Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 27, 1956, p. 2

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ra the stcoffrffl tttbaam ttmnmt sept t 1m the stouffville tribune established 1css a- v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations avtbcrlxcd j acoo4um rnitl poto2c ivept ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouftville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 laff of the week c h koiu pufcfiibo in thomii asjocut edrtot farmers have our sympathy there is an old and outworn fable among towns men that farmers are eternal complainers that they are never satisfied no matter how good they have it this crop season should certainly prove the contrary for we have heard a great deal more moaning from urban dwellers than from the farm folk themselves over the conditions created by the weather ontario fanners are facing the most discouraging season in many many years seeding was endlessly hampered by wet weather in the spring and harvest ing of coarse grains is weeks behind for the same reason in case you havent noticed a drive through the country will convince you the stooks are standing out in field after field black with cold moisture which in many cases has rotted the grain or caused it to re- sprout some fields of wheat which should have been threshed over a month ago remain crinkled and soaked with moisture the same is true for oats combining and threshing has been brought to abrupt halts for days on end and it is likely that some farmers will either plow their grain under or burn it off a farmers misfortune does not only affect the farmer however it has a widespread reaction on mr john q public no matter what his trade may be canadian dictators are canadian newscasters becoming little dic tators it would appear that more and more radio newsmen have been stricken with the idea that they should stand up on a soap box and give their own personal feelings on various contentious subjects the average citizen switches on his radio to listen to facts and not what mr newscaster thinks or believes after all he is only one man and his opinion might be entirely wrong we the listeners are expected to digest this onesided type of broadcasting for break fast lunch and dinner its enough to make one sick in his stomach luckily canadians arent too easily swayed however by anyones own personal likes or dislikes why these personal grudges or grievances should be forced down the throats of the listeners is more than we can understand recently one toronto broadcaster devoted a con siderable amount of time ridiculing the move to have fluorine ejected into the citys water supply in spite of approval by doctors dentists and other men who are authorities on the subject another newscaster spent the greater part of his time chastising elvis presley who at that time was a comparative unknown to many the campaign has apparently backfired however since presley is now the music worlds top attraction in both canada and the united states canadians arent so ignorant that they must have the rights and wrongs pointed out to them verbally over the air we have minds of our own and when the facts are made known we are able to arrive at our own opinions building expensively an incongruity of these times is the fad of build ing sprawling onestorey structures to serve as primary schools at a time when so much tax money is required to construct schools to accommodate an unprecedented upsurge in enrolment of elementary school pupils we have allowed ourselves to be talked into building schools the most expensive way the flat rambling schools have prompted the peterborough examiner to remark architectural fads imposed on commercial or domestic private purses may be viewed genially exercised with public funds they should be criticized ontario school building since the war is open to question about its economy and efficiency one almost gets the impression that height has become dangerous to the educational process the london england county council does not think so it builds two three and fourstory schools and one now being completed at putney has nine stories nine flights of stairs are admittedly too many to ask pupils and teachers to climb so big elevators have been in stalled this school has been made to rise high primarily to have playingfield space schools of such height requiring elevators would properly be frowned upon in ontario communities but we do agree with the peterborough paper that in this province the next turn of the architectural screw should be up litterbugs a public menace this year new signs have appeared along the provincial highways indicating that a 50 fine awaits those who are caught throwing or leaving trash or rubbish along the sides of these roads this is- very timely because the present time of the year with its picnics and touring automobile parties is the time when this habit is most prevalent the sudbury star condemns not only those whom it calls litterbugs but also those who deliberately trespass on other peoples property chop down trees for firewood and leave the place littered with garbage and other refuse it also has a strong word of criticism for people who throw junk from their cars and trucks to litter the roadside extermination of the litterbug it says is just as important as the extermination of black flies and mosquitoes the sherbrooke record dealing with an allied subject reminds us that there are litterbugs in the cities as well as among motorists using the highways it says anyone