Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 30, 1958, p. 2

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tjt 7 the stouffviui tribune tkraky october 30 1958 s3ir the jsrtouffuilic drifntit established 1u3 a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association authoring j trcondcuzs null potohce dpt ojwi member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 c h nolan publisher jas thomas associate editor our editorial comment its your business r docs the average stouffvillite care how well for how badly his or her community is governed if in terest in local government elections over the years is any criterion the answer must be a resounding no many times the percentage of those eligible to vote who do vote is small smaller than in provincial elec tions and smaller still than in federal ones yet as so often has been point ed out of all three levels of govern ment that of the municipality touches us most closely water sewage disposal street construction and repair street light ing police fire parks these are all services most vital to life as we know it they may not be the last word in excitement but we would be in a pretty poor state without them their provision is the business of municipal or local government and is therefore our business nor should we forget that muni cipal business today is big business the explosive postwar growth of our area has meant great expansion of local government services and where else have the big sums necessary to finance this expansion come from if not from taxes the reeves deputyreeves coun cillors and commissioners who serve their communities bear a consider able lead on their shoulders rests the responsibility to spend the tax mills both wisely and well all the more reason then why we should see to it that the best qual ified and most able citizens become candidates and secure election in the few weeks immediately ahead we can do worse than remember that locally quite as much as in wider spheres we get the government we deserve urban development locally inevitable people living in the stouffville area have been able to see the urban explosion that has accompanied on tarios and canadas industrial ex pansion now the bureau of statistics has produced the figures to show the extent of the explosion in 1901 only 371 per cent of canadians lived in urban areas by 1951 the percentage had risen to 635 and by 1956 to 66 the bureau notes the reports show that urbanization has been gathering momentum in recent years the forces of indust rialization have significantly altered population distribution in this coun try ontario is the most urbanized province of course with more than threequarters of its population living in urban centres and the big urban development in ontario has taken place in the golden horseshoe of which stouffville forms a part it has meant prosperity and some undesirable things as well cities have traded character and beauty for the boast of bigness growth has compounded the muni cipal problems besides increasing the revenues this urban growth will continue in southern ontario the growing towns will become bigger and bigger it will mean a more prosperous pro vince and nation stouffville has reached another crossroads in this development growth annexation is planned and council is about ready to face the neighboring townships to request additional acres for urban develop ment last week the brakes were ap plied by planning board on residential development good land within town borders is about run out more and more land use will be watched to improve some of the drawbacks in urban growth this growth is de sirable as well as inevitable but we must keep close check on the dangers in order that we may reap the abund ance in benefits end of insect season october brings an end as a rule to most activity of outdoor insect life when a warm day comes in no vember gnats may rise in spirals and a sluggish grasshopper may be found taking refuge beneath a bush not quite denuded of its foliage but the chill october nights write an end to the insect orchestra the monarch butterfly deep then in view of the fact that meat prices today are somewhere in the stratosphere it is interesting to note that back in 1932 when the depres sion was about at its worst livestock prices were scraping bottom for orange and black of wing which has been dining on milkweed nectars has congregated in numbers and left for a warmer climate bees many of them wild and destined not to see another spring are frenzied in their activity above remaining garden flowers it is as though the insects sensed that time is running out and now instance hogs were quoted at 5350 a cwt live weight in october of that year the lowest in 20 years meat was cheap then but even so only those who had steady em ployment were able to eat high up on the hog training for hunters last year the ontario depart ment of lands and forests started a hunter safety training program there is no doubt that such a pro gram was necessary and that it needs to be expanded from the 1954 hunting season through 1957 there were 275 hunting accidents in ontario of these 84 were fatal slightly more than 30 per cent or almost one in three it is safe to say that most of these ac cidents would not have occurred had all hunters been properly trained in the safe use of firearms and put their training into practice at present the hunter safety training program is not mandatory but officials explain that certain steps had to be taken to prepare for that eventuality one such step is the renewable portion of the 1958 resi dent hunting license in a letter to all license issuers dr w j k harkness chief of the departments division of fish and wildlife explains the ontario de partment of lands and forests in 1957 initiated the hunter safety training program classes will be conducted by certified instructors working in the main through organ ized sports clubs across the province it is the intention to present this course to all applicants for their first hunting license upon successful completion of the course the student receives a certificate of competence which when presented to an issuer allows the holder to purchase his first hunting license we have assumed in starting this course that the holder of a li cense is competent to hunt safely and therefore will not of necessity take the course when the course does become mandatory the holder of a hunting license will just fill in the renewable portion of his license to purchase a new one in practice this procedure will be similar to the issu ance of motor vehicle permits it is a start but the program needs toughening it cannot be as sumed for example that all license holders arc competent oshawa times from our early files there is new some talk of the federal government declaring remembrance day nov 11th a public holiday if they do there will be a