fcj a thi stoomaoi naaa ihrmr lui 38 s b p womens club asks repeal of ban on margarine a delegation of 21 members 60 of chapter 243 of the on- excuse a woman whose physical beneficiaries in the preferred hurt municipal act to en gjjggg sss ss sterj discuss alcoholism sional womens clubs of on tario which includes an active all persons who can meet et a one- w jg j as he now excuses child grandchild soninlaw and rrunrp tafc t and a man with a bona flde reason daughterinlaw the amount of i i ctvir clmllvt ml ksss i t f2 irs- ho are not otherwise disqualii mlss gresory macgiu 50000 be deductible in its enj iimitcr evangel ear residence requlremen miss elsie gregot w7r led under the act to vote on oeakin foi et ministers last week to pre- t money bytos the tor- 2 amendment of the on- duty and that where on haul sent a number of briefs in sup- to pebcue of 195 had fa- t uclsion duty act she the husbands estate passes to j fssss wfth port of certain changes in legis- vou this tension she notedt ssss ojtta federal his widew that one half be con- ssjf lation n various fields of mum- at nt a or daughter sceartlns quick sue- ceded for tax purposes only c results en the cipal government uvfa ln famllv home in s s an es- as having been earned by her i ylrk presb a memorandum presented by niral areas may vote but they ls inheri twice within and therefore not subject to sue- j jvfondav afternoon at mrs margery pewtrcss of co- may not in urban areas she flve je2rs a redu in duty cession duty when it passes to n bourg requested the repeal of pointed out i5 allowed on tha second occaher to recognize the very real section 4 of the ontario margar- this particular brief was pre- s she noted that ontario obligation which the deceased ire act the section which bans genjed to the local council by permits no such reduction she may owe to brothers and sisters the sale of margarine colouied the stouffville b p club some asked for better provision for she recommended that they be yellow she submitted that but- time a dut failed to gain necessaries for beneficiaries by transferred from the more heav ier sales did not drop in british un council support i increasing from 1500 to 5000 ilytaxed collateral class of benc- columbla where yellow ma-gar- yrs margaret ashdown spoke the amount which may be paid ficiaries brother sister uncle ine is permitted buying habits j favour of repealing section irom each insurance policy to aunt nephew niece cousin are in general based on price 3 0 the ontario jurors act named beneficiary upon proof child of nephew or of niecei to she said section 4 was termed i thereby removing the exemption of death and without official re- j the more lightly taxed prcferr- a nuisance regulation which privilege that makes jurv serv- lease led class in accordance with involves the housewife in th ice optional for women we mis time consuming nonsensical are ap in favour tof re- chore of colouring margarine sponslbillty she said repeal miss alberta fullerwn sought would create no hardship she amendment of sections 58 and noted because the judge would miss macgill asked that for federal practice its campbells party time again come and bring your family to newcastle community hall on thursday january 30th dance to king gem am and his sons of the west and featuring tommy hunter 900 pm to 100 am modern and old time dancing awards prizes lunch come and meet vour friends campbell soup company ltd agricultural department st pauls united church oak ridges it was hoped that the talks would throw some light on i a new approach of the united church to the question of lem- perance rev mr mcgonigal from the i alcohol research foundation in toronto was the first to address j the gathering and spoke on the j work of his group and also the j attitude he thought necessary j in the united church towards alcoholism and temperance from the laws viewpoint mr lawson mumberson from vic toria square a staff member on the toronto police force for a number of years spoke on the attitude of the police towards second despatch from all been killed off by the frost drunkenness and whit he felt fred vacher ol mark- theyre all brown and dead the church could do to help the fol- looking a miserable sighu how- 1 europe vs canada ever on close examination i find a at tnc meeting mr la- green ones beginning to grow i prc the different view- right in the middle in a wayt j on linking in europe the frost was a blessing in dis l in canada or flowers trees nipped by frost in florida vacher in hi florida ham two sends alon lowing interesting common for ths life of me i cant see how all these motels tourj 1st courts and restaurants make j a living i have one in mind rent 5g50 oil 300 electric fairly high theres 1000 a month i before tin operator gets anyj tiling for himself i the weather keeps warm in the daytime and cold at night 3a u3uyi uuett ooj si pet oljij go to bed but by 4 am we have to get up and turn it on essmg since the trouble here i land in canada on another an gle rev john morris of aur- audley mrs fred puckrln jan 23 the community club meets oh saturday evening feb 1 al i the home of mr and mrs vvm j lawson mr lawson will speak to the group a few from here attended the sunday school convention held on january s in the united mis- 1 sioniry church at altona the menschoir sang two numbers during the evening program little eddie churchyard the ten month old son of brian and mrs churchyard spent seven days in oshawa hospital having j been threatened with pneui monia mr and mrs jack hallett of alberta spent a few days with mr halletts cousins fred squire george and mrs squire church attendance was down to twentysix on sunday while so many were indisposed with the flu the junior room in the school went back to their class es on monday after