Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 14, 1960, p. 1

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c vol 72 no 6 the tribune stouffville ontario thursday july 14 1960 twelve pages h fiva concerned i 1 1 a ft i i t 1v what 96 in french the approval of maximum welfare payments continues to be a thorn in the side of mem bers of uxbridge township council the matter was dis cussed briefly at a regular meet ing on monday night the wel fare officer mr isaac cather- wood stated that the provincial department has advised against any cutbacks on welfare relief mr caiherwood only recently returned from the annual con vention in the city of hamilton i dont agree with them whether im right or wrong stated reeve earl dovswell he pointed out that some resi dents with more pride than others were willing to work all summer to pay last winters debts the reeve noted how ever that he had no complaint against the local officer i ad mire you for doing the job he said its not what were paying but what were encouraging commented councillor charles forsyth its a peculiar thing that the dept of welfare has the right to spend all kinds of money while other provincial depart ments are cutting back on ex penditures said dep reeve robt nesbitt theres some thing wrong somewhere he concluded robt mole a grade 9 stu- 91 his best subject was hours of study during the past exercises in the fall robert dent at the stouffville district french with a termend mark school year he will receive p 1fl in t- high school completed his of 969c the wellworn cover two scholastic awards at the tiuue u in sepicm- june term with an average of on his text book depicts many forthcoming commencement ber staff photo puc built still under ng ss although the stouffville pub lic utilities commission has now moved into new quarters for merly occupied by the munici pal council the matter of the proposed new utilities building on the lot at the corner of blake and main has not entirely been abandoned at a meeting of the commis sion on wednesday the matter was further discussed commis sioner neville had previously been authorized to secure a list of prices on materials necessary for the construction of the building on a cost plus basis as tender prices by contract had all been higher than the com mission was prepared to pay the commission has been in receipt of a communication from the ontario commission that if the stouffville puc does not intend to build the consent of hydro and the municipal board should be obtained to di vert the 525000 raised for the purpose to other uses reeve lehman who is a mem ber of the commission said he considered the hydro consent should be obtained if the money was to be used for some other purpose but he could not see that any reference to the muni cipal board should be necessary in the communication from the ontario commission mr ireland the engineer said that a few changes in the building would be possible to bring it closer to the 23030 figure mr doug meharg of mark- ham who was the lowest bidder on the contract suggested the use of galvanized eaves and piping instead of copper how ever commission neville said this would only be transferring an amount from the capital ex penditure to a repair bill in a few years secretary daniels advised the member that if the 23003 was not available for use then he would require some funds to be raised to take care of other cap ital expenditures being incurred a special meeting is to be held to receive commissioner nev illes final report on proceeding witli the building on a cost plus basis contract is award w ite n mr and mrs win timbers re turned from a 10 day trip to the east coast they spent a couple days on prince edward island and returned home through maine crossing back to ontario at the ivy lea bridge a contract has been let to the betz construction co of stouff ville by the public utilities com mission for 14400 for the en largement and rebuilding of the older of the two reservoirs now serving the municipality the size of the reservoir when com pleted will be 70 x 100 feet with a tlepth of about nine feet this second reservoir will have a capacity of 400000 gallons and will be constructed of gunite and reinforced concrete work on the project is scheduled to commence within the next two weeks since the new road into the towns reservoir property is not completed access will be made through the eugene lemon farm on the 9th concession hydro down as the longer days of summer have arrived the monthly pay ment for hydro to the ontario hydro system continues to de crease the month of may drop ped about 300 to 623433 the high point in the winter was 7500 increase in revenue the new rales recently brought into force on domestic water are showing a considerable in crease for the revenues of the system the increase in billing in july as against january of tills year was 22363l bbs sa a wr o license mrs james cradwell of scar- boro has been ruled ineligible to obtain a drivers licence after she was found guilty of operat