Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 13, 1958, p. 7

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sale register auctioneer w d atkinson phone stouffville 83 a s farmer phone connie 6811 ken a clarke premtice rh ax 85987 markham baturday mar 15 exten sive auction sale of household furniture 25 beds springs mattresses bedding sheets quilts blanket dishes glass ware cooking utensils etc on main street markham vill age property of curtis eagle- aon sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve house sold ken k clarke prentice auc tioneers saturday mar 15 exten sive auction sale and far mers market held every saturday at 1 oclock in the stouffvllle sales arena spe cializing in selling livestock by the head or by the dollar includes springer cows beet costs veal calves pigs all aire in large numbers the farmers market gives you a one stop service meats eggs cheese honey new cloth ing shoes tarpaulins etc note we are having extra large sales now before spring work opens up and prices are good ladles make this your aftarnvnn off shop here where you save when you apend at our farmers market give us a trial and be con vinced as many others have 4 auction rings sale starts every saturday at 1 oclock sellers atkinson pollard gafer auctioneers tuesday mar is 40 bead of cows and heifers 50 pigs tractor threshing machine selfpropelled combine power drill surge milker power separator electric motors milk cooler 1200 bales of clover hay grain grass edsil- age etc property of levi fretr on lots 29 and 30 con cession 9 pickering 2 miles west of claremont no reserve as farm is sold faulkner and woods clerks gordon sellers and w d atkinson auction eers jruksday mar 18 auction sale of farm stock and imple- v ments hay and grain the property of harold botham lot 14 con 2 whitchurch tp hi miles east and 1v4 miles south of aurora 30 head of holstein and purebred ayr shire cattle 23 milk cows number of fresh springers several due time of sale allls chalmers selfpropelled com bine sp 100 2 yrs allls chalmers baler allls chal mers wc tractor superior tractor manure spreader case tractor cultivator case 7 ft power mower 2 self unloading wagon boxes full line of ma chinery approx 1000 bus of rodney oats 75 tons of baled hay quantity of baled straw etc no reserve as owner giv ing up farming terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson auctioneer blackwater tuesday mar 18 auction sale of household furniture chesterfield suite bedroom furniture including many an tique articles at lot 29 con 8 markham at dicksons hill the estate of the late simeon hoover terms cash sale at 130 pm alvln s farmer auctioneer tlon sale of properly consist ing of two parcels of land one containing house and lot farm implements and household furniture at lots 29 and 30 stouffvllle village plan no 1155 on 10th con south real estate first parcel composed of 5h acres more or less being part of lot 34 con 9 markham twp second parcel house and lot composed of lots 29 and 30 stouffvllle village plan no 1155 be longing to the estate of the late henry mcmuilen sale time 1 pm no reserve terms on chattels cash real es tate subject to reserve bid terms to be made known day of sale s d pollard auction eer ralph faulkner clerk wednesday mar 19 auc tion sale of 35 head of high grade holstein cattle 20 sows quantity of hay massey harris 30 tractor near new ihc power mower new ihc power potato digger nearly new and other implements furniture the property of morley bain lot 20 con 1 scott twp 1 i miles south of zephyr and- hi miles west on county road 11 a sale time 1230 pm no reserve owner giving up farming tetl jackson auctioneer ken kes- ter bert lockie clerks thursday mar 20 clear ing auction sale of holstein and jersey dairy herd here ford feeder cattle brood sows tractor good pony tractor all attached implements com bine new mh pto baler 1- ton ford pickup 1956 fer tilizer seed drill nearly new tractor cultivator double disc gehl pto hammer mill new milker 2 rubber tired wagons auto steering corn shelter baled hay cultlpacker electric separator note these are nearly new implements at lot 33 con 6 markham town ship ci mile south of the markham whitchurch town- line or 5 miles north of unlonville the property of maurice eby farm sold sale starts 1230 terms cash faulkner woods clerks w d atkinson sale manager auctioneer thursday mar 20 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements