do you like gardening bnfer the green river ontario spring gardi contest from the tribune files sorry to hear tnat mrs wre i t j michell was taken to searboro spt 30 1926 4 in planting the roots should i general hospital her many i keawnight frosts set in on be given ample space and spread frierds are hoping she will soon saturdav and surdav nights to radiate in all directions j be feehng fee herself again i jce quite in 5 hvbrid teas ard hvbrid per- i the many friends of mr m pails standing outside j are mos desirable fori duncan are sorry- to near of ms while cabbage and beet leaves 0 purposes being hardv pro- i illness and trust he will soon be tt er nipped heavilv fuse andperpetual i feeling better 1 while markham and whit- zjt 4 mr and mrs t bowles and townships hadnt a of u ot carole ann were guests at the single appeai aeaikst te voters a scl sno vh wedding of dalma cesar of to- ust a p by the munid- below he surf ac oi lhe 1 ronto on saturday last i pgi clerks of the respective mr o madill is building a places over in vxbridge town- 7 first car ot potatoes to be new addition to his house s no h 75 appeals shppd from the potato centre we welcome mr and mrs j were filed which were dealt ot go this season was hill and family to our commun- with at a court of revision held loaded last week at 125 per ity mr hill has purchased the j goodwood oh fridav last ba the p is likely to climb house on no 7 highway east of j the horticultural lecture gtv- p from this as the acre- 1 the village which was formerly en bv a h moore in ratcliff s a 1 smaller than usual and owned by mr- hiska i hall on fridav evening was on he heavy land the tubers owing to the anniversary ser- 1 greatlv appreciated by all who are rotting owing to the wet i the fttwaffrtn tribtree thnrdj st 1m tf jmsxnmmibobbasbsaekibaa coming season comfort vices of the first baptist church were fortunate enough to be in whitevale there will be no present the lecture was brim- weather so saturdays tely rrtervt tk tcty daily ot yoer frrr mwhit for hcnt delivery tvwphon im i601 1 rdr from tilt carrkr n mr strt of vrrf to tbe ttjcergin lay end motlndo sri toronto 1 grants to stouffville school j church service next sunday eve- j f useful information on from he ontario government ning growing roses the following are s lowered this year the annual business meeting are a few of the points gathered lhe continuation school grant of the baptist ss will be held in j irom mr moores comprehen- set at s 55 and the public the ss room on friday evening s treatment of his subject school this year is su897o the at s oclock 1 roses require a cool moist total reduction amounts to slol the family film night will be soil from 50 to 75 of clay i the last garden party of the held in the first baptist church i 2 soil should be prepared in season will be held in the united whitevale on thursday sept sept or oct previous to plant- church basement on wednesday 27th at s pm everyone wel- j j and should have fresh cow evening under the auspices of manure dug in deeply the garrett mission circle good j 3 the surface should be kept program with orchestra refresh- cultivated to admit air and mois- ment and candy booths admis- sion adults 15c children 10c i come mr and mrs all michell and mr and mrs allan michell were guests of the simmons ryan ture wedding on saturday mrs shank is visiting her aunt in toronto cherrywood youll enjoy coing anywhere by hits i no driving worries no parking troubles fares are low lcitc stoujtviue to toronto 700 am a 3i0 pm b oir nm i 820 pm a except sun hoi i sun hoi standard timo round trip fares between toronto and s 630 j buffalo new york chicago montreal ottawa the ladies of the wa of cherrywood united church and their guests from dunbarton whitevale brougham cedar grove and locust hill heard an inspiring and challenging ad dress from miss e hart of fred victor mission in toronto she gave a vivid description of the work she does there among tor ontos poor and destitute folk and also told of ways a church group could help that worth while cause the devotional period was led by mrs a brown of unionville vice presi dent of the rural south in tor- location has been found now onto east presbytery her theme musselmans lake there is to be an important meeting for all interested in the formation of a nursey school in the area a teacher and as sistant are available a suitable all that needs to be done is the registration of the children the fee per month will of course depend on the number of chil dren attending the school for complete information and regis tration be sure to attend the meeting it is to be held next tuesday evening oct 2nd at 8 oclock at the home of mrs vern davies 9th line cedar beach way some of our neighbours have was seeing the wagons impressing the many practical ways we could help others fol low the christian way of life with her was mrs s fear of unionville and secretary of christian citizenship in toronto east presbytery who led in pray er mrs e comfort of markham was