ttgt 8 the stooffviue tubuhi tkny mart 77 1958 clean house for spring by using classified advs in the tribune miscellaneous pianotuning sod all repair guaranteed workmanship taser for maalc camp of the royal conservatory of malic charchti kboolt etc free ettlssate for information and or appointment please phono collect ambrose ecgll av s3ss5 45tf miscellaneous enfd canadian cancer society richmond bill district colt for information sims talk welfare and service call richmond bill to 41404 thornhlll av ois0fi maple av 32008 cnloorllle 230 markham s2j 7tf stouffvtllr 40ju electrical wiring lbitalatlon service repairs oil burner serrlce leslie leonard f1 7s0 stouffville 11tf sanitary contractor septic tank pumped drains leaned and repaired 24 honr serrtco c stunden ltf richmond hill ph to 41245 we do custom killing also coring and smoking of meat for farmers oboylea meat market ph 5 stouff 9tf wanted general contracting stone work fire places pat- tlos general carpenter work inspect our work call for free estimate phone stouff s02g2 gus almstedt 422 why not build that summer cottage carpenterbuilder with consid erable experience will be glad to discuss your needs reasonable call stouffvllle 48w4 394 or write box 202 stouffvllle spirella are you having figure problems now you are buying your easter wardrobe let spirella help you sirs eiva mrconnochie spirella retailer llione 484 40s electric and acetylene welding tractor overhauled general repairs drapers garage and repair shop 40tr plione clnremont 30300 radio tv custom killing curing smoking meat for farmers we are prepared to pick up and deliver 23tf schells meat market stouffvllle phone 220 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h mlddlcmlss 16tf phone 367 stouffvllle n goldkind son y we buy all kinds op poultry 13tf highest prices paid for live poultry 427 manning ave toronto ph ru 17851 shoe repair your shoe repairs can an ea handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work dona all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep yonr shoes in good repair located in the hold en block 27tf main st stouffville phone 7481 corn binder wanted in good condition ph gormley 52s9 wanted to buy round pedestal dining room table in good condition ph stouff vllle 497j attention mr m nash pays cash prices for all live poultry pb sto 64ja ti highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 741 6tf situation wanted mar ried man with a small fam ily desires general farm work wm lilley rr2 uxbrldge ont 422 wk are always in the mar ket for a limited quantity of good quality table turnips freo from watercore worms phone art steckley gormley 565 31tf articles for sale used building materials at money saving prices ph gormley 5216 35tf for sale 1 12x14 brooder house 2 years old s poultry range shelters john c ree- eor ph gormley 5635 wooden flats for florists w moody 37 hocken ave tor onto le 64973 for sale quantity used seel shingles ph fort perry 153r32 432 girls rose coat for sale sire 12 like new mri wil- iner ham ph stouffvllle 50js for sale 1 pair of florai downproof goose feather pil lows ph gormlev 5670 mortgage wanted 4000 1st mortgage wanted on a fully modern 7room califor nia ranch style bungalow 7 interest apply box 114 co the stouffvllle tribune 424 dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary dis posal 200 service charge for each call telephone col lect to stouffvllle 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf carpenter work wanted alterations and cupboards a specialty 10tf wm greenbury phone 44w stouffville radio aai television repairs at reasonable rates sparton and general electric radiotv sales and service hifi record players records tape recorders and tapes scarfes 42tf thix paints smith radio- electronic service stonffville phone 82 c bunkers sand gravel pit at goodwood for cement gravel concrete sand stone fill and choice top soil we deliver 16tf phone 552wl stouffville wanted birch trees whtte birch clumps and singles wanted immediately phone tjnionvtlle 08 for sale 2 electric brood ers good a number of chick feeders and fountains phone claremont 32805 used electric range for sale hotpoipt automatic rea sonable ph gormley 5390 for sale findlay vega cook stove with shelf and good oven in excellent condition call stouffvllle 201w3 silo for sale cambellford cement slab silo 12 x 35 in excellent condition bruce carr 7th con markham ph