holiday for each month in the year while farm stock sales in this district are selling well there arc very few auctions this fall consequently the two to be held this friday and saturday are likely to be widely attended old fashioned day was ob served by the stouffville wi at the october meeting exhibition of handwork quilts cushions etc and a parade of oldfashion ed costumes filled a very pleas ant afternoon at the home and canning com petition conducted by the dept of agriculture held at union- ville on friday last week miss vera tarr of stouffville carried off the fifth prize in the canning section against entrants from woodbridgc victoria square buttonville and unlonville at the provincial plowing match held at ottawa a stouff ville plowman was again in the forefront of the prize winners fred timbers of whitchurch was successful in capturing first prize in the open class sod for tractors on thursday the fol lowing day he won second for the championship being beaten by g hostrosscr of malton fred pugh won a second in trac tor class 2 councillor d h rusnell brought into the office of this paper the other day branches off a raspbeny bush well loaded with new fruit this is getting to be quite a customary thing every fall and some people have picked a fair quantity of the fruit luther allan at bcthesda granddad says the skvline reath the dark blue sky wreathed in color- the whole contour as if the master painter had just rplahed kis corgeous colors oer the glistening yellows orange and gold amid the carmine red of oak klarkcd with the green fir trees around- humbled us so we rarely spoke wherein we trod with awed control lest we break the spell of the scene as we sensed power beauteous rare at natures lavish hand supreme in haliburtons famed highlands which ive viewed last thanksgiving day as we journeyed the path alon through the heart of natures display haeh bush and tree vied with the eye the mind the heart of all who saw the evidence of power divine and wisdom of his plan and law making us more fully aware of our place in life great plan made in his imige and likeness to show ourselves a godmade man oh when will man perfect his roe as tren cmwaiened in the jno e and evence his power divine to all through decency of love myrtle timlall dowswell by the shore at island lake onecar family difficulties good morning everybody in a recent magazine a visitor to new york told of watching the city slowly come to life in the morning beginning before seven am he stood at a busy underground railway exit street corners etc and watched peoples faces as they rushed to work thye didnt all hurry a few had a little time on their hands and loitered near shop windows some were spick and span especially the women most of the men werent too bad but quite a few were sloppy two eggs for breakfast one out and one in i have a kindly feeling for men like that ive been that way all my life most of the pessersby were in good humour they were refreshed after a nights rest and their nerves were not frayed as they might be later in the day there was a little pushing and shoving but not a great deal even the bus drivers were cordial so far no dreamy pedestrians had walked in front of them here and there a girl powdered her nose oblivious to others or just indifferent taking it all in all the atmosphere was cheerful and goodnatured it was still quite early the same thing happens all over the world i have watched manchester get up also london glasgow and several other cities there isnt as much difference as one might think nearly three thousand years ago a psalmist wrote of the heat that wasteth at noonday he knew the early morning was all right the trouble came later the magazine writer said most people feel better about life early in tbe morning i wonder but one thing is sure it is a good thing to start the day right and maintain good will and cordiality i dont mean that we should all be pollyannas and live in a makebelieve world but i think it is possible to face all the facts and remain hopeful not long before his death general smuts addressed the students of st andrews university in scotland his own south africa and indeed the whole world was in a turbulent con dition with intolerance and misunderstanding but the great leader said i refuse to shut my eyes to evil i am no ostrich hiding my face in the sand nevertheless i believe that life is good and god intended it should be good for all of us and that it is our duty to meet each day with courage and hope those were brave words from an eightyyearold man who faced so much adversity but it was a christian philosophy when dr samuel johnson reached his fiftieth birthday he drew up a number of resolutions for hs future conduct i resolve henceforth he wrote to use more than ordinary devotion as soon as i rise in the morning then follows a list of other resolves but that one about getting off to a wholesome start in the morning was a sound one there is an old saying that before anyone can grow roses he must have roses in his heart we must have love within i dont mean that we should go through life with a silly grin and a gushing veneer of social polish but it is poss ible to have an attitude to others quite sincere and gracious there is an increasing number of people whose attitude to other people is kind and gracious people who greet each morning as a devout hebrew did when he wrote this is the day which the lord hath made we will rejoice and bo glad in it our quotation today is from the old testament this is the day the lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it sunday school lesson for parents only halloween foolishness by nancy cleaver the end of october with its cacli home a circle of stone was celebration of halloween is a placed by the members of the time of fun and frolic whose family around the glowing em- origin goes far back in time in j bers each one putting one stone the old celtic calendar october i in place it was a bad omen for 31st was the last day of the year the owner of the stone if it and on this night witches and i moved in its position during the warlocks walked about and held night of october 31st their wicked revels the ancient j the character jack olantern romans early in november j is sam to come irom thc the galilean ministry begins marl 1 1139 golden tent the time is fulfilled and thc kingdom of god is at hand repent ye end believe the gospel merle 115 the lesson as a whole approach to thc lesson the deity of christ was at tested at pits baptism his moral excellence was tested in thc wilderness the victorious son of god was ready to commence his public ministry in the north after the events described in john 119 to 442 he moved into galilee the king summoning loyal workers to his colors an nouncing his kingdom and demonstrating his loving and beneficent power the lord jeus journeyed throughout all galilee mark 