with a lawn fronting a sidewalk can vouch for this passersby toss empty cigarette boxes paper bags lollypop sticks potato chips or other remnants on the grass this is just as true of stouftville as it is of other places on almost every street corner on a windy day will be seen an accumulation of paper candy bar wrappers cigarettes and other windblown trash mosquitoes and black flies as the sudbury star poinu out may be an annoyance to the skin but the utimbaz creates a situation that is annoying to the iti inch a nice cvenlar how would yon lite to slip into yonx old comforlsblc nd rr he yard ttfe cause and effect quite a number of years ago on a sunday afternoon in winter a man and his wife visited niagara falls to see the spectacle of the falls being frozen over they probably ven tured too near and a cake of ice on which they were standing broke off and they were hurried to their death there was much publicity given to the incident and many letters from readers followed i distinctly remember one letter written by a man who said the reason for the disaster was obvious these people were breaking the sabbath and god showed his displeasure and hence the calamity followed i did not care for that letter it sounded so smug and selfrighteous this man was doing what so many of us do trying to relate cause and effect during the ministry of jesus some men were repairing the tower of silvan when the wall fell and several were killed some of their neighbours felt this was a mark of divine dis pleasure they tried to link cause and effect and jesus made it clear he did not agree with such shallow reasoning i think it is a presumptuous thing for humans to interpret the will of pod and talk glibly about the ways of god let us be reverent and humble wellmeaning people have often done much harm by stating emphatically why god permits things to happen over and over again when visiting bereaved people i have heard someone say to them god took away your loved one because you loved him or her too much it seems to me it is almost blasphemy to talk about god in such a way we cannot love anyone too much it is infinitely better that we should be reverent and humble confess that we do not understand why such things happen and say with the poet god moved in a mysterious way his wonders to perform he plants his footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm in one or his books dr stanley jones tells of meeting a man in india who said god let me down when dr jones asked for an explanation the man said my brother was very ill and i prayed daily for his recovery but he died god let me down one can sympathize with such a man but it is difficult to follow his reasoning the history of humanity is one of dis appointment and frustration surely it is a wiser thing to believe in the wisdom and goodness of god than to think that religion is an insurance policy with which we try to make a bargain with god the attitude of the psalmist job was better though he slay me yet will i trust in him not once but many times jesus urged his listeners to have faith in god in such passages as ye believe in god believe also in me there were times when christ needed this admoni tion himself when on the cross he cried my god my god why hast thou forsaken me is it any wonder that we are so often troubled and bewildered what i have preyiously written is not in scorn or derision we are all very finite and we should be very careful in quickly relating cause and effect let us be patient humble and reverent we are in the hands of god who is infinitely good and wise and shall not the judge of all the earth do right our quotation today is by one of the fathers of the church god is patient because he is eternal local publisher visits scotland blue bloods by c h nolan total immunization sunday school lnll hlill aim of public health says doctor lesson j people are great wijkers and in- j canadas record is as good as sisted on walking us part way anv courtrvs with regard to im- our stay in glasgow was short ck to the hotel i munlzation but it is stiu not and we left early for the bus edinburgh for a city of a half i good enough we wont rest trip to edinburgh vve travelled minion people really closes up i contented until total immunlza- 1 golden text and the spirit the great invitation lesson for september 30 mark 101316 kev 211 to 2211 all day through the grandeur of t 6 oclock theres not tion is achieved stated dr r the scottish hills purple with a drugstore open and snack bars j wilson associate professor heather and the thousands of i and smau resta as we j of public health and preventive black faced sheep feeding on them nonexistent medicine in the school of hy- the slopes near noon we stop- j midnight saw very few on the i giene university of toronto in ped for tea at buchanan arms streets and only the odd taxi a national immunization week a beautiful summer hotel high j bus on n3l even interview in the rugged wus the vividl jarge note showed no out- 1 there are sull children inj colors of the nasturtiums and dahlias is beyond description we glimpsed loch lomond and loch katrine and stopped long enough to clamber out and pick some heather after climbing and then de scending through rugged moun tain country on narrow winding roads we passed into fine farm ing land near sterling to me this is still one of the greatest revelations of the trip the amount of fine open farm coun try with grain stooks so close one could scarcely drive a wag on between them the stone cot tages along the roadside