Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 18, 1956, p. 6

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tfjt 6 the souffville triwne tiunfcy october 18 k56 news from gormley mr c musied miss ruth weir of maple we ire pleased to report that spent the weekend with miss mr j c mekendy who has joan barrett pnt several weeks in st mi gormley holstein wins at chicago show chaels hospital toronto is able to be home again mrs v neumann who had an operation in western hospital toronto is ao home again mr william r campey who has bfen visiting his son and musselmans lake for the fourth consecutive mrs victor stover of mark- year a group of canadian hol- ham spent several days with mr steins won the coveted open get- and mrs p x doner- ofsire award at the interration- mr ernest hunt visited on al dairy show held at chicago sunday with mr and mrs em october 11th and 12lh the win- and school was well attended havev at pine orchard- ning group this year was sired and proved most interesting mr and mrs ralph empring- by lorelm texal highcroft and mr rogers gave an excellent ham and boys miss luella was shown by s b roman of talk outlining the aims and daughterinlaw mr and mrs helse mr george french and rcjmandale farms gormley possibilities of scouting and i g campey returned to his rev and mrs roy nigh attend- ontario highcroft is one of the am sure many have a new and home at mirehead somerset ed the 25th anniversary of the bulls uied successfully in the broader outlook regarding cubs england this week houghton mission on sunday maple cattle breeders assoc and scouts mr wallwork was quite a number from our dis- mr and mrs b bretz of artificial breeding unit this the second speaker of the eve- trict attended plowing match unionville bible society holds annual meeting the annua frerrk of the cnioavi branch of the lpper canada bible society in which the four local churches parti cipated was held in st philip the last meeting of the home anglican church on friday night the service was taken by re j d tiller of st philip iter harold lindeman of beth- eda lutheran church read the scripture lesson and the ket v butt of centra united offer ed the prayer the guest speak er rev c r rudd reviewed the work of the society he also showed the societys new the provincial plattsville spent monday night was the highlight of the show ning and he outlined the general sim my right and my cause h at brooklin last with mr and mrs allan hoover to the manv canadian breeders planning of a recreation centre jnowng the work doo by the and then visited the plowing flocking to chicago to see how for this community in this re- x t wee mrs d kennel has returned alter spending the summer at glen orchard match at brooklin with rev and the fortythree selected ontario sard mr wallwork suggested mrs p r barley of unionville entries would fare in competi- that a man with all the neces- miss ruth wideman of ourtion with the best from the sary information and details miss e dulmage miss f em- vicinity left by plane this week usa altogether 311 held were should come and speak to the bury and mis m garson of to- to visit her great aunt and coirs- shown ronto had dinner on tuesday ins in alberta with mr and mrs allan hoover j mr and mrs ross climen- mrs beulah jones visited on hage of toronto had sunday thursday with mrs geo snider siinner with mrs w b hender- of higland creek son mr and mrs frank harvey i mr and mrs chas hoover of ra m- and mrs paul boad- j dickson hill had supper on sun- u ihnt sunday at hanover day with mr and mrs a f mrs boadway has been reliev- leek ml pisgah misses marjorie sproxton and shirley doner attended the christian missionary alliance rally at brantford on monday 1 j of last week mr nd mrs lewis lehman ing at the gormley rest home mr and mrs c milsted and accompanied by mrs w ash during mrs neumanns illness charlene spent sunday with and mrs m ash attended the mr and mrs bates and fam- mr and mrs vernon gooding i funeral of mr harmon lehman llv of cannington and mr and i and familv of dundalk at melville on monday last week mrs ratke of toronto visited mrs w b henderson and j hi5 hinf 1 i girls spent monday at midland nums to a paru on saturday group it is planned to have this gentleman come to the next meeting if possible there was again much discussion about having a telephone in the school for emergencies and it was left up to f the trustees to make a final decision in this regard we have since learned that a tele phone will be installed in the school with a oneway service only j the cnlonville branch last year raised 267 for the society the election of officer and ar ranging for the canvass from october ii to 2s took place last on the program the new officers are president mr clarke young vicepresident mr frank cribbett secretary mr don deacon welcome to mr and mre robert haines who have re turned to their former home on no 7 highway mrs fred douglas of san francisco california and mr s d fggleton of creemore visited for a few days this week with it looked almost like a gather- ir 9imer and husband ing of the clans last saturday mrs r bovair on sunday miss dorothy doust spent the vcith mr and mrs scharbach weekend at listowel i the gormley womens insti congratulations to mrs jas doust who celebrated her 83rd birthday recently and to mr jos cober who had his 87th birthday mrs menno smith and mr allan smith of edgely had din- 1 tine will meet on wednesday afternoon october 24 at 2 pm at the home of mrs w c noble roll call what i find most