prince and princess for ontario county there will be a prince and princes competition this year in the county of ontario this information was announced at the september meeting of the ontario county federation of agriculture held at the half way hou myrtle all young people between the ages of 16 and 29 who live on farms are eligible entrants may still enter if taey are working out as long as they reside on a farm judg ing will be based on the ent rants knowledge of agriculture and farm organization one hundred dollars has been set aside for prize money junior farmers groups high school teachers and farm leaders are working together to make this competition a success mrs hamer reported that there wss a growing interest in credit unions the federation and cooperatives the annual meeting of the federation will be held early in december at sunderland committees have been formed to complete plans lor the banquet mr doble president of the ontario federation of agricul ture in ontario county reported thit plans are being made to have workmens compensation paid to farmers mr doble out lined the success of the wheat producers marketing board he explained that ontario wheat had been sold to outside mar kets thus proving the value of cooperation among farmers a letter was read reporting on the commencing of the new co- operators insurance association twelve shares in the company have already been purchased and more cooperators are inter ested cherrywood mrs m bollinger the cherrywood wa will hold its regular meeting in the church hall thursday evening october 9th please note change of day and hour mr and mrs wilmot gates and family spent the weekend as guests of mr and mrs jay ruf- fort at their cottage at hast ings the h s are holding a euchre in the school house on friday evening oct 10 every- bodv welcome miss gollan and miss mitch ell of toronto visited with mr and mrs leonard gates recent- iy have you got your ticket for the turkey supper on oct 22 sunday school lesson stouffvilfe district credit union annual meeting will be held in the veterans hall stouffville monday evening oct 6 at 8 pm guest speaker bruce mccutcheron of tjtjndalk president coop union of ontario all members are requested to attend visitors and interested persons are cordially invited gordon ratcliff pres mrs b jennings secy not for profit not for charity but for service j sfouffville christian mens fellowship commences its 17th season with t w hazelwood from toronto speaker and mr stanley e hunt from willowdale soloist in the united missionary church on monday october 6th at 8 pm come early and bring your friends naeftataeaataafcttatacaatama miainmt nr-ff- lesson for october 5 luke 111 3111 acts 115 golden text but when the fulness of the time was come god sent forth his son gal 44 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the gospel good news is here introduced from the stand point of apologetic defense and confirmation history and inspiration lukes introductory words are a classic a trained physician he declares that he has carefully studied the available gospel rec ords and analyzed them meticu lously so convinced is he of their integrity and credibility that now writing in the holy spirit his purpose is to confirm a believer in his newfound faith the evidence presented by eye witnesses luke 12 was over whelming luke is not only thor oughly satisfied but eager to share his reasoned convictions the cumulative effect of his testimony coupled with that of 1 corinthians 155 6 2 peter 1 1618 and 1 john 113 is im pressive the gospel record is pinpoint ed in history luke 31 2 learn what people were in po litical and religious power study the dates of their various re gimes discover that john ap peared on the scene in the 15th year of the reign of tiberius caesar luke 31 ie ad 26 and you appreciate the cul tural environment into which he moved as a blazing light and inspiration the atmos phere is charged with hope the messiah will soon appear john the baptist like the mighty pro phet elijah challenges his sin ful generation and thunders for the clarion call to repent ance his consecration and bold ness are a summons to believers through the centuries to faith ful consistent witness that the way may be prepared for the lord jesus the salvation of god to enter converted trust ing hearts verse by verse luke 11 many have set forth a declaration of those things most surely believed the reference is to other written records describ ing the gospel things most surely believed is literally matters which have been ful filled that is the accomplished facts relating to christ study luke 114 in the light of 2 peter 11618 1 john 113 verse 2 they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were eyewitnesses compare acts 122 to deliver implies transmission of infor mation 1 cor 112325 1537 ministers of the word are servants of christ charged with handling gospel truth verse 3 it seemed good to me having had perfect under standing to write unto thee in order literally having traced all things accurately from their source luke the beloved physician painstaking ly investigated the facts theo- philus friend of god was the recipient too of acts acts 11 most excellent implies at least high social rank verse 4 that thou mlghtest know the certainty things wherein thou hast been instruct ed instructed means catechis ed theophilus had received or al teaching luke writes to fort ify his faith certainty is liter ally safety as in acts 523 the believers confidence is gua ranteed and grounded luke 31 in the fifteenth year of tiberius caesar pontius pilate being governor her- tod being tetrarch philip i tetrarch lysanias the tet- i rarch tiberius succeeded aug ustus as emperor in ajx 14 pilate became governon procu rator in ad 26 herod called antipas was son of herod the i great who died in 4 ec phil- i ip was his halfbrother he ruled iover an area east of galilee ilysaniass territory was near antilebanon northwest of da- i mascus a tetrarch is a person who rules over the fourth part i of a kingdom or province verse 2 annas and calaphas being the high priests the word of god came unto john annas was deposed by the ro mans in ad 15 but the jews still regarded him as high priest calaphas his soninlaw was the actual high priest john 1813 john the baptist was divinely commissioned during their re gime verse 3 he came into all the country about jordan prea ching the baptism of repentance a flaming prophet from the wilderness he summoned men to a change of mind and heart true meaning of repentance baptism was the outward sign of repentance and faith johns baptism was unique it was not a mere duplication of old testa ment ritual verse 4 the words of esaias the voice of one crying in the wilderness pre pare ye the way of the lord see isaiah 4035 johns work was that of preparation for the messiah the imagery is graphic when an oriental monarch tra- valed he sent his agent to pave the