Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 6, 1958, p. 1

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t touffrtht tribune vol 69 no 22 the tribune stouffville oxt thursday november 6 195s t71 sixteen pages j k beamish co to pave town streets stouflyille municipal council received three bids for the job of paving several streets in town at a special meeting on thursday night and the j k beamish construction company received the contract their price for the total contract was sss2203 this amount is bro ken up as follows church st 175353 mill st 199395 mar ket st 21ssq and civic st s29s575 council discussed the state of the budget for roads and con sidered that with the govern ment grant v200 would be available for the work in view of possible construction in the area of civic street it was con sidered advisable to leave this steet until next year and it was stricken from the list orchard pic building to begin russell forfar attended coun cil and stated that he was ready to proceed with his subdivision on the east side of orchard pk a contract had already been ar ranged for the sewer installa tion he said reeve daniels brought up the question of drainage and deputyreeve lehman suggested that the road be constructed high enough to allow all drain age to the 9th concession mr forfar was granted per mission to begin work on one residence which he said would remain in his name until the plan was registered and the work required by the subdivider had been completed mr forfar asked council if they had considered work on the sewers in the winter in or der to qualify for the dominion government offer to pay a large percentage of the wage bill reeve daniels said that council of 1959 should consider the sug gestion at an early meeting january to be officially opened stouftvilles new orchard park public school will be officially opened next wednesday even ing by the hon dr w j dun- lop minister of education mr k middlcmiss chairman of the stouffvillc public school board will preside and greet ings will be extended by reeve daniels and inspector m s iiallman the opening cere monies will he held at s pm s request for coloured lsohts 300 attend centenary of markham masonic lodge stouffville municipal council lie said that if the plan of i membcrs ol m unionir v uls ting in special session on string lights did not prove too lo visitors from neighbor- tox kl is klttens meeting thursday night agreed to allow i expensive the businessmen tiie merchants to proceed with would buy all the materials re- a plan for colored christmaslquircd including the coloured lights crisscrossing main street- bulbs they would only request the puc to put them up in the matter of power he stated that the businessmen would pay the account if the council failed to think the gen eral benefit to all was such that the expense could be charged to the municipality ed neville member of the puc was called in for consul- some three hundred persons members of markham union i mr ted topping appeared hefore council on behalf of the businessmens association he told council that the request came from a meeting of the association at which time it had been stated that stouffvillc was far behind in the matter of christmas lighting decorations he said that if council was willing the businessmen would proceed to obtain the price of both the string lights across the street and a price on the brack ets to be attaclted to the present believed rabid ing lodges and special masonic guests gathered in the united un attic rami church hall on wednesday eve ning to celebrate the 100th anni versary of markhams masonic lodge w bro garfield hamil ton the worshipful master of the local lodge presided highlight of the centenary celebration was the presence of the grand master for the prov ince of ontario mw bro har ry l martyn a toast to grand lodge was proposed by rw tation he said that while he bro a j woods and responded did not care for string lights he i to by the grand master would in no way oppose the ac- w bro h coatup toasted the tion of the businessmen visiting brethren and entertain- poles these brackets were used council advised mr topping i ment was provided by the chor- in oshawa last year and can be that his association might pro- taken down for use the next teed with either plan they con- year i sidered best 0 large congreeations attended the slouffville baptist church on sunday both morning and evening the dedication service at 11 am was addressed by the pastor rev j williams who offered the prayer of dedication for the new furnishings and re- dedication of the newly decor ated church building mr ken miller of ottawa guest soloist sang two appropriate numbers arid mr thompson of toronto occupied the console of the new hammond organ in the evening the pastor rev j williams took as his subject for this evangelistic ser vice will russia rule the world he based his message on the interpretation given by daniel of nebuchadnezzars dream and stated that according to this interpretation the last world empire was the great roman empire and there could