hay and grain the property of bert hancock lot 13 con 2 thorah twp 4 miles south of beaverton 1 mile east of no 12 highway 21 head of hereford short horn cattle number of cows fresh with calves by side 13 brood sows some with pigs others due soon purebred hog 1400 bushels good grain fit for seed garry oats and brant barley 2000 bales of hay fordson major tractor 5 years allls chalmers c tractor row crop new favor ite threshing machine 24x42 with grain thrower good new holland no 77 baler with wisconsin motor good shape mh power mower nearly new mcdeering 7 binder 4 yrs papec cutting box with pipes 4 yrs mh tiller on rubber mcdeering fertilizer seed drill 4 yrs mayrath grain auger 40 ft new full line of real good machinery no reserve as owner is giving up farming terms cash sale at 1 pm geo edwards earl innes clerks reg johnson auction eer saturday mar 22 auc tion sale of farm stock and wednesday mar 19 auc- implements hay and grain the nrojerty o donflu coww anlock iot 6 con 5 mara tp vt miles east of brechin 5 head of choice shorthorn and hereford cattle several freib with calves by aide number of stocker cattle a purebred shorthorn bull ap proximately 1200 bales ot hay 25 tons of loose hay 200 bus rodney oats mh tractor no 30 5 years ford tractor with dearborn front end load er mh trac manure spread er dion threshing machine 22x38 5 years good shape mcdeering plow 3 fur full line of good machinery no reserve as owner is giving up farming on account of 111 health terms cash sale at 1 pm note this is an ex tra good herd of cattle plan to attend neil mceachern clerk reg johnson auction eer tuesday mar 25 auction sale ot farm stock and imple ments 25 head of holstein cattle fresh cows and spring ers and calves ihc tractor w4 super mh combine s it cut pto hay baler mc- deering no 45 pto and full line of implements 1953 2- ton stake body chev truck small mileage poultry baled hay and straw grain at lot 12 con 5 whitchurch the property of russel hunt no reserve farm rented terms cash wa will serve lunch sale at 1 pm sharp lloyd turner clerk alvln s far mer auctioneer wednesday mar 26 auc tion sale of registered here ford cattle fully accredited vaccinated also 125 sheep lambs tractor combine pto baler manure spreader ham- merniiil seed drill fargo truck with racks 3unlt milk ing machine 1000 bus rod ney oats 2000 bales of mixed hay quantity of baled wheat straw the property of arthur jubb at lot 15 con 7 mark ham twp 1 i miles north of hwy no 7 or 1 mile west of no 4s hwy at markham vill age note these are well- bred herefords and extra good sheep and lambs farm sold no reserve faulkner and wood- clerks terms cash sale at 1 oclock w d at kinson auctioneer thursday mail 27 auc tion sale of real estate late model ford tractor and im plements property of fred chessman part lot 34 con cession 10 markham twp property consists of 7room lnsulbrick house hot cold water new garage overhead doors acres of land more or less and outbuildings terms on property subject to a reserve bid small down pay ment balance to suit pur chaser terms on chattels cash s d pollard auction eer ralph faulkner clerk sale at 2 pm thursday mar 27 exten sive clearing farm auction sale of 45 head of holstein hereford cattle and hereford feeder cattle 20 sheep 60 pigs 4 tractors w6 m h c mc h76 combine new pto baler no 45 thresher cobey spreader 2 3f tractor plows mcd cultivator on rubber mcdeer ferilizer seed drill new mc no 32 power mower mc 4bar side rake on rubber bale elevator 32 double disc potato planter oat roller pto weed sprayer power potato cutter hammer mill baled hay and straw grain 160 laying hens etc at lot 5 con 3 king township 1 mile east of king city on the king city sideroad the property of m a wilson note these are a good lot of implements farm lease ex pired terms cash gordon orr jack walkington clerks a m wood ringman re freshments on the grounds sale starts at 12 oclock noon w d atkinson sale manager and auctioneer cahruthehs scour tablets fob veterinary use only dose for scours give calf s tablets every s boon foe 1 doses preventative dose give 1 tablet daily for first 7 to 10 dart easy to administer can be given in graduated doses keep same strength if kept dry m tablets s225 100 tablets s400 houstons rexall drug store storeys ida drug store rvrvlrr pickles sweet mixed hilltrest 16 oz jar 23 corn syrup crown brand 2 lb tan 29 millionaire sardines m 27 tide giant