sale register auctioneer a 8 farmer phone connie 6311 sellers atkixsox ph ax 34771 stooff ms kex clarke prextice ph ax 85987 markhaxo mo fridat sept 5s aoctloa mc of 30 head of daa pur pose shorthorn cattle 60 hogj 1 hom poultry full use of farm implemeau ihc trac tor w4 good coaditloa a goodisoa threshing machlae tsxti nar new cocktoutt milking machine haj grain the property of kay burnham at lot j6 concession 4 ux- brldge 1 hi miles south of eandford so reeerre farm old term cash sale at 1230 pro iharp lloyd tur ner clerk alrla s farmer auctioneer saturday sept 29 impor tant auction aale of farm stock and implement in cluding holatein and guern sey cattle international wd9 diesel tractor allts chalmers tractor wc mh 12 self- propelled combine with pick up case forage harvester a complete line of power imple meats hay and household furniture etc at lot 28 con s pickering twp the pro perty of fred draper terms cash no reserve aa farm sold sale at 12 sharp sid pugh clerk alvln s farmer auctioneer claremont wa will serve lunch saturday sept 29 impor tant auction sale of high class farm stock and impll- ments 25 head of holsteln and gurnsey cattle mh self propelled combine ihc delsel tractor no case forage harvester new and full line of power impll- ments hay and grain at lot 2s con s pickering the property of fred draper no reserve farm sold sale at 12 sharp this is a large sale and will start on time terms cash alvin s farmer auc tioneer saturday sept 29 gigan tic auction sale celebrating the 294th aale being the monthend sale and the open ing sale of our fall and win ter sales at the stouffville sale arena on hwy no 47 selling springer cows etockers holstein heifers pigs horses goats sheep etc also auc tions in the hall selling new clothing shoes toys many other articles also a new con cession opening up in the hall come and see furniture poultry vegetables miscellan eous articles goodwood wa home made bake sale a special treat for the ladies there will be lucky draw door prize at 4 pm four auction rings in operation at the same time be sure to come and see where our auctions mean action everybody wel come special day for the ladles sale starts at 1 pm sellers atkinson pollard gafer auctioneers wednesday oct i auc tion sale of farm stock and implements including cattle consisting of fresh cows and springers due time of sale pigs late model tractor and other implements the pro perty of thomas machesney at lot 18 con 3 uibrldge tp 1 i miles north of goodwood ralph faulkner clerk s d pollard auctioneer sale urn 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve wednesday oct 3 auc tion sale of dairy cattle 99 oliver tractor model s case tractor new favorite thresh ing machine farm stock im plements furniture etc on lot 29 concession 5 vaughan twp v4 mile north of teston property of geo e mcdonald sale at 1230 noon terms caah no reserve proprietor quitting farming ken and clarke prentice auctioneers saturday oct 13 auction sale of high class furniture 3- plece chesterfield suite occa sional chairs 2 china cabinets bedroom suites complete gar den equipment china glass ware at lot 18 con 9 whit church at musselmans lake tost office the property of james pldgeon no reserve as property sold terms cash sale at 1 pm lloyd turner clork a s parmer auction eer saturday oct 13 auction sale of house and lot 6room brick dwelling with all con veniences large double lot on wilson st in the village of markbam property belong ing to the estate of the late iyle thomson terms made known on day of sale for further particulars apply to auctioneer immediate posses ion sale at 230 pm ken and clarke prentice auction ecrs saturday oct is kiten sive auction sale celebrating f years of weekly auctions at the stouffville sales arena hwy no 4 7 rendering a ser vice to the surrounding com munity in providing a market for anything that l for sale our motto you bring it well sell it has proven itself oier the past 6 years and l growing every week making it necessary to extend our accommodations next year we now have a market for fat stock every mon tue wed thur of every week when camida packers buy market hogs cattle calves sheep this service provides you a market here at home giving you toronto service here this service has grown beyond any expectations and is growing weekly give them a trial and be convinced the stouffville wa will have an outstanding bake a come get in on th lucky draws at 4 pm celebrating our six year in the eas arena basi- ress al t a i tn sellers aikn03 poliard cafer aoettoceeca webnesday oct 17 auc tion aale of w ihc tractor baler elevator holstela dairy cattle horses bay grain hogs heat etc a lots 23 24 concession vaughan twp 1 mile north of lap ideroad property of lome g weldrick sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm old ken a clarke prentice auctloaeers wednesday oct 17 irc- portaat auctioa sale of 70 acre farm with flowlag wells and streams 220 rod frontage in all 33 head of holsteln cattle mostly fresh cows with calves by aide full line of tarns implements 700 year ling leghorn hens team of horses and swine at lot 6 con 8 whitchurch twp 1 4 