ft 4 the stourtvru tb18une twsdi ilpr3 3 1958 yorkontario shorthorn club 3rd show and sale at the uxbridge livestock sales barn on saturday show at il pm april 12 1958 slc at 100 hi 3 ball ellslblr for the government lumtt and female rcrelie vr itiatetl ami lnorulati launch available write to scrtar for catalogue h mint pack ivwiilent lirechln pcxcax mctavishj sxy ixbrmge one japanese refreshments for j would ban truckers ifrfwva square wms from proders meetings nia and texas during their ab sence miss olive glover has as her guest mrs leslie moir 230 pm at w o pickthorn of gan- anoque was dr and mrs house guest of ian glenroy dur- r w v r electrolux sales service supplies herb hill 296 hamilton st newmarket phone twining 59541 or zenith 31200 no toll charge xoooooooeoooooooohoxk sirs v sandle wms on april 9th at the sunday school room the wms invites the cgit ex plorers and mission band to join the wms for their easter meeting there will be slides a knox college toronto shown on japan today the refreshments served will be in japanese style on april 10th at 230 pm the wms is invited to attend the unionville wms easter thank- offering meeting to be held in the unionville united church the guest speaker will be mrs g rapscy of toronto all the ladies are invited to attend because of crude and false j tunity to voice the opinions and reports which truckers and dro- wishes of their constituents and i vers are circulating regarding this they did through orderly their premeditated attempt to discussion through voting on disrupt the provincial meeting resolutions and by electing a of the ontario hog producers board of directors for 193s on the first day of our anj agency held in toronto match nual meeting this year march 3 3 and 4 ontario hog producers a group of 40 to 50 drovers mr alan binnington of nap- are considering the banning of truckers and members of the anee spent the weekend here truckers and drovers from all ontario peach growers protecj with his parents rev and mrs future hog meetings in ontario tive association arrived at our a f binnington mr charles mclnnis prei- 1 registration desk outside the miss dianne donnelly and mr i 0 the ontario hog pro- crystal ball room of the king j pamm theatre stouffville phone stouffville 91 doors open nightly at 615 friday saturday april 4 5 ing the recent torontokingston asso alld our marketing presbyterian synod conference rallftiti msv earl empringham are now the ducers association indicated victims of the mumps a speedy this todav as he reviewed cur- recovery is wished for them rent interference by truckers j birthday greetings to mr he- and drovers with ontario hog and couples club the regular monthly meeting of the couples club was held in j the sunday school room tues- day evening of last week the meeting took the form of a so i eial evening and everyone had an enjoyable time edward hotel mr mclnnis said among this group who although they were not dele gates and who derive most of ber mccague for april 2 to producers meetings and prt h income from trucking and mr john buchanaji for april- grams who did not have the courtesy in 2 to mrs westbrook for april our eountv and provincial advance to ask permission to 5 to nelson buchanan for hog producer meetings have attend or speak to our meeting april 6 to john mccague for been orderly and businesslike were these truckers and diov- april t to mrs p bennett for mr mclnnis said we do not c arnold darroch mhar- april 8 to betty sandle who invade processor or trucker is charles coultes and edgar will be two years old on april meetings as a mob in an effort i martin some of the jo io 8 to interfere with proceedings i people registered under phony i congratulations to mr and whenever we have business name and some were ineb- good friday service j mrs a chadwiek who on with these groups we make ap- 1 riatea there will be a good friday apr 4 will be celebrating their pointments and during our mee- 13th wedding anniversary j tings with them we observe mr and mrs art maurice of s protocol men men men service in the victoria square united church on good friday morning at 11 oclock the con gregations of headford and browns corners will unite with victoria square special music will also be given everyone is invited to attend reception ot new members there was a reception for new members at the churuch service on sunday afternoon when mr stoulfville christian mens fellowship invites you to hear rev fred krieck ontario superintendent of the canadian sunday school mission and the stouffville musical messengers in the baptist church stouffville on monday april 7th at s pm we welcome you i fflflooeooooaooooobooooooaooooacy the provincial meeting of our association and its market- ing agency is a legally consti tuted meeting of delegates offi cially appointed by county hog organizations at these county family had saturday evening meet a producers are priv- toronto were saturday evening dinner guests of mr and mrs stanley defoe mr and mrs a wilson mr and mrs arnold mortson and dinner with mr and mrs trea- nor canning and family ileged to speak to elect demo cratically their delegates to the mr and mrs herb sanderson provincial meeting and to in- from the moment these men i i entered our meeting they chat- i ted noisily among themselves disregarding the fact that re ports were being presented mr mclnnis said at the com pletion of a report from our general manager jake kohler the meeting chairman asked the visitors to make less noise promptly a well known trucker from bruce county had the ef frontery to reply before an aud monday tuesday apr1i- 7 s and mrs jack mackness were i of richmond hill mrs r bo- i struct the delegates as to the ie of some 400 people that he received into the membership vair and bobby ratke mr and j wishes and opinions of the hls associates were not of the victoria square united mrs lawrence boynton and county mr mclnnis said on- patsy mr and mrs stanley y these county delegates are boynton grace david and don- privileged to speak to the pro aid mr and mrs wm sandle vincial meeting we welcome margaret and betty