being closed one week while miss parks re cuperated the attendance is still only about fifty percent mrs george puckrin accom panied her aunt mrs mabel brown of brockville and two other ladies on a trip to florida friends of mrs theodore an nan are pleased to hear she is malting a satisfactory recovery from pneumonia business directory dental for neit summer i often notice oil is about 2c cheaper per gal- laz other people get here ion than at home butter is 70c cars and trucks rattle by at a pound milk 35c a quart bread night and we dont seem to no- 16c a loaf other items are tlc thcm at a j much the same theres a big u georgia we indulged m bowline alley across the street two cups of coffee 20c and le but all ten pins 43c a game tax over the cash register they wish i could find some 5pin had a sign saying please do a i not swear it insults the holy we have been down to the god it violates gods command- beach here at tara hall sand t injures the soul who is smooth and hard and flat as nau ges in it it sets a ban ex- a pancake canadian money is am t0 olhers jt offends be- accepted at par here fore strangers they re too what begins to bother me is mce t0 w damn n georgia the lack of flowers this vear not too nice to rob cheat- usually by the time we get anri cve k negroes halfway down here we begin to ai wle h drcssed w t0 8 find a few snowdrops but this the beacn she p lts year not a flower the frost is warmer she s an optimist the answer it is 17 miles from here to the beach and usually guise is they try to grow all year pres the viewpoint of around the trees as well it alcoholics anonymous and takes a lot out of the ground irom rev j graham of kef- i and the plant as well they t cam a viewpoint on the need a period of rest subject of temperance and al- maybe thats why we felt so i coholism expressed by the older sleepy and tired down here peo of the church maybe were accumulating sleep a no cleflnite concm sions or convictions were ar rived at it is hoped that through future meetings on the subject a more understanding policy on alcoholism will be accepted the author of the favorite childrens christmas poem twas the night before christ mas an eminent new york divinity professor felt this cre ation was below his dignity and would not admit he wrote it for 20 years there are a lot of nice green balm of gilead trees can be palm trees on both sides of the easily grown by burying poles road but this year they have of this species in moist ground re your wheelbases gvws engines transmissions from 104 in to 240 ii ftom 4100 ibs to 59000 ibs gasoline 6chindes gasoline v8 diesel ftom 140 hp to 217 hp from 160 hp to 232 hp from 152 hp to 234 hp 1 front axies rear axles springs wheels tirps conventional automatic 3speed standard p0wergude 3speed heavy duty s turboglide 4speeo heavy duty hydramatic 4speeo auxiliaries powermatic 5speed new process iorqmatic 5speed spicer heavy duty i and 10speed fullers from 2200 lis to 14000 ibs capacity singlespeed from 3000 10 21000 lbs capacity with ratios from 336 to 767 2speed from 11000 to 22000 lis capacity with ratios from 640872 to 717997 double reduction from 21000 to 29000 lbs capacity with ratios from 705 to 771 tandems from 22000 10 50000 lbs capacity with ratios from 670 10 902 from 810 lbs capacity to 24000 lbs capacity dayton castspoke on heavy duty models 6 and 10 stud iudd optional from 7j0144 ply up to 1224512 ply tubeiess or tubed msm f t cst v v i wt chas cooper ltd patrick motors claremonf ont stouffville ont editors mail continued from page 2 pans most famous christians speaking of buddhism ah its best says even the teaching of the highest and best philoso phers is of the earth earthy mans light in its greatest bril liance is a pale reflected moon light good for soothing lifes ills but not for healing them gods light is sunlight full of energy lifegiving shining by its own light and where do we find gods light but in the bible and what light is so concen trated sharper than arrows of steel as gods words which are his light buddhism is widely diffused light compared with the compact concentrated light of the christian gospel man explains r god utters the reason philosophy is more pop ular than the gospel even in socalled christendom is that man loves darkness rather than light this no doubt is the rea son for the modern fashion in the west of turning to bud dhism in the english news papers in japan we several times saw photographs of amer icans becoming buddhist priests and taking vows such as the following however innumerable sentienl beings may be i vow to save them all however inexhaustible evil passions are 1 vow to destroy them however immeasurable the sacred teachings are i vow to learn them all however difficult the path of buddahood may be i vow to follow it to the end here there is no thought of god but an effort to absorb the universe into himself recogniz ing no power higher than him self your contributor ended his article with some strange words which seemed a weak and cow ardly prayer for any christian a veil tjvixt us and thee dread lord a veil twixt us and thee lest we should hear too clear too clear an ostrichlike closing of our eyes to facts and belief that gods in his heaven alls right with the world will never bring the kingdom of god to any new hearts paul tells us that knowing the terror of the lord as an ambassador for christ he persuaded men to be reconciled to god jesus tells us to life upour eyes and behold the fields white unto harvest an old lady in the philippines when she first heard the gospel said weve waited all our lives fo hear something like this a chinese on hearing of the one true god who loved them asked how long the rest of the world had known this good news and tlie missionary had to tell him with shame that it