Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 9, 1958, p. 4

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i jg 4 the stourtvllu tmiuwt thursday wy 9 1958 sunday school lesson business directory dental neil c smith iis dds gradual of uoweralty ot toronto offlc over c adio bank of commerce telephone i07 stoufftllle e s barker los dds honor graduate of bnlveraltv of toronto office otcr harolds grill phone 274w stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien mala phone 196 coroner for york county drs mitchell smith physicians a surgeons xbay phone 230 stonffrllle office hours dally 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open t 3 pm legal robert w mcvey barrister solicitor 102 rougo crest drlte 3552 markham toronto phone 339 phone em 35101 donald c hindson barrister a solicitor stoufftllle office hours tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursday 1 pm to 530 pm friday 700 to 900 for appointment stouff 798 fledges bids over snowballs markham barber shop phone 000 stonffrllle phone 706 funeral directors l e oneill stopffvulle funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stoufftllle 98wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario accountants jo c wylie fi licensed public accountant auditor spofford block stoufftllle telephone office 33 8 residence 545j1 william h couper chartered accountant- toronto 962 1077a avenue road hudson 14352 prlvato walnut 43843 srouffville machine tool works telephone 2ss bear ot cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w auctioneers sellers atrinson ph ajln 012 ph sto js mcended auctioneers and hale managers over jo tears eiperlence sales conducted anywhere- 8pe- clalliint in farm soea furni ture aod property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no eitra cost our rate are most reasonable for this complete servlca which really pays off no sal too bit or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed aod authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house- bold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one mllllken po ph ax 36931 markham po ph mark ht prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 6311 ambulance service byr ambulance 24 hour jerrlco ambulance taxi richmond bju richmond hill tu 41500 tu 41408 b 4 x cabe r cab brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stouffvlllo chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stoufftllle tuesday and friday 9 to 12 am wms baird dc doctor of chiropkactic xray hrs 1012 24 79 and by appointment wednesday excepted 837 main st n markham out telephone 701 j h hayes dc doctor op chiropracticf main st w stouffvlllo tues 1 730 pm sat 1 600 pm telephone 156w optometric e a grubin ro optometrist picton stoufftllle at stouffvllla office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays jan 13th and 14th feb 10th and 11th phones 86j2 and 25j1 garnet v gray ro optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phone 40j2 for appointment hours 10 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 ken laushway general insurance phone 370wl ft 370w stouffville ontario fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance agency fire life auto casualty main st east stoufftllle phone stouffville sw fred m pugh general insurance phono stouffville 3sv2 men not machines make money investigate the advantage of keyman or partnership business insurance with your mutual life ot canada representative lesson for january 12 the 50lbce of the chutcjts power john 16 acts 1 and 2 golden text but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost u come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in judaea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part ot the earth acts 18 j the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson work is part of our salvation ultimately god does not need our work or our help if hei has established an order which calls for our work and so con- veys the impression that he needs our help it is for our sakes he could have establish ed an order in which angels did all tlje work but he rather con descended to appoint us to work in his kingdom so that we mighv be benefitted by the dis cipline and develop in charac ter understanding and wisdom suppose god had so ordered that we should not be laborers together with him but simply be recipients of the blessings of forgiveness and justification and eternal life without spiritual re sponsibility for others think how selfcentered we might have become concerned only with our own sanctification we should have failed in that very sphere for very selfishness in such a case i can fancy how we would have given our selves over to theological spec ulation i have seen enough of theological students to know to what extremes we should go if our speculative propensities were not curbed by the call to work the apostles interest in the times or the seasons would be insignificant in com parison without a work to do we should lack the discipline the application the wrestling with problems the urge to prayer all of which go into the making of christian character and ma turity for all of these reasons god ordained that the church should be a working body the kind of work committed to it is in keep ing with its divine dignity and the powder puff beauty salon joy oneill open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment call stouff 468 after hours call stouff 08wl joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 william st north accounting and income tax services william e davis accountant formerly with dept national revenue taxation division suite 504 62 richmond st w empire 41555 call collect marie jack hairdressing second street stouffville permanent waving hair styling and shaping phone 381 accordion loaned free yours to take home to parties to play no need to buy an accordion to start playlns at mundlnr- crs our 8veck ilcplnner course- at s0 weekly in cludes the free nso of an accordion for a lifetime of fun and opportunity call v 4s215 today mun dinger school of music stouffville branch monday after 200 pm christ church parish hall tf destiny and it is a work so much beyond the ability and the strength of its members that it requires special provision of power from god not only does this keep us humble and de pendent but it gives us a vital touch witii god the holy spirit which assures the flowing of the power of god through us so we are kept abiding andi abounding how great is thej wisdom of god to give us something is the universal wit ness to the name of christ our lord verse by verse acts 14 wait for the promise of the father read the first three