vlv aerial cas station four navy jet fighters take on fuel from a convair tradewind in the first multiple refueling operation ever conducted from a sea plane the 80ton transport carries enough fuel in wing tanks for eight fighters flying tv station i helicopters those intrepid whirly birds of numerous military and civil ian rescue missions will soon become selfcontained flying television stations clear sharp tv pictures have been transmitted from helicopters to a location 50 miles away these recent tests held in the philadelphia area were conducted from altitudes of between 500 and 2500 feet this new airborne tv system may be used by the navy departments bureau of ships for control of amphibious landings during tryoiitswith the fleet the navy reported that the system provided excellent pictures of all complicated phases of shiptoshore movement even before sunrise the flying tv station hovers over area to be inspected note camera in the plane engineer pans the camera of the airborno tv system to transmit a picture 50 miles l urn a beautiful scene leading man jeff chandler appears in hollywood scene with two of europes loveliest women marina orschel miss germany and in- grid goude miss sweden these two lovely near misses were runnersup in recent miss universe contest every year these contestants get screen contracts on tv monitor at the receiving location is a picture of the pennsylvania turnpike chilling thought bundled up against the cold est such day in the 85yearhistory of the chicago weather bureau chris arvanites gazes thought fully at a pair of long handles in a loop depart ment store the mercury dropped to 47 degrees ill 1 hf sssmml 1hi v ivssfeffllkr vi issbii im some bad breaks two truck drivers made emergency use of partiallycom pleted safety ramps after the brakes failed on a highway outside los angeles neither driver was seriously injured the ramps are being built to give trucks a place to head for in an emergency instead of trying to run down the highway a formal call mongi slim tunisias first am bassador to the unftcd states calls at white house to present his credentials to president eisenhower lightening the load mailmen making their rounds are getting a big lift from the mechanical age the department is buying golfcaddytype carts left and new threewheeled motor scooters above to help speed mail deliveries besides 1500 scooter- 2nd 6000 carts some 2000 more bicycles arc on order joe adams of arlington va is carrying some 85 pounds of mail the liirit on his cart while ray husband is making his rounds aboard one of the motor scooters king features sndiutc