fft 8 ihl jtoofpttui ijuhhm thatof hortafctr v h3 claremont and pickering township district editorial interest in municipal politics in the township of uxbridge has dropped to an alltime low at the annua nominations conducted in goodwood on friday after noon only thirteen persons were in attendance this mere handful included two township employees and one nonratepayer needless to say the entire council was returned by acclamation the small turnout of township taxpayers would prove one of two things 1 that the ratepayers ara completely satisfied with their local municipal govern ment or 2 they have melted into a lethargic group of property owners with no apparent interest in how or where their tax dollars are being spent personally i believe h is a combination of both as members of council admitted there were no big issues at stake during the past term although much of the work was routine business it is quite surprising that such a skeleton audience would be pres ent twelve ratepayers out of more than 1500 is a preuy small percentage it is possible that afternoon nomination meetings are a thing of the past other municipalities have dis covered that the evening is more conducive to larger gatherings such a change might te worthwhile in uxbridge certainly the attendance is not likely to lessen farmers laborers and businessmen find it diffi cult to break away from their work during the mid- afternoon the majority however are free in the evenings and might welcome an opportunity to attend such a meeting are more than 1500 taxpayers one hundred per cent in agreement with councils handling of the town ships business fridays attendance would leave such an impression if this is so then the names of messrs dowswell nesbitt hogg forsythe and redshaw should be engraved on a bronze plaque and preserved for posterity uxbridge twp council all in by acclamation little interest in nomination meeting reeve earl dowswell dep- reeve root nesbitt and coun cillors norman hogg charles forsythe and alvin redshaw received acclamations in ux bridge township at nomination meeting claremont happenings twentysix relatives gathered at the home o mr and mrs lloyd pugh on saturday eve ning for a surprise party to honour mr fred pugh who was celebrating his 80th birth day the womens institute met in the basement o the united church on thursday afternoon nov 20th with the president mrs grant taylor in the chair mrs melvin johnson was con vener for the meeting and sup plied the program consisting of current events by mrs ellis britton a piano selection by miss grace lehman reports of the convention read by mrs james peddie and mrs frank carson after which mrs keith prake demonstrated avon pro ducts she had a large selection and everyone was given the chance to sample these and also four lucky draws were held and avon products given as prizes after the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the com mlttee in charge mr and mrs bert knight of leamington visited with mr and mrs lloyd pugh for a few days this week and also attended the royal winter fair the congregation of the bap tist church have called mr j carnegie of hull quebec as their new pastor mr and mrs carnegie will be moving short ly and mr carnegie will com mence his duties on sunday dec 7th mr and mrs mac middleton entertained a number of friends on saturday evening guests of honour were mr and mrs reg- the claremont baptist young people are taking the service sunday morning nov 30th in the church the congregation are hoping that the new pastor and his wife mr and mrs john carnegie of hull quebec will be present special music will be supplied for this service all are welcome mr and mrs joe thurston of willowdale visited on sunday with mr and mrs bill gliddon the wa bazaar field on sat urday nov 22 in the united church was very successful everything was disposed of in a very short time the execu tive of the wa wish to thank all those who helped in any way to make this a success the recreation committee are holding a teenage dance in the community hall on friday nov 28 at 730 pm all children 1015 years are welcome there were eighteen tables of euchre at the community hall on friday evening the 22cal rifle donated by mr gord tay lor was won by donna geer young daughter of mr and mrs bob geer north of the village the turkey went to a port perry man mr bill welshs car skidded out of control on the slippery pavement south of the village on monday morning and turned over on its roof mr jack ren- nie a passenger in the vehicle was treated by dr button of stouffville for a cut on the head mr welsh was not injured a number of residents complain ed to the tribune that the coun ty is negligent in not speading inald tansley it being the occa- 1 sand on the steep hill before the goodwood on friday afternoon only thirteen persons were pres ent mr geo alsop received a nomination but declined to stand for election no issues reeve earl dowswell inform ed the ratepayers that council had enjoyed a comparatively easy year with no main issues at stake he noted however that much general business had been completed he explained that the 102 percent of the countys road systfcm was located in uxbridge he noted further that the town ship shared only 86 percent of the total county road budget its not a true picture said the reeve he pointed out that the southern municipalities boasted a much higher assess ment than uxbridge he pre dicted that the county would embark on a large scale paving programme in 59 since much road construction had been completed in 1958 he praised the work of the county engi neer reeve dowswell suggest ed that a new road was in the planning stages from no 47 highway to manchester if okayed it would be good for our township he noted the reeve explained that he had voiced opposition to the present location of the new county jail he