size frozen cod fillets bacon squares prime rib roast 69 mb pig 29 ib 33 ib 59c friday mar 2s important auction sale of 100 head of registered and grade holstein cattle included are 35 head of first calf heifers fresh cows springers milkers and calves 1 reg bull 1 yr old team of horses 1600 lbs 5 brood sows craft bulk milk cooler so can cap used 3 months with guarantee 2 surge milk ing machines and 4 units near new baled hay and straw mixed grain and silage at lot 76 con 1 king township m mile south of aurora on yonge st the property of harold t hoar no reserve as farm is being subdivided im mediately the above cattle are young and large suitable for export trade all dairy equipment and miscellaneous articles and other livestock will be sold first thing this sale must start on lime take a day off and attend this sale sale sharp at 1230 terms cash lloyd turner clerk alvia s farmer auctioneer wednesday apr 2 clear ing auction sale of 2 tractors combine hay baler mh fer tilizer drill new mh 20t cultivator new used only twice 4bar side rake rubber tired wagon and rack good scales 2000 bales hay at lot 10 con 2 whitchurch town ship 2i miles south of aur ora li miles east of hy 11 or 2 4 miles north of gorra- ley and 1 mile west the property of frank van bakel note this is a small sale but the implements are like new used very- little bought new lease expired owner giving up farming no reserve terms cash faulkner woods clerks sale at 2 pm w d atkinson sale manager and auctioneer saturday april 5 im portant auction sale of high- class farm implements 21 head of grade holstein cattle fresh cows close springers calves and hogs allis chal mers forage harvester com plete allis chalmers wd trac tor in good condition allls chalmers wc row crop trac tor 2 forage harvest wagons near new new holland hay baler no 6s used one year and full line of power imple ments near new baled hay and straw and grain at lot 33 con 3 scarboro miles north of sheppard ave on warden ave the estate of the late geo symons no re serve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm sharp watch for list jim smith and bill cameron clerks air vin s farmer auctioneer thursday apr 10 auc tion sale of well matched gp team 20 head of holstein dairy cattle fresh cows springers calves red poll stockers yorkshire brood sows chunks feeders w6 ihc and word tractors hyd raulic front end loader 1950 chevrolet 2ton stake body truck new holland automatic pickup baler new surge milk er including full line of near new and all in good condition farm machinery baled straw harness odd household furni ture and effects etc at lot 9 concession 4 reach township 5 miles north of greenbank then 1 mile west off no 12 highway at saintfield corners property of charlie forsythe no reserve terms cash farm leased proprietor quit ting sale starts at 1 pm see bills for full sale list ken 6 clarke prentice auction eers schells food market stouffville free parking phone 220 ontario free delivery aa gormley mrs c musted mr and mrs s n doner and mr and mrs fred doust had dinner sunday evening with mr and mrs floyd doner of stouffville mrs moses and mr clayton moses of sharon and mrs mac- donald of willowdale had sun day dinner with mr and mrs dalton moses aid family the occasion was in honour of car ols birthday parents night was held at ss 7 whitchurch school on tuesday march 1 the home school ladies served lunch and coffee a very good attendance and successful evening was re ported many parents have re marked at the good teacher- pupil relation and the general good school feeling on tuesday march 11 the whitchurch twp teachers as sociation held their annual teachertrustee banquet at the summit view restaurant mr and mrs lloyd canning had dinner on sunday with mr i and mrs lawrence boynton and i patsy auction sale 40 head cows and young dairy cattle selfpropelled combine cock shutt tractor threshlnir ma chine surge shlker milk coosex separator motors etc the property of levi fretz lots 29 30 con 9 pickering 2 miles west of claremont tues march 18 cattle holstein cow due time of sale holstein cow due april 3 holstein cow bred sept 1 holstein cow due time of sale holstein cow due march 24 black cow full flow guernsey cow milking guernsey cow due april 10 guernsey heifer full flow holstein cow full flow ayrshire cow due may 16 holstein cow due june 3 guernsey cow due april 18 holstein cow milking good ayrshire cow due april 28 holstein