are a picture with every so often a large estate house back among the trees potatoes too are grown in considerable quantity life moves much slower over here i watched three men clean ing the stone of an office build ing in edinburgh by hand they had a large part of thie job done but with their hand sys tem it looked as if it would take years to finish it many opera tions similar to this appear to be done by slow and laborious means but possibly when your history goes back over a thou sand years you dont worry about speed the jobs tre done well i can assure you although it was raining we stopped on the highway beneath the firth of forth bridge as trains thundered overhead every few minutes workmen are never done painting this giant steel span and start over as soon as they have finished in edinburgh we had rooms at the north british hotel quite ornate but quite comfortable the view from our window was wonderful looking up princess street to the walter scott me morial and edinburgh castle high on the giant rock in the dis tance our first eyening in this re nowned city we visited friends the cobblestone streets were wet but our taxi driver was ap parently used to this and we careened around curves and up and down steep grades with no apparent caution our friends were most glad to welcorrfe us from canada and had the elec tric hearth well warmed there is no other heating they told us of the war years marvelled at our answers to their questions about canada and gave us some real sandwiches for lunch some thing we had wanted for days after continual heavy meals in hotels and on board ship these and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that u at hirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely rev 2217 the lesson as a whole side lights and the lobby was j this country who are not immun- practlcally deserted at an hour i bed while this situation exists when we weli know toronto j the danger of epidemics is still hotels are hives of activity with us he pointed out that service in stores is slow but despite widespread public health most courteous and everyone measures in effect there is only has something to ask when they i an estimated 70 percent cover- know were from canada age wi i i i a v b hamrd is during the while it is indeed an honour ear par of life take for in- it can also be uncomfortable j stance the matter of whooping for an ontario rural newspaper cough this disease is caused by save them for the bible regards publisher to meet some of brit- bacteria which affectthe mucous j men as lost sinners condemned approach to the lesson there are two features of the christian faith which stand out very prominently in all the bi ble revelation the first is that christianity is soteric it is a way of salvation through all the bible we see god moving out toward men with purpose to ains blue bloods along with i membranes of the bronchi of my wife i had this experience the lungs a tiny child is not for the second time when we i suftucently strong to cough this were announced before the rt i mucous up and the throat pas- hon sir john g banks cbe i sages are very small as well and lady banks lord provost i dr wilson said that between of the city of edinburgh and 1945 and 1949 602tc of all stepped forward to be acknowl- j deaths from whooping cough edged before these prominent figures however once the for malities were concluded we en joyed a fine luncheon and found chatting with edinburgh coun cillors most entertaining there are 72 members on this city council elected for a threeyear term the lord provost is select ed for a similar term by the members and is knighted during his second year of office in the evening mr roy thom pson millionaire canadian pub- usher and owner of the edin burgh scotsman gathered more than a dozen earls and lords and their ladles to meet us canadians prior to dinner in cluded in the group was lord stevenson keeper of the royal purse and a most entertaining gentleman with whom to chat he told us that in addition to his royal duties he engaged in the investment business we visited the scotsman plant in the afternoon where a staff of 800 is engaged in publishing a morning and evening paper equipment is not the latest but workmanship is excellent in the morning it was the start of another 200mile bus trip to leeds it was a thrill to see the north sea of which one has heard so many tales of famous sea engagements i spotted a group of gypsies pulled up on a slderoad with their colorful wagons but we hadnt time to stop for a picture the courtesy of drivers on the british highways is outstanding and despite the traffic and nar row roads i have yet to see so much as a fender scratched everyone signals when passing or to help you pass if visibility is poor we passed through some of the countrys most pro ductive farm land and stopped occurred in children under five months and that 77 of the total were in children under one year of age it is evident that all children must be immunized early in under the righteous judgment of god and incapable of re deeming themselves the other feature of chris tianity which is strongly empha sized is its teleologlcal character it is moving toward a goal the bible keeps pointing us for ward to a day of god a day of restitution the kingdom of god now both of these features center in the lord jesus christ he is the mediator of the whole purpose of god both sotei ie and life they should be immunized j teleologlcal by him salvation for parents only our heritage of trees to