ing a car without a permit in the village of markham on june 26th in addition she was fined 20 and costs by magistrate n p keiley in bufionville traffic court on friday morning the owner of the car gordon ralph bilby of west hill was fined 25 and costs pc wm gunn told the court that the couple were returning home from a party he said that tiie auto was swerving all over the road the officer stated that mr bilby was feeling a little under the weather he said that mrs cradwells driving was very erratic according to the police mr bilby stated that he had often driven in that way but had never been stopped pughevans lnnsciiai wf at many of the property owners at wilcox lake are presently in arrears of taxes and could not afford any increase which would be necessary to provide a muni cipal water system for the area this was the statement of jos glbbs spokesman for a large deputation numbering 36 who attended the regular whit church council meeting thurs day evening mr gibbs expressed the opin ion that all attending would be glad to have the water service but just couldnt afford to pay for it he suggested that an in crease of 100 per year would be added to each owner if the water program were put in force mr gibbs said he spoke for those opposed to the action of council in proceeding with plans to secure the water sys tem i own a house in toronto with complete service and the taxes are less than those at the lake with no services said mr gibb he stated that nearly every owner on the south shore was offering his property for sale council had proposed a vote of the people on the question but mr cibb stated this was u only throwing away several hundred dollars as they could bring in a petition with opposi tion names representing ggci of the ratepayers reeve richardson said that no vote had been arranged but council only wished to secure the opinion of the taxpayer he did not promise that a petition would be satisfactory but said that council would take due notice mrs dellar who also spoke assured council that she could obtain the signatures of more of the owners than 66tj site stated that the board of trade had intimated that it was favor able to the project mr gibb expressed apprecia tion to council for the hearing but added that no further meas ures should be undertaken that would raise taxes and thought a move to decrease would be in order reeve richardson drew atten tion to the large debenture debt on the area for school purposes a matter over which council had no control mrs dellar stated that the residents were not plac ing any blame on council for the cost of education dept cuts down hidqe i ti the dept of highways has suggested that the supplement ary road budget of 24500 would be cut back by 10500 in the township of oxbridge for i960 this would leave only s14- 000 plus the original budget of 33000 for a total of s 17000 for the entire year the matter was discussed by council at a regu lar meeting on monday night if we dont get the additional funds were broke said reeve eat 1 dowswell department offi cials have been asked to give the request furthes considera tion weve learned our lesson for next year well have to leave the snow on the road suggested councillor norman hogg if it comes to that im through charged reeve dows well the reeve admitted that there had been similar budget cutbacks all the way down the line including highway projects the most serious drain on the townships road budget was caused by heavy snowremoval costs during the past winter this figure amounted to more than 22000 this was 10000 over 1959 and 12000 above 193s the 25th anniversary of the pughevans reunion was held at the metro conservation park south of greenwood on satur day afternoon a total of 183 members were registered by mrs ken reesor and mrs how ard hill a full sports program occupied the interest of the younger ones present while the older folk merely visited back and forth- with one another the anniversary gettogether was commemorated through the sale of engraved pens mrs morgan pugh of clare- mont was the oldest lady pres ent mr geo lee of aurora was the oldest gentleman in at tendance they were given the honour of cutting the anniver sary cake a basket of flowers was presented by mrs morgan hill in memory of those who had passed away during the past year two minutes silence was observed for mr leslie feasby mr edward pugh mrs alex brown mr edgar bag- shaw and mrs edgerton braba- zon mr john morgan qc one of the oldest past presidents reviewed the history of the re union celebration which had its start back in 1935 a word of appreciation was expressed to miss mabel edwards of stouff ville for recording the pugh- evans family descendants one o those present at the charter picnic was mr ed evans of uxbridge the most recently married couple was mr and mrs harold davidson of coll- ingwood a bountiful picnic sup per was served under the com mittee convenership of mrs mel johnson the new officers for 1961 are as follows president mr al- vin redshaw vicepresident mr lloyd