not be another world empire he concluded by saying that the new world ruler would be the lord jesus christ miss carol coulter of wil- lbwdnle rendered two solos and mr clarion baker was at the organ the offerings of the nay were designated to the refurnishing fund alettes markham union lod was toasted by w bro r shad- lock and the presentation was made to the grand master by w bro g l williamson last year w bro williamson presented the markham lodge with three columns at the altar all of which he had made bro williamson a master craftsman in the art of carpentry had carved in the three orders of architecture domic ionic and corinthium first lodge at sizes hotel unionville the first lodge for which dis pensation was issued in august 1857 met at sizes hotel union ville for a year and then deem ed it advisable to move to mark ham the first meeting was held in markham in july of 1s58 the name markham union was apparently chosen from union in unionville and mark ham for markham twp w bro william campbell was the first master of the new lodge during the masonic year july 1s58 to 1859 there were 15 ini- j tiations and 5 affiliations friak- ing an increase in membership of 20 the initiation fee was 5 pounds and the dues were paid monthly being 1 shilling 3 pence markham union lodge a fullgrown red fox entered a woodshed adjoining a house on the farm of mr alex gray 7th cone of pickering near atlia last week and killed two small persian kittens owen gray 30 persian kittens owen gray son of the owner pumped a 22- the fox was removed to the dept of agriculture office in bowmanville for inspection it is believed to have been rabid mrs gray spotted the fox when she came out of the house i to feed the kittens it jumped into a nearby wood bin in an effort to cut off the animals escape owen armed with a rifle ran into the yard hearing the cry of another kitten -he- re turned to the shed and saw the fox standing a short distance away it had a kitten in its mouth it immediately jumped back into the bin owen killed it with one shot the owner informed the trib une that they had seen a fox on his farm on previous occasions but none had ever ventured close to the barn or house mr gray a wellknown breeder of border collies had his dogs tied up the foxs body carried a strong skunk odour it gave me an awful scare said mrs gray owen said that to his knowledge none of their sheep or chickens were attacked this saturday is poppy day this saturday nov 8th is poppy bay you are asked to wear a poppy and give gener ously to this worthy fund poppies are a symbol of re membrance of those who lie in foreign fields they died fighting for the freedom we as canadians en joy so much orange hall on church st used jointly by both lodges a change was made to the mark ham town hall in 1882 and the trustees named to sign the lease were james speight j a ree- sor and r a mason in 1956 mason in markham union lodgtr purch ased the old markham higl i school building and are now v- raising funds to have it re- its first ladies night on jan i modeled for i the wellington m campbell was donald m deacon of union ville is chairman of the com mittee that is endeavoring to raise sc9000 in this area to build a school for retarded children the fund campaign begins on november 2llh 19th isffi hotel bro i in the chair when the lodge moved to j markham members met for a i time in what was described i then as bro pilkeys hotel i later the wellington situated on i the southeast corner of no 7 j highway meetings continued j here for 13 years i the lodge then moved to the lodge rooms three of the members have been honoured by the district by being elected district deputy grand masters they have been rt w bro gam davison rt w bro geo c murphy and rt w bro a j woods the following members have been masons for over 50 years vw bro r ii stewart and bro r a fleming may return to municipal field mr ivan mclaughlin former whitchurch township reeve may return to the municipal field in the forthcoming elec tion he has announced this week mr mclaughlin who re cently disposed of his farm north of musselmans lake told the press this week that he had much more time how to devote to municipal business and would consider returning to council this year the mclaughlin farm of 170 acres has been sold to a cooks- ville man who will take posses sion next spring mr and mrs mclaughlin have resided there for 33 years but have recently built a new home on harold st in stouffvillc however mr mclaughlin has purchased the slorry estate farm at blooming- ton which he will continue to operate in the township fined fr illegal parkin ed j price charged with parking a trailer in the town ship of whitchurch on the cast part of lot 10 con s known as mud lake was lined s25 and costs of s12 when he appeared in court at v indorf on tuesday costs or one day in a 50 mile zone on oct 21st on don mills rd he pleaded guilty but said he was not in any hurry just out for a drive and wasnt watching his speed ometer he was fined saoo and maximum fiiui is 300 officer crittenden of whit- 1 church who laid the