pes 6 the stourtvue tobuxe ttadir kvesfcr ft 1958 want ads give a linle money a big chance to go a long way miscellaneous tvb do custom killing also caring and smoking of meat for farmers oroyles meat market ph 35 stouc t miscellaneous cntd canadian cancer society richmond hiu district unit for information films talks welfare and services call richmond jeiill tv 4s40s cniootllie 239 markham 139 16tf stouffville 49j3 electrical wiring installation service repair oil borner serrlce leslie leonard ph 780 stouffville 11tf excavating trenching grading j weeping beds a specialty stouffville auto wreckers highest prices paid for cars tracks and scrap iron used parts for sale 264 15 wheels 3 heaters 5 batteries 4 exchange phoxe stouffville os produce orders taken for christmas turkeys mrs walter jacob ph stouffville 95104 272 articles for sale i sale register boys pale blue 2trousers suit for sale size 14 110 ph 70w3 after 5 pai village burner service ph stouffville 740wl fob 24hr service industrial commercial residential 19tf f bruce timbers ph clare 33717 47tf custom killing curing smoking meat for farmers we are prepared to pick qp and deliver 23tt schells meat market stouffville phone 220 well digging cleaning repairs all kinds of compressor work i ltir r kloostcrman ax 86131 ted dcllocr at 25072 finch ave agincourt rr1 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired r h mlddlemlss 16tf i phone 367 stouffville business opportunity you can make money rais ing chinchilla the industry is on a sound basis active market for pelts breeding stock for a reasonable invest ment you can build a business at home stonehouse chin chilla ru 28606 ill had dington ave toronto 12 tf radio tv radio anj television repairs at reasonable rates sparton and general electric radiotv sales and service hifi record players records tape- recorders and tapes scarfes 42tf thix paints smith radio- electronic service stouffville phone 32 capons for sale drawn free for sale youths light wool lloyd pugh ph claremont tweed sport- jacket size 36 162j1 ph stouffville 90821 dressed geese for sale oven ready jack gamble ph 5297 cormley christmas turkeys or ders taken for christmas tur keys norman neal claremont rr2 ph stouff 96414 262 choice young beep for sale side or quarter cut and wrap ped for the freezer s a stouffer ph 9 4106 264 apples for sale mcintosh and delicious varieties cliff ord l winger cormley ph 5217 272 orders taken for capons christmas or new years gar field bennett goodwood ont ph claremont 33712 inglis automatic washer for sale with suds miser used only 4 months 117500 ph stouffville 91106 a number of christmas trees for sale price reasonable gordon ratcllff ph stouffville 94706 wood for sale slabs and fireplacechunks ratcllff bros ltd lumber and builders supplies phone stouffville 204wl 263 for sale girls white skates 6ize 12 electric heater brown enamel also m mall electric drill all in good condition ph stouffville 556w3 taking orders for live or dressed geese mrs donald mccullough rr3 newmar ket ph tv 52808 off shaped potatoes for sale 50c per bag or 10 u ton john bosworth ltd cedar valley phone mount albert 14sw 11tf turnips for sole 300 bus good turnips no water core or worms also sehago potatoes bruce taylor ph stouffville 97602 n goldkind son we buy all kinds of poultry 13tf highest prices paid for live poultry- si fraserwood ave toronto ph ru 17851 collect or ph hu 11358 collect paving driveways expertly paved evans fuels paving division newmarket twlnlng 64231 free estimates filtf ross hetherington electric custom house industrial wiring pole lino installation alterations small repair jobs ge appliance service phone stouffville 155jor283 10tf northern spy apples fo- sale all sprayed fruit no 1 and no 2 grades will deliver in stouffville jim oldham ph 90009 stouffville 273 choice quality apples spies macs cortland andtol- man edgar james brock road north of the 4th con cession phone 329j4 picker ing 264 skates for sale ladys white size 8 hi ladys black size 7 hi udys black size 4 j boys size 1 very reason able ph stouff 324wl black persian lamb coat for sale medium size prac tically new make wonderful ohristmas gift ph claremont 36 beatty litter carrier for sale approx 300 ft of track and two switches also heat house for ford or ferguson tractor ph stouffvill e94320 for sale findlay cook stove condor a in excellent con dition also gilson coal fur nace pipeless ph stouffville 94211 auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouffville 363 a s farmer phone gormlej s311 ken a clarke prentice ph ax 35087 martham 843 saturday dec 13 gigan tic weekly auction sale at the stouffville sales arena special sale of feeder cattle this week ako our regular sale of all classes of livestock come and see one of ontarios fastest growing community sales something for every member of the family 4 auction rings never a dull moment sale at 1 pm sellers atkinson pol lard faulkner auctioneers 45 head top quality ayrshire dispersal owned by irvin w harrison rr1 sarnia ontario fully accredited vaccinated rop selling at the hays sales arena oakville ontario thursday de cember 18th 1 pm the royal- view hetd has been prominently exhibited at major shows includ ing royal winter fairs features are 16 progeny from cherry bank golden anchor grand