Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 1, 1956, p. 4

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pth the stouffylltf tribune tbunity november i w56 sunday school lesson i i have bitten about i the barn raising that was held the suffering servant i verse 3 despised and j on the farm located on lot 10 t i 00 rejected acquainted with west side 01 the sixth when the isa5i3 to wi jia- iii grief we esteemed him late abraham rarner owned that golden text but he was not rejected here carries property tears before that time wounded for our trances- the s o iorsaketi grief belonged to the late dr hun- sioiu he was bruised for our was hls companion j ter and it was farmed by his iniquities the chastisement of versc 4 our grandson stewart campbeu and oldtimer ramblings near lemonville oupea was upon him and sraltte g with his strips we are heal- grefs f f f etl lsa 535 j nesses as in matthew 817 here j is compassion in its highest the lesson as a whole form actually suffering with ana tne snea was iramea oy ar i and for others but christs suf- thur welsh of vandorf lot 9 approach to the lesson ferings like jobs were mis- j v 1 the personal treasurer of understood candace queen cf ethiopia hav verse 5 wounded for our ing leave of absence had gone transgressions with his a relative of his fred who now resides in stouffville there was another raising of the straw shed a few years later and the shed was framed by ar- tojerusalem toparticipawjjn- j vtripltsw7are healed this west side was owned by the late wm lemon who also owned lot 7 on the east side of the 6th his son the late wilmot who married a miss brown from pine orchard farmed lot 9 lor several years before he went to toronto wilmot is laid to rest in the dickson hill cemetery there was a young man who good many laid to rest who look- j farm but they havent yet ed more like living lot s east side was owned by 1955 yofo fvt in 41 years a few weeks ago i read a crawford macklem whose good writeup in a farm paper about wil from sharon a miss r atlas a certain man who was super- kitely they are both laid to vanodcl miqs intendent of a stock farm some rest in dickson hill cemetery depicts history time soon i expect to go and see but their orj daughter nora is that farm i was on his fathers sti uvin and enjoying single canadas new official atlas farm last fall which was a poor blessedness the first since 1917 may be looking sample with everything j wm lemon lived on lot 7 ready in 19o7 ceographers and slung all over just where it was and his property was bought bv craftsmen of the federal mines dropped 1 walked down the lane the late george emmerson who department have been wording and didnt go very far till i saw later moved to vandorf and op- on the longawaited atlas for how that farm was kept thelerated the blacksmith shop more than four years best thing i saw was a tree of there peter steckley owned lot i h of tne project is dr nor- firstclass apples which i sam- s west side he had a large fam- l- nicholson 37yearold di- pled ily of boys and girls who were rector of the departments geo- when i worked at the war a great asset to any district graphical branch who says the ant at ajax i got a good eve- 1 wherever thev resided he later date vc approximate 10 jeruicu iu ivi j we are neareu iuis sofar as a gentile was permit- brings us to the heart of his ted in the worship of god there suffering it was redemptive on his way home as he crossed expiatorv and remedial the desert of gaza he was imj verse 6 all gone astray proving the time by reading the lord hath laid on him 1 t aloud the book of the prophet the iniquitv ot us all the uni- use vistt a fine young lady ntr il of sin is matched with he sixth concession he had 1 tktl -v- s he universaltt oi lhe provision to go past wher another young as isaiah 537 8 when he not- j in lhe bearing of christ forked and this fellow kept tab on him he said he went to see her seven nights a week ami would have gone more often had there been more nights well this young fellow he was married the ing the tact is ne ma no ana himself phil 28 that kept the watching thouvhe he was frank enough to admit h from answering all the re- 1 lne t it of whom speaketh the pro- a a he re went with several nice girls was phet this he inquired then verte 8 his veneration lu v5 m philin for thp rnnnor ms pbil generation any o them ms wlie he and i rhliip aor tne runner was l nu- cut ofi out of the land o together with our ip the evangelist began at the the roarlint nf v i 7 toeincr wiwi oui lnc uun lne rcaaing 01 horses and buggies years ago iced a stranger running along side his chariot who rather tact lessly asked do you under stand what you arc reading imagine asking an officer of queen candaces understood w ing the fact in the sinbearing of christ verse 7 oppressed opened not his