pugh secretary- mrs alvin redshaw the next reunion has been scheduled for the second saturday in july 1961 at the conservation park near greenwood coun for the hic- company of mon treal has been the successful tenderer to supply a new heavy- duty fire truck for stouffville and patrick motors were the successful bidders for the gmc chassis four bids were received on the fire fighting equipment with hickies price of s9sjo00 being accepted five bids were received on the truck chassis two being re ceived past the receiving dead line and the tender of patrick motors at s477025 was accept ed two of the bids for the truck chassis were close pat rick being only about 50 lower than the roxt tenderer tptal cost of tne fire truck will be 1441025 which brings the price quite within the estimated cost the largest of the present two trucks is being retained to give th town and surrounding file area the most adequate protec tion it hos had in years both trucks are equipped with pump ers the larger truck which is ontract presently making the out of- town calls will remain in town at all times and the new and larger unit will take the rural calls police report councillor wm parsons re ported work satisfactory in the police department three dog complaints had bn received five parking tags issued and a number of calls on other miscel laneous offences fui ther consideration is to be given to the bylaw to establish a crosswalk at market and main sts it was revealed on thurs day evening that a cloar space of thirty feat must be left on either skie of such a walk and this it was thought might fur ther tighten the parking prob lem consideration i aso to be given to the fact that new pave ment is scon to be laid and the work of the numerous markings necessary for such a walk would bo lost if the crosswalk were established on the present rough pavement laice the refusal by a toronto skin diver to drop a portion of his equipment almost cost him his life on sunday afternoon in the waters of shadow lake two nearby bathers saw donald mercer 18 disappear below the surface although unconscious when dragged ashore he was quickly revived by oxygen treat ment provided by members of the stouffville fire brigade dr blair mitchell of stouffville was in attendance according to reports the ama teur skin diver was a good swimmer he became exhausted however in attempting to reach shore dr mitchell told the tri bune that the youth undoubted ly would have drowned if he had hot been rescued immediate ly he estimated that he was under water no longer than 20 seconds a wagon load of cut hay burst into flames on the property of gordon pipher cone 8 2 miles north of markham village on tuesday evening the contents was doused with water by mem bers of the stouffville firo bri gade although the entire load was forked off the wagon the interior of hie frame convey ance was badly scorched it is believed that some hay had become twisted and over heated in the forage harvester before it was blown into the wagon if the smoke had not been detected the entire load would have been elevated into the barn phone lines leaving poles the bell telephone co is abandoning the use of a large number of poles in stouffville and will lay new cable under ground in a number of sections of town in many cases the pres ent pole lines carry both tele- phono and hydro lines in a communication to the o eal utilities commission the phono company stated that in a number of ease where they will continue the joint use oi poles they would like to use a larger space than at present they made a request for three alterations a schedule of rates was submitted which would ap ply to all work done by either the puc or the telephone co some cable will be buried at the top of mill st on orchard pk and along main st west goodwood man russell storry 76 of good- wood is in critical condition in the york county hospital new market after his westbound car was hit broadside by a loaded gravel truck southbound on cone 9 whitchurch twp early tuesday morning the accident occurred at the bloomington corners mr storry was thrown out of his vehicle and pinned under the car the truck driver lyle wesley mckay of haliburton was not injured his vehicle car ried a thirteen ton load pc lizotte of the opp at vandorf investigated mrs harry brillinger has been visiting her son and fam ily mr and mrs claude bril linger ridgetown births dixon peg and artiiur dixon are pleased to announce the birth of a son wayne and rew 9s lbs on july 8th a brother or mare doner floyd and shirley are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter on july 11 1950 at the york county hospital newmarket a sis ter for betty ann redshaw mr and mrs murray redshaw are happy to announce the arrival of their son philip edward on july 6 1900 at newmarket hospital the fretz family are holding their annual reunion in memor ial park stouffville on satur day july 16 death harrison mr robert harrison passed away suddenly at the home of his son gordon at mount albert on july 9 i960 in his 