guest soloist and brought a challenging message in song the president mrs tindall had all business dispensed with other district cattlemen to attend dairy show at chicago ontario county federation to meet oct 3rd been smitten with the travel i than making two announce- bug mr and mrs hummel 9th ments namely the toronto east line have flown to europe for presbytery wa meeting tickets and information snowballs barber shop phone 270j2 a 5weeks visit to the homeland wed like to take this opportun ity to say bon voyage to shir- 21251 ley and archie forfar they 2415 1 have been staying up in this 1640 neck of the woods for a couple 1290 1 weeks but will soon be weighing anchor for points south good luck and smooth sailing dont forget where you live now mrs c paxton lakeshove road has just returned from a visit of several days at uxbridge welcome back we had a visit from vandals saturday night several wee houses on appleton drive were pushed over as well as gates and swings and other garden objects cant understand why people would do such unneces sary damage there are two names for our victoria park church on tues day sept 25th and an invitation from rouge hill ladies to meet with them on sept 26th at 230 pm mrs l gates extended courtesiesto all who made the meeting so helpful the meeting closed with a hymn and the wa benediction the ladies and their guests enjoyed a social time over a delicious lunch before leaving keep in mind the turkey sup per to be held in the hall on oct j8th from 5 pm on get your tickets early sunday school will be at 945 for the next two sundays anniversary services will be held on oct 7 in cherrywood united church the wa will hold their regu lar monthly meeting in the hall on oct 3 at 2 pm word for roll the first of the fall meetings of the federation of agriculture in ontario county a directors meeting was held at the home of john hamer myrtle the meet ing was held to discuss plans for the winter meetings and it was decided that all meetings for the coming season would be held in community halls and would be open to all farmers the first meeting would be on the first wednesday in october and would be held in the myrtle hall mrs hamer was asked to attend the directors meeting in toronto due to the press of farm work for the president mr tin dall plans were laid for the annual meeting and the secretary was instructed to write to the minis ter of agriculture for the pro vince of ontario mr goodfellow to invite him to be guest speak er at the dinner meeting mr clarence werry mr milton pegg and mrs hamer were named a committee to carry out sick list again this week young rail is thanksgiving please george davies and floyd mit- note the change of day chell have both been pretty sick what will become of todays younger generation in thirty j 6 we hope they are on the mend cars or so it will be asking the i bv no j mixing gasoline and liquor is same question of the youth of j the ladies bowling league dangerous under any circum- has oniy three teams so far this nceand jmenselynge mixture is a teen age boy see the floglaze exhibit at the trade fair room mde bright mi many canadian purebred dairy cattle breeders will exhibit this year at the 4th annual inter national dairy show opening in chicago october s it will be held there in the international amphitheatre through the 13th a total of 154 head have been entered in the competitions of three dairy cattle breeds by 58 ontario dairymen exhibiting in the purebred ayrshire classes at chicago will be stansell brothers md car ter and luke eskoitt of aylmer henry elzina mossley robert ward union alex sutherland paris hamilton health assn hamilton ellen bompas bells corners samuel s rose and sons mountain i d ramer son richmond hill l m mcouat and e cooper brooklin harry w boyes son pickering w h green son bratitford allan crosier blackwater and s l pattison of elora there will be 31 exhibitors of purebred holsteins they are hector i astengo hallward houck and j e houck of brampton j m fraser- and plans for the annual meeting george glader of streetsville quinte district cattle breeding assn romandale farms ltd grant s richards and robert c young son of gormley a h mckane georgetown hardy shore sons glan- worth weaver brothers howe brothers belmont ox ford district cattle breeding assn woodstock george r mclaughlin oshawa e c brown welland sheffield farms st george o cham bers wilfred puccini farms king rock realty investment ltd toronto f roy ormiston brooklin and w j knapp of gait ontario exhibitors in the national jersey show held in conjunction with the inter national dairy show are don- head farms of richmond maurice c beatty milton mur ray mellow bolton george h innes woodstock alfred bagg and sons edgeley r r mccall and featherstone brothers oak- ville r stenger and son ennis- killen b h bull son bramp ton and j t markham of j ingersol i canadian exhibitors have won many top honors at past chicago boys girls 3piece sets coat hal leggings sizes 2 lo 6x colors gieer red blue 695 up snow