mouth as a lamb to the slaughter the english revised version reads he was oppressed yet he hum fv a h i was pp ne num 1 well this young le ices court if he bied himself and opened not his ke uimr tab of r u m0uul was humbun young lady butthe is he did not and of himself phil 28 that kept i t watching ennurh to admltiu re- k a i ip tne evangelist ucaou i u4 tne uving lne rcaa d1 sthte s- acts his verse is difficult yl is wal afine feuow and i mji the new atlas eagerly sought opener of how things were sold that farm and bought one hndled there a good many east of new gormley on lot 1 1 b teachers industry u men were going around doing peter was a firstclass preacher ies and other sources will be next to nothing except look- and an one who lived up to the bl improvement over the ob- ing wise and wearing a white advice he gave from the sacred solct hound volume of 1917 collar anything that went desk would become a good citi- 1 it will contain 112 sheets of wrong was never blamed on the zen peter has one son who is a j maps measuring 28 by 20 official it was always the wor- preacher also living west of the ln a looseleaf binder so ker a serious mistake happened don mills road the can be removed and placed one time but it was twisted lot 6 was occupied bv the a wal1 or blackboard for around and the blame fell on the hoover family anthonys fa- to purposes looseleaf worker in the end those fellows i ther who also owned the land presentation also will facilitate who were all dressed up were south of dicksons hill now sure helping the war effort farmed by anthonys hard work at a tremendous rate and some ing sons and their good wives of them didnt live too far from lot 5 east side was ownec stouffville or markham some philip macklem father of craw of them are dead now but there ford he also owned fifty aero replacement of maps that be come obsolete need for the atlas which will ned by j be so to public througli the queens printer was pointed out in 1916 by the canadian social isonesure thing hard work 1 en the eighth lot 11 i well science researcri council an didnt kill them i remember when he used to ride advisory body mbue up largely- half of lot 9 was owned by horseback with his team to work of university personnel m the alfred tooze who used to live that land in stouffville and the east half i social sciences the geographi- philio saw jesus in isaiah 53 v eswe referring to him when he lett that locality lhinp saw jesus in isaian oj 1 the blindness of the eontempor- vprv d about b had peter or paul or james ary generation t0 the meaning j h l and xay had lus 1 rt rioath that he was v vi tl vnnn lot 5 west side was owned cal branch was put to work on the project after the government belonged to george lemon iby james hastings i believe 1 vt 6yr those were some grand horses the son of adam who ran thej jri the councils recommen dations or jesus himself met the ethi opian that day his question would have received the same answer the new testament allusions to this chapter refer it to jesus john 1238 matt s17 1 peter 225 moreover every thing that is said of the suffer ing servant of jehovah in isa iah 53 is categorically declared of jesus of naziicth in the now testamcuv the rejection the misunderstanding the despis- ing the travesty of justice the cutting off the sinbearing the divine intervention in his burial the prayer for his persecutors and so on and there is no other who so completely fits the pic ture of isaiah 53 jewish com mentators and liberal theolo gians have tried to fit the nation israel into the picture perhaps the nation restored from the babylonian captivity or the na tion within the nation ie the eodly core of the nation all such attempts are futile they just do not answer the descrip tions of the chapter jesus does he is the suffering servant who in his death accomplishes a great redemption and lives to see its fruit and to enjoy the spoil in our lesson then we frankly apply this whole chap ter to our lord and saviour jesus ciirist verse by verse isa 531 who hath believed the arm of the lord re vealed these are questions of astonishment the phrase arm of the lord is an expression of strength 519 personalized in christ verse 2 a tender plant a root out of a dry ground no beauty that we should desire him for shall grow read grew an example of the prophetic past tense maclaren says that tender plant means sucker in the botanical sense and it is a picture of a shoot growing out of a fallen stump the house of david was fallen when jesus came the alto gether lovely one of god held no attraction for sinful man of christs death that he was buggy the last young taking the stroke due to them for their transgressions i verse 9 his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death no viplence neither deceit in his mouth this is not an identification of the