were satur- 1 observers provided they do not day evening dinner guests of interfere with the meetings our church by transfer from lan sing united church holy com munion was also observed sr womens institute party the sr womens institute is holding a family night in the victoria square community hall on wednesday evening ap ril 9 at 8 oclock miss eleanor syrcuse of toronto will be in charge of the program every one is invited to attend will the ladies please bring sandwiches neighbourhood notes rev and mrs r v wilson of north bay were wednesday din ner guests of rev and mrs a f binnington congratulations to messrs mat taylor and don boynton on their fine performance in the unionville junior farmers play which was held monday and tuesday evenings of last week in the buttonville hall mr and mrs lawson mum- berson are enjoying a holiday trip in the south they will visit relatives and friends in califor- community easter sunrise service to be held in stouffville united missionary church on easter sunday morning at 7 am speaker rev richard reilly also special singing during service mr and mrs lloyd canning meetings have to be properly the occasion being mr and mrs conducted because we have hea- stanley boyntons 31 th wedding anniversary miss june collard flew to kan sas city on sunday to attend a physical education conven tion she will be there for four days mr gunther abrahamson spent a few days last week with mr and mrs cecil nichols and family he had recently visited gt britain and the continent and israel on sunday he re turned by air to yellowknife after five months leave of ab sence from his work there the nichols family saw him off on the plane at malton mr and mrs john watt lin da and bryan and kathy of scarboro spent sunday with mr and mrs clarence steckley vy agendas and have only two days in which to make critical decisions regarding a 100 mil lion industry also our market ing agency operates under pro visions of the ontario farm products marketing act and we have to follow certain fixed meeting procedures scrupulous ly our annual meeting this year was attended by 251 quali fied delegates out of a maximum of 259 delegates eligible to at tend mr mclnnis said thro ugh these delegates we had a thorough representation of hog producers of 41 counties the only county not officially rep resented was stormont how ever hog production in this county is not substantial these 251 delegates had every oppor- aaaow3 teenage dance featuring buddy burke and the meteors regency recording artists i big old moon and street of sorrow at stouffville veterans hall friday april 11th 9 pm till 12 midnight come to ap for inviting easte r foods at xciting easter savin deep cut specials mclarens stuffed manzanilla reg 30c save 100 extra special olives 8 oz jar 29c a y 1 m o r reg 2 for 20c save do tomato juice 4 20 oz tins 49c xew success heavy duty reg 69c save 10c paste wax 59c interested in mr kohlers re- port because mr kohler was not sincere this he said at aj meeting at which he and his colleagues were not entitled to be present let alone talk be fore these same people left the meeting they booed shouted threw eggs and prevented order ly discussion by our delegates according to press reports these same men and their as sociates are now claiming that they were prevented from spea king because the microphones were cut off mr mclnnis said their statements are complete ly laise and we can prove it with an official statement which we have in our files from the management of the king ed- ward hotel whose own staff operate the microphone cir cuits the illegal and arrogant in vasion of our annual meeting by these rabble truckers drov ers and peach men is only part ot their overall program to dis credit and smash our hog mark eting program mr mclnnis charged on march 11 the on tario livestock shippers asso ciation appeared before the on tario legislatures standing com mittee on agriculture and had the impudence to make propos als to that committee regarding producers marketing programs it is ridiculous for these truck ers and drovers to presume to be our spokesmen this same association mr mclnnis continued during the past winter sponsored meetings in ontario to attempt to force our marketing program to be put to a vote even before it was given a fair trial obviously our hog associa tion and marketing agency does not welcome to our meetings people who behave in this fa shion when men who are un invited break into a provincial meeting of 251 officially appoint ed delegates and break into a meeting financed by our own continued on page 8 n cinemascopez richard todd jean peters wednesday thursday april 9 10 one of a handful of very special men- one of a handful of very special pictures lloyd nolanvirginia ieithcharlesmcgraw nuu imm produced and directed bjmervyn llroy- 1 save 20c save 6c i 3 lb bag 79cl229 red v circle 7 s coffee o r a u fry 1 jane lar daivek strawberry special 59 reg trice flv save oc ann page itog sc save 2c chili sauce no bti 23c ixtwneys oronni filled easter eggs 2 far 19c ap supermarkets 680 kennedy rd scarborough 25 glen watford drive agincourt 3485 kingston rd at markham rd 2050 lawrence ave at warden lots of free parking missionary convention flow on in stouffville united missionary church thursday april 3rd rev john blosscr missionary to india good friday afternoon 300 sound film entitled the living word in australia also a message from miss irene montgomery missionary to nigeria west africa good friday evening miss irene montgomery will give an illus trated lecture of the work being done through the united missionary society saturday evening april 5th rev richard reilly general scc- retary of our missionary society will give an illustrated lecture entitled the needs of brazil easter sunday services sunrise service 7 am message rev richard reilly will bring the 11 am rev richard reilly will speak on missions 730 pm mrs edma rrubacher missionary to nigeria west africa will bring the closing message of the convention also the youth for christ ladies choir will sing plan now to attend one or more of these services