champion at the royal laohute ormstown exhibitions thir teen other females carry hls6er vice included are the champion and reserve champion females petrolla 195758 for catalogues write hays farms limited sales managers oakville box 490 ontario accommodation accommodation single room for business woman in new home centrally located n stouffville breakfast if de sired ph 779j for rent 4room apartment for rent reasonable ph 64w3 stouff ville 272 7room farm house and all facilities for rent ph mark- ham 197wl cards of thanks a sincere thank yon to every one who so kindly remembered me during my stay in the brier- bush hospital the cards fruit visits and inquiries were very much appreciated norman claughton i would like to take this op portunity to thank all my friends neighbors and relatives for their cards flowers inquiries and help at home during my stay in hospital all was much ap preciated mrs sherwood catherwood new home for rent or lease seven rooms and 2 baths reasonable rent to responsible family owner transferred as of januarv 15 59 flnlay ph stouffville 295w 26tf for rent modern home in desirable location in stouff- vllle seven rooms and recrea tion room oil heating electric etove and automatic washer telephone 381 cars trucks apples for sale spys at 150 per bush mcintosh and other varieties on hand bring your containers dave lennox pickering orchard 1 miles west of pickering on highway 2 ph pickering 367m2 263 shoe repair your shoe repairs can all be handled at georges shoe kef air coll or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work don all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located two doors east of cnr tracks 4str blaln st stouffville phone 743j c bunkers sand gravel pit at goodwood for cement gravel concrete sand stone fill and choice top soll wo deliver i6tl phono 552wl stouffville stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrote gravel pit run delivered or at the bin tf j plant phone 125 office phones 370 a 126 sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 hoar service o stunden 18tf richmond hill ph tv 41245 bulldozing and drag lining specialists in grading cellars and ponds e van derkooy 49tf phone gormlcy 5537 christmas geese orders taken for christmas geese ken reesor ph stouffville 00310 dressed turkeys top quality dressed turkeys t wholesale retail lloyd wideman ph 95515 stouff 272 miscellaneous cnid christmas trees bushy spruce christmas trees all sizes for all occasions buy from the grower and get them fresh cut les ogden phone 95827 254 tropical fish for christmas a fascinating hobby for child ren and students fish aquar iums and supplies we will hold until christmas 3 rouge st markham ph 345m girls 3piece suit for sale in blue color hat and coat trimmed with gray fur- just like new size to fit 3- or 4- yearold child ph claremont 30402 markhams oldest skate exchange new hockey figure and pleasure skates all sizes in stock tradeins ac cepted our used skates are cleaned and sharpened with new- laces we buy sell and trade in skates lawton shoes repairs markham 2014 tape recorders revere tape recorders from 8995 to 28450 popular practical inquire about them from car man lewis pji markham 149 or the stouffville tribune ph 152 18tf floor covering nil types tiles inlaid linoleums plastic walltowall carpets the new sisal covering expertly in stalled free estimates s8tf spoffords stouffville phone 161 bulldozing specializing in landscape plan ning and farm ponds basement excavation and all types of grading dragline when necessary art steckley phone gormley 6675 clare preston head operator sltf phonk 65428 alex wallace heating furnace vacuum cleaning sheet metal eavestroughlng etc denier for pease iron fireman clare hecla oil coal and gas markham village on no 7 hwy phono markham 516j 8tf december special no 1 iinch 4x4 poplar un derlay at 7c a square foot ratcliff bros ltd lumber and builder supplies ph stouff 204 wl 263 frank bolton tlumbing heating and oh burner service rr3 stouffville ont phone 484 27tt childrens wear infants to six featuring the leading names for children ez slcepwear cherub wear dorothy brown dresses quality with service at the tots fashion shoppe slain st stouffville ont phone stouff 301 hoover vacuum speciaxt the famous floating on air model with 1 hp motor long stretch hose and all the finest attach ments regular 9995 christmas special 8450 at hendricks hardware lost found lost a red hound in vicinity of 17 18 avenue on unlon- vllle slderoad reward ph hickory 77858 lost black and brown ger man shepherd female collar chain around neck 5 months old a boivln rr2 stouff ville ph stouffville 294j1 help wanted girl wanted as mothers helper to live in modern home conveniences ph baid- win 12303 or write mrs r eastmure 14 tallylane wlll- owdale 262 courteous married man wan ted with car willing to work 48 hrs a week for 10000 no sales experience needed we train phone or write f beaulleu 78 aragon ave agincourt phone axminster 33710 14tt 1952 pontiac for sale a real good one no reasonable offer refused ph stouffville 55511 new stock of used cars all local tradeins 1956 plymouth sedan t lovely car 1955 buicic hardtop power steering automatic transmission electric win dows radio this car has everything 1955 pontiac sedan low mileage 1954 dodge sedan