verses to get the setting this now is the risen lord in the presence of his disciples and on the eve of his ascension for the promise see john 1416 26 1526 verse 5 john baptized with water ye with the holy ghost with water is the locative case in the greek with out a preposition with the holy ghost is the same case but with the preposition en in and both are instrumental in value but in different senses the one impersonal and passive the other personal and active see matthew 311 verse 6 wilt thou at this time restore israel emphasis on at this time the old vision of an earrhly kingdom is still with them verse 7 the times or the seasons the father hath put in his own power our lord answers their phrase at this time without denying a king dom compare matthew 2436 power here is used in the sense of authority verse 8 power the holy ghost witnesses unto me this is power of a different kind effective strength from it we have our dynamic and so forth notice the everwidening circle of the witness chap 21 pentecost all in one place pentecost was the feast des cribed in leviticus 231521 tak ing its name from the count of fifty days this was fifty days 49 in our reckoning from the resurrection of christ verse 2 a sound as of a wind it was not a wind but a sound like a wind and the sound filled the house as the trumpet notes of a great organ fill a cathedral verse 3 cloven tongues like as of fire tongues parting asunder the asv says they were not fire but resembled fire we presume that these tongues sat on their heads although the record does not indicate head shoulder or any other part verse 4 all filled with the holy ghost other tongues the holy spirit who filled them so controlled their faculties that they spoke what he gave them in known tongues not unknown see verses 6 11 verse 5 jews out of every nation under heav en whether these were tem porary dwellers gathered for the feast or returnees from the dispersion may be a question probably there were both class es present verse 6 this was noised abroad came together every man heard in his own language asv has when this sound was heard appar ently referring back to the sound of verse 2 and suggest ing that it was heard through out the city verse 7 are not all these which speak galileans the galilean accent was notor ious and sometimes unintellig ible to a southern jew but these galileans are speaking in ac cents fully understood by those of various dialects verse 8 every man in our own tongue some believe that the miracle was in the hearing of the people rather than in the speaking of the dis ciples but verse 4 makes clear that it was a miracle of speech verses 911 list the places from which the assembled jews had come from north africa the whole region between egypt and the euphrates the various provinces of asia minor the lands of greece and those east ern parts to which israel and judah had been carried captive the heart of the lesson the disciples were not yet ready for the mission to which they had been appointed they had walked with jesus for three years or more had witnessed his mighty works had hung upon his words of grace and wisdom had eaten with him and conversed with him in a remarkable intimacy of com panionship they had come to know him as the christ the son of the living god they had seen him go forth to die and they had seen him alive from the dead after forty days of frequent appearings he was about to depart from them and ascend to heaven they were his chosen messengers wit nesses ambassadors but they were not yet ready his depart ure was not the signal for them to launch their mission they must wait for that further prep aration which would establish and validate all the training they had received from him en lighten their understanding re garding the meaning of his life death and resurrection and fit them to live and minister effectively without his visible cedar grove 1 continued from last week among the visitors to the vill lage some had come a long way and some had not been here for many years and so received a special welcome george trann reg johnson mr and mrs hat- vey reesor mr clifford ree- sor mr and mrs ted harvey and mr and mrs abram rlsser at the close of 56 we were a little apprehensive about the health of mrs isaac reesor al- 1 fred perry mrs ryan and gorj don lewis but 57 brought im proved health to all of them we did however have some accidents we wish had never happened and a few rush calls to the hospital darlene dimma broke her elbow way back in january and mrs dare sr wore a cast over a broken hand for quite a long while mrs irv ing haines spent too much of the year in the hospital and shirley haines was there for a while too phyllis ritchie lost her appendix in a hurry and mrs serfek mrs job scott were patients during the year john offen and aubrey lapp shared twisted knee symptoms and both have had a quiet for them year on account of this bob dare had his new car clob bered by a careless driver and mrs keller had one of those bad enough but it could have been worse accidents at the tenth bridge both our churches welcomed new ministers and lost old ones zion church bade farewell to rev thomas when he retired and opened its doors to rev r n pick of owen sound mr lome burkholder left cedar grove mennonite church for a bible college post out west and was replaced by mr george ellsasor for many in the village 1957 will be cherished for pleasant personal memories the pride mr and mrs robb shared with their nephews midatlantic sal ute for 1000 flying hours mr and mrs ryan for a surprise party given them by tnelr fam ily on their 30th wedding anni versary lola reesor because she found a goat made a won derful pet aubrey lapp be cause he had the thrill of win ning a lucky draw which meant a trip to paris and mrs keller who shared the same thrill the sewells because they were feted by the whole community when they moved into their new home in markham mr and mrs wilbur reesor who receiv ed happiness wishes from their many friends when they reach ed 50 years of married life and eunice and jim austin who were given a rousing chivaree at the beginning of their life together and ruby and mabel reesor who finally had a real holiday from cooking we had bible school as usual in july and the cc began an arbour project cedar brae golf club opened officially on what was formerly the mccow- ans farm and a large group from cedar grove attended spring thaw while it had its toronto run mr and mrs ser- flek and their family arrived from hungary at the end of april and just before christmas mr and mrs john offen for sook his nomad life when cana dian tire offered an opportun ity to stay home and still eat and woodland