cow milking good bred january 30 holstein cow milking guernsey cow due time ci sale holstein heifer bred dec 1 guernsey heifer bred dec 23 holstein heifer bred dec 2 holstein heifer open holstein heifer bred dec 13 holstein heifer bred dec 4 holstein heifer bred dec 11 holstein heifer bred nov 30 3 holstein heifers 15 month 2 holstein heifers 1 year 2 holstein heifers 6 months 1 holstein heifer 7 months 2 holsfein calves 2 months this herd is vaccinated pigs 9 chunks 100 lb 11 chunks 70 lb 7 chunks s3 lb 11 chunks 60 lb 1 w sow due april 21 1 b sow 1 w sow bred 1 month 1 red sow bred 1 month 1 rett sow bred 1 white yorkshire boar implements surge milker 2 units piping and pump for 20 head woods milk cooler 6 cans milk cart 23 horse motors heavy duty md power separator with mo tor milk pails and strainer set electric clippers stewart feed cart mh 10ft self prop combine new motor scour clean cockshutt 40 tractor good con- dition j totrjrshtp op uhmmkch truckers take notice 1958 half load restrictions from march 10 195s to may 15 195s the half load restric tions will be enforced on all township roads 402 ernest davis road supt tenders tenders are being called to extend heating system to extra room at ss no 7 whitchurch tenderers t- submit plans and specifications to heat room ade quately showing amount of ra diation and location ot radiators with pipe sizes shown on plan tenders close march 22 for further information apply to geo boynton chairman gormley 5373 transportation transportation wanted to vicinity of bay and gerrard sts arriving 45 am leav ing anytime from 445 to 500 pm from the sth concession of markham sam roberts phone stouffvllle 96207 john deere 8 ft cultivator on rubber md double disc good cockshutt fertilizer drill 15 run power lift 4 section diamond harrows int ace bottom plough on rubber grain thrower near new century weed sprayer self mounted waterloo threshing machine 2842 rubber tired wagon with forage box 2 unloaders for forage wagon with power winch set of scales ton capacity land roller 3 drum walking plow- dump rake set sloop sleighs wagon box tolton root pulper hay x grain 1200 bales clover hay 200 bus wheat 200 bus oats approx 10 ft grass ensilage numerous other articles sale at 100 pm terms cash no reserve as farm sold gordon sellers w d atkinson auctioneers phone ax s4771 faulkner woods clerks the stoufryiui tribune ttwsy hir tj 193 pace i dr t b brewin guest speaker for cancer society dr t b brewin mrcp dm- rt will give an address at the municipal building on march 18 at 800 pm dr brewin is one of the fore most cancer authorities born in england he was educated at rugby school he is a nephew of rev f h brewin for many years rector of the church of st simontheapostle toronto the public is especially in vited to attend dr brewins address death the death of nellie e hux- table occurred in toronto on monday march 10 195s miss huxtable will be remembered by the residents of stouffville as a itfacher at the public school for many years the deceased was a daughter of the late capt john and margaret huxtable of sunderland ontario and a sis ter of the late dr e w hux table of odessa interment was in newburgh cemetery new burgh on wednesday afternoon police in a us town were ordered not to chew gum on duty what no night stick church news lets carry on with the christ church anglican rev j d tiller rector sunday march 16th 1958 4th in lent s30 am holy communion 10 am morning worship 10 am nursery sunday school 11 am sunday school tues 1030 am holy com munion tues 230 pm wa sat 10 am ja brethren in christ church heise hill gormley tastor win vandcrbcnt sunday march 16th 195s 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evangelistic wed 730 priu- midweek prayer meeting st james presbyterian church stouffville ret d r mckllhcan ba bd sunday march 16th 193s 10 am morning worship worship with us bloomington christian associated gospel church mr ted simmons minister sunday march 16th 195s 10 am sunday school for all 11 am morning worship wed 8 pm prayer meeting alton a christian united missionary church rev dow sargennt pastor sunday march 16th 195s 845 broadcast cklb 1350 kc 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evening worship wed s pm prayer service all are welcome united missionary church gormley bethesda rev c e hunking minister sunday march 16th 195s s45 am broadcast 1350 kc 10 am rev kenyon edwards 11 am sunday schools 