noted that the cost of the structure wass185- 000 its too bad we must spend such a large sum of money to take care of a few delinquents he said he ex plained that em addition was al ready being considered too much snow turning to township busi ness the reeve explained that last winters snow removal posed one of their biggest head aches this expenditure plus a deficit in 1957 forced a cut- down on summer road work he said they planned to do some paving next year he a quiet spoke highly of the townships held at employees try to close station reeve dowswell charged that the cnr was attempting to close the goodwood station he noted that an application had been filed by the company with the dept of transport in an effort to shut down the de pot council is attempting to hold it he said but it may be a lost cause he explained that in 1868 the township of ux bridge had donated a large sum of money to the toronto-nlpis- sing railroad the- railway has some obli gation to the township he said organize clinics dep reeve robt nesbitt in formed the ratepayers that a very successful antirabies clin ic had been organized this fall mainly through the cooperation of the dominion provincial and county governments he not ed that the general public had responded to the free animal vaccinations in even greater numbers than officials had ex pected the fox bounty now paid by the county is 400 half of this amount is paid by the province a foxs tail must be produced as evidence dep reeve nesbitt said that he fa voured more stringent controls on hunters in the township he noted that at the present time signed property was a resi dents only protection hunters are not required to obtain a township license more park land the dep reeve praised the work of the conservation or ganization in establishing a number of fine parks through out the authority he said that it was planned to establish a park at glen major and also to enlarge the present park site at greenwood he explained that the cost if any in the scar- boro bluffs project would be very small for uxbridge town ship he touched on the cpm- pletion of the goodwood drain age scheme it was a very dear piece of insurance he said relief up councillor norman hogg pointed out that both hospital ization and relief accounts in the township showed an in crease during the past year in 1957 the relief bill was 1150 it climbed to 2336 in 5s we can expect more if last meetings account is any indica tion he said he noted that the planning board was overdue before it was put into operation he sug gested that a development bd should be established to take care of any proposed industrial growth in the township too many fires councillor alvin redshaw noted that there were too many fires in the township thus ac counting for an increased ex penditure for protection he looked with favour on the pres ent warble fly scheme the cost in 195s was almost onehalf the 57 total if we keep up the good work we may be able to stop it alto gether he said livestock claims up although the collections from 1958 dog tax and kennel license fees showed a slight increase the livestock claims were up al most s200 in 1957 the town ship paid out s73400 in 58 they expended 91718 of this figure 8500 was for killed or injured poultry this report was submitted by mr chas forsyth a third acclaimed coun cillor no questions were direct ed from the floor to the office holders township clerk j e foskitt was chairman of the meeting e t mixed feeling will drive best bargain with developer reeve sion of their fiftythird wedding anniversary they were present ed with a bouquet of white and gold mums the golden age club is now the new name for the senior citizen group mrs loss hill won the prize for having the name she presented chosen at their last meeting which was at the home of mr and mrs george mcconnell on tuesday nov 18th all had a jolly time the next meeting of the golden age club will be held on tues day dec 2nd t the commun ity hall at 230 pm the wa of the united church will pro vide the entertainment keep this date open and plan to at tend and bring a friend and a smile anyone wishing trans portation please contact mrs keith drake before 10 am of that day earlymorning traffic rush manager tom clarke of the ajax canadian tire store has donated a fine electric fryer to be given away to some lucky person at the claremont santa claus parade dec 6th mr and mrs peter hardy of toronto visited with friends and relatives here on sunday mr and mrs eddie ortiz motored to guelph on the week end mr and mrs arthur bates of woodbridge visited with mr and mrs don hedges on sun day mr and mrs ron brown en tertained friends from toronto on sunday several from claremont and district attended a ground ob server corps meeting at port perry on thursday evening of last week a large delegation of rate payers from frenchmans bay in pickering township attended a special meeting of council on monday night to obtain further information on a toronto firms proposal to esetablish a large residential development in their area sites would be retained for industrial and commercial use a signed petition was present ed requesting that a district now zoned as park property be rezoned as residential land a number of ratepayers ex- the pr 4000 homes posed development reeve wm lawson informed the gathering that the proposal was still in its very premature stages as far as the township was concerned you may rest assured that we will drive the best bargain possible or we wont accept it he said mr nickle a ratepayer con tended that such an influx of homes might throw the town ships residential and industrial growth out of line the reeve explained that res idential development in the twp farexceeded industrial develop ment at the present time he noted that many contended that homes and services were an at traction to industry the reeve