park bridge af- ter years of planning was fin ally begun in 1957 notice wheat growers a vote on a petition received from the ontario wheat producers association that a proposed wheat producers marketing plan be approved will be held on friday january 17 1958 polling booths will be open from 10 am to 7 pm in addition polls at the county department of agriculture office will be kept open from 9 am to 5 pm monday january 20th to friday january 24th inclusive king city township office community of kinghorn burtonville womens institute hall newmarket ontario department of agriculture office sutton parish hall ontario farm products marketing board f k b stewart f- pfin secretary chairman cherrywood jan 3 a delicious pot luck luncheon was served in the church hall on wednesday at which mem bers of the wa enjoyed a happy social time this was followed by the regular monthly meeting at which the president mrs geo todd presided a short christmas prayer was read and a christmas carol sung followed by the lords prayer to open the meeting mrs r tindall conducted the devotional period the theme of which was the urgency of estab lishing the kingdom of god we are to look for the need pray for help to meet this need and then organize to serve as jesus organized his disciples to work in their time letters were read from miss bishop and miss gol- fen acknowledging gifts sent to them for their work in toronto one from the committee on overseas relief was read ex plaining the need in their de partment a petition was sign ed after a letter was read from the ladies of brougham wa and wi asking for help in presenting to pickering twp council the need for keeping our township free from the in roads of the liquor interests annual reports were received from the treasurer the various secretaries and conveners which were all very gratifying at the conclusion of this business per iod the rev c p shapter con ducted the election of officers for 1958 and their installation the executive is as follows pres mrs geo todd 1st vice pres mrs d milne 2nd vice mrs g petty treas mrs r tindall rec secty mrs n laughlln cor secty mrs w holmes flower and fruit mrs wes petty mrs geo todd expressed her thanks to all for presence they needed a new baptism and they needed a new empowering the answer to the need was the holy spirit the promise of the father the coming of the holy spirit would effect a bap tism by which their union with christ would be effectually seal ed thus assuring that his life would unceasingly flow into them and through them in bless ing to others the coming of the holy spirit would mean an enduement of power for the great task of witnessing to the ends of the earth a power that would never be theirs independ ently but always vested in the holy spirit why should it re quire the holy spirit to enable one to state facts for witness ing to jesus christ is just stat ing facts these are the things of god which cannot be re ceived apart from the divine illumination and witnessing vo these facts is a hopeless task unless it be done in the power of the holy spirit they waited and the promise was made good as one might expect this great event in the history of redemption was ac companied by supernatural phe nomena but the basic essential occurrence was not the awe some sound not the cloven flre- llka tongues but this they were all filled with the holy ghost the promised baptism and the promised enduement with power were both fulfilled in this and the change in these men which had been wrought in them by their contacts with the incarnate son of god was more than matched by the change that was wrought in them when they were filled with the holy ghost what took place that day was both a parable and a prophecy the many tongues in which the witness was given well symbolized the great task of carrying the message of christ tx all the world and was prophetic of that day when men of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues shall stand before the throne and be fore the lamb crying with a loud voice salvation to ouri god which sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb rev 79 19 i putting their confidence in her for another year our missionary for prayer miss alexander is to be re membered with a christmas box and card a very pleasant and gratifying meeting was closed with the singing of the wa theme song and the repetition of the wa benediction wishing everyone a very hap py new year we are sorry to lose the tom my holmes family who have moved to ajax also the stanley powell family who have moved to audley sympathy of the community is extended to mr and mrs gar net petty in the sudden passing of mrs pettys father the late mr r shaver c u u- u 1mnm helen little joyce lapp and several others are under the weather this week but hope to be perking by the new year the community club banquet will be held on jan 3rd friday english classes for our hun garians start again at the be ginning of the school term and run two nights a week from 8 to 10 monday and thursday volunteers are badly needed to drive the students to markham on monday nights could you do it if so please call harold lapp if you could take one night a month it would help mr and mrs robb spent last sunday with their family in celebration of 40 years ma life i your chance to get a brand new adding machine last of the 1957 line for only 11450 one only left the stouffville tribune stounsrlbe phone 152 u ululumuumumi ii 1 i i farmers the federation of agriculture invites yon to attend one of the following meetings to discuss the pro posed ontario wheat marketing plan ther win be speakers and illustrated presentation community hall victoria smmre community hall sharon january 13 200 pm 815 pm january 14 200 pm january 15 200 pm 815 pm january 16 200 pm 815 pm masonic han king city v township hall pefferlaw township hall vellore community hall belharen community hail vandorf come bring a neighbour support organized agriculture grain marketing committee york county federation of agriculture s why are your best lonoir length texmade sheets ire truly longer the size on the label is the actual size alter hemming higher thriao count texmade sheelsare tightly woven containing maxi- 1 mum thread count per inch this means longer wear certified waomadility every beautiful colour can be washed and washed over and over colours continue to sparkle take advantage of big january savings m i matched i pillowslip fabric m matched quality pillowslips pillowslip fabric is same high quality used in sheets fashion leadership canadas only fashion brand beautiful colours stripes florals for every decor r

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