refresh your memory your home town tpen- 19 the information cef4tebhfost alu nttuft local coumtv and state hew9 it keep you aho your family im touch with your friend amd uemusor amp all that ooev on m vdub towm j it helps to makevwjb twiwa better place ih which lb ltve amd haife your children it trie lb keepnbua lpcaljccntohmcnt clean amd mount aflotb keep you mfobmed oh otate dothos and important national trtaupf vbor local merchants tw contact vflth nsu amd yoo with them support tim and support your home town wiper i mummy come with me and see the big maple at the end of the street small jlmmles eyes were bright with excitement its got all red and yellow leaves last night if you hurry i wont be late for school mrs green left her breakfast dishes and went to see the magic which had taken place overnight i dont like my work being in terrupted but if i dont go jimmie will be disappointed and hes so small she thought encourage your child to not only appreciate the beauty of trees and their value but to know the various kinds learn ing to identify all the trees in your area can form a fascinating family project you are likely familiar with the common trees near your home but on a hike do notice the different kinds of oaks maples birches can you tell a white oak from a red oak a suger maple from a manitoba maple a lombardy poplar from an aspen you will discover some excell ent tree guides in your public library the inexpensive paper- by nancy cleave names scholars in some classrooms collect and press leaves while others gather twigs from differ ent trees this makes children more observant sometimes a boy or girl can recognize a tree quickly when it has its leaves on but in the winter when the bare limbs against a sky are very beautiful they do not know the usual shape of the different species at three months of age having three doses at a months interval and a booster shot between six and twelve months later to achieve the ideal children should receive another booster at the age of three and another at six years this is a precau tionary measure to take care of those odd persons whose immun ity may wear off a bit unless fortified by the booster there is no need for any child in canada to go unprotect ed by immunization he contin ued every province including the northwest territories has public health services where par ents may have their children im munized free of charge wher ever there is a school service there is a health service as well large urban centres as well as many rural towns have child health centres where vaccination and immunization may be ob tained free of charge regardless of family income immunization may be obtained from the family doctor who re ceives the vaccines free of charge from the provincial gov ernment today there is no smallpox i hardly any diphtheria and whoo- ping cough is declining what we would like to achieve is a lowering of the general inci dence of disease throughout can ada in order to achieve the same results as we did in the case of diphtheria that is to eliminate carriers of disease thus elimin ating the risk of exposure to dis ease in the first place dr wilson urged all cana dian parents to have their chil dren immunized during national immunization week sponsored by the health league of canada when it is still fresh in their minds comes to men and by him the kingdom of god comes his cross is the great saving event and his coming again is the great eschatologlcal event both these aspects of christianity ap pear in the last chapter of rev elation here jesus is seen as the lamb mediating salvation by his suffering and death and he is seen as the coming- one bringing the new heaven and the new earth the holy city and the ultimate triumph he is al pha and omega the beginning and the end the first and the last john was understandably but wrongly moved to worship the angel who showed him these things surely we ought to be moved to worship him by whom all these things are accomplish ed grandpa may have been a tightwad but he always had something laid away for a rainy day the reason a person never speaks 111 of himself and really means it is that he has to live with himself many a wrestling match be tween a person and his con science is also fixed eyes and from the health aspect of this practice medical authorities have some definite ideas as to the extent to which it is a menace to the health of the community there was a move several years ago to have trash cans placed at intervals on the business section to take care of such garbage but the move failed to materialize when the chamber of commerce disbanded the idea is a good one and we note that it is in vogue in a number of neighboring communities teresting hobby making spatter- prints with leaves is another fascinating handcraft activity blueprints of leaves when de veloped properly keep their ap pearance longer than pressed leaves the best pictures and prints can be mounted or framed and used to decorate a wall in a den the study of trees is an entic ing hobby the more you know the more you want to know un like the wild flowers and many of the birds our trees are with us all year round there are so many interesting tree discover ies children can find out the age of a tree which has been covered book forest trees of j chopped down by the number i canada dept of mines ot- of annual rings in the cross-sec- tawa is well worth buying for lunch at newcastle on tyne i all farm vehicles such astrac- photographlng tres is an in- tors and combines bear the same