power steering automatic transmission radio v8 motor 1949 pontiac sedan real good 1955 chev sedan deliv ery 1955 4ton chev chassis cab chas cooper ltd claremont ont phone 103 104 we wish to thank all our neighbors and friends who re membered us with expressions of sympathy and help in the home la our sudden bereavement la the passing of our dear brother and sister uncle and aunt ernie and ina reesor mr mrs peter nighswander to all the merchants of stouff ville and ballantrae who gave so generously to make this years christmas carnival a great suc cess many many thanks thank you too to all in the community who donated and worked to one and all a very merry christ mas and most prosperous new year ballantrae home school in memoriam mcleod robert s dec 13 1957 his memory is as dear today as in the hour he passed away deloss roy and family pegg in loving memory of dear mother and grand mother mrs andrew pegg who passed away december llth 1956 not dead is mother but sleeping in her fathers house above rewarded for her suffering rewarded for her love ever remembered by her family slack in loving memory of our dear mother mrs grace slack who passed away de cember 15 1957 in our hearts your memory lingers sweetly tender fond and true there is not a day dear mother that we do not think of you ever remembered by the family coming events ioof euchre will be held in masonic hall on dec 17th fowl will be the prizes lunch provided admission 50c euchre friday dec 12lh at south shore community hall hillsdale drive musselmans lake at s30 pm admission 35c refreshments good prizes stouffville child health clinic will be held friday dec 12 from 130 to 3 prv in york county health building main st free immunization euchre every friday night at 830 pm in the south shore community hall hillsdale dr musselmans lake refresh ments good prizes admission 35c 12tf there will be another euchre in the victoria square commun ity hall on friday evening dec 12 at 815 pm everyone wel come ladles please bring lunch 262 duo therm oh heaters see the latest jn duo therm oil heaters with power air circulat ors that really do a heating job priced 7450 up at hendricks hardware toys toys we are loaded with the finest selection of toys to be found in york county shop early while the selection is complete at hendricks hardware automatic dryers the finest gift you can give your wife is a general electric auto matic dryer priced from 199 up at hendricks hardware wrecking the barn from wair precast septic tanks approved for four septic installation trenching a ditching fabricated concrete specialties ltd stouffville m0 1h famous donlands dairy on don mills rd across ibm all materials un usually good including about 80 squares galvanized roofing like new also steel i beams tongue and grooved flooring phone gormley 5216 or see ernest till on the job plumbing sinks toilets baths electrical equipment tv radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts a service e h neville sons your admiral ijowrbt organ dealer main st stouffville phone 346 17u parts supplies installations now work repairs pipe cut and threaded up to 4 furnaces cleaned consumers gas dealers pittsburgh patnt dealers stouffville plumbing heating store on main st ph day 405 night s4wl or 545j1 4tf greeting cards new and different designs avail able of childrens scripture and box assortment christmas cards personalized cards with a special selection for the business men gift wrap ribbon scotch tape and seals catalogue showing above items along with gifts available mailed upon request bob kerr ringwood 18tf thone stouffville 07003 laborers wanted apply on site slain st at ninth line born construction real estate for all your real estate problems v consult african violets give a lovely violet for christ mas over a thousand large flowering plants 300 varieties including flame violet 100 125 open dally and evenings closed thursdays and sundays clarkes violet centre belfry drive 1 mile east of hospital newmarket new different s in 1 combination car radio tortable radio home radio powerful six transistor radio plays anywhere uses only pen- light cells which last for months complete with leather carrying case and shoulder strap hearing aid attachment and magnetic holder which simply snaps to dash of your car in attractive gift box 262 5995 complete see pt hear it stouffville radio tv centre phone 124 town and counjir sttoausts residential land business commercial 43tf appraisals exchanges mortgage services phone office 100 res 201j 817 when btfylng or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 244 31tf listings wanted markham uxbridge whitchurch pickering we are on a selling spree and need homes and small farms with or without build ings 49tf our sold signs tell the story thos n shea markhams leading realtors mnrkham 710720 ax 37071 ready to buy a good number of buyers with from 10000 to 20000 down payment have asked us to help them find farms to suit their needs perhaps your farm would suit one iet us call around and talk it over j m farquharson real estate broker gormlcy 5407 jja b7711 give a second car this christmas one year guarantee big selection easypayment plans 1958 meteor 800 sedan 1957 vauxhall super 4door sedan radio tieater beige brown 1956 buick special 4door hardtop 1956 ford customltne 