wicked and the rich dying lady he courted outlived him but i wont mention her name for fear that the next time i happen to meet her in town i might come home with a black eye- she used to be a strong healthy girl she also had a fine 1 younger sister who got married as a criminal n the eyes of men j ives ou wcst lis appointed grave was with h wideman was laid to the wicked but being the sin- rcst afternoon in heisev less one he was preserved from such indignity after death and was given honored burial in the tomb of joseph of arimathea verse 10 yet it pleased the lord to bruise him his soul hill cemetery he is the first one of those four boys to pass away they were all big stal wart men but time changes us no matter how strong we may have been there was one man gss3ssxxbbx cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from ss00 to s1200 per year or by the month stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w iv im s3tviciocsssxw0ss we build homes large and small i have deen mere was om man an offering for sin seed the funera who doeslvt move prosper the yet refers 1 around as as he did back to the sinlessness at the ag but he has seen a end of verse 9 the bruising was a divine activity and its mean- ing is stated- an offering for suhering and triumphing the house of david was not as a tree planted by the rivers of water when jesus was born of davids line it was a mere stump to all appearance rotting in the ground so jesus was a root out of a dry ground he received no royal acclaim that in him which made him gods altogether lovely one was not recognized by men he lacked the glamor which men admire so he was very much left to himself with grief as his bosom companion vs 13 but the sorrows which he bore were really those of the very men who despised and for sook him in himself he had a reservoir of joy that made him quite independent of the atti tude of men but he stooped to shoulder the burdens of his re jectors they looked upon his pains as judgment for his mis deeds was he not a glutton a winebibber an imposter a devil a blasphemer yet all the time he was taking the stroke due to the sins of his detractors and due to us he was securing peace and healing for us sinners in all this he did not act as one forced to do or endure some thing against his will he was utterly submissive and suffered in silence he did not return re proach for reproach reviling for reviling but without a mur mur endured all the pain ac complishing in his cutting off an atonement of which his own generation was entirely ignor ant but the moment death came the current was reversed no more was he exposed to indig nity at the hands of his enemies his body was rescued from the burial of felons and was rever ently laid in the tomb of the ricli arimathean joseph vs 79 but that is not the end it is but the beginning this man dy ing without children lives to see his seed this man cut off in his youth prolongs his days to all eternity this man in the eyes of men an utter failure goes on to glorious prosperity bringing to pass all the good pleasure of jehovah all because of the nature of his death an offering for sin out of his travail will come infinite satis faction as the knowledge of him leads sinners from condem nation to justification from bondage to liberty from death to life great is his spoil souls souls souls for whom he died whose sins he bore for whom he engages his mighty inter cessions vs 1012 hallelujah what a saviour sin notice the activity of christ after his death verse 11 he shall be satisfied by his knowledge justify many bear their iniquities the last two verses of the chapter are spoken by jehovah himself concerning the work of his servant he prom ises full compensation and sat isfaction to the suffering one in the justification of many based on his own sinbearing verse 12 he shall divide the spoil poured out his soul unto death numbered with the transgressors made intercession as a reward for his selfgiving his identifica tion with sinners his sinbear ing and his priestly interces sions christ is exalted as lord and as a divine conqueror shares the spoils of victory with god the father the thought is not that christ takes a place with the strong ones of earth the many and the strong are the spoil of battle for him the heart of the lesson isaiah 53 really ought to begin at 52 13 with the words be- hold my servant indeed these words might be the title of the chapter we behold the servant ittitttftttttftrrt grand they used to keep there and j store at lemonville it was later they had some real good garden sold to william leathers har- aims at all aspects vey clendennings good wife i dr nicholson says the produc grew up on that farm harvey would walk from home and they j days but what young couple would walk together over to i would have the ambition to do bethesda