miles north of ringwood on highway 48 the property of waiter jacobs no reerv as giving up farming terms on chattels cash sale at 1 pm sharp lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer farm description at same time k place will be offered for sale sub ject to reserve bid 70 acre farm including 7room house with bath and hydro bank barn 3 poultry houses 3 streams through properly 2 flowing wells at barn 80 rod frontage on highway 48 140 rods on slderoad 50 acres workable balance in bush and pasture 2 miles from stouff- tille and hi mile from school terms on property 10tc day of sale half cash with 30 days balance left on first mortgage at 6 dont miss looking at this farm thursday oct 18 auction sale of dairy and beef cattle pigs hay farm stock imple ments furniture etc on lot 35 concession 6 pickering twp on no 7 highway ot green river property of i h percy terms cash no re serve farm sold sale at 100 pm ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday oct is auc tion sale of farm stock and implements 16 head of hol steln and shorthorn cattle 30 yorkshire hogs model d case tractor lights starter pto including full line of power implements 1250 bales of hay 1000 bales of straw 2000 bue grain at lots 4 5 con 9 east gwillimbury 1 m miles south and east of mount albert the property of mel oldham no reserve farm is sold terms cash sale at 1 pm lloyd turnr clerk a s farmer auctioneer thursday oct is exten sive auction sale of 35 regis tered and high grade holsteln cattle including springers fresh cows bred heifers vac cinated and blood tested also farmall h tractor good threshing machine loader 3- unlt surge milker baled hay baled straw wheat mixed grain etc the property of austin rumble at lot 2 con 3 king township h mile south of king city on the highway note this is one of the good herds in the coun ty and are extra big cattle sale held under cover re freshments on the grounds wilson and aur clerks cattle sale at 230 no reserve farm sold terms cash the sale starts at 1230 pm standard time sellers atkinson sales managers and auction eers friday oct 19 extensive auction sale of holstein dairy cattle 35 stockers 100 pigs combine forage harvester hay a corn attach 2 tractors 2 forage wagpns complete auto steering forage blower trac tor cultivator on rubber trac tor spreader good double disc pto mower 3furrow hydraulic plow level harrows large quantity of chicken equipment baled straw cut hay new pine lumber furni ture etc note this is an extra good lot of implements the property of wilbur john son at lot 24 con 5 picker ing township 1 i miles east of whitevale farm sold no reserve terms cash r e faulkner and k johnson clerks refreshments on the grounds sale starts at 1 pm standard time sellers and atkinson sales managers and auctioneers wednesday oct 2 4 com plete dispersal by auction of the glendenlng farm ayrshire herd including fresh and springer cows bred heifers and heifer calves this herd is on official itop records truck plunges through barn auction sole fesf news floor riders escape mr ray wood and barry and j family mr john hodgktasoa had raher harrowing experience of plunging through a bara floor with the truck oa the cutler farm at zephyr last friday the service of a houeaiovlag crei the executive of the home and school met at mrs paylors lovely cew home in scarboro on monday night the group have planned aa iateresting program for october so please keep the was required to extricate the j night after thanksgiving free truck the operation lasting a mumps continue in the ceuh- day and a half no ore was boraood nearly all the child- hurt and the damage to the rea have succumbed truck was negligible which i mr and mrs albert brown unfortunately cannot be said were gjsts at the wedding of about he bara floor mr hodg- misa marlene brown to mr klasoa gamp is having a few maurice marshman in the chris- days holidays with the wood ijan church stouffville on satur- family day this is the fourth niece of those of our number who tbe browns to be married this attend the stouffville sales summer and they attended all arena would like to extend sym- j of the weddings a fifth that of pathy to mrs scott la the death a friend in michigan also on of her daughter last saturday saturday had to be declined deanna was a popular figure in i mr and mrs ernie walters the restaurant there and will bet miss donna brown and mr doug greatly mused by all her friends i appleton did the honors for the mr and mrs roy zeller and j brown family at the wedding of kenneth motored to burlington i mlse barbara degeer at st on saturday visited with mr and johns michigan on saturday mrs joe harrison formerly i miss linda walters spent the alia zeller and brought home weekend with grandma brown a load of elberta peaches guess 1 mrs melvin chapman former what peggys doing thts week resident here will celebrate an- mr and mrs john sheridan pother birthday on sunday greet- attended a shower for a cousin tings from all of us at mongolia miss irfona atkinson at the j over forty teenagers from home of mr and mrs d h markham high school inter file smusrttle tribal tjor4ay het st lwfl