stouffville 94906 paint spray outfit for sale complete with motor 2gal tank hose used once very reasonably priced ph stouff 191 building for sale frame 76 square wired lined with ply wood almost new reasonable ph 137w2 quantity of good used lum ber 2x4s and 2xss also boards make offer e w knight rr3 stouffville chalk refrigeration king city ont we sell and service all types of commercial farm domestic refrigeration air conditioning beatty darikool bulk milk coolers phone oak ridges exchange prospect 35502 62tf electrical equipment tv radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts service e h neville sons your admiral dealer main st stouffvlllr phone 840 17tf floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleums pintle walltowall carpets the new slial covering expertly in stalled free estimates 8tf spoffords stouffville phone 101 corn growers order your funks seed cora for spring delivery clifford l winger gormley ph 0217 dead stock dead or crippled horses cattle and hogs over 200 lbs picked up for disposal with winch truck phone collect uxbridge 541 mt albert 70w woodvllle s2rll kd peconi prop stf miscellaneous arid eavestroughing get your order in now for early spring eavestroughing furnace work etc free estimates stouffer hardware phone 06 424 painting decorating interior exterior paper hanging a spccinlty no job too small or too large estimates free 43tf r elms gormley 5810 quilty heating station road pickering gas oil alrcondlttoning units coal gravity fnrnncea sheet metnl work eavcstronghlng 43tf 1 year free service parts easy payment plan local agent r a hall telephone stonffville c2wl precast septic tanks approved for yonr area septio installations trenching a ditchina fabricated concrete specialties ltd stouffrllle m ittf bulldozing and i drag lining f specialists 1n grading cellars and ponds e van dcrkooy 4stf phone gormley 5587 plastering new work and all repairs fancy ceilings stucco work good workmanship fred rieser obrien ave stouff vllle ph stouff 187 43tf easter turkeys place your order now for a fine tur key for your easter dinner price reasonable c l wide- man ph stouff 95615 432 for rent wanted to rent unfur nished flat 2 to 4 rooms ph lensox 45291 toronto farm for rent 60 acres in scarboro with buildings all workable stetles mc- cowan ave ph roger 2- s21s 432 apartment for rent apply aid cleaners ph 343w for rent selfcontalnid apartment oil htated tv outlet and rangette ph 29 6 w stouffvllle 4room apartment for rent in village of claremont j 40 per month ready for immed iate occupancy ph claremont 42 4j2 approx 25 acres of land for rent plowed ready to crop ph claremont 32707 432 implements sbdore manure loader for sale ai condition fred timbers ph stouff 93721 beatty litter carrier track swing pole and hang ers for sale ph stouffvllle 761wl gem rotovator for sale 24 cut with trailer in good condition ph turner 43959 richmond hill 434 for sale mccormlck-deer- ing 3ection springtooth har row used very little reason able ph gormley 6461 for sale mccormlck-deer- ing electric cream separator stainless steel 750 lbs capy used about 2 years nell con nor ph gormley 5629 home rendered lard for sale c l wideman phone stouffville 95515 432 for sale 1 baby carriage 1 baby tenda ken schell phone 135 stouffvllle astral refrigerator ideal for apartment or cottage only 45 at hendricks hardware used leonard refrigerator about 8 cu ift size only 59 at hendricks hardware findlay condor coal and wood range for sale with 2- burner electric attachment in excellent condition reason able ph gormley 5461 ford tractor parts and service delivery new com bine and engine complete guaranteed list 2100 only 1450 cash or terms moffat motors mt albert 21010 live stock holstein springers for sale dou hunter rri unionville ph gormley 5500 for sale 1 holsteln cow due apr 5 1 hostein cow due apr 12 apply after 7 pm elwood elson altona nine geese for sale jack briseall ph 2 claremont 1 english yorkshire hogs for sale from registered stock elmer jones rri clare- moat ph claremont 33422 saddle mare for sale quiet and good to ride also 2nd cut slfalfa hay ph stouffvllle good work horse for sale harold hook ph stouffville 79j2 guernsey heifer for sale close iprlnger regd cyril bielby ph claremont 30310 2 springing holstein heif ers for sale vaccinated close due j barry ph stouffvllle 261 for sale 500 white leg horn pullets 7 weeks old 500 rir pullets 6 weeks old