was over a thousand years what we need is not a veil between us and god but opened eyes to see his glory and love and more sensi tive ears and hearls to hear and obey his commands dorothy r p3pe jan 23 mr and mrs d coates of sharon mrs cameron and wee son of oshawa and mr and mrs doug mcclure and roger were tea guests recently with mr and mrs howard mcclure mrs harold evcleigh mrs walter johnston spent sunday with their parents mr and mrs chapman congratulations to mrs chapman on her birthday mr and mrs j riddle and son were recent guests with mr and mrs rae mcclure the young people in the com munity are enjoying good skat ing on the various ponds in the community welcome to little miss stew art into our community the new wee daughter of opp jim and mrs stewart mr and mrs howard mcclure were supper guests with mr and mrs walt johnston thurs day night mrs w galley of toronto visited mrs wesley lundy over the weekend we are pleased to report mr j byrnes is much improved following several weeks illness the wi extension course will be held at mrs allan codys home on jan 29 and 30 at 1 pm meals and money is the course to be directed by miss barbara blair home economic branch of dept of agriculture all ladies of the community are in vited we notice the ash brothers howard and noel also mike orourke are again playing wjjh keswick comets hockey team and are doing some fine playing congratulations to mr and mrs howard mcclure on their 40th wedding anniversary this week the deadly spruce budworm can be controlled only by aerial spraying fire accounts for 7 percent of the annual forest consumption accountants john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditojl snofford block stouffvlllo telephone office 336 residence s 4 5j1 william h couper chartered accountant toronto 952 1077 a avenue hoad hudson 14352 prlrate walnut 43841 accounting and income tex servicei william e davis accountant former with dept national revenue taxation division suite 504- 02 richmond st w empire 4ovss call collect ira stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w neil c smith uns dds graduate of lnlersltj ot toronto odce oer canadun rani of commerce relrpbone iu7w siouovllle e s barker los- p iks honor graduate of university 0 toronto offlw over harold grill rhone 274tv stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner ot obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county drs mitchell smith physicians a surgeon xray phone 230 stotiuvllle office hours dally 9 12 am 1 i pm 79 p m wednesday office closed nam sunday office open 2 3 i m auctioneers brierbush hospital uay ant nlght service matornfty medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street kast stouffville sellers atkinson ph aftln 012 ph sto 31 licensed auctioneers and a1e managers over 30 year experience sales conducted anywhere spa- clallilo id farm sock furni ture and property sale all tales personallv listed and ad vertised biiu prepared and posted at no extra cost onr ratea are most reasonable for thb complete servica which reamy pays oft no sale too bit or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sites our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one mllllken p 6 ph ax 3s9s7 markham p o ph mark 36 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty address oormley p o telphone cormley 5311 chiropractors a c kennedy thlroprnctor church street stouffville tuesday and friday 9 to 12 am wm s baird dc doctor ok chiropractic xray hrs 1012 24 79 and by appointment wednesday excepted 827 main st n markliani ont telephone 701 j h hayes dc doctor of chiropractic main st v stouffville tues 1 730 pm sat 1 600 plm telephone 136w optometric e a grubin ro optometrist plcton stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays feb 10th nnd 11th phones 86j2 and 23j1 garnet v gray ro optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st rhone 4012 for nppolntment hours 10 am to 500 pm every tnesdny kvcniiir by appointment mcmanus stronach prescriptionsopticians 121 1a ray st nt itloor wa 414278 357 erlinton ave v ma 13312 see your eye physician md then yonr dispensing optician for listings of eye physicians phone either above numbers legal robert v mcvey flarrlster k solicitor 103 rouge crest drive 3551 markham phone 339 toronto phone em 35101 donald c hindson itarrlstcr solicitor stotlffville office hours tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursday 1 pm to 530 pm friday 700 to 900 for appointment stouff 79 s hedges bldg mnrklinm phono 000 over snowballs harbor shop stouffville phone 708 insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companlea at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259wl ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270wl stouffville ontario fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance agency fire life auto casualty main st east stouffville v hone stouffville 228w fred m pugh general insurance phone stouffvlllo 3vf its mistaken kindness to pro vide so well for the present theres no money to provide for the future talk it over with your mutual life of canada representative funeral directors marie jack hairdressing second street stouffvlllo permanent waving hair styling and shaping ilionc 381 the powder puff beauty salon joy oneill open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment call stouff 4b5 aflcr hours call stouff 08ivl joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styline razor shaping mrs vcrna austin prop phone stouftville 08w2 william st north l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance mnrkham kindness courtest service telephone 90 markham ontario stouffville machine tool works telephone 213 hear of cnr statlos electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repair