4door 1955 meteor niagara 4door 1954 chevrolet standard 2door 1953 pontiac ijburcntlnn i4door 1952 pontiac deluxe 4door 1952 desoto custom 4door 1952 pontiac standard 2door 1951 nash deluxe 2door trucks 1953 chevrolet 4ion stake 1951 ford 1ton picknp 1948 dodge 2ton stake quality satisfaction the goodwood baptist sunday school invites you to their christmas entertainment satur day evening dec 20 if you have gifts for scott mission please bring to church next sun day dec 14 live stock kolstein springer for sale j mann ph stouff 760w3 2 holstein bob calves for sale ph stouffville 76113 pigs for sale bruce taylor 97602 good chunks ph stouffville young yorkshire hog for sale ready for service phone stouffville 93615 7 pigs for sale 7 to s weeks old bruce baker ph 94608 stouffville xitters of pigs for sale sandy acres swine farm klnsale opnoslte barklays gravel pit 262 red polled dual purpose reg istered shorthorn for sale serviceable age hugh boyd ph gormley 5658 brown pony for sale quiet medium size used to children mrs e birch cedar valley ph mt albert 253w2 2 ponies for sale colored pony mare and brown pony suitable for showing blake lotton blackwater ph sunderland 66r2 the stouffville branch of the canadian legion will hold a fowl bingo in the legion hall on saturday dec 20th at 8 pm sharp come and win your christmas dinner all prizes are freahkllled fowl bingo every saturday night in the legion hall stouffville sponsored by the canadian leg- ion bramch 459 and ladles aux iliary 14 games for 500 each 3 special games and jack pot admission 50c starting at 815 sharp 21tt the annual meeting of the york county federation of agri culture will be held on monday dec 15 at sharon morning ses sion in the unlfed church din ner and afternoon session in the sharon community hall harry ferguson president all veterans of the community and their families are cordially invited to attend the annual christmas party held by the stouffville branch of the canad ian legion in the legion hall on saturday afternoon dec 14 from 2 pm to 5 pm on friday dec 12th at 830 pm the ringwood home school will present as their christmas program a choral concert given by the students santa will visit the children and all little ones are invited an impromptu bit of festivity will be presented by the home school executive do come and bring the family skyline chicks are backed by years of hatching exper ience two outstanding lay ing strains to choose from hyllne hybrid canadas leading profit making layer skyline linecross leghorns tops in leghorn breeding sky- line chicks are delivered to your door for further infor mation contact our representa tives willis taylor phone stouffville 554wl or bruce taylor phone 97602 stouff ville 2411 pony stallions at stud a all the popular colors pinto sorrel dappled chestnut palomino misty hollow pony farm brougham ontario 6tf phono pickering 242m2 pullets ready to lay rir cross ls 24 wks old price 200 ridler mills ltd newmarket 21tf ph twlnlng 52306 wanted good capons wanted 95226 stouffville phone 272 attention mr m nasn pays cash prices for all live poultry ph sto g4j3 9tf neil patrick motors buying selling rural urban property contact m j harlock manilla 21rl3 or harry jermyn whitby mo 83322 j a vondette real estate 104 dnndas st w jvhltby 4u phone 372 or main st 499 stouffville ltd bourne hunter motors christmas specials 1957 oldsmobile 2dr hard op super 88 hydrematlc transmission power steering power brakes custom radio 2- tone paint new- tires and many- extras 1954 chevrolet sedan do- luxe custom radio a real sharp car throughout 1954 plymouth suburban wa gon radio goodyear safoty tubes cars guaranteed special free turkey for the buyer of any of the above phone stouffville 38 wanted 10 or 12 head of cattle to feed for the winter ph stouffville 760wl work wanted reliable woman wants work baby tit- ting experienced with infants ph gormley 6231 quantity of turnips want ed 6 inches up must be free from water core and worm maurice pike phone gormley 6676 262 dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary dis posal 200 service charge for each call telephone col lect to stouftville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd u notice to creditors in the estate of maude jaynes late of the town ship of whitchurch in the county of york spin ster deceased creditors of the abovenamed deceased who died at the city of toronto in the county of york on or about the twenty- fourth day of july 195s are hereby notified pursuant to the trustee act to send to the under signed proof of their claim on or before the 3rd day of january 1959 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice dated at newmarket this 20th day of november ad 1958 stiver vale pepplatt errlngton 195a main streot newmarket ontario solicitors for the administrators george albert bates and fred w jaynes 253 live poultry wanted highest cash prices custom killing phone or write 6tf s nicholson 200 n davis 741 markham dead stock dead or crippled norscs cattle mid hogs picked up for disposal with winch truck phono collect uxbrldgo 541 mr albert 70w woodvlllo 32rll ed pecom prop 3 6tf reconditioned 21 televisions some with new picture tubes carrying 1yr warranty priced to clear convenient budget terms if desired stouffville radio tv centre phone 121 i f