directory auctioneers w d atkinson phone 8touffville 8s llcamd auctioneer and sole manager sales conducted axvwhere specializing la tb prepirxtloo ted telling of purebred consign ments and dispersals arm auc tions furniture and real estate ales bills prepared and posted at no xtra coat this specialized ser vice really pays off and scans money in four pocket riione stouffvtlle sew ken clarke prentice acotioneers the and counties of york ontario licensed ana authorized for for the price of one mtlllken po ph ax 25is1 markham po ph mark sis prentices base been established auctioneers since 1890 dental neil c smith lds- dds graduate of onlieralty of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 107w 6tooitttil e s barker lds dds honor graduate of university of toronto ottlre orer harolds grill fbooe 84 stoudvllle medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray orricb corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county sunday school lesson lesson for march 30 ordinances of the church tion does not stop at death our union with christ carries us with him through burial and resurrection into a new life of matt 26 john 6 acts 8 bom 6 j such quality as calls for a com- 1 corinthians 10 u pletely new walk or behavior golden text for as often cr 1014 fle f 1 idolatry the wherefore points back to the idolatrous practices as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do shew the lords death till he come 1 cor 1126 of israel in the wilderness vs 8 and the judgments which followed similar temptations the lesson as a whole beset the new believers in hea- then corinth approach to the lesson the roman catholic church holds that there are seven sac raments divided into 2 groups the saving sacraments and those not connected directly with salvation the saving sac raments are verse 15 wise men judge paul is about to present an argument that calls for close following and careful thinking verse 16 the cup of bless ing communion of the blood of christ the bread com- the stouffylue towns twiy hard 27 t95s ptn 0 montttal ottawa rf bmsontom caloatr- saskatoon totonto canadian pacific airunes proposed routes vancouvfr winnipeg ottawa montreal edmonton reglna toronto vancouver calgary saskatoon ottawa montreal vancouver edmonton montreal 1 vancouver winnipeg toronto montreal 1 baptism in which all sin mumon of y ot christ with its penalty is remitted the pracuce ol pronouncing a 2 confirmation in which one benediction over the cup passj receives the grace of the holy over from jewlsh pass spirit and is strengthened to over t0 the christian commun re j jlon service a communion is 3 holy communion in which a partaking together or in corn- one receives the body and blood mon in the ordinance we are the above drawing shows how 9 major canadian cities will benefit from improved air service if an application by canadian pacific airlines now i before the air transport board is approved daily service is proposed on five eastwest a- s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone t gormley 6311 legal robert w mcvey barrister solicitor 10j rouse crest drive markham phone 318 5935 toronto phone em 35101 kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors notaries 67 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 476j arthur a kennedy pror hwy 7 locust hill markham 833 donald c hindson jjarrlstcr solicitor stouffvllle office hours tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursday 1 pm to 530 pm friday 700 to 900 for appointment stouff 79 s hedges bldg orer snowballs markham barber shop phone 600 scouirvillc phone 790 drs mitchell smitb physicians surgeon xray phone 230 stoultvule office hours daily 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 2 3 pm brierbush hospital bay and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stonffville chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stonffvhlo tuesday anil friday 9 to 13 am insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffvllle ontario insurance id reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 359wl and 259wl ken laushway general insurance phone 370wl 270wl stouffvllle ontario rira automobile liability f g alsop insurance agency fire life auto casualty main st fast stonffvhlo phone stonffvule 223w wm 8 baird dc doctor of chiropbaotic xray hrs 1012 am 24- 79 pm monday to friday saturday 1012 am 337 main st n markham ont telephono 701 accountants jo c wylie fi licensed pnbllc accountant auditor bpofford block stonffvhlo telephone office 336 residence 545j1 william h couper chartered accountant toronto 952 1d77a arenue road hudson 14332 and divinity of christ in the i water with the remission of venial sin and at least part of its penalty 4 penance in which the guilt of mortal sin is remitted with its eternal punishment and part of the temporal punishment 5 extreme unction in which the soul is prepared for death the nonsaving sacraments are marriage and ordination in which grace is bestowed for the requirements of the estate of matrimony or of holy orders as the case may be some protestant groups be lieve that there are three ord inances baptism the lords supper and feet washing i understand that there is a dim hushing adherence to this last there is a limited practice of it in the roman catholic church on maundy thursday each year the pope washes the feet of a chosen individual in an annual ceremony some groups do not practise the ordinance at all the quak ers for instance believe that baptism and the lords sup per are spiritual experiences while the salvation army leaves them out i believe william booth made this ruling on the ground that the salvation army was not a church others reject the ordinances or one of them on dispensational grounds the great majority of evan gelical denominations practise the two ordinances of baptism and the lords supper of course there are differences among them both as to the meaning and the mode some confine themselves to the baptism of be lievers while others will bap tize also the children of believ ers some hold to immersion as the only biblical form of bap tism while others allow and partakers together of the blood and body of christ together we share the benefits of his sacrifice verse 17 one bread and one body because the loaf representing the body of christ is one we are made