oeecccecc fines newmarket on saturday night miss swift of toronto visited with her niece mrs jim harris and family on sunday three couples in our neigh borhood celebrated wedding ii- nlversaries on wednesday sepi 26th mr and mrs elmer bent- ley and mr and mrs john sheri dan have been married fourteen years each while mr and mrs clarence pipher have reached twentyeight years it was also mrs bentleys birthday con gratulations everyone mr ernest taylor had tbe misfortune to step on a nail the other day and he has been laid up since with a very sore foot this is a bad experience for any farmer this season but especially for a tomato grower since the crop is at its peak last weeks frost did little damage to the tomatoes mr thomas harding of milll- ken visited sunday with his daughter mrs sam barkey and school christian fellowship met at heart haven last friday night for a hay ride and corn roast two wagons were re quired for the joy ride around the block following the corn roast in the bush in the moon light mr colin anderson de livered a brief message on the story of the rich young ruler emphasizing the fact that th one thing lacking in the lives of young people today is the new birth neil flncham is the president of the group this year mr and mrs clarence pipher too found themselves with too many weddings on saturday they attended the marriageof their niece miss lois brillinger to mr elmer lick of oshawa in the free jlethodist church there lois graduated as a nurse in may and her husband is tho leader of youth for christ in oshawa mrs jim walters aunt and uncle from florida called on them one day this week box grove box grove our english weather contin ues and time flies on just think only three months till christ mas and this weekend we go back to standard time so dont forget to put your clocks back an hour sunday september 30th is rally sunday at the box grove united church and the ciiurch service and sunday school will both be held at 1130 all par ents of sunday school children are asked to attend this special service happy birthday to edgar con nor on thursday to lalla and laura armstrong who will be 7 years old on friday and to clarence degeer whose birthday is on saturday the october meeting of the box grove wa will be held on wednesday october 3rd at the home of mrs harmsen at 830 sharp projects for this meeting are a white elephant auction and the completion of unfinished articles for the bazaar balsam the active service class met last wed night at the home of mrs lloyd wilson the meeting opened with a hymn followed by prayer by mrs walter car son the scripture from heb 11 was read by mrs leslie har- bron it was decided for the next meeting to have a community halloween party at the school october 31st mrs allan car son then gave a talk on her rec ent trip to the western provin ces the meeting closed with a hymn and benediction ringwood on monday evening sept 24 all the employees and families of reids at ringwood gathered at the home of mrs a emmer- son and held a surprise party for mr and mrs a reid who were celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary a cor sage of red roses was presented dicksons hill mr and mrs j w wldeman and carol also mr and mrs a c barkey and shirley schell were sunday dinner guests with miss elizabeth wideman the widemans have just returned from a trip west where they visited relatives before continu ing to the pacific coast ladies from stouffville ml joy and gormley were present at the womens mislonary so ciety meeting at the church on tuesday evening mrs lloyd wideman presided mrs s mc- kuen and daughters gave a musical selection and miss eleanor jloyer showed slides of the canadian sunday school mission camp at dorion elean or accompanied miss mary nell worker at sault ste marie by motor as far as sudbury thence to fort william by rail to be greeted by frost and snow relatives and friends gathered in the spacious home of imr and mrs ward hallman last friday evening to honor miss doris lxtt who is soon to be married to mr wm clark of toronto mr ben gayman presided over a short program consisting of chairmans 6peech piano solo by mrs geo sale accordion selec tions by janet hallman and a reading by mrs fred nicely lovely gifts were presented to the couple who expressed sin cere thanks and pleasure in meeting those present mrand mrs wm grove were present on sunday at the silver wedding anniversary of mr and mrs ivan leadley of uxbridge a number of years ago the leadleys were residents of dick son hill and their friends here extend their congratulations running expenses are hardest to keep up with when you are a fast stepper which will he shown at time to mrs reid a photo was taken of sale these cattle are fully n the couple as they were cut- accredited government blood imted nov 1955 all nega tive the property of jos levlson herd win be sold at the farm on lot 2 con 2 king township 1 mile south of temperancevllle write for catalogues to owner no ting the beautifully decorated anniversary cake after an en joyable evening of games a delightful lunch was served goodwood rallv day service will be held reserve farm sold terms