74th year his wife the late rebecca hockley pre deceased him he is survived by sons gordon kenneth bruce donald maxwell and douglas a brother joseph of mount al bert and sisters mrs william swain and mrs dan hall of stouffville and mrs earl cook of aurora the funeral was from the mt albert united church on tues day at 230 pm with interment in the mount albert cemetery after a number of special meetings to deal with matters pertaining to the official plan for whitchurch township coun cil last week engaged the firm of h a babeock co as con sultants to prepare the plan at a price of s4500 eight firms submitted prices on the job with rates running as high as 20000 it was believed from the prices submitted that either a number did not understand the work in volved or that others had far overestimated the work no racing council on thursday night de clined the application of wil liam shields motors to operate a gocart track at lot 11 don mills rd this matter has been discussed a number of times and council made a personal in spection of the cars involved and the site dumping to continue the period of dumping refuse by the ccllis leather co of aurora on the buchanan pro- ultarif jkhifcnui been extended to sept 30th of this year the dumping of this obnoxious tannery waste in the township has been debated a number of times council held a special meeting recently with aurora council and the com pany and it was agreed that if dumping was to continue aur ora and the company would have to render financial assist ance aurora was requested to take over the expense of keep ing up the road and the com pany was to fence in the pools at a second meeting a motion to discontinue the use of the properly was rescinded and there will be further discussion robert and david blair re turned on saturday to their home near vancouver they were accompanied by their fa ther mr bernard blair who had been taking a special course at trenton for the past 7 weeks the boys spent part of the time with their grandparents mr perty in whitchurch twp has i and mrs archie campbell 35000 animal a new 35000 animal hospital is under construction within the limits of markham trsuage when completed late in octo ber the structure will include both the main residence and clinic for dr d v way mark ham veterinarian work was be gun on the building in june it was designed by messrs john shaw and gordon pearce mr pearcc is the contractor an east wing will contain the reception room and hospital x- ray services will be available the structure will be of brick construction with a field stone entrance the doctors residence will front on no 7 highway at the present time only two simi lar hospitals are locatedin the district one at brooklin and an other at agincourt pay 500 for geese markham township council has authorized payment of 500 to john wegg cashel for the loss of 240 geese said to have been killed by dogs no charge has been laid to date against any dog owner by the police inves tigation is continuing ask result 4s vv va an account was received by stouffville municipal council on thursday from mr jack val- leau in the amount of 20341 to cover damage and cleanup necessary when the sewers backed up into his home on 9th st south the residence was flooded on at least three occa sions because of the failure of the victoria st pumping sta tion councillor laushway proper ly commiiee chairman advise council that over 300 had also been paid in insurance claims to date whatever damage was caus ed i feel was our responsibil ity it was no fault of the owner but a defect in our system said councillor parsons councillor laushway stated j that ix council started paying such claims they might have quite a few reeve lehman said that every thing was done on the trouble occasions that could be done it still wasnt tiie owners fault said councillor parsons new and larger equipment for the victoria st station is presently being installed councillor laushway advised that th valleau residence was now equipped with a trap to prevent any backing up of the sewers and- which he believed should have been installed in the first pi coun il lion of t- the ci i the town ooinpan koad brpartment deputyreeve wagg reported ed to a sugges- rcsye wagg that referred to ibility insurance that the oiling and sanding had been completed at a cost of 4300 he said that the men were now proceeding with weed cutting councillor slack said that he had had complaints of the bad condition of a number of sidewalks chairman wagg said that nothing had been done to date on sidewalk work an agreement has been reach ed with the stouffville district high school board to install a 12inch sewer line to serve the school tliis is double the size actually required to serve the school and the board is to b reimbursed the s250 difference in the cost for the larger pipe council felt it advisable to have a larger line on north edward st because of further develop ment likely in this area th lint will be 16 ft deep

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