suits 1 piece for girls or boys warm padded lining pink and blue sizes 234 695 up girls storm coats or skitype jackets serviceable gabardine warm quilted lining fur collars red beige reen sizes 101214 695 up girls dresses schoolgirl types of dresses in spun corduroy and taffetta in red blue charcoal green sizes 7 lo 14 from 298 up sp0ff0rd co ssnrocjcsxxsxsssaacssxsaaattacma pr0v to assume cost brucellosis vaccination hon w a goodfellow min ister of agriculture announced today the inauguration of an other forward step in the fight against brucellosis or contag ious abortion in cattle brucel losis has been causing heavy losses in the cattle population in addition the infection may cause undulant fever in humans mr goodfellow said today that the brucellosis act passed at the last session of the legisla ture would come into effect on october 1 under its provisions the 245 townships in which by laws were passed under the bru cellosis control act 1953 will be designated supervised areas included in this number are all townships in the counties of brant bruce dundas durham grey haldimand halton ox ford peel prince edward and york other townships may be added from time to time but before any township can become a su pervised area at least twothirds of the cattle owners must sign petitions favoring the adoption of a compulsory calfhood vac cination program an action that has been taken by the cattle owners in the townships that have been designated supervised areas under the plan the cost of vaccination in supervised areas will be borne by the province of ontario as in the past the vac cine will be supplied by the canada department of agricul ture in order to facilitate oper- arian will be given an opportun ity of entering into an agree ment with the minister if all practitioners take advantage of this offer as expected each cat tle owner in a supervised area will be able to get his female calves vaccinated at no direct cost to himself by the veterin arian of his own choosing the plan will be administered by the live stock commissioner w p watson and his assistant dr harold worton the provin cial veterinarian during recent years ontarl has made significant progress in reducing the incidence of brucellosis as evidenced by the fact that 244924 calves were vac cinated in 1955 said mr good fellow however the fight must go on at an increased rate not only because of the economic loss the disease is causing at home but to preserve our export markets as well last year canada exported 41691 head of purebred and ations every practising veterinj grade eattle forbreedmg jur poses almost 85 of which or iginated in ontario the major ity went to united states a mar ket which can be retained only it we have animals that are free from disease and particularly brucellosis season hut what it lacks in shows included in this years numbers it makes up in enthus- 1 entries are the grand champion iasrh congratulations to janet ayrshire bull and cow at the i mortimer who struck out on her 1955 international shown by i last game the first one of the stansell brothers aylmer i season nice bowlirg janet well a two time holstein grand 1 have to watch and see how its j champion at the chicago show 1 done k will compete again this year i lappv birthdav to john wylie strict cattle breeding 1 he celebrated hs 11th birthday associaton is sending their ivvh m okth we famous holstein bull rockwood have many more birthdays to come all trta colort you could evor ard in paint from claar bright color to delicata paite tintr to rich deep tonei buy any color right over the counter wiihout wait ing at regular paint pricet all can tiiei all finiihet the lolu- tion to all decorating problem the local cuh pack has a job on its hands these days they are out selling christmas cards so if a cuh calls on you and you can possibly help please do so they have very few means of collecting revenue to carry on their work and this is one of therr every little bit helps you knoiv so lets all do our best for the kids winner at the international in 1953 and 1955 curst xray at gormley your chest xray clinic will be at gormley post office on monday october 1st from 2 to 430 pm the gormley wom ens institute are sponsoring it and would like all to take ad vantage of this opportunity to obtain a free chest xray pro a ratepayers meeting at baljtect yourself and others from i lantrae school is scheduled for unsuspected tb a test for dia- i thursday sept 27th at 8 pm betes is also available be sure ue hope as many as possible to get your free chest cray ifffze custom color paints at budget prices points add enamel hendricks hardware wint will be in attendance i stouffviue ontario cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cenls more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from ss00 to 1200 per year or by the month stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w th pinna of value and clc enjoyment admiral philco see them at the trade fair e h neville sons phone stouffville 346wl 2 or 3