balsam mi zion mr b junlewra th box social ponord by the men club last friday nlnt as a decided ruccefs realulag sear 11000 for the furnace f ud for the chorea friend are sorry to hear that urs walter canon is la the oshaira hospiuf next sunday dee h there will be a white sift service in connection with the sunday school at 130 followed by the regular church service in the evenlse at 8 pm the young people are putting on a candle light service the active service class will meet in the basement of the efioreh next wed night dee the treats for the christ tree will be packed and a exchcsge for class members glen major mr george gibson spent weekend at his cottage mr and mrs allan jones it mas gift the and cashway brooklin supply and lumber judy kewmarket isi mr and mrs- allan holman brookiin visited sunday with tlie joneses no sunday school on sunday owing to the cold and snow mr kenny third markham b spending a few days with his grandparents mr and mrs charles flss mr herbertsimmonds was at braeslde on saturday f iunction of no 7 12 hyvys s miles north of whitby phone brooklin 209 recreation room panels prefinished vplank hardboard here is a beautiful wood grained panel available in two finishes light oak and bleached mahogany easy to cut and easy to opply less than 15 vac per foot 4 x 8 x vt panels only 496 sheet mahogany plywood first grade beautiful grained 4 x 8 xytyhs panels if you are building 6 rumpus room be sure to see these before you buy less than 1214c per foot only 398 sheet first quality vinyl asbestos tile 9x9 13vzc ea 10 colors and patterns to choose from topquality aluminum doors includes two glass inserts one screen inserts door closer wind chain o attractive door latch hinges etc 12 high grill 329 extra sizes 28 x 68 210 x 610 3x7 2995 aluminum foil insulate your home today with aluminum foil ideal for re- creation room too available in rolls 36 wide covers 500 square feet only 568 per roll arborite 10 colors now in stock 4 xsx 116 only 49c foot 1568 a sheet wood trained pnicrns 4c extra arborite cement 285 qt economy hardboard here is a panel with a hundred uses for the handy man ideal for closing in a fruit cellar laundry room etc less than 5vic per foot only 169 sheet 4x4xi plywood underlay less than 7j4c per foot y 119 per sheet garage boors why struggle withthot om lagging doer en yattf gragtf replace it today wlh ene of our smartly tyltd flooraway griy primed stetl door tat to install yourself bx7 only 5650 2 for 10 9x7 only 6375 s for 125 bx66 only 5850 i5x7 only 12650 i6x7 0nlyi2650 all doors comt coraplot with prommb1d hardware glazed lights extra 400 per pefr save on sanded fir plywood fast stmt vsx4x8 109 349 x4x8 158 506 ix4x8 197 630 x4x8 237 758 x4x8 268 858 fir sheathing foot sht a standard 4 x 8 93 298 w standard 4 x 8 105 33 yzi standard 4x8 149 477 standard 193 618 ceiling tile primed white 12 x 12 16 x 16 97c per square ft delivery service available local- hauling at reasonable rates buy and save at cashwa y dicksons hill sine september the children or 88 17 markham hve sttend- ed school st stouffvllle this being a temporary arrangement the matter of adequate accom modation was glren further con sideration the trustees were in structed to and a suitable ske an inspirational young peo ples service was recently con ducted by president carl tim bers toe bowler sisters from aglnoourt were guest singers the moody film hidden treas ure depicted the marvelous taadlworv of god n ereatfoa the t3th anniversary of the founding of united missionary churches in canada and united states was marked by special services oa sunday rev ward shantx district superintendent of ontario conference wa3 guest speaker at both the churches of the markham charge the two congregations met at mt joy for a communion service in the evening victoria square mrs w sandle white gift service a very impressive white gift service was held on sunday when the sunday school and church services were combined the service was in charge of rev a f binnington the gifts that were received will be sent to the fred victor mission and the home mission council tor onto donald boynton read the scripture lesson the christ mas scene was portrayed by x o xxooooooooc o special visit on sunday dec 14th rev frank l pickering missionary