the educational system and demand their im mediate correction however as that would require an essay of the approximate length of lady chatterleys lover i shall con tent myself with suggesting one major cnange i would like to see the subjeci known as re ligious instruction scratched blotted or erased from the list of secondary school courses dont think that this is going to get me in trouble with the preachers not that it would be the first time with a few ex ceptions i think ministers and priests who are forced to teach this course consider it an abom ination in tlc same category as saying the burial service over some old brute who has ignored the church all his life what id like to know is who wants religious instruction in the schools the students dont they think the more coherent of them that its an interfer ence with their schooling a waste of time and something they have already received in better surroundings at home or at church others echo the re mark i heard from one lad it makes a nice break the school board doesnt want sy bill smiley i it the question of religious edu- j cation is a prickly one especial- i ly where there are half a dozen i protestant denominations jews and kcs it takes a lot of bro ken field running to make sure nobodys toes are stepped on the teachers dont want it j they think with some justifies- j tion that there is enough inter- ference with their attempts to cover the course what with field days football games assem blies teachers conventions vis iting speakers and other special events is it the clergy that is de manding it i dont think so from what ive been told by a couple of reverends for the average preacher used to a sil ent if somnolent audience it must be a bit lialrralsing to face some 35 young hellions 32 ot whom consider this little more than a chance for a super vised visit with their friends the clergyman his chesthigh pulpit exchanged for a navel- high desk feels naked neglect ed and much like the old wom an who lived in a shoe is the whole business pushed by the department of educa tion i doubt it the depart ment with machiavellian cun ning docs not make religious instruction a compulsory sub ject it leaves it to the discretion of the school board this is like the emperor of japan issuing an edict that reads now w all know that suicide is old- fashioned but if anyone requires a eharp knife just fill in this form and send to do parents want it- again i would take some convincing in a decade in the newspaper busi ness i dont recall a single dele gation of parents carrying crosses making a pilgrimage to a meeting of the school board and demanding that their de linquent offspring be instructed in the word then who is responsible for this changeling this awkward unwanted child in the family of education is it a small but zeal- ous group of stern christians who believe that you can make a horse drink if you stick his nose in a trough is it a few frustrated lonely clergymen ot the offbeat sects seeking a cap tive audience i dont know im just asking perhaps if one soul is saved it is worth all the con fusion and cussing it causes i am not opposed to religious education in schools where it is properly integrated and where it is desired it lias a vital place but where it is stuck into a cur riculum for no apparent reason it is as digestible as a humbug in a rice pudding jfr parents tommy is a slow poke in the morning he takes ages to get dressed i despise mothers who continually nag at their children bul what can i do to cure him mrs black asked her mother dont worry too much about his slowness in the morning hes only a little fellow but he should have time to eat a decent breakfast and i dont want him to be late for school dawdling over dressing may seem a small fault but it is terribly annoying until a child starts to school the exact time when his dress ing is completed does not mat ter very mucn to his mother but once he has that nine o clock deadline for greeting teach dawdling over dressing may become a real problem in a busy household it is a good plan to establish the earlier breakfast hour for a child sev eral weeks before he or she goes to school for the first time rated bet by typewriter dealers come in and try it see for yourself how good it is demand for these smithcoronas is terrificand youll know why the minute you try one theyre so lightningfast that with correct rhythm its impos- sible to jam the keys 38 fea tures including fullsize profes sional keyboard and color- speed keys fingerprintshaped to cup your fingertips if you plan to buy see us wttl as low as 10450 the stouffville tribune telephone 152 col f j picking begins regular radio comment a former weekly newspaper publisher and editor of wide experience and an intimate knowledge of the area is being heard on the air in a new pro gram on radio station cjrh 1310 richmond hill col f j picking who was formerly managing editor of the richmond hill liberal and later publisher of the aurora banner broadcasts every mon day evening at fi30 in a pro gram entitled parading with pick he is now head of a richmond hill firm york office equipment and is president of the yonge street business and professional association his program will be of a reg ular cabbages and kings type devoted to comment on topical subjects earlier programs will for instance deal with local his tory local municipal govern ment affairs suggestions as to where to go in the immediate neighbourhood to see the full beauty of autumn scenery rubebw stamps the stouffville tribune by nancy cleaver adults must remind them selves that although time means a great deal to them to a small child the passing of time means very little children hate to be hurried sometimes one of the simplest ways to overcome tard iness in the morning is to call the child a quarter of an hour earlier see that he is out of bed and thus give him a longer time to put on his clothes a large alarm clock on his dresser with time marked when he should be starting on his way to break fast is useful for some young sters choosing what he is to wear and laying out his garments on a chair beside his bed the night before is a practical suggestion when a little girl is sleepy it may be confusing and take several moments to decide whe ther to wear the blue dress with the white collar or the green jumper and yellow blouse small socks shoes and underwear are apt to be misplaced under the bed or in the clothes closet or bathroom in the process of get ting ready for bed make a game the night before of leav ing them all out in readiness for the next day mother should check on the physical condition of a child who dawdles continually is he slow because he is feeling slug gish perhaps he needs a tonic or a medical checkup a low grade sinus infection can make him feel very loggy in the morning it might be that his bedtime hour is a little late or his sleep has been interrupt ed maybe his bedroom is not well ventilated more rest and fresh air may make au the dif ference if there are several children in the family the business of getting ready for school may be delayed as they argue with each other one mother finally made the rule wait to talk until you get to the breakfast table another parent discov ered that arranging for two brothers to dress in different rooms speeded up this process h they were together inevit ably they started fooling around and laughing at each others an tics still another parent gava special praise to the first child to appear at the table some children are not very dexterous with their fingers a little help from mother in tying shoe laces or doing up a button may be just what is needed to finish getting dressed most chtl drens clothes today are simply made and easy to get into but if a child is a dawdler mother should check that buttonholes are large enough and zippers easy to handle a pleasant prospect ahead is a real inducement to finish a task like dressing what tiny youngster doesnt enjoy a chee ry greeting and a morning kiss when he comes to break fast if possible give junior a small chore which he likes such as bringing in the morning paper or the milk or letting the pussy cat outside before he sits down to the table children do relish a bit of fun at breakfast if more mothers would take time for a little nonsense in stead of worrying so about nour ishing meals and promptness at school there would be less daw dling once in a while the real rea son why a small child lingers over getting his clothes on is because he doesnt want to go off and leave mother perhaps being at home is much more fun than going to school maybe he feels shy with teacher or afraid of some of the bigger children it is quite possible that he thinks his clothes are dif ferent how he dreads the other youngsters making fun of him if there is a real reason why he is dawlling over dress ing mother should try to dis cover what it is and do some thing about it farmers grinding mixing service right at your barn molasses blending without lumps bagged off or blown into bin grain hay corn cob corn our specialty thorn mobile feed service unionville phone 137 wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to slouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butlerfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone lscw stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent

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