j in goo united church morley cook i or sunday sept 30th at 11 am make an effort to attend wm g ness on pedigrees sale at 1 pm standard time sellers atkinson sales man agers and auctioneers tuesday oct 15 import ant auction sale of dairy cattle 2 near new iractois power drill tractor mower double disc side rake man ure spreader thresher ham mer mill milker cooler elec tric motor grain straw and lumber furniture etc at o 27 con 9 2 miles south of stouffnile property of cliff ord king terms cash sale al 1230 no reerve farm sold fulkner and wood clerks sellers sad atkinson auctioneers thursday oct 25 auction sale ot 2v head of holsteln and shorthorn cattle york shire and tamworth hogs allischalmers wf model tractor and full line of farm implements hay grain fur niture etc at lot 4 con 3 north gwslhmbary at miami bearh oa highway 2 ml- south of keswick the pro- 1 perty fred fetter no r- serve as givtag up faralaj i bungalows sale at i pm sharp terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday oct 13 auction sale of farm implements 2 tractrr3 case baler poultry household furniture electric refrigerator and effects the property of mrs davis and stan burns at lot 2 7 con 3 vaughan township i mile north of klsin sideroid on dufferin sale at 130 pm terms eaoh no reserve farm old ken clarke prentice auctioneers satlrday oct 20 auction sale of 2 7 head of fat cattle shorthorns and hereford- modern farm machinery com plete contents of household furniture electric range and refrigerator walnut furniture all near new on lot 20 con 3 north york township oa dufferin st between finchs and steelcs avenues proper ty of w d mcintosh sale a 12 3ft pm terrr ch no yei fam od ken aad ciarke prentice auctoa- eers i lybu rro the united nations estimates that 150 million families in underdeveloped areas lack adequate homing one answer is a framecs buildityoursclf house designed by canadians of canadian alum inum it needs no foundation is noncorrosic and crminproof is so lightweight that it it packed in canons easily carried by plane jeep or cen burro the colombian government hat ordered 3200 of them to help relieve the shortage of rural housing in that south american country so nt not surprising with aluminum travelling to far and doing so much that akan it again increasing its smelting capacity in both quebec and bntith columbia aluminum company of canada ltd alcan farm stock implements dmiry cattle threnjng machine 2 tractor hay furniture etc ox lot 29 coxckssiox 5 vaighax township xj nille north of teeton wednesday oct 3 the property oi geo e mcdonald cattle 1 holsteln cow fresh eah at foot 2 holtein cow bred jan 11 3 holstein cow fresh calf at foot 4 holstein cow bred may is 5 holstein cow bred sept 9 6 holstein heifer in full flow 7 holstein 4 jersey cow bred june 5th s holstein heifer bred june 19 9 holstein cow bred aug 10 holstein cow bred july is 11 holstein cow bred june is is holstein jersey cow bred jan 21 is holstela cow ftesh calf at foot 11 holstein cow bred feb is 15 hobtein jersey cow fresh calf at foot 16 holstein jersey cow bred june 2s 17 holstein cow full flow not bred is holstein cow bred july 25 19 holstein cow bred aug 12 20 holstein heifer fresh calf at foot 21 holstein heifer fresh calf at foot 22 holstein cow freshened july 3 233 holsteln heifers bred 247 yearling heifers 25 heifer 6 months old all cattle are vaccinated horses bay gelding clyde 12 yrs old bay gelding clyde 10 yrs old set team harness good some odd harness no of horse collars machinery implements model 99 oliver tractor on rirb- her lights starter pto model s case tractor on rub ber lights starter pto favorite mount forest 24x42 threshor threshed 6 crops power case mower new 7 mh binder on rubber trac tor hitch new cockshutt no 3 hay loader new mh fertilizer seed drill with grass seeder mh hay tedder mh hay rake 2drum steel land roller cockshutt 2fur tractor plow narrow bottoms mh 3fur tractor plow narrow- bottoms wilkinson no z ixl walking plow fleury no 77 walking plow cockshutt 2row corn scuffler 2 single row scu era potato plow international stifftooth culti vator mh springtooth power lift cultivator 21tooth set 4sec drag harrows set 5sec drag harrows rubber tired wagon steel tired wagon 2 flat hay racks new idea manure spreader cyclone seeder cutter set sleighs with flat rack set sloop sleighs forks shovels etc quantity of grain sacks quantity of potato sacks 2 draw ropes iso ft 140 hay fork buck saw trip chain 4 sling ropes set block tackle 2 water troughs for stable s3 long barrel molasses quantity of electric fence swede saw grain bagger 5 electric fence controllers 3 10 rod rolls poultry fence set oster electric clippers 100 ft 3wire extension cord pile of scrap iron no of other useful articles dairy equipment woods milker with piping for 18 cows 3 single units v4 hp lelland electric motor b0 cycle international electric milk cool er unit 10 can cap milk palls a strainers inter electric cream separator 500 lb capacity daisy churn poultry equipment 2 coal brooders 150 chirk sine jamesway electric brooder 60 cycle 500 chirk size quantity of feed hoppers no bantam hens ft