on furlough from japan at the stouffville baptist church 10 jn showing of beautiful colored slides of work in japan j i am missionary s br vict 7s0 pm special subject shall wjj know each 1 other in heaven speaker rer j williams pastor we welcome you titnnnnt christ church anglican rev j d tiller rector sunday dec 14th 1958 3rd in advent 10 am morning worship 10 am junior sunday school 11 am senior sunday school tues 230 pm wa dec 19 s to 9 pm senior sunday sohool party dec 20 4 to6 pm junior sunday school party united church stouffville rer douglas davis sunday dec hth 1958 white gift sunday sunday school 945 am junior to senior 11 arm- nursery to primary 11 am morning worship 730 pm- the cgit annual vesper and candlelight ser vice mon 7 pm explorers tues 730 pm cubs wed 730 pm scouts thurs 7 pm cgit pm choir practice special friday night a 7 oclock the nursery depart ment of the sunday school hold their christmas program in the churchi all the parents are cordially invited christmas sunday evening dec 21st the couples club and the oholr are presenting the nativity in the church plan to bring your frlend3 stouffville baptist church rot j williams pastor sundaydec 14th 1958 10 am showing colored slides of missionary work in japan 11 am missionary service spoakerrev f l pickering missionary to japan 730 pm evangelist service subject shall we know each other in heaven 1 speaker the pastor wed at 630 pm childrens christmas party altona christian united missionary church rev dow sargcnnt pastor sunday dee 14th 1958 10s0 am sunday school 730 pm preaching 730 pm service wed 8 pm prayer service ringwood christian church rot kcnnyon edwards sunday dec 14th 1958 10 am sunday school and white gift service 1110 am worship service s pm wed ce prayer meet ing churchill musselmans lake bible school sunday dec 14th 1958 1030 am bible school classes tor all remember our christmss programme dec 19th at 8 pm everyone welcome second markham raker mix baptist churches rev rruce illspy sunday deo 14th 1958 second markham prayer service wed 8 pm next lords day bible school 10 am morning service 1 1 am sermon title an old testa ment star young peoples 730 pm eev frank pickering of japan will speak linker mil prayer service thur 8 pm sunday next- bible school 130 pm service 230 pm acts 18 but ye shall receive 5 power after that the holy ghost is upon you a friendly welcome awaits you in our midst united missionary church gormiey rot c r hnnking minister sunday dec 14th 1958 s45 am broadcast 1350 kc 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evangelistic hour stouffville united missionary church rev arthur walsh minister sunday dec 14th 1958 10 am sunday school 11 sum worship 630 pin peoples ser vice 730 pm evening sarvice thurs 8 pm prayer bible study vivian mccormack memorial church rot brace hlsey pastor sunday dec 14th 1958 1030 am sunday school classes for all ages 730 pm evening worship v tues 8 pm prayer meeting you are welcome memorial christian church sunday dec 14th 1958 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service wed 730 jr choir practice wed 300 sr choir practice thurs 8 pm prayer bible study in the sunday school room come and worship with us bloomington christian associated gospel church mr e x simmon minister sunday dec 14th 1358 10 xm sunday shool for til 11 am service 730 pm scrflce wed s pm prayer meeting 1rl t pm young peoples brethren in christ church helse hill gormiey pastor rev wm vnnderbcnt sunday dec 14th 1958 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evangelistic wed 730 pm midweek prayer meeting margaret smith as mary mat taylor as joseph wayne mort son victor suzuki and david matsunaga as the shepherds john gee donald lchols and peter baxter as the three wise men the junior girls and boys of the sunday school occupied the choir the tinytots sang away in a manger mrs p bennett told the children a story rev af binnington also old the children a story church ews sunday dec 14th at 230 pm the regular church service will be hed when rev binningtons theme will be what shall i give my child for christmas infant baptism is being plan ned for all three churches at the christmas sunday senices on december 21st if any children are to be presented interested parents are asked to