way to level the terrain and facilitate his journey verse 5 every valley shall be filled every mountain brought low the crook ed straight rough ways smooth the assignment of the advance herald was to elim inate barriers strengthen and level highways the kings march must not be impeded the messiah would soon appear johns task was to level human pride and sin and exalt the re pentant and faithful verse 6 all flesh shall see the salvation of god pride and sin blind the heart the coming messiah would not only bring salvation he is the saviour johns ministry prepared men to focus their eyes upon the lover and deliverer of their souls the lord jesus christ the heart of the lesson the advent of jesus christ was no accident it occurred as part of the divine plan of the ages it was in precise fulfillment of prophecy old testament wri ters declared in advance that the coming messiah would ar rive on the scene as the lord of splendor a stern ascetic emerg ing from the wilderness would prepare his way and present him to the waiting throng the deliverer arrived when the fulness of the time was come gal 44 his time sche dule was exact at the appointed moment of history he appeared powerful tiberius was at the helm of the roman empire vac illating pilate was procurator of judea the religious formal ists annas and calaphas were in charge of hebrew worship and culture john the baptist prepared by the discipline of the desert was ready the stage was set for the enacting of the drama of redemption prophecy and history converge upon the incarnation of the son of god against their back ground he is seen as the stupen dous intervention of gd in hu man destiny the lord jesus began his min- ooaoooaewwkaaonoooaooacxaoaoesackaoa brand new 1958 fords come to your jqfwflo eds el dealer in stouffville for a generous deal ebgev motors offer you value and service second to none in the sfouffville ond metropolitan area we need used cars so are in a position to offer extra for your present car see us while we still have a selection phone stouffville 216 215 kjoocjooooocjoocjooooooqoooooocxsooocjocjesooooocsesooooejocv federation asks for uniform fox bounty as a means of checking the spread of rabies ontario feder ation of agriculture will ask the provincial government to begin immediately a program to reduce the number of wild red foxes to help the control measures the ofa will also ask that the province pay a uniform s5 boun ty on red fox pelts bounties up to now have been paid by indi vidual counties and vary in price the federal department of ag riculture has announced that confirmed cases of rabies contin ue to be predominantly in wild life and particularly in foxes however the department says rabies was confirmed in 77 cat tle three horses 20 sheep and four swine throughout canada in the fourmonth period of april to july this year in another resolution on ra bies york federation of agricul ture got ofa support for a re quest that the federal govern ment pay compensation for ra bid animals as for tuberculosis thh stourryllle ttutunt twir october 1 1958 he istry in the century and at the place where three cultures met rome with her law and order judaism with its religious heri tage and greece with her liter ary and philosophical genius the gospel was furthered by the pax romana roman peace it challenged hebrew hypocrisy and it was clarified by greek literary artistry doctor luke an able writer uses with consummate skill the language which greece had per fected he describes and defends the gospel of which christ je sus is the center he uses as his medium beautiful picturesque greek and through it transmits to subsequent generations the glorious and credible record con cerning the saviour of men markham fair this week october 234 new features every day harness racing friday and saturday monster dunce in arena saturday hi this request will be handed the canadian federation of agricul ture for presentation to ottawa the federal department says the main threat both to domestic animals and humans would be if rabies became established in dogs and its main effort so far has been conducting widespread dog vaccination clinics in infect ed areas these are still being conducted in central and eastern ontario so far in the current outbreak of rabies there have been no hu man infections the department said even the little kids belong to tho smart set they just set and act smart mrs mcmaster was brougham native funeral service for mrs mina phillips mcmaster 79 widow of joseph mcmaster and former deaconess of sherbourne street united church who died thurs day in the oshawa general hos pital was held saturdav in ux- bridge united church uxbrldge interment was in norwood cem etery mrs mcmaster was orig inally from brougham she studied singing at the toronto conservatory of music following the death of her hus band she entered the methodist deaconess training school on graduating in 1918 she became deaconess at sherbourne street methodist church where she re mained until her retirement in 1942 since then she lived with her brother john at grecnbank and unbridge mrs mcmaster had been act ive in uxbridge united church and a life member of the wms she is survived by a brother john phillips of claremonl tv hazard when watching television a small light should be used to give some illumination to the rest of the room otherwise the too strong contrast between the picture and the darker sur- rounding area is harmful to the eyes gmndmie mha regular food features effective oct 2 3 4 produce delicious flavour golden ripb bananas 2 3 5 ontarios finest fancy mcintosh apples 3lb cello bag 1 snow white cauliflower 2 ige heads ih ocean spray for thanksgltliig cranberries mb cello bag 251 ontario grown cooking onions 3lb cello bg19 with free 200 bonus bucks be sure to pick up your free entry blank at your local iga store ml save 4c green giant niblets 2 14oz fins 33 save 2c crown brand corn syrup mb tin 29 save 6c royal guest coffee mb bag 6 save 14c robin hood easy bisk reg pkg 350 frozen foods dairy dept economy corner aylmer tomato juice 3 10z tins 25c henleys green gage plums 15oz tin lie iga book matches 2 pkgt of 50 35c bonus booster food features effective oct 2 3 4 fi 7 thurs thru tubs each item with free 200 bonus bucks aylmer sliced pineapple 20oztin 31c spaghetti meat balls chef boyardee 15oztin 31c pancake mix regular or buttermilk aunt jemima mb pkg 23c giant size colgates toothpaste 63c plctsuect monarch strawberries margarine 3 15oz pkgs 89c 2 i lb cartons 53c scabrook mixed royal gold mild vegetables cheese 1 1 oz pkg 25c 1 2oz wedge 47c with free 200 bonus bocks with free 200 bonus bucks tablerite meats maplie ieaf cooked ready to eat smoked pork shoulders s tablerhe prime rib roast shorl cut 65 lb tablcrlte sliced bologna 16oz pkg tit ea burns smoked boneless ham slices 6oz cryovac w ea one free 9200 bonus bucks with kacii pro ratcliff s iga stouffville r oodliner ontario