informed the dele gation that a proposed water plant would be equipped to handle six million gallons per day and could eventually serve mr hall speaking for the ward 2 ratepayers associa tion said that he was greatly disturbed by news on the pro posed development he contend ed that a low priced type of home would not raise adequate assessment to support them selves we feel the whole program is premature he said ask baiff return warrants council holds recorded vote burtons general store claremont full line of groceries fresh fruits vegetables fresh cooked meats drygoods stationery giftware baby wear drug sundries cigarettes pop candy etc and devon ice cream specialties special till december 15 all purchases from our gift shop attractively gift wrapped at no extra charge ask cashier about our annual free christmas draw you may win a giant hamper of groceries hours open till 930 pm except mon wed christmas eve till 10 pm park right at the door shop and save at bartons remember we give black diamond stamps for free gifts at a special meeting of pick ering township council on monday night the members ex pressed divided opinions on a motion to request murray and co bailiffs to return all out standing warrants which are now in their possession on recorded vote dep reeve scott and councillors ross haw thorne sid pugh and bob stew art favoured the motion reeve lawson and councillors edgar james and mrs jean mcpher- son voted in the negative discussion on the matter was brought before council when miss hettle of dunbarton charg ed that the bailiffs would re turn her oil tank for a fee of 300 miss hettle complained that the tank was seized from her parents home for nonpay ment of taxes she noted how ever that the tank belonged to her and not to her parents miss hettle said that the pickering twp police chief advised her not to take court action against the bailiff reeve lawson advised coun cil that the bailiffs act protect ed the firms employees in a civil action councillors ross hawthorne and bob stewart contended that the bailiff should return the tank without charge and replace any oil that was removed we cant force the bailiff to return it said the reeve councillor mrs jean mcpher- son explained that the bailiff company had only thirty war rants in their hands at the pres ent time councillor mrs suggested that the number of complaints had been verv small when compared to the number of warrants issued we all owe our taxes and we all should pay them she said mrs mcpherson stated some ratepayers found it im possible to meet their payments she noted that in such cases they should contact the collec tor mr barker and work out a satisfactory agreement in a motion council agreed that murray co bailiffs be requested to return miss het- tles oil tank complete with oil and if they failed to comply the township should pick it up and return it reeve lawson voiced objection to councils de cision claim motorcycle unfit reeve w g lawson reported to pickering twp council on monday night that the police dept did not favour the addi tion of a motorcycle as part of their mobile equipment the reeve noted that where much patrol was in rural districts the motorcycle was not adequate he said it was particularly un fit for wet or icy roads he said that it was used primarily for traffic control in comparing the cost of the motorcycle with the cruiser the reeve explained that there was surprisingly little difference in the price he noted that only 700 separated the two units in addition he explained that a speciallytrained officer was re quired for the job councillor robt stewart con tended that such equipment would be more efficient in chock- request time limit on home completion mr duncombe a resident near rosebank appeared before council on monday evening to enquire into the possibility of setting a time limit on the com pletion of homes mr dun combe noted that the home owner was receiving all the ben efits of other residents and should therefore pay taxes on a fullycompleted house he said that there were numerous non- completed homes in the town ship they dont get their 300 de posit back until it is completed said reeve lawson thats a mere pittance when it comes to home construction suggested the ratepayer you wouldnt think so if you heard the complaints that are brought before us replied the reeve reeve lawson agreed however that perhaps some time limit should be considered the clerk informed council that the building inspector demanded that suitable progress should be made on the home construc tion to heat garage the claremont cooperatives tender of 160728 was selected by council for the completion of a heating- system in the townships garage brougham four tenders were received the highest was ior 182900 a good crowd turned out for the hockey club euchre there were 17 tables mrs hart won 1st prize for ladies and jack redshaw 1st for the men all prizes were donated dona geer won the rifle donated by gord taylor and charles teno of port perry won the turkey oth er prizes were donated by jack norton bob hockley frank hayward bill evans and frank hollingshead gift items for a wide selection of christ mas gift items it will pay you to shop at chas coopers store in claremont a host of items are listed in a display adv ap pearing in this weeks issue claremont dr n f tomlinson under went an operation in the osh- awa general hospital last week he will be confined to bed for a number of days large glass display windows are being installed in mr ken wards new show room at the four corners this week mrs ethel browning has left the employ of chas cooper ltd after eight years as the firms bookkeeper on friday after noon the staff presented her with a lovely electric coffee per colator mrs phyllis desjardins has taken over mrs brownings position want to win a giant hamper of groceries enquire at bur tons