one in the participation the rsv has because there is one loaf we who are many are one body verse 18 behold israel partakers of the altar some of the offerings as the peace offering were eaten in part by the offerer while the priest and the altar had their share thus the offerer was sharer with the altar verse 19 what the idol 1 or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing the apostle does not want to give the impression that he re gards the idol and that which is presented to the idol in the same light as the god of israel and his sacrifices see 847 verse 20 the gentiles sacrifice to devils fel lowship with devils for dev ils read demons these evil spirits are the actual lords over the minds of the heathen and when meat was presented to the idol before eating it involv ed a communion with the evil spirit this the apostle ruled out for the christians who still had conscience of the idol verse 21 ye cannot drink the cup of the lord and the cup of devils the lords table and of devils now the apostle insists on the incompat- ability of communion with god in the tokens of christs sacri fice and communion with dem ons in the meat of the heathen altar verse 22 jealousy stronger than he israels idol atry provoked gods jealousy mainline routes providing for the first time nonstop service between the following cities montreal edmonton toronto regina ottawa winnipeg ottawa saskatoon regina edmonton and the first serv ice linking saskatoon and van couver via calgary many local awards at county seed fair practice sprinkling the ordin- jjjjjf he is no tessopposed vit private walnnt 48s4s fred m pugh general insurance phono stonffvhlo 6w its mistaken kindness to pro vide so well for the present theres no money to provide for the future talk it over with your mutual life ot canada representative stouffville machine tool works telephone 5553 rear ot cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machivbrx machinery repairs m stouffville floral roses- wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w accounting and income tax servlcea william e davis accountant formerly with dopt national revenue taxation division sullo 004 63 richmond st w emplre 40595 call collect opticians mcmanus stronach prescrlptlonsopticlana 1211a bay st at bloor wa 414278 357 egllnton ave av i1u 503512 see your eye physician md then your dispensing optician for listings of eye physicians phone either above numbers the powder puff beauty salon joi oxehji open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment call stouff 465 after bonn cau stouff 08wi funeral directors l e oneill stouffvuxr funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or sight phone stouffvllle 98wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 30 marfcham ontarir ance ol the lords supper has suffered from contentions over such doctrines as trans-substan- tiation consubstantlalion the real presence and pure repre sentation many minor differ ences are found among believers with regard to the ordinances but we can be one in this both ordinances lead us to the cross the initial ordinance of baptism calls us to union with christ in his death while the elements of the holy supper both speak of his sacrifice for us and chal lenge us to renewal of our con secration verso by versa rom 63 so many of us as were baptized into jesus christ into his death many take this as referring to the baptism of the holy spirit as in 1 corinthians 1213 while others regard it as a reference to the ordinance of baptism in either case the emphasis is that we can have no relation with christ apart from his death verse 4 buried with him by baptism into death rais ed up from the dead walk in newness of life this rela- optometrists e a grubin ro optometrist plcton stonffville at stouffvllle office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays mar 10th and 11th apr 7th and 8th phones 86j2 and 25j1 garnet v gray ro optomktrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 48j2 for appointment boors to am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment joy beauty salon permanent wavlntj individual stylinsr razor shaping mrs verna austin proo phone stouffvilie 9wa today we had better not chal lenge him see deuteronomy 3216 psalm 7858 the heart of the lesson it is strange that we chris tians take sin so lightly when it is so contradictory to every aspect of our faith salvation is essentially salvation from sin and if it is not that it is not salvation at all becoming a christian meansbelng joined to christ being joined to christ means being joined to him in his death his death was not only death for sin not his own sin but ours but also death unto sin rom 610 being joined to him in his death we therefore die to sin but we are equally joined to him in his resurrection and that means newness of life living unto god that is pauls view the new testament view of the chris tian life and when we are bap tized we profess this very thing we commit ourselves to such union with christ in his death and resurrection we commit ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord how then can we shrug off sin as a light matter it surely ought to be a cause of deep heartsearching as we seek his grace to live a life that is com patible with the truth of the gospel and the profession that we made in baptism the other great ordinance the lords supper has also some thing to say to us concerning our conduct the sunday school times goes to many parts of the world so it may reach some who are in the same situation as the corinthian believers just recently come out of heathenism and the worship of idols our lesson concerning the incompat ibility of the lords supper and heathen festivals will be mean ingful to them and they will learn to avoid anything that would seem to mingle fellow ship with christ and fellowship with demons but is there not an appropriate message for all of us in this strange and diffi cult passage the lords supper is a feast truly partaken of it is a com munion o the body and blood of christ but there are other feasts idolatrous feasts spread by the world to appeal to the appetites of men there are idols in this land of ours the idol of sport the idol of amuse ment the idol of gluttony the idol of society the idol of mam mon and others and what if evil spirits are actually