church that was a it today common occurrence in those oldtimer parties too the unionville quar tet used to sing at some of those socials there was a first class gravel pit on the lemons half i often wonder why some gravel company didnt snap up that ers of the atlas intend to try to present all important aspects i of canadas geography physi cal human and economic the maps will show such things as the distribution of the countrys population where its eskimos and indians live its natural resources grain crops mineral wealth forests and others atmospheric pressure and climate conditions one map the branch is partic ularly proud of will feature parts of historical maps starting with one made in the lth cen tury by the french explorer samuel champlain these maps said dr nichol son will show the way in which knowledge of canada grew dr nicholson was appointed branch director oct 12 this yvar he joined the branch in 1949 as head of its canadian geogra phy section and served as assist ant director under w j watson now professor of geography at edinburgh university headed arctic studies a native of england and grad uate of the university of lon don university of western on tario london ont and ottawa university he planned the branchs annual field programs and himself headed up studies in the arctic he says the norths vast de velopment and survey and aerial photographic work will result in vast changes in maps of the region scale of the basic map will be approximately one inch to 15s miles an internation ally accepted scale dr nicholson says he already has a big file of requests from other countries for copies most major nations have offi cial atlases usually published by state governments india and australia recently published new ones work is under way in the united kingdom on an up-to- date version trie united states has always wanted one but it is not ready yet dr nicholson said work there is still at the committee stage youhl enjoy going anytrhere by bus no driving worries no parking troubles fares are low leave stouffville to toronto a 700 am a 350 pm b 02 am b 820 pm a except sun hoi b sun hoi standard time round trip fares j between toronto and 630 2425 2415 1640 1290 buffalo new york chicago montreal ottawa tickts and information at mr r snowball barber shop phone 270j2 tm swmwesrrffi3weiee0cmwmt and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal e w retz construction co slouttville ont phone stouff 195 phone 95 or 374 stonework walks walls patios porches rockeries steps in natural precast stone unionville nurseries no 7 highway now theres no doubt 1957 is gmcs year for truckers everywhere with brand- new standard transmissions new engines new gvws new axles new styling new comfort and much much more see your gmc dealer right away and see these bluechip moneymakers theyre waiting lot you i with speedline styling performance packed powertrains engineered for teamwork engine to axle gmc cwitotn cad detxt cobs htc a spectacular all- round pano ramic riew and theres new comfort and color a new seat a new nonglare instrument panel ward sacra in gmc vsv gmc for 1957 offers you a performance- proved selection of v8 power units with up to 2 1 0 horsepower to handle any job ill llaaaa ef otfc ts far 57 many truckers swear by a 6 and no wonder with the rugged power plants gmc has to offer up to 148 dritinji horsepower raw ir aalas gmcs wider- thaneterrangeofhypoidrear axles makes it easy to find just what you need custom- created to fit your job ha jtsrdy siemvd troainunloas now for 1957 gmc brings you ererything thats new in standard transmissions truckers etery- where know the reliability of famous jspeed synchromesh the heaty duty synchromesh and the speed hd but gmc alio has two new 5speed units the new process transmission for medium duly work and a real workhorse the allnew spicer 5jpeed hcary duty truck transmission tarae aitawatlc traasmlstlsas far salman drmas proreo popu lar and powerful hyaramirrlt in standard and hcary duty models really sares wear and tear on trucks nd truckers on 9700 through w9900 scries theres optional pawarmollc employing completely new principles in automatic power transmission pawariuca for light duty work on sedan dli- ery vehicles is the simplest least complicated of all automatics daw mara saggae rrenai new loadcarrying capacity it another sign of 57 gmc new nessnew safety too with t atrooger-tbao- ever- frame design welded channel sec tions reinforced with alligator- jaw crosspieces provide maximum strength for gmcf backbone tvasdae spring shotvlti easier-to- service suspension points up gmcs eye on the future for truckers spring shackles are sow threaded for easy removal and replacement on display today patrick motors stouffville ontario chas cooper limited claremont ontario

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