wilsons hatchery mllliken ph ax 35063 422 pullet sale starter pullets high line 9s4a dekalb pul lets 16 weeks old on april 10 th vaccinated for bron chitis and newcastle disease and debeaked contact new market coop at newmarket phone newmarket twining 69611 433 help wanted farm hand wanted single yearround job ph markham 49m2 reliable domestic help wanted during april in pri vate home sleep out phone stouffville 312 domestic help single or married couple nursing exper ience desired but not neces sary general household du ties ph gormley 5315 42tf for custom built homes call john e lumley realtors ax 34301 markham s87 spring is here i and so are we f- reliable window cleaning clean windows and floors re move btorms and erect screens apply box 116 stouffville tribune 432 spring clean with the lang service painting decorating paperhanging roxatono specialist 1958 plastic coated papers latest decorations estimates free floors washed waxed free ph gormley 5478 43tf trappers bargain nine doi no 1 steel traps four doz slightly used and five dos like hew ph stouff 270wl used 4burneb range with low oven 59 also one with high oven 4burner good shape 39 at hendricks hardware inglis dryer 8100 brand new special 10 days your terms hendricks hardware general electric automatic washer a deluxe model with all the features slightly used regular price 449 can be bought for 299 your terms hendricks hardware wcstinghouse laun automatic washer brand new regular 346 can be purchased for 175 a real bargain hendricks hardware for sale findlay condor stove large size with warming closet also quaker oil space heater with ten inch burner and fan both in excellent con dition j m nighswander ph stouffville 96404 cedar fence posts for sale all sizes clothes line poles corner posts etc cedar shrub3 contact art rundal ph stouffville 90wl 33tf for sale 2 oil brooder stoves and 2 coal brooder stoves 1 thor space heater ph stouff 556j3 evenings aurora pa 74162 stouff villo 65130 business opportunity you can make money rais ing chinchilla the industry is on a sound basis active market for pelts breeding stock for a reasonable invest ment you can build a business at home stonehouse chin chilla ru 26s06 111 had dington ave toronto 12 tf bulldozing specializing in landscape plan ning and farm ponds basement excavation and all types of grading dragline when necessary ait steckley phone gormlet 5875 clare preston head operator 12tf phone 05428 j e guthrie electrical contractor oil heating specialist vacuum 24 hour cleaning service 23tf window and floor cleaning hardwood floors rcflnlshcd like new also tile floors reftnlshed and cleaned reasonable rates no job too big or too small w hinax 426 phone unionville 370 the famous cant clog rotary hog feeders for sale 404 levi smith phone gormley 5600 single man wanted with dairy farm experience nonsmoker preferred start my 1st al bert e drudge lot 17 con 10 markham ph markham 49jl need extra cash work spare time we need men and women to address envelopes or sew baby shoes 50 week ly possible send stamped selfaddressed envelope write box 812 dauphin man 414 single man wanted for dairy farm yearround employment for right man ph gormley 6461 before 730 pm young man is to 25 wanted for general clerking in food atore stouffvllle full time apply in writing to box 117 co the tribune giving age experience if any and salary expected tbaoher required for jun ior room grades 1 2 and 3 in new 2room school ss no 2 whitchurch twp loca ted at vandorf apply stating experience and salary expected to a e starr sectreas rri gormley baby chicks fleming farms limited new modern hatchery at mount albert on highway 48 is now open before- buying chicks find out about flemings prov en stralncross white leghorns and our high producing brown egg crosses white rock hatching egg flocks wanted phone 3641 mount albert or call at hatchery 414 coming events cards of thanks the regular weekly blngos under the auspices of branch 459 canadian legion will be held in the legion hall every saturday evening at s pm sharp jmf progressive euchre sponsored bv the goodwood loba will be held in the goodwood town hall on wednesday apr 2nd at s30 pm one game of bingo share the wealth admission 35c lunch and prizes big mammoth euchre coming up on april 30th markham chapter oes 155 will hold their euchre and bridge on wed april 9th at 2 pm in markham legion hall price 50c prizes and refreshments