perhaps you have noticed in parks little labels on the trees and have taken a look at one of them and then said in disgust oh that is latin why in the tion of the stump the loss of our forest heri tage by fire each year is tragic boys and girls are taught forest conservation at school parents should set a good example on a world cant they use english trip in their care with campflres and be sensible j they should also encourage it is in order to be sensible i an appreciation of beauty of that latin is used for scientific j growing things trees and flow- names every tree has a common ers and birds in a family where name likely several common i a father and mother take time to names and different names in go for drives and walks with different parts of the country i their children these youngsters instead of calling a certain tree will grow up with eyes open to a sugar or hard or rock maple the beauty of line and colour it is named acer saccharum j why not express your gratitude marsh acer is the genus or in a little prayer years ago group name and it signifies that thomas fuller pointed out this particular tree belongs to many favors god gives to us iurbs an air display was in prog- the maple fsmlly whereas the ravel out for want of hemming ress at an outlying field part of second part of the name is the through our own unthankful- j the commemoration of the bati license plates as motor cars a car owner receives only one plate over here not a new one each year and he merely re news his license new drivers have a special l for learner fastened to the rear bumper traffic seems to be more orderly as one comes south from scot land in edinburgh when i en quired of a policeman about crossing the street he simply replied anyplace anytime you can make it morning tea yes terday was at newark where i came across a new sign j squashed oranges and liquid apples for orange or apple juice leeds is part of the indus trial midlands heavily bombed in wartime but not too many signs of devastation remain moving on to london today we passed numerous abandoned raf airfields where nature was slowly covering tarvla run ways with grass and only han gars were intact nearlng not tingham there is robin hoods sherwood forest in the distance verse by verse rev 221 a pure river of water of life proceeding out of the throne compare ezckiel 47111 notice that ezek- lels river proceeds from the throne verse 2 in the midst of the street the tree of life fruit every month for the healing of the nations the phrase in the midst of the street of it properly belongs to verse 1 indicating the location i of the river in eden the tree of life was a single tree gen 29 322 24 but here it seems to be a species growing on both sides of the river the healing attributed- to the leaves does not necessarily imply sick- nesa but may signify preserva tion from sickness compare ezekiel 4712 verse 3 no more curse but the throne of god and of the lamb his servants shall serve him for the curse see genesis 31719 notice the asso- elation of god and the lamb on the throne the servants are bondslaves but they are en gaged in the service of priests not of slaves verse 4 and they shall see his face his name in their foreheads see 1 peter 18 1 corinthians 1312 for the name in the forehead com pare 73 the name in the fore head signifies both ownership and likeness verse 5 no night no candle neither sun they shall reign this does not say that there is no sun but simply that it is not needed as a source of light it may have other functions as part of the new heaven the saints have now come into their eternal roy alty verse sl fell down to wor ship the majestic appear ance of the messenger coupled with the overwhelming glory of the message so awed john that for the second time he went to worship the angel verse 9 i am thy fellowserv- ant worship god while the word worship in verse 8 is uld also of reverence done to man it is evidently used here of an act of- homage due only to god and the angel repudiates it assuming a place on a par with john and pointing to god as the sole object of worship verse 16 i am the root and the offspring of david whe ther spoken through the inter preting angel or not these are the words of jesus himself no tice the phrase root and off spring signifying christs deity as source of all being and his humanity as son of david matt 11 the phrase the bright stretching for some 20 miles lunch time was spent at stam- 1 the morning star asv has ford a quaint old village dating j doubtless reference to his corn- back to norman times one of the streets complete with stores was not over 12 wide from scotland the great north road highway al leads to london now embracing a million per sons as we entered the sub species name telling to which i ness for though prayer pur- member of the maple family this chases blessings giving praise tree belongs this system does doth keep the quiet possesion j away with the confusion which of them arises from the use of common copyright ing again verse 17 and the spirit and the bride say come come come whosoever will do all the comes refer to the gospel invitation or do some of them refer to the lords re turn see topics for develop ment verse 18 if any man shall tie of britain i add cod shall add the we walked around flccadllly j plagues a solemn warning square tonight and will get not to tamper with holy scrip- down to seeing london in car- ture and particularly this por nest tomorrow continued on page

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