store for further informa tion a special offer is now in effect until dec 15th all pur chases from the stores gift shop will be gift wtapped at no extra charge see the display adv on this page according to reports mr frank hayward has agreed to throw his hat in the election ring if nominated for ward 1 in pickering township on fri day night the ward is present- lv represented by councillor sid pugh atha mr and mrs cyril bielby at tended the funeral of her two cousins mr and mrs ernie ree- sor at cedar grove on sunday afternoon mr and mrs stan willis from cornwall prince edward island were guests with mr and mrs joe tran on wednes day of last week mr and mrs norman leh man and family were sunday dinner guests with her sister mr and mrs percy norman of toronto they also attended the peoples church service in the morning mr and mrs frank bielby were supper guests with mr and mrs isaac dyck in glas gow on sunday mr and mrs bruce mcdowell and son mr and mrs clifford dunkeld and daughter susan all were dinner guests with mr and mrs murray dunkeld on sunday mr and mrs frank robb and george from markham were monday evening visitors with the carruthers mr and mrs joe tran were sunday visitors with mr and mrs george mcgavin at wal ton mrs hodgson and friend from toronto called saturday morn ing on mrs albert draper mrs frank bielby spent tues day with her daughter mrs donald dunkeld mrs charlie hodgson and mrs murray dunkeld attended the winter fair on friday and saturday in connection with the 4h club girls week miss freda draper has taken a position with mr fred lewis altona the carruthers family attend ed the winter fair in toronto on thursday news from altona mr mel johnson minneapo lis minn of the youth for christ will be the guest speaker at the altona united mission ary church this sunday even ing at 730 the christmas meeting of the wms will be held at the home of mrs norman neal on tuesday dec 2nd at 8 pm all ladies are cordially invited misses sharon sturm and lorha weir of toronto teach ers college axe teaching here this week under the supervision of miss vera mclaren mr fletcher goudie and mr and mrs ivan goudie and fam ily of elliott lake were home for the weekend and enjoyed a family gettogether on sunday along with mrs goudie mr and mrs merv bunker and family and mr and mrs don davis watch for the school float in the stouffville santa claus par ade this saturday by this time we certainly hope your neighbor has had his lawn- mower sharpened uxbridge hospital donations mr frank ferguson 1000 anonymous jo00 mr thos richard 200 mr wm shaw 200 mr henry lake 1000 mr c j pollock 100 mr ivan cox 2500 mr murray thompson 1000 mr isaac ball 2000 mr j e mustard 10000 i mr floyd clark 1000 i mr norman gibson 500 i mr mrs dennis kerr 200 mrs murray mustard 5000 mrs annie stead 1000 anonymous 500 mr mrs m kennedy 2500 anonymous 500 anonymous 2500 mr mrs h douceite 1200 continued on page 16 the earliest known copper- nickel alloy coins are those min ted about 170 bc in bactria a kingdom of northwestern india which was conquered by alex ander the great in 326 ec claremont saturday dec 6 1958 time 130 prizes for school floats 40 over pupils 1st 15 2nd 10 39 under pupils 1st 15 2nd 10 nonwinners 5 each variety floats 1st 10 2nd 5 variety floats business men sarco silver cup decorated bicycle 12 and under 1st 3 2nd 2 3rd 1 other entries childrens 1st 3 2nd 2 3rd 1 scouts guides brownies cubs 1st 15 2nd 10 3rd 5 4th 5 best clown 1st 5 2nd 3 free candy for all children lucky drew prizes 1st chrome kitchen set table four chairs value 14000 donated by mceachnie funeral home 2nd boys or girls bicycle value 8000 3rd cedar chest value 6000 donated by mceachnie funeral home 4th deep fryer donated by canadian tire associate store ajax other prizes isssssdsgdi ing outoftheway areas such mcpherson as beaches parks etc the west rouge community association had requested that consideration be given to the purchase of ra dar for the police reeve law- son announced that two addi tional men had been acquired for the department permitting that it was unfortunate that increased patrol greenwood the official board for the cir cuit met in the mt zion church last monday night mr and mrs reg bell and mr and mrs mel crapp of sel- wyn attended church last sun day morning and afterwards were entertained by the rev mr fleetham mrs mabel ormerod of tor onto was a visitor over the weekend at the ormerod home mr and mrs john purdy of milton were guests of percy and mrs clarke last sunday mr richard wilson of brook- lin was a visitor at the stanley byers home last sunday after noon mr and mrs lloyd pegg of oshawa isited at the milton pegg home last sunday messrs c mctaggart milton pegg and jack hooker returned home last sunday from a weeks hunting at manitoulin island miss audrey hopkinson and sandra lambert were at mr and mrs m peggs last sun day promotion service was held in the sunday school last sunday when sixteen pupils moved on to higher classes gifts at coopems it will pay you to shop locally personal service better prices christmas spec iais junior mixer hree speeds chrome b guaranteed jpecial price 1495 three speeds chrome beaters fully guaranteed automatic toaster with famous reflectorcontrol one of the best electric frypan square design complete with cord and lid reg 2395 special price 1495 steomh dry iron lightweight fingertip control special price 1495 special price 1395 see our complete display of gifts for the whole family check our prices on these items assorted dolls sewing sets hockey games skate outfits guns and gun sets bicycles toboggans hockey sticks gloves pads radios record players small and large appliances electric and gas stoves power tools drill sets freezers automobile accessories and numerous other items suitable for christmas gifts chas cooper ltd phone 103 claremont ont phone 101