everybody welcome dont miss the frigldaire cooking school in the veterans- hall stouffvllle on tuesday april 29th at 8 pm sponsored by stouffville business pro fessional womens clubs produce 3 bushels of eating potatoes for sale ralph walker north st stouffville ph 599j we wish to thank the switch board operator and the clare- moat fire brigade for their prompt action on march 17 when our home was threatened by fire edgar and janet evans we would like to take this opportunity to thank the stouff vllle fire dept for their quick response to our call also the switchboard operator gord and kay wage we wish to express our sin cere thanks to all our friends neighbors and relatives for their help in the prepartions for our sale also our many thanks for the party and gifts given to us all was much appreciated thanks again jack and ethel keeler irene and marjorle i wish to thank ray relatives neighbors and friends for their kindness while i wat la sunny- brook hospital a special thank- you to the stouffvllle legion ladles auxiliary markham aet- erans club and the village of stouffville harry untner off shaped potatoe8 for sale 50c per bag or 10 a ton john bosworth ltd cedar valley phone mount albert 21401 11tf mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow i with beautiful flowers cards words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness we can only say thank you so much hazel wilson ehtel and fred byers accommodation room for rent board if de sired ph stouffvllle 243 room board available any time mrs joe housser ph stouffvllle 47j2 chicks for sale between hatching seasons we have to depend on eggs from our own flocks for our livelihood this is one reason we constantly strive to improve our strains of leghorns for better control all of our birds are raised on our own premises if you require a good leghorn at a reasonable price buy from a reliable hatchery try r m chick ranch aurora an accredited hatchery and breeding farm please book early to avoid dis appointment 8410 rooms and board in well- heated house all convenienc es on edward st near high school suitable for teachers phone 54j1 evenings cars trucks 50 olds coach excellent con dition new tires cash 400 phone stouff 39w2 1946 gmc ton pickup truck for sale ph stouffvllle 187 hay grain baled hay tor sale mixed clover and timothy ph 94204 stouffvllle 3ay straw for sale phone 296w2 stouffville quantity of ear corn for sale excellent quality john c roesor ph gormley 5635 baled hay and straw for sale don hunter unionville rr1 ph gormley 5500 432 help wanted woman for general- help in modern farm home sundays free phone stouffville 94208 for sale rodney oats 10 tons 25 tons of cob corn john asslnck ph stouffvllle 91114 432 help wanted superintendent greenwood con servation area pickering township duties development and op eration of greenwood con servation area located in pickering township apply by letter metropolitan toronto snd region conservation authority box 720 woodbrldge ontario cedar posts for sale includ ing a number of anchor posts and clothes line poles well ington reid 1 miles north of ringwood on highway 48 ph stouffvllle 91014 432 for sale power saw man drel and pulleys hand saws wrenches pliers planes chis els files screwdrivers oil stone vices tool box 2 chicken feed troughs 36 2 drinking fountains lawnmow- er 2burner hot plate apply mrs cecil davis north street stouffville east stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply yonr requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin tf plant phone 125 office phones 870 a 120 bridal rosary and prayer book reg 4275 special 3275 cultured pearls single 18 strand reg 9400 special 6000 guarantee and appraisal given with each one articles spnt post paid please allow 10 days for delivery send monev order to 414 mail order gift snop stouffvllle ontario when it comes to a canadian political war everybody shoots from the lij teacher wanted protestant teacher re quired for junior room grades 1 to 4 ss no 5 pickering duties to commence septem ber 1958 apply stating sal ary expected and experience if any to fred puckrln rri pickering ont garry seed oats for sale grown from registered seed 1957 cleaned and treated at a power cleaning station j barry ph stouffvllle 261 good quality clover hay for sale 36c a bale soc a bale for quantity phone stouffville 217 43tf for sale garry seed oats and brant barley good clean seed also