helpful in my institute work j a twominute talk by each convener of home economics ner on sunday with mrs beulah and health and community ac- jones tivity and public relations dis- misses ruth hoover and beu- trict president mrs shoults lah heise were guests at mr and j will be present program mrs mrs allan hoovers on monday t hepburn hostess mrs noble mr and mrs mervyn harper entertained 40 members of mr seth widemans family at a is often used just to camouflage family dinner in honour of mr j stupidity and mrs clyde countway jean a wideman j mary lou and gary its too bad some people have who are moving this week to o wind up broke before they chester basin nova scotia realize the value of money aurora spent sunday evening with mr and mrs rk smith i anniversary services next -j- i sunday october 21 at 11 am dignity says the caustic critic i wjth rv rvougias sloan of tor onto as speaker and bethesda iadtes trio supplying the music evening service at 730 pm secretary required applications nrc invited for the position of secretary in the office of the business administrator of the pickering district high school boartl duties arc varied cashier typing nnd bookkeeping experience necessary shorthand useful but not essential five day week twelve months a year starting snlnry determined by experience this position to be filled as soon as possible reply in writing to a ross irwin business administrator secretarytreasurer pickering district high school board box 183 pickering ontario afternoon at pidgeons the oc casion was the first auction sale to be held around this area in many years the bidding was spirited the prices right and a good time was had by all mr and mrs pidgeon are on their way by now and we all wish them good luck in their new country the euchres ate about to start again the first is to be held at the school on friday mr and mrs harry squibb of j october 26th at 830 a pleasant evening is being planned so come one and all you euchre lovers and have an evenings fun as usual a fine lunch will be served and the price is 35c the scouts got off to a start last monday some eight boys par oct sth they were lawrence ash bobby chambers bobby baycroft bobby leo and evan mccormack of ringwood mr and mrs roy howlett visited with mr and mrs albert howlett at mt albert sunday afternoon mr and mrs ross keffer at tended the 150th anniversary services at sherwood lutheran church near maple on sunday with rev mcfarlane of aurora showed up for the first meeting baptist church as speaker and we are sure the numbers special music by our own cho quickly in regard to the turkey supper will be 6 held on the thursday following cubs f cou are t0 october 25 supper served from have their first apple day next 530 pm admission by ticket saturday oct 20th the boys son of miuikea wij take place ic october the couple ws honored with a presentation from their friends of a lovely end table sympathy of this district is j extended to mr and mrs j huh and family in the recent pissing of his father next sunday oct tin ii be laymans sunday and the service will be under the aus pices of the laymen at central called church t 1115 am the autumn thankofferin service of the wms of central united church will be held on thursday oct istb at 230 pm the guest speake- will be miss kilpatrick of india the cnlonville boy scouts and cubs are preparing a min- j strel show to be held at cherry hill farm cnionville on oct 26th mr and mri marwood mckee of cadmus and mr and mrs ed lawson and son bruce of janet- ville visited with their cousins at cnlonville hotel and with mrs rainey on sunday mrs ficher of brodhagen spent a few days this week visit ing with rev and mrs butt the junior choir of central cnited church sang on sunday morning their selection was centle jesus meek and mild which was greatly appreciated dr and mrs tom porter and daughter of willowdale visited j on sunday with dr and mrs jim porter and family mr and mrs langridge have purchased a farm in the brant ford district we will be sorry to see them leave mr and mrs ken telly mis sionary on furlough from india visited with their cousins mr and mrs charles cuthbertson while on their visit to the cos- pel centre church they took the services for the day mr and mrs arthur survage and two ions of toronto visited with friends in the village on fsunday welcome to mr and mrs i sheever and family who have 1 moved to the purvis farms the orchestra of central your health watch posture in children attention to posture should begin in early childhood because then structural change may set 14 which may rater become per- manent some children carry themselves well naturally others can achieve proper body mechan ic only through conscious effort these children may be built on thin straggly lines have i- health or be tired or hy good posture is not only a question of a bandionie appear ance but alo question of health the health of an indi vidual is definitely alerted by distortion of the spinal column with the resulting bad posture the interference with the ner vous syetera and other vital structures may cause widespread effects an important thing that plays a part on poor posture in child ren is the garters for long stockings fastened to the waist which pulls the shoulders dowa and forward since children want their clothing tight poor pos ture is frequently the result of falls or other slight injuries which ruf slight displacement of spinal vertebrae these cause the child to maintain the body iu an abnormal posture klent results can be