12 noon rev w d sargent 730 pm young peoples meeting march 23 rev robt watt of peoples church prime minister diefenbaker and c a gathers in this riding the conservative team has accomplished the following t in eight months rcmp establishment at markham a 2v4 million dollar i project new post office richmond hhi new post office markham doortodoor mail delivery at richmond hill and newmarket tiny cathers has introduced a move in the house of commons to establish a fast rail commnter service i in yyrk north conservative committee rooms are open at the following locations richmond hill 76 yonge st n tu 45001 and tu 45201 aurora 70 yonse st s pa 74695 and pa 74889 newmarket 438 davis drive tw 59271 and tw 59281 markham f main st opposite the post office vote second marknam baker hill evangelical baptist churches rev bruce hiscy sunday march 16th 1958 second markham four miles west ot stouffvllle service of praise prayer bible study every wed 8 pm next lords day bible school for fathers mo thers children at 10 am morning service 11 am male quartet from central baptist seminary will sing preach young peoples 730 pm halter hill a mile and a half north of hingwood prayer bible study every thursday 8 pm sunday next bible school 2 pm service 3 pm seminary quartet will sing preach a warm welcome awaits you united church melville peachs bethesda hallnntrne ltev g davison mr x hodgson sunday march 16tb 1958 10 am bethesda peachs 1130 am melville balian- traa sat mar 15 supper at ballan- trae from 6 to 8 pm followed by program united missionary church rev c e bell minister sunday march 16th1958 dickson hill 945 am morning worship 1050 sunday school wed 8 pm prayer and bible study markham 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service thurs 8 pm prayer and bible study peace rules the day when christ rules the mind vivian mccormack memorial church rev bruce hlsey pastor sunday march 16th 1958 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evening worship missionary offering for mr mrs griffin in paraguay tues 800 prayer meeting wed 800 young peoples meeting memorial christian church rev f a dcnrmond pastor sunday march 16th 1953 10 am sunday bible school 11 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service wed mar 19 8 pm prayer and bible study fri mar 21 730 pm bible lecture by rev pape monday march 31 in york voting hours 8 am to 6 pm published by the progressive conservative association of york north united church stouffville rev douglas dnvls sunday march 16th 1958 945 am junior to senior sunday school 11 am primary and nursery sunday school 11 am morning worship bring your children to sunday school and stay for church 3 to 5 pm consultations in the vestry 730 pm evening devotions our study god and you monday mar 17 7 pm wa will meet in the church par lors tues 730 pm scouts cubs wed 4 pm junior choir thurs 4 pm explorers 7 pm cgit 8 pm choir practice saturday evening mar 22 the young couples club meets in the sunday school room markham baptist church- sunday march 16th 1958 p d burns pastor 10 am church school 11 am subject sacrifice by stewardship a friendly welcome awaits you ringwood christian church rev kenyon edwards sunday march 16th 1958 1000 am sunday school 1110 am 730 pm wor ship services dr a johnson speaker from south america hcjb 8 pm monday stouffville baptist church sunday march 16th 1958 10 am bible school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic servlco wed 8 pm prayer meeting stp 1 1 f f v i lle 0 n ited missionary church rnv f gillilson minister thurs 8 pm prayer service bible study fri 330 pm childrens happy hour sunday march 16th 1938 sunday school 10 am worship 11 am evangelistic service 730 pm coining events mar23 rev ward m shantj mar 30 to apr 6 missionary convention saturday 745 pm parkside youth centre 830 there will bo films of interest shown from the nntlonnl film board young folks como and bring a friend for an informal evening of christian fel lowship join in the sinjtlng of chdrufea old and new musically there will be joanne mclean and the wicks bros from toronto sunday evening flremde at 9 pm tills week a good quiz you will want to encourage your team to do its best a family nlm money for the master will be shown anil special music time in cjrh 1300 richmond hill for the vfc broadcast sunday at 9 am harry edwards directes stouffvllrr yokttt f r

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