baled mixed hay dawson hare ph stouffvllle 94021 41tf registered rodney oats 135 commercial no 1 rod ney eligible to register ger mination 98 110 bags in cluded frank h westney pickering lot 11 con 3 pickering phone 326wl pick ering 434 15 bushels red clover seed for sale cleaned good quality 15 per bus 1st farm north of ballantrae mel baker ph mt albert 216r2 garry oats for sale suitable tor ed robt phillips ph pickering 96wl2 432 man wanted township of uxbridge invites applications for the posi tion of general utility man for the road department success ful applicant must have a chauffeurs license and be will ing to drive the township truck part time as well as performing other jobs under the supervision of the road foreman the pres ent wage scale is 100 per hour applications to be in the hands of the clerk april 12 432 d s kennedy clerk african violets give a lovely violet for easter we have hundreds of large flow ering violet 275 varieties open daily and aveningi closed sun days clarkes violet centre belfry drive off darts drive east newmarket i tv t0pks we wish to express our appre ciation first of all to our family tor their gifts and all they did to give us a very htppy annivers ary to all our friends and neigh bors for the cards and good wishes and to our sunday school class for their surprise visit and gift of a lovely table lamp to all these friends for a wonderful day and a pleasant evening we say most sincerely thank you all mr mrs wesley mcdowell transportation transportation atailable- leave stouffvllle 7 am and leave ibm don mills rd at 5 pm phone stouff 324j1 tenders to extend heating system at ss no 7 whitchurch tenders are being called to extend heating system to extra room at ss no 7 whitchurch tenderers to submit plans and specifications to heat room ade quately showing amount of ra diation and location of radiator with pipe sizes shown on plan tenders close april 5 for further information applr to geo boynton chairman gormley 5373 stouffville radiotelevision centre main street phone 124 one year guaranteed big selection easypayment plans 56 plymouth 2door twotone blue and ivory dominion royal mas ter safety tires one owner excellent car 8160500 55 buick special 4door dark blue radio heater sale price 8160000 55 meteor niagara 4door 2tone brown nnd bclgc radio and automa tic one owner clean car 54 chevrolet standard conch twotone green rndlo heater sale price 800000 53 buick custom 4door light blue automatic nnd heater local car we have complete ser vice record 8120500 51 monarch deluxe 4door black heater sale price 810000 47 mercury 2door black motor al 814000 trucks 46 chevrolet mton pickup red heater 810000 55 chevrolet chassis cabin platorm 4- ton axle dp this truck driven by a careful driver priced to sell quality satisfaction patrick motors stouffville phone 49d or 372 notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of william james mccartney late of the town ship of uxbridge in the county of ontario retired farmer deceased notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having clalmi against the estate of the above named william james mccartney who died on or about the 1st day of january ad 1958 are here by required to send by post pre paid or to deliver tc the under signed solicitors for the execu tors full particulars of their claims duly verified on or be fore the fifth day of april ad 1958 after which said date tha said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they then have had notice dated march 12th 1958- myrtle sandiford rr4 stouffvllle ontario h reginald button 42j stouffvllle ontario executors mcculiough button f solicitors for the said executors stouffvllle ontario notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of henry mcmul- len late of the village of stouffvllle in the county of york gentleman deceased notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named henry mcmullen who died on or about the 23rd day of oc tober 1957 are hereby required to send by poit prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned soli citors for the executor full par- ticulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 31st day of march 1958 after which said date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which ho tnen has had notice dated march 11th 1958 lome mcmullen esq stouffville ontario 41- executor mcculiough k button solicitors for the said exeutor stouffvilla oaurta