ob tained in correcting poor pos ture in children but uy by profe- 1 people who special ise in th rork chiropractors the tuiil engineers of the body wm s baird dc chiropractor 327 main st markham lnt mr and mrs findlav pollard mr j mclaren and mr m findlav were among those from cnlonville who attended the internationa plowing match at brooklin last week the local womens institutes were assist ing in the serving of refresh ments mrs h boadway and mrs clarke young represented the unionville branch we are pleased to hear mrs a k harrington is progressing favourably following an opera tion in scarboro general hos pital last week a number of friends gathered at the home of mrs hcoathup last friday evening to honor mr and mrs william warne who were recently married the young couple who will make their home in toronto received many lovely gifts miss jeajt warne assisted in the opening united sunday school under the kennedy chiropractic office kenned rd cnicnvllle ont j r kane dc doctor of chiropractic tuesday thursday saturday main street stoiiffvllle pn phone 4vs a stitch in time a sweater for christmas ladies knit tjiuvuf jhuxim sweaters for christmas gifts only see notice in coming events column the fine weather of last week tempted most farmers of this community to leave their fall work for at least one day to attend the international plowing match at brooklin harold botham and roy smith appeared on the television news on tues evening roy was a competitor in the horse plowing classes again this year and was success ful in winning first prize on friday in the family herald class and received their silver rose bowl trophy he also won a second fourth and fifth prize and prizes for his team leslie smith plowed in the 3furrow tractor class and won first prize on thursday the trophy was donated by the borden milk co and this year was a radio he received second prize each of the other three days leslie was also presented with the john deere special 17600 cash given to the contestant securing the highest number of point using a john deere plow and tractor the banquet was held in a new- shopping centre in oshawa on friday evening those attend ing from here were mr and mrs r c baycroft and family ans mr and mrs leslie smith ho m totem pott ho 453 fini beautiful warm longwearing tris popular garments knrt up quickly and easily iron mary maxim homespun yarn and northland sweater patterns at very reasonable cost tool mary maxim homespun yarn available in 14 lovely colors is mid from 100 pure wool with longfibred new zealand wool added for extra strength it it exceptionally long- wearing colorfast and ahrinkrcalttant sweaters knit from homespun yarn have amazing water resistance due to the natural wool oils in the yarn price per 4ox skein 8t northland sweater patterns are available in a wide rang of attractive easytoknit designs in both adults and child lie the patterns are printed large for easy following a few rows of the heavy homespun yarn knits up into inches of beautiful garmentl pric per pattern 25 begin now and be ready for christmas i youll give some one near to you the thrill of owning one of these distinctive handknit garments and at th same time youll experience a new knitting achievement call in ano look over the wide variety of designs to choose from well be pleased to help you decide on color combina- tions sue etc marguerite shoppe a rope controls the speed of apron and heater oh new manure spreader announced by the new holland machine company the new control which attaches to the tractor seat eliminates lever adjustment and add to conven ience and safety of operator have a lot ol teritory to cover and it will be a big job for them but they are young and en thusiastic so it sounds like a lot of fun when the boys call on you be generous the mens bowling got started last wednesday but there is still room for more players so any man interested in bowling is invited to come around to the alley on wednesday nights so far no definite plans or schedule have been arranged so when we hear more so will you therfe has been much rejoic ing the garbage collection started last tuesday and will be everj tuesday from now until may 31st this is another step in the right direction for the lake remember now an apple a day etc and the day is this saturday the general tendency this year for farm costs to rise con tinues hut in the aggregate the rise is very slow according to farm management specialists to keep f rsh milk at its best keep it clean cold covered and in the dark the us depart ment of agriculture reminds homemakers milk holds both nutritional value and flavor beat when kept cold stored near the freezing unit of the refrigerator it can be expected to keep good quality and flavor for three to four days perhaps longer of gifts and a lovely lunch was served by the hostess and her friends mr alex bell from british columbia and his sister mrs w young of aglncourt called on mr and mrs x ogden this week mr and mrs harvey coathup i were guests at the jacksonking wedding at st nicholas anglican church birch cliff saturday oct 6th and the reception at rouge hills golf club follow ing mr coathup acted as master of ceremonies three7arloads of members from the unionville missionary society attended the wms thanksgiving service at stouff- ville united church on thurs oct 11th mr and mrs ernest caseley spent saturday at orillia at the home of her sister and husband mr and mrs slessor best wishes from his many friends to mr nehemiah ogden who celebrated his