charge un der the township bylaw stated i that he had called at the trailer on sept 1th and had called in all some four times regarding the illegal parking it was observed that a tvi aerial had been erected also a clothes line and it was obvious the occupants were in rcsi- deree c wylio of musselmans lake appeared as a witness and i he confirmed that the trailer was parked and inhabited mr price said he would soon be moving a othar location joseph callman was charged with operating a truck without clearance lights at ringwood in dark anil foggy weather lie plead not guilty stating that the lights had shorted on his way down no is and no gar age was open to get bulbs lie could have repaired the wiring but he had no replacement for the burnt out bulbs the court told him he was endangering the lives of others and he should have pulled over and stopped until the repairs he was lined j were completed knew he 55g a costs or one day vivian reed charged with but he guessed i driving 42 miles in a 30 mile d soon enough zo at nobelton on oct 16th that it was verv was a radar case mrs reed him to nark and 10 p u he de- iard i partment of highways as she fagklratetcelivstatetlhehadidid not consider the signs on n copy o the bylaw and he i te road sufficient must enforce it j when shown the actual dis- lorne taylor keswick was i lance on a map of t lo charged with driving 60 mph proving that sho was 915 feet days inside the 30 mile zone she pleaded guilty but still insisted the warning was insufficient she was fined s9 and costs bertram a bud was charged with operating a motor vehicle at 12 miles per hour on oct 3rd king jvp nobelton in a 30 mile zone mr bud said the area was rot built up and that no motorist would be consider ing a 30 mile zone he said the district appeared as though you were still out in the sticks the evidence was much the same as in the reid case same area but different date mr bud stated that it was confusing in that traffic pro ceeding otit of the area on the oppoite side of the road oper ated at 50 mph lie said he had operated a car for 1 years without a conviction and said he considered it was an excel lent place for the police to se cure convictions and asked just how many they got that day the officer replied 19 in four hours bud aho stated ho considered the area no clear in signs but it was evident he was not look ing for them in that area he was lined 900 and costs or two standing for reeve geo e richardson deputy reeve of whitchurch township for the past three years has announced this week that he will scck election for the rceveship in the forthcoming election mr richardson has spent five and a half years on council he is a farmer at van- dorf and is chairman of the agricultural committee for 195s of york county council new welding works for 8th con markham consent was given by mark ham township council on mon day to the purchase of lot 17 con 8 markham for use as an industrial site by the assinck bros who plan to establish a new welding works there council agreed to request con sent of the planning board to the industrial designation of this land solicitor lucas said that he recommended council pass the bylaw providing for the indus trial use of the land and it was given the necessary three read ings ssicodo addition richmond hill notified mark ham twp council that the ex penditure of s330000 would he necessary for additions to two public schools and requested that markham give consent to sharing the portion of the cost as outlined under the act council on resolution by coun cillors mumberson and watson agreed to markham bearing their share of the expenditure asked to consider grant donald deacon a former dep utyreeve of markham attended the meeting to address council on the proposed school for re tarded children mr deacon is chairman of the committee in charge of raising the necessary funds he staled that the school was started some time ago in thorn- hill with seven children and this number had now been in creased to 3g it is the intention to build a school to take care of children in an area bounded by stouffvillc and markham on the east and maple and king on j the west the estimated cost of the building and equipment is s90- j 000 of which the provincial government would pay 20000 he said that parents with per fectly healthy children should consider it a privilege to give a donation about a thousand persons would be engaged in soliciting funds and he asked the present council to consider a grant for 195s markham tp stand for re all members of markham twp council are preparing to stand for reelection according to reports this week there have been few acclamations in the township in recent years the last being in 1930 to date no new candidates have announced their intentions although there are constant rumours that sev eral intend to throw their hats in the ring last year reeve clark and deputyreeve dean were elected but councillors l mumberson stan watson and john neil were elected by acclamation both the reeve and deputy- reeve have expressed the view that the municipality has