stirring men up to obsequious devotion to these idols till men sacrifice to them and eat ol their da ties is it not idolatry is it not fellowship with demiins york county seed fair held in newmarket town hall on march 19th brought forward a large entry of high quality seed grain clover and hay exhibits the oat classes were the largest of the show the early class be ing won by eugene lemon of stouffvllle with a sample of clintland garry oats exhibited by russell little of agincourt were winners in the midseason varieties while the special rod ney class was won by russell pearson of agincourt a larger number of red clover samples were exhibited this year and the class was won by j m thirkle the hay show this year was of outstanding quality he entries of alfred bagg and donald bagg edgeley bruce snider maple and bruce clarke stouff vllle being placed top in their respective classes clifford win ger gormley won both corn classes and also had the top yield in the 100 bushel corn club conducted in 1957 with a yield of 94 bushels of dry shell ed corn per acre the wrist watch awarded in this competi tion was presented to mr war ren moyer whose yield was 86 bus speaking at the afternoon programme was prof l r webber of the soils dept oac guelph prof webber who con ducted the first land use plan ning service in york county gave an interesting history of the development of the soil re sources of the county he said that although he did not con done absorption of our choice quality soils for housing and in dustrialization he could not place the responsibility for this condition on any individual he did however visualize a trend to maximum production of ex isting land with in the area and greater utilization of sandy and rolling soils in the auction sale of 10 busel entries of registered seed con duced by w h cockburn sec retary of the york county soil crop improvement the first prize lot of registered garry oats exhibited by all bagg were purchased by c a cath- ers newmarket at 205 per bushel while the second prize in this class lot exhibited by frank marritt sold to walter atkinson stoullville at s200 per bushel 125 persons hear cathers at vandorf an enthusiastic meeting spon sored by the progressive con servative association for york north was held at vandorf community hall monday mar 17 over 125 people were gath ered to hear speeches by c a tiny cathers mp york north and john pallett mp for peel county mr pallett spoke of the dy namic leadership of john dief- enbaker and his desire for the future development of canada he mentioned the great contri bution mr cathers has made for the york north riding mr cathers has been respon sible in bringing the rcmp es tablishment to markham and also the training wall to sut ton his work in ottawa shows his intense interest in his own constituency he said f- missionary from internment camp to speak here sr major h j telegete born in the netherlands converted at the age of 16 called to become a missionary at 19 trained in amsterdam as a nurse came to canada in 1924 joined the salvation army was accepted as a candidate and trained in the international training college london england after complet ing training was sent to indo nesia then the netherlands e indies the major spent 18 years of service evangelistic and medi cal was interned by the japan ese as prisoner for two and a half years in january 1946 after the liberation he and his wife and their 3 children left for holland to regain their health and strength after which they went to the netherlands in 1950 they were transformed back to canada the major is now with the salvation army correction al services helping those who are slaves to drink you are invited to hear him sunday evening march 30th at 730 in the stouffvllle united missionary church let these help you to planned saving j personal chequing account pay all mis by cheque en a personal chequing account a quarterly statement will help you keep your records straight the low service charges are prepaid your cancelled cheques arc on file if you need them 2 savings account keep your savings accoont for saving add to it every pay as your balance grows youll gain peace of mind cgfig ssgs aat barest branch now the canadian bank of commerce l i ihmrlks vcrovs oinaoa koncij- to serve 1 on curemont branch stourrvujle branch h t green manager f w todd manager wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone ls6v stonffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent toronto teachers college oneyear and twoyear courses are offered leading to an interim elementaryschool teachers certificate valid in the elementary schools of ontario term opens september 9 1958 descriptive book let teaching in the elementary schools of ontario free on request academic requirement for admissions oneyear coursei standing in eight grade 13 papers one of which shall be english composition or english literature twoyear course secondary school graduation diploma of the general course interviews with applicants are conducted by the committee of selection secondary school students interested in entering teachers college should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school other applicants should write to the principal toronto teachers college ml cauaw avenue kbm3aigcsggfsatmj we build homes large and small and buildings of ail kinds bepairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal e w befiz construction co stouffville ont phone stouff 195 kkst3jaogk30sa strerch your landscape dollars at nurseries qarden centre special spring sale no 7 highway mile west of kennedy road unionville tel unionville 329 or ax 33291 look for these 2 features 1 unconditional 100 guarantee we stand behind every plant we sell if any should fail to become established within 8 months after purchase we replace them at no extra cost what soever no debate no questioning we insist that you must be satisfied with the quality of your stock 2 win a free rose garden with every 5 purchase you gain the opportunity to win a 30 bush rose garden absolutely free planted at your home by our nurserymen second prize a 15 bush rose garden draw to be made on may 17 1958 extra large peat moss 15 bushel 449 fertilizer 777 465 consult us for information and advice on landscape design ornament or nursery stock cut flowers house plants etc