cockerels brooder house 10 x 12 hay etc approx 1000 bales of good mixed hay 2 hav knives household furniture clare jewel kitchen range deep firebox quebec coal healer kitchen table 4 kitchen chairs 2 high chesta with mirrors sideboard antique 2 brass beds with box springs brass bed with spring matt ress continental bed and mattress new brown tubular bed with spring and mattress iron bed with springs dresser and wash stand wash stand odd childs cot chest of drawers antique dash churn fruit jars many other articles too numer ous to mention sale l 1230 noon terms rash no reserve quitting farming ken clarke prentice auctioneers how tune flies it hardly seems any time since we closed off operations of the film council for the shimmer but now its time to begin thinking about our fall and win- ter program our film programs are being lined up and we will soon be getting in films so as soon as we have a list of them we will let you krow the titles and when they should be in each district there are quite a few new operators to be trained and also a few who would like a refresher demonstration so if you would like to sit in on train ing please advise one of the undersigned immediately there are spots in our booking program where we can accom modate a couple more members either new members or re newals as you know we supply a projector and a block of films each month for 10 months for an annual fee of s15 for a oneroom ed school 5 additional for each room in the school or s15 per year for an organization such as a club association institute or business and now for the good news the annual meeting and fall conference of the federation of film councils of eastern ontario is being held this year at the public library oshawa on friday evening and saturday september 28th and 29th thats this weekend the conference begins at 7 pm friday night and goes through until mid- afternoon saturday can you plan to attend this is the first time that i can recall that the conference has been held in this part ot ontario previously we have travelled to pembroke picton belleville and prescott to attend these meetings but now that its so close to home we hope you will make it a point to attend there is no registration fee but miss kathleen healey secretarytreasurer of the feder ation would like to know how many to cater for on the friday evening at the get-to-know-the- other fellow film user coffee party she also requests the names of our official delegates so if you can attend we would like to advise her right away as official delegates have the oppor tunity of voting and taking an active part in proceedings dr h w curran professor at queens university will intro duce a new nfb film world in a marsh mrs mackey- smith of ottawa will introduce the latest film in the ages and stages series tens to twelves mrs mackeysmith wrote the script for the film and helped in its production the above takes place friday evening then on the saturday at the luncheon the guest speaker will be mr john barnes supervisor of presentation cblt cbc who is an excellent speaker and will be well worth hearing can you attend please call right away if you can arrange it frank bill baker port perry 478 clare keevil past president claremont phone si 101 st markham fair october 456 1956 lolstf i i junior activities day 1 friday october 5th 100 pm parade starts at morgan park with the z markham girls bam and little z x britain band in attendance z t jj 200 pm opening ceremonies by mr frederick g 4 gardiner metro chairman with other 4 notables 4 230 pm square dance competition also bicycle y race greased pig catching etc a i z i golden guernsey show z t z full card of harness racing 4 i pony racing 4h calf clubs i black and white show sheep show 4 exhibits of writing art murals a bird houses scarecrows conservation 4 z i friday evening entertainment by stan st john and orchestra jr saturday october 6th harness horses arabians ponies clydesdales percljerons full card of racing in the ring newmarket band and markham girls band in attendance red white show poultry show beef cattle shorthorn hereford angus swine show tamworth berkshire yorkshire turkey sale at 4 pm saturday oct 6 monster dance in arena saturday night officers alex davidson president nick schoulen 1st vice 4 president harry paisley 2nd vice president fred 4 spring secretarytreasurer chas boynton lire t stock director god save the queen oo old get pep vim feel full of vigor years youngei menwomen fojo6odc ia tiluuln tr onm tvk tbkt ofno rral mtut tbby body om rv eoio brciuii 1ihb iroa aerrjf if or vitality lrrn- tr oil of rp i jh tirir ooi btirtf rm cetf i aa4 m co tnv i rt k 3- jny tiy w loooy at cojfcku ioowera schoolgirls needs warm wonderful coafc save money now on her cold weather coat see select from a fine group for girls j doublr- brramm all wool coats 46x and t12 ttioos to saios fi frf in vlvt ror duroj nylons and cottons from 208 fl buntings and snon- suit in nylon and xabardlnes infants 2 to 3x 4 to 6x and 7 to 12 wt5 np 4 prrtty princes coat trimmed in fur made ot fins ool 61zm 23x 1401 to c2409 len wilkes cloth stouffville next to iga foodliner phone 21wl