139 but the scene of our les son is laid along the shore of the sea and in the city of caper naum the central theme of the sa viours proclamation was the gospel good news of the kingdom of god v 15 this kingdom is indissolubly asso ciated with christ the king as he approaches the kingdom draws nigh entrance into the kingdom and access to its royal benefits depend upon repentance a change of mental and spir itual direction and saving faith inthe gospel as the voice of the father had accredited the son in bap tism so the miracles that ac company christs preaching and teaching accredit his message as divine the exorcism driving out of evil spirits and thc heal ing of disease demonstrate 1 the incalculable superiority of christ over the devil and his hosts even if these are vicious ruthless and stubborn 2 the amazing power of the saviour whose outstretched arm raised a feverish woman not to a state of continued physical weakness normal after a great lever luke 438 but to strength that enabled her at once to serve mark 12931 but supremely they reveal 3 the identity of the miracle worker as the com passionate son of god but christ did not come to i earth simply to preach heal and then forever disappear with- i out a trace his work would con tinue he chose followers who would sit at his feet and learn i the majestic lessons that fell from his sacred lips and who would then propagate the gos pel to the ends of the earth verse by verso mark 114 after that john was put in prison jesus came into galilee preaching the gos pel an interval of nearly a vear elapses between mark 113 and 14 the author omits the historical details given in john 119 to 442 he will des cribe the baptists imprison ment later mark 61429 now lie dates the beginning of our lords galilean ministry by that event the general theme of christs preaching was the ev angel good news of god greek verse 15 the kingdom of god is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel the time is fulfilled gal 44 eph 110 prophecies and prepara tory events of previous eras now reach their consummation messiah has arrived himself the king he announces the ad- vent of the kingdom and urges men to enter it through repent ance change of heart and mind and saving faith verse 1g he saw simon and andrew his brother cast ing a net into the sea the sea of galilee about thirteen miles long and six and one half wide was the scene of much of our lords activity beside its shores he now calls his first four disciples to service these men had already acknowledged the lord see john 140142 continued on page 5 if you are a onecar family like most of us are this problem of who gets the car and when can become involved i a seventeen year old senior writes that he believes he i should have the family car at least three nights a week and i that all his friends get their familys car that often j in the first place it seems to ns a senior in high school should have so much studying to do he wouldnt have time to use the car three nights a week a friday or saturday night date seems sufficient unless there is some special activity scheduled teenagers forget that dad can 1 not always schedule his activi- i tics so that son or daughter can have the automobile whenever i they want it in addition mother has activities that are important too and may need the automo bile the oroblem becomes more acute if there are two or more i teenagers in the family who are old enough to drive we can re member a lesson years ago about the family car two teenage brothers devel oped the bad habit of arguing about the car finally father in tervened one evening when both had heavy dates and no one got the car they were two very disappointed young men the result of this action how ever brought peace and har mony to the family thc sons j decided it was time for them to make a gentlemens agreement i about when each would use the automobile they planned their activities well in advance it was j agreed that only one would ask for the car at any certain time i peace reigned in the family i and they found they were get ting the car much more oftel than ever before they are not much more expen sive because they do last for quite a long time spread out newspapers on a table or the kitchen floor if you have no easel give your child a large sheet of paper and then let him go ahead and paint whatever ho likes he needs no adult directions for this activity ty end arirca ahojshts had a festival in honour of po- moma goddess of fruit trees the druids in britain had a festival in honor of the sun god and in thankeiving for the i harvest they believed samon lord of death called together the witches on that night in the middle ages in britain many people believed that the spirits of the dead were allowed i to return and visit their homes i on halloween the eve of this festival came to be called all hallow een or all saints eve with hallow having the same meaning as our word holy the early church fathers kept tiiis and many other festivals j which had a pagan beginning and gave to them a christian significance emerald isle where a man was j shut out from heaven because he was so mean this is difficult to believe of an irishman how ever so the story goes he was i such a practical joker that it j was considered hades was not the place for him his punish- ment was to walk the earth till j the final judgment day in the junior grade of public school the students have a hap- 1 rpy time drawing illustrations j of witches and black cats and pumpkins and making decora- tions mother and dad may think these art treasures a j bit crude but they have been fun to make and there is always value in satisfying effort dont fail your youngster by not tak- lagairigosa plet tomorrow to saturday excursions toronto good going and returning same saturday only excursion fares from lindsay 290 sunderland 215 stouffville 125 blackwater 210 corresponding fares from intermediate points full information from agemts gat ing an interest in thc drawing witches and spirits dont cut he brings home for you to see a very big ligure in our land i in homes where there are except on october 31st perhaps l thrcc fou or five year olds it is just as well who ai0 longing to do things the oldtimers of scottish desan investment in an orange pos- cent relate that on this date i ter paint jar is a good idea a bonfires used to be lit before three year old will likely want j to paint thc whole sheet orange but an older child can draw and informs us that they had a piccolor pumpkins these little at his house a few days ago poster paint pots arc more satis- made from fresh raspberries factory for a small childs use just picked on thc farm than the usual paint box and tbmot i we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal r w betz construction co stoufrville onu phone sloufj 195

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