ssth birthday october 17th mr ogden is in good health and keep himself busy with his garden and com munity affairs miss june fiss of balsam was pleasantly surprised satur day evening when a group of her friends from unionville toronto brougham and mark- ham gathered at the home of mr and mrs robert gough junes marriage to mr w wil- leadership of mrs a toogood commenced thoir playing sun day they were much appreciat ed there were us present at sunday school mr and mrs william duffleld of rochester now york visited on sunday with his brother and wife mr and mrs r j dufflold the fidelis group of cenral united church unionville and st andrews church choir markham are sponsoring a frosttime fashion show on tuesday october 23rd at 530 pm in st andrews united church hall markham fashions from clarks ladles wear nan cy ellen shoppe and e apple- ton mens wear one of the chezzie hoy had his bicycle taken from in front of his home a boy from tor onto left his old bicycle in ex change the markham town ship police were notified and found the stolen bicycle at rich- vale v miss k thompson of poman- da road visited her sister mrs tomlinson and family at har- riston on the weekend we are sorry to lose mr and mrs rumble from the village they moved recently to rich mond hill mr and mrs b e wilkes have sold their large home on no 7 west to mr pye of west toronto who expects to move hl3 family here in- the late fall east york plowing match will b held on wed oct 24 1956 at the masseyharris farms lot a con 5 markham twp 1v4 miles south of no 7 highway dinner will he served in si andrews presbyterian church markham from 530 to 730 pm enter tainment and presentation of prizes in orange hall 1 james mckean president bruce davidson secretary terry burners stouffville ft 65130 j ie guthrie j electrical contractor 1 oil heating specialist i vacuum cleaning 24 hour ft service -mon- victoria square news in- last mask ttrtbt raore aao presentation on thurday evening of last week following the regular choir practice a presentation j held for the choir leader and organist miss coral perkins who is being married on saturday october 20 mrs h mccague said a few words and coral was presented with a bridge table and four chairs to match coral thanked everyone and a dainty lunoh was served at the close laymens hanquct mr ira ramer of richmond hill messrs percy bennett law- son mumborson and herman mortson attended the laymens banquet at manor rd united church toronto on thursday evening of last week mr harold smith was guest speaker his subject being lets iook at stewarda which was most spiring bridal showers on friday evening of week about one hundred neigh bors and friends gathered at the home of mr and mrs gordon mortson to have a miscellaneous shower in honour of miss coral perkins and mr jimmy barker who are being married on sat oct 20 in victoria square united church at 1 pm many beautiful and useful gift were received by the honored couple after the thank yous by corjl and jimmy refreshments were served and a happy occa sion was brought to a close on saturday evening of iaai week about thirty young people gathered a tne home of mr and mr rjt bennett- x miscellaneous shower bride and sroomtoh perkins and jimmy many lovely rift wore ceived at thl show and jimmy thankd everyone for their gift and lunch was served anniversary on sunday october 11 there will b asnivernr erv aj victoria stsrt tatted chnreh j at 11 ts the cuett ineaze to holj for the cora barker also re- cora will be rev john wilkie bd ma of suttou special rausie by the victoria square united church choir at t30 the guet speaker will be rv wealey hunnisett do of the fred victor mission in toronto he will also bring a boy soloist i with him special music will i also be given by the choir from the presbyterian church at richmond hill everyone wel come please remember that sunday school will b at 945 am for oct 21 only because of the anniversary services euchre the first euchre of the season will be hold in the victoria square community hal on wed nesday evening october at s15 pm everyone welcome elghborhood votes messrs louis nichols rolph boynton cecil nichols donald and allan nichols attended the plowing match on friday ittat 1 week mr ross baker of remrew and mr millar of renfrew dis- trict along with two young lads visited with mr and mrs cecil nichols and family oh saturday afternoon rev a c huston w the guest speaker at whitva on sunday evening mr and mrs h l hess of new york mrs moor of tor onto called on mr and mrs rolph boynton on sunday after noon mr and mrs earl empring- ham and girls called on their uncle mr percy baslncer of temperanceville sunday after noon mr and mrs robert duncan and elizabeth of oak ridges hid sundy evening dinner with mr and mrs john empringham mr and mr bill wilson and family of toronto had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs li hart and family mr and mr stanley boat aid donald had sunday evening dinner wti mr tad mil lloyd canning ms- is f two advertised rexall products for regular the original eaall one cent sale j big days this week thurs fri saturday your pennftt buy a lot during hie four value- packed days at your rexall store toiletries remedies household needs oil price of one plus one cent your i deloy get savings af fheso 0kg houstons the rexall drug store hex h ovv sfis o ftft i w afoar vv cr p 0 v n ro s rv 7 rt 4 v on r th rzzev vywf you can depend on any product that bears the name rexall i

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