come through a good year and one in which the majority of rate payers have been satisfied with the administration reeve clark has the distinc tion of having held office longer than any other living resident of the township having been first elected to council in 1930 and with the exception of two years served as road superin tendent he has been on council ever since reeve clark has held the en viable record of municipal serv- ice through the depressions of the 30s the war years and the years when markham township has begun to slowly expand and grow deputyreeve wilfred dean in stating that he seeks the support of the voters for 1959 said i believe we have ac complished quite a bit this year especially in the matters of road improvement and water conditions in the front of the township further road im provements may be undertaken next year there are 192 miles of roads in markham township the deputyreeve said and we have built quite a large number of roads and gravelled quite a few this year more roads in the township have been dusted this year because of the dry council to election season deputyreeve dean said coun- 1 cil hopes to have water installa- j tions through by december 1st but the strikes and shutdowns in the building industries have held things back especially the work at the pumphousc councillor stanley watson ward 3 said his first year on council has been very interest ing councillor watson who has previously served on school boards in seal borough town ship has also been active in the federation of agriculture in york county councillor wat son felt that markham town ship had accomplished a lot in the way of grading for 1959 and that we have to look forward to the time when we will do more paving of our roads councillor john mcneil ward t said his first year of council had been most enjoyable my belief is that residents of this township are happy he said councillor lawson mumber son is completing his second year as a member of council and will be a candidate for re election halloween pranksters turn cattle loose at goodwood 3 hit by car halloween pranksters are be lieved responsible for the death of two beef cattle and injury to another on no 17 highway near goodwood on friday night two gates were opened on the prop erty of mr alger maye and ten animals strayed out on the road a car driven by win thom son of aurora crashed into three of the cows the vehicle flipped over on its side and was badly smashed the driver was not seriously injured two of the cattle had to be destroyed an other suffered a leg injury but will recover remembrance day service this sunday afternoon the annual stouffvillc service of remembrance will be held this sunday afternoon at 230 in the baptist church rev j williams will deliver the address and a church parade will pre cede the service for members of the local legion veterans of both wars ladies auxiliary scouts cubs explorers and cglt 58 building likely to reach million dollars building in stouffville dur ing 1958 is expected o reach sn alltime record of 1000000 up until the month just ended tho value of new buildings had been 4g0000 added to this october turned in a whopping big 408200 in per mits to bring the total for the year up to 868200 fees collected by the muni cipality havo now passed 700 double any previous year building inspector henry og- den states that he is quite con fident the total by the end ot the year will pass the million mark permits issued so far cover construction of some eighty new homes fire destroys lake cottage owner absent a fire of unknown origin com pletely gutted a four room cot tage on valley road mussel mans lake thursday after noon the owners mr and mrs hector beacom were in toronto a shortage of water hamper ed the efforts of the stouffvjlle brigade an additional supply was carried in pails from a nei ghbouring property when ad joining cottages were threaten ed chief win malloy summon ed the assistance of the aurora brigade an accompanying tank truck provided an additional supply of muchneeded water the outbreak was noticed first by mr carl wideman a driver for the stouffville bak ery although he attempted to enter the structure he was driven back by tlie smoke and heat mr and mrs beacom had made preparations to close up their cottage for the winter they planned to leave for california this week mrs beacom a par tial invalid is unable to endure the cold all their personal be longings were destroyed the home and contents are covered by insurance fslllll i w v w 9mm3ms m0 i an automotive invention thats greatly needed brakes that au tomatically get tight when the driver does smoke and flames pour from lhe four room cottage owned by mr hector beacom valley road musselmans lake the insulbrick summer home was completely gutted on tours- hampered the brigades ef- day afternoon in spite of el- forts the owners were not forts by stnuftville and aur- home when the outbreak start- ora firemen lo save the struc- ed all their personal bclong- ture a shortage of water ings were destroyed

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