contact the minister explorers the explorers christmas party will be held in the vict oria square sunday school room on monday evening dec 15th at 7 pm w a the christmas meeting of the wa will be held on wednesday evening dec 17 at 8 oclock at the home of mrs herman mortson mrs p w willows will take the topic the elec tion of officers for 1959 will also be held a special collec tion will be taken for the flower fund mission band the christmas party of the mission band will be held in the sunday school room on saturday december 20 at 230 pm instead of on december 13 as had been planned there will be a special speaker for the children the mothers of the children have also been invited to attend candlelight service the annual candlelight serv ice will be held in the victoria square united church on sun day evening dec 21 at 730 this service is under the lead ership of the cgit euchre there will be another euchre party in the victoria square community hall on friday eve ning doc 12 at s15 oclock sympathy is extended to mr l g stoutenburgh in the pass ing of his brother mr chester stoutenburgh mrs wesley wellman of camaron mrs dean wellman of omemee called on mr and mrs louis nichols on thurs day of last weak they were down here attending the funeral of mr w c sayers at rich mond hill mr and mrs louis nichols mr and mrs rolph boynton mr and mrs cecil nichols mr and mrs ross nichols mr and mrs douglas gee and miss ma bel sanderson had dinner on saturday with mrs ella rat- cliff and mr angus at stouff- ville mr and mrs wm orr had saturday evening dinner with mr and mrs robert johnston and sharon at nashville the occasion bein 1w orrs 42nd wedding anniversary mr and mrs hoi ii mr and mrs gordon mortson and family had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs louis nichols mr and mrs gordon orr and family of king had sunday eve ning dinner with mr and mrs wm orr i congratulations are extended to mr floyd perkins on being elected reeve of richmond hill in the elections there on satur day floyd isa former victoria square boy friends are pleased to hear that mrs mary buchanan is making a good recovery follow ing her recent automobile acci dent mr and mrs ray wilson and boys of etobicoke spant sunday with mr and mrs john emp- rineham the stowryiui ttbune thny tl 1958 pip 7 v m4or christmas torphotograpmyofans i fcj mj- jo u mir strato m the greatest 35 mm camera- buy in years camera and leather case a big value at only 2495 case included cadieux studio next to the dairy bar main street stouffville give the man of the house ppers numerous others styles to choose from priced from 299llp stouffville ontario stock up for christmas at your friendly united missionary church itetc e bell minister sunday dec 14th 1558 dhkson illll 945 am morning worship 1050 am sunday school 730 nm mr edward herbert will preach wed 8 pm prayer bible study mon dec 23 s pm annual sunday school christmas pro gram maiitcham 10 am sunday school 11 am mornintr worship 730 pm evening servie thur 8 pm prayer a bible study we invite you to worship with us st james presbyterian church stouffville ber d r mckllllcan ua bd sunday dec 14th 1958 10 atn morning worship worship with us united church melville charge rev g davison sunday dec 14th 1355 s34 am bethtsda 1045 am peach 1145 am melville s pm ypu at melvill church while they last slfknispcm blankets 398 bakery feature richmello fruit cakes 1 ml piece ceijo pkg 0o s lb piece cklio pkg 113 3 ih piece ix a gift box 1 4 lb piece ix a cut box 225 frozen foods just heat and serve snowflalve french fries 4 65c salad queen fancy mixed vegetables i- 3 or 55c fresh produce easy to peel mandarin oranges box 170 red crisp juicy- bc fancy eating guaranteed meats predressed grade a 2 to 3 lb chickens lb 28c chopped suet 27 grocery feature american dry bottles zc plus deposit richmello ib 59c cinp me 2 special offer 5c off all purpose lb pkg 82c inz spaghetti 5 3 47c just heat and serve- in tomato sauce cooked heinz apples 5 w 33c california no 1 full of vitamins large luscious eating dates 2 lb p bl 59c unit of the week luncheon plate 39c with a 300 order 100 satisfactiox at your fribxdly domixiox store values effective at your stoiffvhle dominion store uutll 6 f- saturday december 13 1038 dominion storks ltd